Fruit Empire


"What about you? It's interesting to know that she is lying to me and cooperate with her to act. Tell me exactly what happened. How can you safely escape from the pursuit of the soul messenger with you?

"I'm also surprised by this. The two soul messengers did not chase us and left in the other direction. We didn't come here until then. Cui Wen said, "But don't blame that girl. She was afraid that you would be sad, so she teased you with this.

"Sad...does it mean this arm?" Xiao Yang looked at his broken right arm, which felt completely empty. The right hand he once had lay in the stomach of the cannibal god and was digested. The right hand is his usual hand, and the feeling of losing this hand is really hard to describe.

Xiao Yang's heart smelled extremely bitter, but on the surface, he still laughed carelessly: "Actually, it's nothing. Doesn't Yang Guo, the hero of the sculpture, have only one hand?"

"A tough man." Cui Wenren said rudely, "Don't worry that you will be disabled. After this, you can spend dozens of points on the sages, and your arm will be intact again.

Xiao Yang was surprised: "Hey, this... this is not bad!"

"It's really good, but you have to pass this level." Cui Wenren's expression was not relaxed at all.

"Brother Yang, are you awake?" Peng Fei returned to the fire and asked with concern, "How is your health?"

"I'm not bad - except for this hand. However, Cui Wenren said that the arm can still grow after closing, and I don't care about this. Xiao Yang smiled bitterly, "What's really troublesome now is our main task. The most critical six-pointed star stone was also eaten by the cannibal god..."

"Well... I have basically straightened out all the clues of the task." Peng Fei said confidently, "I almost have an idea how to complete the main task."

Xiao Yang asked, "What should I say?"

"Didn't the sages remind us just now? It says, 'The final event of the main task is triggered, and the reminder: the assembly area is 1 kilometer away from 60 degrees south east in front of here'. Peng Fei said, "Combined with the earliest task tips, that is to say, we have finally done the task in the last step, as long as we take what the sages require to the assembly area."

The sages did have a hint before, but Xiao Yang's hand was torn off at that time, so he didn't listen to it. According to Peng Fei, since the sages have indicated the location of the assembly area, all that has to do is to take the stones.

"However, the six-pointed stone was eaten by the cannibal god. Where do we go to find another one to take?" Xiao Yang asked.

"I guess what the sages asked us to bring to the assembly area was not the six-pointed stone, but--" Peng Fei said amazingly, "That cannibal god!"

"What!" Several people present called out at the same time.

"Don't be surprised. Let me tell you my reason. First of all, have you noticed that after the cannibal god ate the stone, there was also a six-pointed star sign on his forehead?

Xiao Yang recalled the scene at that time and nodded and said, "Well, that's right, a six-pointed star did appear on its forehead... But the ancestors asked us to bring it to the collection area, isn't it 'an object marked with a six-pointed star'? That monster can't be regarded as an object, right?

"It doesn't matter. Since this is a virtual world, everything in it can be regarded as objects. Peng Fei added, "More importantly, we did not get a hint that the final event was triggered at the beginning, nor did we know the location of the assembly area. The sages told us these information after the giant ate the six-pointed stone. That is to say, after that, we have really reached the last step of the task.

Xiao Yang said, "I understand. You mean that it eats the stone and becomes a real mission item, and we need to take it to the assembly area?

"You got it right." Peng Fei said, "In addition, we easily got the stone, but then we were in danger. Maybe that's because the focus of the task is not on the stone, but on the cannibal god.

"Ky, you have a point." Cui Wenren also agrees with Peng Fei's opinion.

Peng Fei continued: "The god of the cannibal must still be by the cave just now. Let's go back and look for it. We will definitely find it.

"But after we find the cannibal god, we can't lead it to the assembly area!" Wang Hanren interrupted, "That monster is really horrible..."

"That's right! We used to just give it a free lunch! Besides, those two soul messengers may also be there!" Wen Xingping also said in fear, "In my opinion, let's stay here and don't go!"

"If the task is not finished, everyone will die. It's useless to shrink here." Xiao Yang's master Xiao took the initiative to attack.

"Xiao Yang, you speak lightly. Then tell me, how did you get your arm?" Wen Xingping stared at Xiao Yang and questioned.

Xiao Yang's face changed, clenched his teeth, clenched his fist, and couldn't speak. The fracture of his right arm was still faintly painful, and the bloody scene came to his mind again, almost suffocating him.

"Damn!" Cui Wenren grabbed Wen Xingping's collar and punched him in the face, and his nosebleeds came out.

Wen Xingping hugged his face: "Don't...don't hit me!"

"Fat, are you looking for death! Xiao Yang fought desperately to break his arm. You didn't even dare to take the gun at that time, and you almost peed your pants. Now you still dare to say sarcastic things! Say it again, I'll tear your mouth!" After saying that, Cui Wenren began to punch and kick Wen Xingping again, which made him cry.

"Cui Wenren, don't hit him. In fact, he is not wrong. That monster is really powerful and horrible. But it's not that we can't deal with it." Xiao Yang said, "As long as you overcome a difficult problem, it will be easy to solve it."

"What's the problem?"

"The cannibal god will move instantly. In fact, its muscle strength is about the same as that of an aphid. If it hadn't been for the instantaneous movement, it would have been seriously injured when I first used a rocket launcher. My arm was broken, which was completely due to this ability. Xiao Yang locked his eyebrows and said, "What I praise most is that the monster can still move instantly after falling into a coma. It's like..."

"It's good that someone is manipulating it to move. Isn't that right? Peng Fei laughed.

"You think so." Xiao Yang asked Peng Fei, "But do you know who is manipulating it?"

"It's a soul messenger." Peng Fei said amazingly, "I'm sure of that!"

Xiao Yang opened his mouth slightly. In fact, he once doubted what Peng Fei said. The soul messenger appeared on the battlefield and later ignored the crowd and left. If anyone is controlling the cannibal god, the suspicion of the soul messenger is indeed the greatest.

Xiao Yang thought of this and looked at Cui Wenren: "by the way, does the soul messenger have the ability to transmit objects?"

"I don't know. However, when it comes to this ability, I remember that there is a weapon called a conveyor gun in the sages. Cui Wenren said, "That gun can transport any object within a certain space."

"So it is. Since the soul messenger can have an air-fire rocket launcher, it is not surprising that they have a transmission gun. Xiao Yang's words turned, "However, why does the enchanted messenger have to manipulate the god of the cannibal to attack us? Anyway, they are immortal. Isn't it enough to attack us directly?"

"I guess that the actions of the enchanted messengers are also limited to a certain extent. Maybe they can no longer attack us directly, so they have to use the power of the cannibal god!" Peng Fei said boldly, "And this is our chance to successfully complete the task!"

"So, do you already have a plan?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Hmm. After finding the cannibal god, we restrained the soul messenger while leading the cannibal god to run towards the assembly area!" Peng Fei said his plan.

"It's crazy!" Wen Xing's face was still swollen, and he couldn't help talking, "Who will die with you!"

"I volunteered to contain the two soul messengers to ensure that they could not use the teleport gun!" Peng Fei said resolutely, "You don't have to worry about my life and death, just lead the cannibal god into the assembly area!"

The words were loud, and Wen Xingping could no longer say the word "no". Xiao Yang's heart was full of awe. On the surface, it is very dangerous for one person to contain two soul messengers; but if the soul messenger really can't directly attack everyone, this containment work is the safest.

"Peng Fei, it's too risky for you to contain two soul messengers alone. You just need to contain one. Cui Wenren went to contain the other one. Xiao Yang said, "The other three of us went to attract the god of cannibals."

Of course, Xiao Yang also knows that the god of cannibals is more dangerous. However, he is the best person to do this job. He has a bloody blow and accurate shooting, which is enough to suppress the monster; it won't work if it were someone else. The other two can distract the attention of the cannibal god, which is safer. As for why Cui Wenren wanted to contain another soul envoy, it was because Xiao Yang was still not fully sure of Peng Fei's inference. If the soul messenger can attack everyone directly, Cui Wenren's containment will obviously be more reliable than Peng Fei.

No one objected to Xiao Yang's arrangement. Invisibly, Xiao Yang has become the leader of this team.

Before everyone set out, Xiao Yang made an adjustment to the weapon configuration in the team. Cui Wenren used the rocket launcher, Peng Fei used *, and Xiao Yang himself replaced Cui Wenren's m4 super 90 shotgun. Because Peng Fei and Cui Wenren have to contain the soul messenger, Xiao Yang is responsible for suppressing the cannibal god, so that the arrangement is more reasonable.

"I... No, Wang Hanren and I have no weapons!" Wen Xingping shouted.

"This flash bomb is for you." Xiao Yang handed the flash bomb to Wen Xingping, "Just open the pull ring and throw it out. Use it when I call you to use it. Don't mess with me."

Wen Xingping originally wanted to have something to protect himself, but Xiao Yang gave him a task instead. He didn't dare to object, so he had to take the flash bomb obediently.

Half an hour later, everyone returned to the cave. Before they began to search, red dots representing the cannibal gods had appeared on the enemy's radar. In the blink of an eye, the horrible giant has reappeared in front of them!

"The whole team dispersed! Search for the soul messenger first!" Xiao Yang ordered loudly, "After finding it, act according to the original plan!" Target assembly area, charge!"

The cannibal god seemed to be unable to get along with Xiao Yang, and first rushed to him. Others have dispersed at this time and can't help Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang can only deal with the cannibal god alone.

Seeing the monster come in front of him, Xiao Yang shot at it. The gun crashed on the face of the cannibal god, scratched its face in an instant, and its half-depressed face was beaten bloody. However, it didn't care at all. It stepped in front of Xiao Yang and raised its hand to grab him. Xiao Yang was already prepared to aim at his foot with a shot. The cannibal god ate the pain and covered his feet and shouted. Xiao Yang took the opportunity to retreat and open the distance between the two sides.

"The black fork appeared!" Wang Hanren shouted. Naturally, Peng Fei and Cui Wenren also saw the signs on the enemy's radar and ran separately in the direction of the two soul messengers.

At this time, the cannibal god has rushed back to Xiaoyang. Xiao Yang was about to shoot his foot again when he suddenly heard Peng Fei shouting, "I found the soul messenger. He is approaching me!"

Xiao Yang was affected by the sound, his hand trembled and the gun was crooked. The god of the cannibal jumped and jumped just above Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang was shocked and quickly retreated. Just three steps out, the cannibal god has landed and stepped out two big footprints on the hard ground. Seeing that he was close, Xiao Yang hurriedly released another blood orchid blow. While the cannibal god fell to the ground in pain, Xiao Yang turned around and was ready to run away.

As soon as he ran a step, the voice of the sages came: "There is still one more time left in the special skill 'Blood Pain'. After 5 hours, 24 minutes and 20 seconds, the number of times available will be restored to 10 times.

What! Xiao Yang felt cold all over. He always thought that Xuelan had recovered 10 times overnight, but he didn't expect to recover until 24 hours after he got the skill! If I had known, I would have rested a few more hours before leaving. This is good. The biggest killer can't be used! This miscalculation completely forced me into a desperate situation!

When Xiao Yang was worried, he heard the cannibal god behind him screaming wildly. Shit, it's a waste of time again! He no longer dared to stay and ran forward with all his strength. He thought to himself that the last blood orchid blow must be used at the critical moment of life and death. Also, next time you encounter this kind of thing, you must not be confused again!

Xiao Yang ran and shouted, "Wang Hanren! Wen Xingping! Approach my position immediately! The three of us will come together and run forward, and the cannibal god will always chase the three of us and will not change the goal easily!"

While Xiao Yang ran away for his life, Peng Fei and Cui Wen met the soul messenger. What Peng Fei met was the enchanted messenger who was taken away by Xiao Yang at first. The other party was obviously stunned when he saw Peng Fei rushing towards him. Then he turned around and was ready to run away.

Peng Fei was overjoyed. His guess was indeed correct, and the soul messenger really could not directly attack himself. So he pulled out his gun and began to shoot at the soul messenger. After a few shots, Peng Fei finally hit the enchanted messenger. The soul messenger seemed to be angry, turned around again, took out a machete in his hand, and rushed to Peng Fei!

"Ah?" Peng Fei didn't expect that the enchanted messenger would fight back and was shocked. As soon as he recovered and was ready to continue shooting, the enchanted messenger had come to him, and the machete fell on him!

On the other side, the enchanted messenger Cui Wenren met was the one who had never appeared before. This man is tall and has a cold face. And he held a weapon in the shape of a water gun in his hand. Cui Wenren has seen this weapon with the sages, and there is no doubt that it is a teleport gun!

The soul messenger wearing sunglasses saw Cui Wenren appear in front of him, but he turned a blind eye to it and fiddled with the teleportation gun in his hand.

Cui Wenren was shocked and quickly picked up the rocket launcher and pulled the trigger! However, the other party also pulled the trigger of the transmission gun at the same time!

Cui Wenren only felt something flashing in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, he could no longer see the soul messenger in front of him. The rocket was still launched as scheduled, but it only hit the tree in front of it. Cui Wenren quickly looked at the enemy's radar and found that the black fork was at least 200 meters away from him. What's more strange is that there are several green spots behind him.

Cui Wenren turned around and saw Xiao Yang, Wang Hanren and Wen Xingping running this way.

"Cui Wenren? How did you get there? Xiao Yang asked in surprise.

"The turtle grandson with the teleportation gun didn't dare to fight with me, so he transferred me!" Cui Wenren finally knew what had happened and cursed fiercely.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yang shouted with a blue face, "Be careful! Behind you!"

The cannibal god has been teleported to Cui Wenren, and the huge hand like a fan grabbed his head!

Cui Wenren only felt a chill behind his back and hurriedly ran forward. However, the action of the god of the cannibal is so fast that he is about to catch Cui Wenren's head.

It's over. This idea flashed in Cui Wenren's mind. However, a second later, a sound of "Yi" sounded in Cui Wenren's ear, and the hand of the cannibal god was immediately beaten bloody and involuntarily took it back! It turned out that Xiao Yang fired a shot and accurately hit the monster's hand.

"Run!" Xiao Yang shouted at Cui Wenren, but Cui Wenren's ears were almost shocked by the gunshot, so Xiao Yang had to gesture to him. When the cannibal god was about to attack Cui Wenren again, Cui Wenren finally came to his senses and stepped forward. The cannibal god grabbed the air again and howled unwillingly. Cui Wenren ran crazily, finally ran to a safe place and gasped for breath.

Xiao Yang also sweated hard. His shot is also a dangerous move. If he doesn't succeed, Cui Wenren will die. Xiao Yang originally wanted to hit with Xuelan, but then he thought about it. It's not the last moment, and he really can't easily hit with Heianlan. So he had to take the risk of shooting. Fortunately, the shooting of his left hand was also quite accurate, otherwise Cui Wenren would have died.

Cui Wenren rested for a few seconds and was about to bombard the cannibal god with a rocket launcher. Xiao Yang hurriedly said, "Stop! It's useless for you to do this! You'd better deal with the soul messenger with a teleportation gun! Let us introduce this god of cannibals!"

Cui Wenren immediately put down the rocket launcher and ran back to the soul messenger. Xiao Yang continued to shoot the god of the human race and lead it to chase himself.

At the same time, the battle between Peng Fei and another enchanted messenger is over. The machete of the enchanted messenger cut deeply on Peng Fei's left shoulder, and the blood flowed down Peng Fei's body. A smile appeared on Peng Fei's painful face, and the soul