Fruit Empire


A cannibal fell to the ground, his eyes were reflexively closed, and his face was ugly. He has not yet fully adapted to this killing scene. On the contrary, Wen Xingping was much better. He looked very proud as he walked all the way and kicked the bodies of the cannibals who fell to the ground.

"Kill... a lot of people." Wang Hanren whispered beside Xiao Yang.

"People? These are just cannibals who eat our companions, and we can't treat them as human beings at all. And even if they are really human, as long as they are enemies, they must be killed. Xiao Yang took Wang Hanren's left shoulder and said, "In this hell game, we must keep killing to survive. You should understand this now."


"Go and kill the cannibal in front of you." Xiao Yang's hand pointed to a cannibal woman five or six meters ahead. She was squatting on the edge of the hut and hiding, her whole body trembled with a look of fear in her eyes.

Wang Hanren said in surprise, "You mean you want me to kill her?"

Xiao Yang raised his gun and aimed at the cannibal woman. He shot her in the knee, and the blood flowed out. The cannibal woman reluctantly stood up and turned around to escape, but her leg was injured and could only move forward little by little.

"Have you seen my demonstration? It's very simple to aim at the target and pull the trigger like this. I've turned on the insurance a long time ago. Just shoot directly." Xiao Yang said and grabbed Wang Hanren's hand and put the pistol in the palm of her hand for her to hold it. "S shoot her back, so that the target will be easy to hit, and it can also ensure that the internal organs will be hit. Although she won't die immediately, she will definitely not live.

Wang Hanren trembled and dared not shoot. Xiao Yang directly held her arm up and shouted, " Pull the trigger quickly!"

Wang Hanren was still hesitating, and Xiao Yang roared again: "Come on!"

Wang Hanren closed his eyes and pulled the trigger in a hurry. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yang had let go of his hand at this time.

The "bang--" bullet was finally fired, and the cannibal woman cried and fell to the ground. Wang Hanren opened his eyes and saw the cannibal woman's whole body stained with blood, but she was still struggling, as if she was going to climb towards her. Wang Hanren raised his gun in fear, "bang bang--" and fired several more shots in a row, and the cannibal woman finally stopped moving. Wang Hanren's arms were numb and sore because of the back seat of the gun. Seeing that the cannibal woman was dead, Wang Hanren put down his arm and gasped.

"Well, you have to get used to this feeling in the future." Xiao Yang said and took the gun back from Wang Hanren's hand and handed it to Peng Fei on one side, "You can use this gun."

Peng Fei took the gun and began to fight. His nerves are much better than Wang Hanren, and he will soon be able to kill cannibals without changing his face. However, he was not good at shooting, and he couldn't shoot for many times, which made Xiao Yang frown.

Wen Xing flattened Peng Fei for a gun and slipped in front of Xiao Yang: "How about playing with the gun for me?"

"You don't need it. I saw that their psychological quality was not good, so I asked them to shoot and practice their courage. Anyway, as long as you are not in danger, you won't be afraid of anything. With such a good psychological quality, there is no need to use a gun. Xiao Yang's words made Wen Xing go aside in dismay.

After a while, everyone walked to the center of the village. The head of the iron pillar is still hanging on it, and the bones are also scattered on the ground. Wang Hanren vomited as soon as he saw the iron pillar, and Peng Fei immediately turned his head away. Even Wen Xingping was pale.

Xiao Yang was also sad. The picture of Tiezhu helping everyone barbecue a few hours ago is still vivid, but now he has been buried in the abdomen of the cannibals, and even the body is incomplete. It's really miserable.

"Let's make a grave for him." Peng Fei proposed.

"Hmm." Xiao Yang nodded. At this time, there was no living cannibal in the village, and now it seems that the soul messenger will not appear immediately, and there is no time to make a cemetery for his companions.

However, the head of the iron pillar is too high to pull out the wooden pile. If you want to remove his head, you have to break the wooden pile.

"I'll interrupt it." Cui Wenren said that he was shot at the wooden stake. But strangely, the stake did not break directly as he thought. It was just a small area that was a little black!

When Cui Wenren came up to see what was going on, the voice of the sages sounded in everyone's minds.

Main task prompt: The item that triggered the event was hit. As long as it is interrupted, the main task will enter the next stage.

"Great, the main task has finally made progress." Peng Fei said in surprise.

Cui Wenren touched the wooden stake and shook his head and said, "Don't be happy too early. This thing looks made of wood on the outside, but it is actually a solid iron pillar inside. Think about how to break it."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Don't I happen to have a rocket launcher here?" All get out of the way, I'll do it."

"Boom--" four rockets rushed to the target, and the pile was immediately broken and fell to the ground. Xiao Yang was about to go and take off the head of the iron pillar. Suddenly, he felt a shock under his feet and was immediately knocked to the ground. The vibration of the ground became more and more violent, and the rest of them were all shaken to the ground.

Xiao Yang panicked. Is this... an earthquake?

The surface shook more and more violently, and even the ground cracked, revealing a crack in the earth, and everyone fell in one by one. The rock wall of the ground was full of protruding stones. When Xiao Yang landed, his body had been scratched several times, which was hot and painful.

The bottom of the hole is dry, and there is some grass, which is soft. At this time, it was dark and the moonlight could not shine in. Only the faint fluorescence on the watch radar was still lit. Xiao Yang sat up and looked at the radar. He saw that the other four green spots were around him. It seemed that all the people had fallen down.

"Hey, how are you doing? You can still reply!" It's Cui Wenren's voice.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yang responded.

"...I scratched my skin and the injury was very light." Wang Hanren also replied.

"Ouch, my buttocks are about to fall in half!" Fat Wen Xingping is complaining.

Everyone did not hear Peng Fei's voice from beginning to end. Xiao Yang couldn't help shouting, "Where's Peng Fei? Is Peng Fei there? Why don't you reply?"

However, he still didn't get Peng Fei's answer.

At this time, a light lit up in the hole. It turned out that Cui Wenren took out a flashlight from his backpack and lit up the hole. Everyone walked over to Cui Wenren and finally gathered together. Cui Wenren began to shine a flashlight for a long time before finding Peng Fei. His head was broken and he was unconscious.

Cui Wenren went to Peng Fei and took his breath, and then said, "For good, this boy just bumped into a dizzy. It's nothing serious."

Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Now there are not many people, and Peng Fei is also an important combat effectiveness, not to mention that he can come up with ideas. If he also dies, there will be no one in the team who can rely on except himself and Cui Wenren.

Cui Wenren woke Peng Fei up with an electric shock. However, he is still dizzy and his face is quite ugly.

At this time, the voice of the sages sounded again: "The main task event has been triggered, and the task has entered the next stage. Tip: The second area of the mission is 2 kilometers southwest of the current location.

"Two kilometers is very close." Xiao Yang pondered, "But now we have to find a way to get out of this hole first."

Leaving the hole is the first priority at present. As for the tomb of Tiezhu, it can only be counted.

Now the stone wall in this cave is vertical, and it is impossible to climb up. Then we have to find another way. Cui Wenren shines a flashlight on the southwest of the cave. There is a winding passage over there, and I don't know where it leads.

"If you want to explore in the passage, I suggest that Brother Yang open the road with a flashlight in the front. Brother Cui is behind the last hall, and the other three of us are sandwiched in the middle." Peng Fei said in a weak voice, "This is the safest way."

Everyone had no objection, so they lined up according to Peng Fei and walked forward along the southwest passage.

Just two steps out, Xiao Yang's flashlight shone on several skulls on the ground. The more you go on the road, the more bones you have, and it looks horrible. Thinking that maybe these were the remnants of the cannibals, everyone was silent and walked quietly.

After walking for about ten minutes, the channel suddenly opened up. Further ahead, there is an empty stone hall. There was moonlight coming in the hall. Xiao Yang looked up and found that as long as he walked up along a ramp in the hall, he could reach the exit of the cave.

"Wow... I can finally go out. I'm lucky that I didn't encounter any danger. Xiao Yang's tight nerves finally relaxed.

"Brother Yang... You use the rocket launcher at the entrance just now." Peng Fei said weakly, "It's safer."

Xiao Yang nodded and immediately fired four rockets. The stone at the entrance of the passage was knocked down by rockets, blocking the passage. In this way, it is impossible for anything to come from the entrance to chase them.

At this time, it was still late at night. Everyone discussed it and decided not to leave the hole for the time being and take a nap to refresh their spirits. After all, everyone is too tired today. I don't know what the danger is in that second area. Now you can sleep well, at least run faster when you escape.

"I'm in the best spirit. Let me do the vigil. If there is danger, I will call you all up." Veteran Cui Wenren said.

There were some dry wood in the hole, and Cui Wenren collected them and made a fire. Everyone gathered around the fire and roasted the fire for a while. Their clothes were basically dry and their bodies were much more comfortable. The fire was so warm that people wanted to sleep, and Peng Fei and Wen Xingping soon fell to the ground and snored. Wang Hanren grabbed Xiao Yang: "Sleep with me."

Xiao Yang laughed: "What are you talking about?"

Wang Hanren blushed and hit Xiao Yang: "What! Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about that..."

"I know. In this hell, I don't even know if I can continue to live for the next minute. How can I think about it? Xiao Yang laughed again, "But if you are ten times more beautiful than now, maybe I will also consider it. After all, if the peony flowers die, at least you can be a romantic ghost.

"You are so unscrupulous!" Wang Hanren was a little angry, "I'm just a little scared. I want you to be by my side, so that I can feel more at ease."

"You just sleep by my side. I have to burn a little longer." Xiao Yang said.

"...thank you." Wang Hanren curled up beside Xiao Yang and quickly fell asleep.

Xiao Yang turned his eyes to the opposite side of the fire. Cui Wenren was staring at the world outside the cave alone and didn't know what he was thinking. The fire reflected his side face, which was extremely lonely and vicissitudes.

"I didn't expect you, a veteran, to show such an expression." Xiao Yang sighed.

"Ven Soldiers are also human beings." Cui Wenren withdrew his eyes from the outside of the cave, "It's easy for people's hearts to be tired to survive in the hell game."

"So that's why you told me that you were tired of living?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Almostly because of that. In reality, I didn't care about anything. I'm not old or young. I'm single. One person is full, and the whole family is not hungry. After entering this 'hell', I always tried my best to live at first, but now I'm finally tired. Even if I die, I have no regrets. Cui Wenren looked at Xiao Yang, "How about you? What do you think?"

"Anyway, it's better to live. It's terrible to die. Don't die. That's what I think." Xiao Yang said frankly.

"...Well, that's good. People who think so are more likely to live in 'hell'. You will definitely live longer than me." Cui Wenren laughed.

Xiao Yang didn't know what to say for a moment, and after a while, he changed the topic and said, "Yes, after my random task was completed, the ancestors rewarded me with a Rasha-level hell medal."

Cui Wenren was a little surprised: "What can you do?" The Hell Medal is divided into five levels: Honglian, Shura, Yecha, Rasha and Hungry Ghost. The former captain only got a hungry ghost-level medal after a lot of hard work. Fortunately, you got the Rasha-level medal as soon as he came up.

Xiao Yang didn't expect the Rasha-level medal to be so rare. After thinking about it, he asked, "... What can this medal be exchanged for?"

"I don't dare to look at those high-end goods that need the Hell Medal. But I may remember a little bit. Let me think about it again. Cui Wenren knocked on his head and said after a while, "I remember... That 'bullet time' skill can be exchanged with points and Rasha-level medals."

"Bullet time? Isn't it the stunt of Neo hiding bullets in the Matrix? Xiao Yang asked.

Cui Wenren nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"You can even buy this kind of stunt..." Xiao Yang was sweating, "This sounds more like Xiao than an alien flying saucer."

"Bullet time is nothing. The sages can even change to almost all the skills in legends, myths and stories at home and abroad. Movies and games are just pediatrics. I remember that the two Shura medals can even be exchanged for the 72 changes of the Monkey King. Cui Wenren added, "Of course, we basically don't have to think about this. I even suspect that the Hell Medal above Yecha level does not exist at all."

"I'm not sure about this. I remember that when we were discussing the number of fire on the ship to exchange for alien flying saucers, I was thinking that as long as there was a rocket launcher, it would be fine. Xiao Yang patted the 1000S air-fire rocket launcher on his back, "Look, isn't this there?"

"What are you stupid about!" Cui Wenren poured cold water on Xiao Yang, "We don't know if there is still life tomorrow. I really don't know why you can be so optimistic."

"...that's true. But when it comes to the main task, this sage is really abominable. Xiao Yang said dissatisfiedly, "I always say that the event is triggered, but I don't know what event has been triggered. It is unclear where to get what to deal with and what enemies to deal with. Isn't the sages purely playing with us?

"Oh, just get used to it. At least the sages will tell us the area and main route that triggered the event, so that we can almost complete the task. It has always been like this. Cui Wendao said, "Actually, if you are willing to spend some karma points, the sages will also prompt more carefully. Unfortunately, I don't have any extra points available.

"That's right... By the way, I always feel that this main task is a little inexplicable. The thing marked with the six-pointed star mentioned by the sages can't even be seen now. Nothing related to it has even come out. Xiao Yang frowned.

"I'm not worried about that thing. At that time, it will appear by itself. I'm worried about how to take that thing away." Cui Wenren sighed, "According to my experience, all tasks such as finding things have to face the perverted treasure guardian in the end."

"Instead of worrying about this unshadowed thing, it's better to think about the enchanted messenger first." Xiao Yang felt strange when he thought of the soul messenger, "Didn't you say that the soul messenger would always follow us forever? But today, this soul messenger has not kept up since then.

"This... I don't know either. In fact, I have only met the soul messenger once in the previous team, and I don't fully understand the soul messenger. Cui Wenren said with some embarrassment, "So although I am a veteran, what I said may not be all correct, because some of them are the experience I gained in the previous team, not the information provided by the sages. The world of hell is so strange that my little understanding is not enough.

Xiao Yang only felt dizzy: "I said. You don't even know the function of the radar indicating the enemy. Potential enemies are not shown on the radar, and only when the other party has the intention to attack our team members will it be shown on the radar. I found this when I was doing random tasks. There should be nothing wrong with it.

"That's right. No wonder it didn't show up when the dragonfly began to surround us. Cui Wenren knocked on his head before telling the truth. "Someone in my previous team was responsible for watching the enemy radar, and I just know a general idea about radar."

It turns out that veteran Cui Wenren is just a half-baked man. Of course, it is understandable that he did this. After all, the whole team relied on him at the beginning, and he could not say that he did not know. He could only say his understanding as much as possible. If you don't do this, the newcomers will panic and it will be difficult to obey the command.

But that is to say, it is impossible to rely on Cui Wenren. I'm afraid most of the secrets of the hell game still have to be explored by yourself.

It's really annoying, but it's useless to think so much. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Let's talk about it when something happens. Xiao Yang thought so, yawned, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Xiao Yang kept running in front of him. Behind him, the sound of "stepping" has been following him. That is the soul-chasing messenger, and the undead monster that will never let go of the target. Xiao Yang has run away with all his strength, but the soul chase