Fruit Empire


Fly straight up on the surface! It turned out that those male snakes all gathered under the female snake to form a snake body bomb bed to help the female snake fly to the sky!

The female snake Xiao's big mouth flew towards Xiao Yang. Looking at the bloody mouth that was getting closer and closer to him, Xiao Yang closed his eyes. This is despair. This is hell.

After a few seconds, there was a howl. Xiao Yang opened her eyes in surprise, but saw that the female snake's head tilted and fell softly, falling into the water with a circle of waves. The scream just now was caused by a female snake!

It took Xiao Yang nearly half a minute to recover. Then he suddenly found that on the rock wall on his right, a blood-like flower was opening stubbornly.

"Dangdang - random mission special items, Blood Orchid Emperor, found." The voice of the sages clearly sounded in Xiao Yang's mind!

Xiao Yang is very excited. There is no doubt that it was this blood orchid emperor who made the female aphid scream and retreat, and it was safe to stay beside it. However, it is also strange to remember that in the movie, the aphids are the guardians of the immortal flower and blood orchids. Why are they afraid of the blood orchid emperor instead?

Xiao Yang stood carefully and stretched out his right hand to Emperor Xuelan. However, he screamed "wow" before his hand touched the flower. A pain penetrating through the bone marrow came from Xiao Yang's right hand and turned all over his body, which made him cry. But the pain continued to intensify. Xiao Yang's feet were so painful that he couldn't stand still and almost fell down. He endured the severe pain and finally stabilized his body on the rock wall.

The severe pain lasted for a minute. Xiao Yang lay on the rock wall and only felt that his whole body was sweating coldly. This thing really hurts people's lives. He has never felt so much in his life.

At this time, there was another movement on the water. Xiao Yang turned her head and saw that the female aphidock had not given up and flew up on the snake body bed again! Although Xiao Yang was afraid, he tried to open his eyes and stared at the flying female. The female aphid flew in front of Xiao Yang, but just as it was about to meet Xiao Yang, it screamed again and fell down with a tilted head.

Xiao Yang looked at the blood orchid emperor in the wind and understood it in his heart. That super pain is the secret of Emperor Xuelan to repel the female dragonfly!

"countdown prompt: 3 minutes left for random task time. If you can't complete the task on time, you will be deducted 4,000 points. The voice of the sages came again.

Xiao Yang was shocked. He just took back the snake gem. Shouldn't the task be completed? He thought about it carefully and finally remembered that the sages had just added a task goal to "disperse the aphids". I'm afraid that they must complete this matter to complete the task completely.

But what can be done to disperse the aphids? Since Xiao Yang took away the snake gems, all the aphid snakes have been crazy and eager to swallow them one by one; how can this be done to disperse them!

Time passed quietly, and Xiao Yang racked his brains and still couldn't figure out a way. Now the only starting point is the blood orchid emperor. But Xiao Yang had another palpitation when he thought of that horrible pain and dared not touch it again.

"countdown tip: 2 minutes left for random task time."

Xiao Yang clenched his fist and hurt when he wanted to. He won't really die. Fight! He kept saying "no pain" and "no pain at all" in his mouth, and then resolutely stretched out his right hand to Emperor Xuelan.

"Ah!" Xiao Yang's screams went straight to the sky. No matter how you give yourself psychological hints, the pain is still real. Xiao Yang clenched his teeth desperately to hold back the pain, and his hand suddenly pulled out the Blood Orchid Emperor!

"Dingdang - random task special item, blood orchid emperor, get it."

"What?" Xiao Yang called out. From the moment his hand touched Emperor Xuelan, the horrible pain disappeared, which was incredible.

Xiao Yang held the Blood Orchid Emperor in his hand. The flower is now stained with Xiao Yang's own blood, but it still looks beautiful and noble. However, although the flowers have been got, how can we disperse the aphids?

At this time, the voice of ** came from behind Xiao Yang again. The female anthra suffered two severe pains, but she was still reluctant to leave, and rose from the water for the third time!

Seeing the female's head rush to her, Xiao Yang quickly stretched out the blood orchid emperor to protect himself. But this time, the blood orchid emperor didn't work. The female swallowed Xiao Yang's whole body into her mouth at once! At this time, Xiao Yang thought that the blood orchid emperor was ineffective against him. How could it still be effective for females?

But at this time, it was too late to regret. As soon as the female's mouth closed, Xiao Yang's eyes were immediately dark. The fishy smell surged up from the esophagus of the female dragonfly, and Xiao Yang was almost stunned.

"countdown tip: 1 minute left for random task time."

Xiao Yang is about to despair. Now, not to mention completing the task, he may be eaten by a snake!

Eat? By the way, don't you still have an immortal flower blood orchid emperor in your hand now? It is said that if you eat this food, you can live forever. Maybe you can still live in the snake's stomach after eating it!

Xiao Yang immediately put the Blood Orchid Emperor in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it. This flower tastes sweet, like sugar.

"The Blood Orchid Emperor has absorbed it. Get the effect of strengthening the body, increase the muscles and bones by 1, and increase the endurance by 5. Get the special skill 'Blood orchid Pain', which can be used 10 times in 24 hours, and the startup method is to start with ideas. The voice in Xiao Yang's mind said so.

Xiao Yang was stunned. He also heard Cui Wenren talk about physical strengthening, which is not surprising, but what's wrong with the special skill "blood orchid pain attack"? Is it that kind of super horrible pain?

"30 seconds left in the task time, 29..." The sage began to talk again.

Xiao Yang thought that maybe it can be used as soon as the idea is started. So he tried to meditate in his heart, "'Blood Orchid Strike', the target is this snake!"

As soon as Xiao Yang's idea came out, the female Sen Sen immediately shook her body crazily and spit him out! Xiao Yang gave it two consecutive blood orchid blows in the water. After a few strokes, the female suddenly fainted and couldn't move! All the other males swam immediately, ignored Xiao Yang, and swam to the center of the lake holding the coma female anus.

Xiao Yang surfaced and looked at his watch, and saw that the red dots on the enemy's radar were reduced, and soon all of them were gone, leaving only the green dots shining alone in the middle of the radar.

Now Xiao Yang finally understands. Cui Wenren's understanding of light spots is not completely correct. Only when the enemy has the intention to attack its own personnel will the light spot indicating that indicates that the enemy will be displayed on the radar. That's why it was not shown on the radar when the aphids came to grab the snake gems. In this way, the function of this enemy radar is really limited.

"8 seconds, 7 seconds..." The countdown of the watch finally stopped at 6 seconds and changed back to the countdown of the main task.

Then, the sages still said in that unchanging voice: "The jungle aphid turned into a passive defensive enemy and dispersed the goal. Random tasks are completed. He won 3,000 points and a Rasha-level hell medal.

Hearing this, a big stone in Xiao Yang's heart finally fell to the ground. The random task is completed, and the reward is not bad. I just don't know how useful the Rasha-level Hell Medal is. I'll ask Cui Wenren later.

Thinking of Cui Wenren, Xiao Yang remembered that everyone had disappeared and didn't know where he had gone. Xiao Yang was about to call everyone around. He inadvertently looked at his watch and couldn't help kowtoning his head. Cui Wenren told Xiao Yang that his watch could be used as a walkie-talkie, but the situation just now was so critical that he forgot this.

Xiao Yang pressed the green button on his watch and shouted, "I'm Xiao Yang. Can anyone hear me? Hear what I said, answer me quickly!"

There is no reply. Xiao Yang tried several times but no one answered him, so he had to give up this method. It's really strange. What happened to everyone? Obviously, Cui Wenren is also there. Even if he encounters danger, he should be able to avoid danger, right?

The more Xiao Yang thought about it, the more worried he became. He couldn't help swimming to the shore, shaking the water on his body, and walking towards the high cliff. However, as soon as he reached the top of the high cliff, the scene in front of him shocked him.

No one can be seen here, but there is a pool of fresh blood on the ground, but there is no trace of struggle nearby. Next to the blood stains, there was Cui Wenren's m4 super 90 shotgun and a shell case, which was obviously just fired. Cui Wenren's small backpack lay alone not far from the shotgun, and the bag was well closed. In addition, there is nothing else related to teammates around.

Xiao Yang clenched his teeth. From the blood stains alone, it can be seen that everyone must be in danger, and it is uncertain whether they are dead or alive. The shotgun is Cui Wenren's most important portable weapon. It is now here, indicating that even Cui Wenren is likely to be in danger. But what on earth did they encounter? So many people are in distress without corpses or pieces of meat. Isn't this situation too strange?

Of course, the more optimistic assumption is that everyone is still safe, but they have escaped temporarily. But there are no footprints around here, and Cui Wenren's gun has also been lost. To say that they are still safe, it is more like their wishful thinking.

Xiao Yang was at a loss and could only check it carefully on the top of the high cliff again. This time he finally found out. On the soil behind a tree, there is a small SOS sign written with stone. Next to this sign, there is also a small arrow.

Xiao Yang quickly put on his backpack, put away the shotgun, and ran in the direction of the arrow.

After going down the cliff and running about 200 meters, Xiao Yang stopped. On the wet ground, two rows of clear footprints continue forward. However, to his surprise, these footprints were all barefoot! What the hell is going on?

If everyone runs away, they will never take off their shoes and run away. That is to say, these footprints are likely not for teammates. If so, these footprints mean that there are other people here, and maybe they have taken everyone away.

The barefoot man... Xiao Yang thought of the indigenous people in the jungle. Local indigenous people often appear in movies and novels about tropical rainforests. It is likely that these indigenous people suddenly appeared and captured the people. And one of the teammates secretly marked SOS, hoping to save them. The soil on the cliff is very hard, while the indigenous people are barefoot, so there are no footprints. Although it is difficult to explain that Cui Wen was easily defeated by the indigenous people, this is in the hell game, and anything is possible. Maybe those indigenous people are really very strong, and Cui Wenren can't beat them.

Xiao Yang thought for a moment, pinned the shotgun to his belt and pulled out the Type 92 automatic pistol from his backpack, which he returned to Cui Wenren before going into the water. Although the shotgun is more powerful, the automatic pistol has a longer range and shoots faster, which is more suitable in this case.

Xiao Yang turned over his backpack again and found that there was also a flash bomb in it, so he tied it to his belt. Then, he walked forward vigilantly along the two lines of footprints in the moonlight. His whole body was still a little wet, and the wind blew so cold that he trembled, but now he had to find everyone quickly, and he could only endure it.

Xiao Yang was walking, kicked something hard under his feet and almost fell down. He bent down and found that it was a human skull, only the upper part, no lower jaw. Xiao Yang picked up the skull and looked carefully. There were burning marks in several places on it, and what was more terrible was that the skull was full of tooth marks!

Xiao Yang's heart suddenly cooled down. A horrible word came to his mind - cannibals!

He didn't think much about it and immediately ran away. If everyone is really caught by cannibals, their situation is too dangerous. The worst may be that everyone has been killed now! We must hurry there and try to save everyone! Xiao Yang doesn't want to see anyone die anymore. Even the somewhat hateful fat man Wen Xingping, Xiao Yang hopes that he can survive; as for the others, Xiao Yang doesn't want them to die. If they all die, Xiao Yang really doesn't know how to live in this "hell".

Xiao Yang was very anxious and ran forward at a speed of 100 meters, running for 20 minutes without pause. At this time, he found that his body was not tired at all. He has been very tired all day, but now he can still run with all his strength without feeling tired. This should be because of the 5 points of endurance added by the system.

At this time, dark clouds covered the moonlight, and the road was a little unclear. Xiao Yang ran in a hurry and didn't pay attention. His feet were coldly trapped, and his body had been raised from the ground in mid-air before stopping. It turned out that he accidentally stepped on a trap made of rope and was hung on a tree. His backpack also fell to the ground, and fortunately the gun was still held tightly in his hand.

Xiao Yang quickly raised his gun and prepared to break the rope. It is about three meters away from the ground. If you fall down, the pain is certain. You may have a fracture, but you should not die.

However, at this time, Xiao Yang heard the sound around him. Someone is coming!

Xiao Yang quickly looked at the enemy's radar and saw seven or eight orange light spots on it quickly approaching him. At this time, he did not dare to break the rope again, because he must have to slow down for a while after falling to the ground from a height of three meters, and he may have been captured alive at that time. Xiao Yang could only hold the pistol motionless, resist the dizziness of congestion in his head, and quietly waited for the appearance of the enemy.

Less than a minute later, several men jumped out of the forest. They only wore a straw skirt on their dark bodies, painted with something ferocious patterns on their faces, and held simple stone guns in their hands. One of them still has an amulet made of human jawbone around his neck. It seems that they are cannibals! However, these cannibals do not look very strong, far from the tall and tough image imagined by Xiao Yang.

Several cannibals approached Xiao Yang and prepared to put him down and capture him alive. Xiao Yang has been pretending that his body is paralyzed and unable to move, allowing them to put the rope. When Xiao Yang's head was about two meters away from the ground, he suddenly shot at the people. Bang bang--" Four shots in a row, three cannibals fell to the ground. Xiao Yang's body is upside down and his head is also dizzy. In this case, it is not easy to shoot three out of four.

The other cannibals didn't know what had happened when they saw their companions being shot to death. They stayed in place and didn't know what to do. Xiao Yang took the opportunity to shoot two more shots and kill another one. The cannibals finally came to their senses and ran away with a "wow" cry. Xiao Yang then broke the rope and landed on the ground.

Xiao Yang landed on his back and fell firmly, but it was just painful and did not suffer any injury. Half a minute later, he stood up and shook his head and picked up his small backpack. At this time, there were only 20 bullets left in Xiao Yang's magazine. He took out a new magazine and was ready to replace it, but he suddenly changed his mind and turned to the grass. As the gunfire sounded, a cannibal fell to the ground. It turned out that Xiao Yang found that there was an enemy approaching behind him from the enemy's radar, so he turned around and shot the cannibal who was ready to attack him.

Xiao Yang approached the cannibal and found him holding a small bamboo tube in his hand. Xiao Yang picked up the small bamboo tube and took a look. There was a thin wooden stick in it, and the sharp top was coated with black poison. This is a poisonous arrow! Xiao Yang was afraid after thinking about it. If he hadn't found it in time, he would have been hit by a poisonous blown arrow. No wonder Cui Wenren was also tricked. He must have been attacked by poisoned arrows. I hope it's not a deadly toxin on the arrow, otherwise I'm afraid he's dead now.

The prompt sound of the sage sounded again, telling Xiao Yang that he killed six enemies of Orange Point and got 120 points. It seems that the combat effectiveness of these cannibals is really average, and a cannibal is only worth 20 points.

Xiao Yang looked at his enemy radar again, and the cannibals who had just escaped were still within the radar. He quickly changed his magazine and followed. As long as you follow these cannibals, you will definitely not fall into the trap, and you can also find the cannibal tribes faster and save everyone.

Xiao Yang ran fast and soon caught up with those cannibals. When the cannibals saw that he followed, they were so scared that they didn't run away. They fell to the ground and rolled in a strange position, as if they were praying to their ghosts and gods.

Xiao Yang went crazy and fired a shot at the sky, hoping to scare those cannibals away. But they seem to turn a deaf ear and continue to roll. When Xiao Yang was frowning, he looked up and found that a white smoke was rising almost 200 meters ahead. The cannibal village must be there!

"Go and see your god." Xiao Yang directly shot and killed all the cannibals in front of him, bleeding all over the ground. He stepped over the body of the cannibal and ran in the direction of the white smoke.

Xiao Yang was right. He passed through a forest and soon saw the cannibal village. The simple fence made of wood and grass forms the periphery of the village, and there are many huts in it.

At this time, the cannibals also found Xiao Yang's existence, and many cannibals rushed to him with various weapons. Xiao Yang was also not soft-hearted. He waved his hand and raised his gun and almost shot down a cannibal with a gun. When he shot, he leaned against the wall of the building. The cannibals couldn't shoot and blow arrows. They could only be killed by bullets one by one. However, the cannibals in the village seem to be more brave than the previous team of cannibals until the ground