Fruit Empire

[101]Victory Return

"Mr. Xiao Yang! Mr. Xiaoyang, where are you? Ocarroll's voice echoed in the cave.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, he found that the whole class was on guard at the entrance of the cave, but Xiao Yang was missing. When I asked, I knew that it was Xiao Yang who was afraid of danger below, so he went down alone. Ocarroll directly scolded these naval soldiers and let Xiao Yang come down alone knowing the danger.

So, he took a group of soldiers down to find Xiao Yang and begged God. Xiao Yang must not encounter any danger.

"I'm here!" Xiao Yang was very glad that he came down alone at this moment. He met a big earthworm and swallowed it by himself. If you take the naval soldiers with you, you will be in trouble. It is definitely impossible to swallow alone.

"You should bring a few soldiers with you. After all, it's still very dangerous here!" O'Carroll also saw that many people in black had just been killed along the way. Then I knew that it must have been Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang held the energy rocket launcher in front of his chest and said proudly, "I have your navy's rocket launcher in my hand. I'm afraid of a bird!"

"Haha! Yes, yes!"


Back to the warship, there was nothing wrong with Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang was still very fast and fell asleep directly in the cabin of the warship.

Suddenly, a shaking made Xiao Yang wake up from sleep. A burst of rapid battle alarm bells came to his ears, and Xiao Yang jumped up reflexively.

"I wiped it, I forgot that this is a warship." When Xiao Yang jumped up in a hurry, he accidentally encountered some items hanging on the roof of the cabin. The space in the warship was so precious that what could be used by the officers and soldiers was used.

"Even if it's a battle, I can't help now." Xiao Yang stood in the cabin and walked or sat. The alarm bell of the battle still kept ringing. Finally, Xiao Yang still decided to go to the warship command tower.

Along the way, the atmosphere of the warship was very tense, and the naval soldiers were closely guarding their posts, as if they were facing a big enemy. Xiao Yang became the only outsider who walked leisurely in the warship.

"Mr. Xiaoyang, why don't you rest in the cabin and come here?" In the aisle that was about to reach the warship command tower, Zhu Chenglin, who was responsible for protecting him at the base, saw Xiao Yang walking.

"That can still sleep at this time. Although it can't help, let's take a look." I have seen a lot of surface battles, but this is the first time I have encountered this underwater warship battle. I am not curious. That's fake. How's it going now?" Xiao Yang didn't explain much and asked Zhu Chenglin.

The sonar detected a huge marine creature. Just now, the creature launched an air bomb-like attack on our ship. Fortunately, it was avoided in time. Now Captain O'Carroll is commanding to fight back against the creature. Zhu Chenglin replied.

"I won't disturb your combat work. I'll go to the command room to have a look." Xiao Yang waved to Edward and continued to walk to the command room.

"Full right rudder, come on!" As soon as Xiao Yang came to the door of the command room, he heard Captain O'Carroll's calm order. Xiao Yang hurriedly held the iron door frame next to him, and the warship quickly turned to the right. Although there is leaning, Xiao Yang can also feel a little unstable under his feet.

"Three, four, five good * ready to launch."


"No. 4, No. 5 thunder hit." The sonar monitor took off his headphones and reported that it was more efficient to listen to the bottom than to see.

"The battle alert has been lifted and continue to return." Ocarroll showed a relaxed smile on his face and was able to kill a huge marine creature, which has become a commonplace for him and the main work of naval warships.

"Ocarroll, well done!" Xiao Yang gave Williams a thumbs up for the first time. Xiao Yang has always been in the battle, but he is also a bystander. O'Carroll is calm in the face of danger, calm, decisive decision-making fighting style and command talent left a deep impression on Xiao Yang and admiring him.

"Mr. Xiao Yang is flattered. Compared with yours before, what am I?" O'Carroll smiled and said modestly.

Xiao Yang, who is also idle, has a strong interest in warships. Soldiers who pestered warships asked for knowledge about warships. Ocarol and Zhu Chenglin are naturally the two most consulted by Xiao Yang. For Xiao Yang's modest questions, as long as they are not confidential, the officers and soldiers on the ship will have questions to answer.


In the afternoon, the warship finally returned to the naval base in Beiyu City. Xiao Yang also said goodbye to Ocarol and left the warship.

Xiao Yang had a different feeling when he landed on the land again. Just like today's bright spring weather, Xiao Yang's mood at this moment is extremely cheerful and relaxed.

Xiao Yang stepped on his feet and strode towards the headquarters building of the base.

"Mr. Xiao Yang, it's really exciting to see you again." As soon as he entered the headquarters building, Xiao Yang could feel the serious and tense atmosphere of the building in the past, and today it has become full of joy. A middle-aged officer coming from the other direction said enthusiastically to Xiao Yang.

"It turned out to be Adjutant Wang." Xiao Yang recognized that the person was Wang Zibin, Shang Ping's deputy. At this time, Wang Zibin was holding a large pile of intelligence documents in his hands. It seemed that he came to report the intelligence after the battle. Xiao Yang nodded to him and saluted him. So the two walked to Shang Ping's office together.

As soon as Xiao Yang stepped into the office, he saw the smoke of cigarettes permeating the room, and several staff officers who had not slept all night sitting around smoking and resting. Their faces were full of unconcealed excitement. This time, they not only caught the traitor, but also had important information about the number one federal killer organization, which is also the most headache for the federal "fire of life".

"Zhong Xiao Yang, I'm relieved to see that you can return safely." Shang Ping, who was closing his eyes and resting on the marching lounge chair, heard the footsteps, opened his eyes to Xiao Yang walking in front of him. He quickly stood up and hugged Xiao Yang enthusiastically.

"Thank you for your concern. Xiao Yang is lucky not to be humiliated." The joy of victory was endless, and Xiao Yang shook hands with Shang Ping again.

"What did I say? My brother will definitely come back triumphantly." Zhong Hanliang said happily with a happy face.


That night, a formal victory conference was held in the naval base. Although the night attack had a great negative impact on the naval base, Shang Ping, who thought he would die, did not expect to find a breakthrough from the two people in black, as well as Xiao Yang's eavesdroppers installed at the risk of his life, many aspects. He was given a chance to make contributions, and finally found that the night attack was inevitable. The traitor who had been hiding in the army for many years would also take espionage in an attempt to steal military secrets.

And Xiao Yang's villa was attacked, which better covered the actions of the traitor. Although the traitor succeeded, he soon caught the traitor who had been hiding in the army for a long time. In addition, of course, it was the behind-the-scenes fire army, the fire of life, and a series of actions.