Fruit Empire


, and the whole head flew out. This process only happens within a few seconds.

"Damn bug!" Xiao Yang cursed and fired three shots at the giant bull. The worm was beaten to splash the slurry and fell to the ground twice.

Seeing the bloody scene of his friend being cut off by a bug, Liu Dayuan fell to his knees and his eyes became extremely dull. Hou Bao vomited everything in his stomach. The new body of the Han Dynasty trembled slightly, and even the most calm Su Feiqi clenched his teeth.

"This is the primitive rainforest, and the number of beasts and monsters that can be touched is not clear. The voice is likely to be dangerous, and we may not be able to find something dangerous when it approaches. Peng Fei whispered, "That's why we don't talk."

In fact, Xiao Yang and several other old team members didn't think so much. It was only because they had experienced a life-and-death crisis and instinctively felt that it was more dangerous than the rainforest at the first level, so they unconsciously kept silent.

"Okay, don't be in a daze here. Be careful to move forward." Xiao Yang whispered and pulled up the kneeling Liu Dayuan.

Liu Dayuan recovered and said, "I want to dig a hole and bury Xiao Zhao..."

As soon as he said this, he was interrupted by Xiao Yang: "It's dangerous here. Let's go first. You can dig a hole slowly by yourself. I suggest you dig a little bigger, otherwise one pit can't hold two people.

After saying that, Xiao Yang took the lead and walked forward. Of course, he doesn't want to see people exposed in the wild, but staying here now will only increase the danger. As a captain, he must act calmly for his own survival and the survival of the whole team.

Liu Dayuan only felt that Xiao Yang's words were too vicious. He couldn't help clenching his fist and cursed in a low voice, "Are you a cold-blooded animal!"

"It's not blood, it's stupid to put a living person in danger for the sake of the dead." Cui Wenren, an old soldier, walked past Liu Dayuan and said coldly.

Su Feiqi also passed Liu Dayuan and whispered, "Xiao Yang's decision is right. If you don't want to die, follow me."

Everyone passed by, and Liu Dayuan had no choice but to collect some rotten leaves to bury Zhao Sanmo's body and quickly followed the army.

At this time, Su Feiqi caught up with Xiao Yang and said, "Captain, I have an idea."


"We just met the giant Tianniu, which may mean that we are very close to the Worm Valley in the movie." Su Feiqi said, "Therefore, I don't think we need to go to the expedition anymore."


"Because this place is very large, if we go to the expedition, it's easy to miss it with them. On the contrary, it is easier to meet them after entering the Bug Valley. Su Feiqi expressed her opinion.

Peng Fei also heard Su Feiqi's words and said, "I object. First of all, Worm Valley is too dangerous. We'd better not stay here for a long time. Secondly, the route of the expedition in the movie is just like that. As long as we walk along that road, we will definitely meet the expedition.

Xiao Yang recalled the scenes in the movie. There are several dinosaurs near the Bug Valley, even Tyrannosaurus Rex, and a large group of horrible worms. It's really too dangerous to move forward.

Su Feiqi saw Xiao Yang's different face and quickly said, "Captain, I said..."

"S Needless to say, I'm going to adopt Peng Fei's plan." Xiao Yang interrupted Su Feiqi's words, "I can't let the whole team go deep into the Bug Valley for adventure."

Su Feiqi sighed and said nothing more. According to Peng Fei's plan, the whole team began to swim outside the Bug Valley and search for the way of the expedition into Bug Valley in the movie.

However, after searching for nearly a long time, people still did not find the road. Instead, they met several Velociraptors and a group of carnivorous moths on the way and fought several times. Everyone was slightly hung up in the battle, but fortunately no one was seriously injured.

Peng Fei's face is blue. His plan was blocked and he felt uncomfortable. Su Feiqi kept signaling Xiao Yang to change her plan and act according to her own plan.

Xiao Yang is not willing to change his plan easily, because it is not a good idea to enter the dangerous Bug Valley. But everyone has never been able to find that way, and time is ruthlessly passing. When King Kong and Anne meet and the orangutan fall in love, it will be more difficult to complete the task.

Finally, Xiao Yang stopped and said to the crowd, "We can't continue to waste time on the outskirts of Bug Valley. Next, change the plan, go deep into the Bug Valley and wait for the rabbit in front of the waterfall!"

Several people's faces have changed. They have all seen King Kong and know that there are all kinds of crises in Bug Valley.

"Okay. Everyone listens to the captain and goes to Chonggu. Peng Fei exhaled, "This is the only way now."

Xiao Yang took out*, thought about it, and handed it to Su Feiqi: "I'll lend it to you."

When Su Feiqi saw that he didn't trust her, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, captain. I will never shoot my colleagues."

Xiao Yang ignored her, replaced his weapon with a rocket launcher, and then said, "The whole team is moving towards the hinterland of the Bug Valley. Be more careful and try to protect yourself."

The people walked out of less than 500 meters, and the world in front of them suddenly became bright. Looking around, you can already see the waterfall in the movie from afar. Xiao Yang carefully glanced ahead and found a small white dot constantly moving. He looked intently again and saw what the white dot was. He couldn't help but be shocked and said, "There seems to be something ahead. You can stop and rest first. Cui Wenren, go and have a look with me."

When Cui Wen heard this, he followed Xiao Yang forward for dozens of meters. Xiao Yang whispered, "Can you kill the plot characters in the hell game?"

Cui Wenren understood his idea: "You... do you want to kill Annie?"


"Of course it's okay to kill the plot characters. Generally speaking, a few points will be deducted, but this is not certain." Cui Wendao.

"Anne is about two kilometers away in front of her, and she should have begun to flee. I think she has met King Kong, and it should be the best way to kill her now. Besides, she is already in the range of my rocket launcher, and I'm 80% sure to hit it from here. Xiao Yang said.

Cui Wenren was shocked and said, "Can you see it two kilometers away?"

"Well, this physique seems to be like this. The vision and hearing have been greatly improved. I can clearly see Annie from here." Xiao Yang muttered, "It's just that I haven't figured out whether to kill her or not."

Cui Wendu: "It's up to you. But I don't recommend you to do this."

But Xiao Yang thought for a moment and clenched his fist and said, "Let's make a bet. The sages did not prompt that they could not kill her. If you succeed, you can finish the task immediately, and it's worth taking a risk.

After saying that, he picked up the rocket launcher and aimed at Anne in the distance and pulled the trigger.

I saw the four rockets draw an arc and fly accurately towards Anne. But this distance was so far that three rockets in the middle hit something else and exploded by itself. The last rocket flew straight to Annie and exploded! Although it did not hit Anne accurately, the shrapnel also hurt her leg and shed blood.

Xiao Yang was about to make up for her again when the sage's voice suddenly sounded: "Hint: the system protection character Annie was injured. If Anne dies, the whole team will be deducted 1,000 points and the mission goal will change.

Xiao Yang spit out the three-character classic of national scolding. Damn, this woman can't die. This is terrible!

In the distance, an arrow-backed dragon is gradually approaching Anne. Originally, Anne could have escaped in the plot of the movie, but now she has been injured by Xiao Yang and can no longer run. She is about to be buried in the abdomen of the arrow.

Xiao Yang was so anxious that he quickly aimed at saber-toothus with a rocket launcher and was ready to blow it up. Cui Wenren hurriedly pressed his rocket launcher: "What are you still doing? Anne will be in trouble if she dies!"

Xiao Yang pushed Cui Wenren's hand away: "I'm not going to kill her, I want to save her!"

After saying that, Xiao Yang fired a rocket in the direction of sabertoothus. Four rockets flew forward, one of which exploded halfway, and the other three hit the sabredodon and blew up a bloody hole in it. The saber-toothed dragon fluttered twice and did not move.

Anne's exclamation in the distance clearly came to Xiao Yang's ears. For Anne, whether it is her own injury or the death of Sedron, it seems to her to be a supernatural event. However, Anne herself was relatively calm and did not faint. She must have seen a lot of incredible things in the primitive rainforest, which is nothing.

Anne didn't die, and a stone in Xiao Yang's heart finally barely fell to the ground. Cui Wen asked, "How's it going?"

"I killed the sabredon that went to Anne, and she was safe for the time being. But I hurt her leg before. She couldn't move quickly. She was in trouble when she encountered some beast bugs or something. Xiao Yang kept looking at Anne's place when he spoke, paying attention to whether there were any dangerous things around her.

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Feiqi just came over and said the first sentence: "Captain, did you hit Anne's injury just now?"

"Hmm." Xiao Yang admitted, "I think as long as Anne dies, we can complete the task. I didn't expect her to be protected by the system. I miscalculated.

"Now Annie..."

"I'm staring around Annie. She is safe now."

Su Feiqi followed Xiao Yang's eyes and didn't see anything. She secretly admired Xiao Yang's eyesight, but she didn't say anything. She just said, "Captain, I have also considered the plan to kill Anne, but I didn't expect you to take risks first. So what are you going to do next?

Xiao Yang was still staring at Anne and said, "What do you think?"

"Send the two fastest runners to save Annie, protect her, and then find a way to deal with the expedition." Su Feiqi said.

"Well, that's what I think. Cui Wenren and I went to save Annie, and you and Peng Fei took everyone here first. There are not too many bugs here, which is safer. If you are in danger, you can act according to the opportunity and withdraw if you can. We will contact you then." Xiao Yang said.

"No." Su Feiqi shook her head and said, "I'll go with you. I just observed that if you run at full speed, Cui Wenren can't catch up with you. And I can do it."

Cui Wenren said coldly, "Do you dare to say it's faster than me? What a fantasy."

Xiao Yang turned his eyes and said, "Cui Wenren, just do as she said. You stay to protect everyone, and I'll go with her to save Annie.

"Why?" Cui Wenren was stunned.

"You are the most trustworthy. I'm more relieved to let you stay with everyone. Xiao Yang's reason made Cui Wenren have nothing to say, so he could only nod and turn back to find the crowd.

Xiao Yang looked at Su Feiqi: "Miss Su, I'm going to start running. In order to save Annie, I won't look back, let alone stop halfway. In addition, my ears are not good. Even if you ask for help, I can't hear you.

"Ha, I see." Su Feiqi smiled and said, "That is to say, if I am in danger, you will die."

Xiao Yang did not reply. Su Feiqi put away her smile and said, "Captain, I will definitely save you when you are in danger."

"It's up to you." Xiao Yang took a deep breath, changed into Uzi*, and began to run in the direction of Anne. Su Feiqi also stopped talking and followed Xiao Yang closely.

In Xiao Yang's eyes, countless trees retreated quickly. His speed was as fast as thunder, but he felt that his breathing was still peaceful and not fast at all. The physique of this elf is really different. I have never felt so relaxed when I ran before.

However, what surprised him more was that Su Feiqi could really follow his footsteps. Su Feiqi's running posture is like a cloud leopard, fast and powerful, parallel to Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang estimated that she would not be slower than the men's 100-meter world champion, and Su Feiqi could actually keep up with her. Even if she was an international criminal police officer, it was by no means normal. Who the hell is this Su Feiqi?

Xiao Yang was suspicious, but he didn't show it. He just accelerated his speed again. Now he has really used full speed.

Su Feiqi had a lot of effort and was pulled away by Xiao Yang. Su Feiqi smiled and said, "Hey, captain, can you not be angry with me?"

"No, I speed up because Anne is in danger!" Xiao Yang said with a pale face.

From the gap between the trees, Xiao Yang saw another arrow-backed dragon approaching Annie. She dragged her half-limged leg to hide in a tree hole, but the arrow-backed dragon was much faster than her. It was likely that she had become a good meal for the arrow-backed dragon before she hid into the tree hole. Of course, Xiao Yang also wants to bombard the arrow-backed dragon with a rocket launcher, but now he can't hit it at all. Just now, Xiao Yang was standing on the high slope shooting Annie and the arrow-backed dragon. Rockets can shoot directly into the forest below from high altitude. However, now Xiao Yang has gone downhill and is on the same plane as Anne's forest. There are too many trees in the way, and rockets can't penetrate them at all.

Anne in front of her finally got into the tree hole, but Xiao Yang was not relieved at all. I remember that in the movie, Anne met several big centipedes in the tree hole and immediately escaped. Then she saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex bite the arrow-back dragon that had just chased her and chased after her. Anne in the movie ran away crazily, but was still caught up by Tyrannosaurus Rex. Fortunately, King Kong appeared and she avoided death.

But now Annie can't run at all. Maybe she can't wait for King Kong to appear and will be eaten by Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Xiao Yang continued to run wildly while staring at the front. However, Anne has been in the cave and has not come out. Xiao Yang thought, can't she be killed by those bugs?

Just as Xiao Yang was worried about Annie, Su Feiqi's voice suddenly came behind him: "Be careful! Your right side!"

Xiao Yang quickly turned his head and saw a giant guar suddenly drilled out of the dead leaves and bit his neck! Annie didn't care about anything. He immediately fell forward and swept his gun to the head of the guana. Uzi*'s bullet speed was quite fast, and a shuttle of bullets was fired in a blink of an eye, hitting the guador's head.

Xiao Yang stood up without looking back, said "thank you" and continued to run. The most important issue now is to ensure Anne's safety.

When Xiaoyang was still 50 meters away from the tree hole, Annie finally came out of the tree hole, covered with insects and was extremely embarrassed. At this time, the previous arrow-backed dragon has disappeared, but the tyrannosaurus rex has not appeared as in the movie.

A few seconds later, Xiao Yang ran to Annie and couldn't help picking off the bugs on her body and picking her up at once.

"Who are you? What is this doing?" Annie was stunned and asked.

Of course, she used English, and Xiao Yang replied rudely in poor English, "Shut up, I don't have time to explain to you. Just follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yang rolled to the ground with Annie in his arms. Annie was surprised when she saw a huge dinosaur head in the place where Xiao Yang used to stand, with an arrow-back dragon that had just chased her in its mouth!

Xiao Yang naturally saw the Tyrannosaurus Rex and immediately hugged Anne and ran away. He found something wrong with this run. He felt that Anne was very heavy and he couldn't run at all. Xiao Yang said in his heart, is this a side effect of transforming into an elf physique, losing weight and reducing its weight-bearing ability?

Of course, this is actually his misunderstanding, just because he is used to elf-like ultra-high-speed running, so he feels something wrong when he slows down.

At this time, Tyrannosaurus Rex had caught up. Xiao Yang held Uzi* in one hand and shot a shuttle of bullets back. This is basically sweeping randomly, but a few of them still rubbed the eyelids of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, making it close its eyes and move in a crooked direction. When it came to its senses, Xiao Yang had already run ten steps away to the side. Tyrannosaurus rex swallowed the arrow-backed dragon, shook its neck, turned its head and continued to chase Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang continued to run, but he felt that he could not run fast and was about to be caught up by Tyrannosaurus Rex. Just as Su Feiqi ran over, Xiao Yang threw Annie directly to Su Feiqi: "You are responsible for bringing this back! I'll shoot Tyrannosaurus!"

When Su Feiqi was surprised, Annie had been thrown into her hand by Xiao Yang, and she had to catch it. Xiao Yang's burden was light, and he immediately turned around, picked up Uzi* and shot at the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The skin on Tyrannosaurus Rex's face was scratched a lot, revealing blood vessels. This tyrannosaurus rex usually walks horizontally in the primitive rainforest. When did it suffer this kind of anger? At that time, he went crazy and bit Xiao Yang with a bullet.

Xiao Yang now has no burden in his hands. Naturally, he easily dodged the attack of Tyrannosaurus Rex and flew back. Before Tyrannosaurus Rex was ready to attack again, he had run ten meters away, put on a rocket launcher, and bombard Tyrannosaurus rex's head!

Four rockets flew out quickly and accurately hit the storm