Fruit Empire


King Kong continued to move towards Xiao Yang, and he was one step away from him. At this time, Xiao Yang was still paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up. Su Feiqi, Peng Fei and others shouted loudly.

However, at this moment, King Kong suddenly shouted "ah" and fell to the ground and rolled. Xiao Yang slowly raised his head, and it turned out that he launched the blood orchid attack again. This time, he had no reservation and used three blood orchid pain strikes in a row, trying to directly make King Kong faint.

But to his surprise, King Kong's ability to endure pain is far beyond his imagination. Even if he was hit by three blood orchids, he was just so painful that he rolled on the ground. Xiao Yang shouted in his heart and had no choice but to use a blood orchid blow again. But I didn't expect that King Kong not only did not faint, but stood up again, and his eyes were full of blood!

Xiao Yang's heart was cold. Fang Xin said that King Kong is a hero at all, and this big guy will not give in to pain at all! The greater the pain imposed on it, the more it will not retreat, but will inspire more powerful power!

King Kong took a step forward and grabbed Xiao Yang to pull him in two. However, when it began to exert force, it suddenly felt a sinking in its hand. Looking at it again, Xiao Yang in his hand has become a small Tyrannosaurus Rex! It turned out that Xiao Yang's mind had been moved and had started the "beast soul variant half-body transformation" and had to compete with King Kong in the Tyrannosaurus Rex form!

When King Kong saw that his opponent had turned into a Tyrannosaurus Rex, he did not panic at all. Instead, he beat his chest and roared loudly. It has lived in this primitive rainforest for more than 20 years and doesn't know how many tyrannosaurus rex it has killed. This time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex is so small that there is no concern in its eyes.

I saw King Kong reach out and grab the mouth of Xiao Yang's Tyrannosaurus Rex body and want to open the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex body. In the movie, Tyrannosaurus Rex was killed by King Kong. Xiao Yang knows King Kong's mind. How can it be so easy to succeed? He lowered the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and turned around and slammed King Kong's feet with his tail!

Although this Tyrannosaurus rex body is small, its strength is not weak. King Kong was swept by the tail, the balance was unstable, and his huge body fell forward to the ground. Xiao Yang immediately manipulated the Tyrannosaurus body to jump on King Kong's back and bit its neck directly from behind! The neck connects the head and body, which can be said to be the weakness of all animals. Therefore, wolves, lions, tigers, almost every predator is good at biting the neck of the prey. Xiao Yang was also anxious and wise at this time, so he thought of this cruel move.

The steel teeth of the Tyrannosaurus body was extremely terrible, while the neck of King Kong was relatively soft. Xiao Yang bit open King Kong's neck with hard, and the red blood flowed out. Fresh blood flowed into the esophagus of the tyrannosaurus rex, and Xiao Yang felt that the natural power in his body had been restored. However, at the same time, a huge sense of fatigue also hit him, and Xiao Yang only felt nauseous all over his body. Manipulating the Tyrannosaurus Rex body is too burdensome for Xiao Yang's spirit, but he can't easily change back at this juncture, so he can only grit his teeth and hold on. Now King Kong seems to be unable to move. As long as he waits for his blood to be dried up and die, he can win.

But when Xiao Yang was thinking so, King Kong suddenly rose again and stood up again. Xiao Yang's Tyrannosaurus body was hanged around his neck by King Kong. King Kong stretched out his hands back to grab the tyrannosaurus body, but Xiao Yang bit him to death. How could he let go? King Kong went crazy and circled wildly in the same place, trying to throw the Tyrannosaurus rex body down. Xiao Yang was dumped and dizzy, but he still couldn't let go. King Kong roared and retreated with his back to the cliff behind him, directly hitting the tyrannosaurus rex on the mountain wall!

Xiao Yang's Tyrannosaurus Rex body was hit on his back, and his nerves hurt, and his mouth loosened and fell to the ground. King Kong grabbed the tail of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, retreated several steps, and threw it fiercely to the mountain wall! With a bang, the tyrannosaurus body hit the mountain wall and smashed a big pit, and the rocks fell everywhere!

Xiao Yang felt uncomfortable, and it was not the pain of his body injury, but the pain of Tyrannosaurus Rex's body injury. The Tyrannosaurus Rex body and Xiao Yang are only partially connected, and only 1% of the feeling of the Tyrannosaurus Rex body will be transmitted to Xiao Yang. But now Xiao Yang has deeply felt the pain, which shows how much Tyrannosaurus Rex's body is injured. When Xiao Yang faced Tyrannosaurus Rex, the rocket hit it and did not hurt it, but now Xiao Yang's Tyrannosaurus rex body was seriously injured like this by King Kong - the power of King Kong is so powerful!

King Kong walked to the mountain wall and wanted to grab the tyrannosaurus rex again. Fortunately, Xiao Yang flashed quickly this time and went straight to the right side of King Kong. As a result, King Kong did not grasp the Tyrannosaurus Rex body with one hand, changed his palm into a fist, and directly punched the Tyrannosaurus body in the head. The Tyrannosaurus Rex's body was beaten far away by this punch, and even pressed Peng Fei's left left foot. Peng Fei finally pulled his hand and foot out, but it had been crushed and fractured. Xiao Yang's Tyrannosaurus Rex completely collapsed to the ground and could not move at all. Xiao Yang's mental burden also reached its limit, and the Tyrannosaurus resurian body was quickly lifted and returned to his human form and lay on the ground.

King Kong no longer cares about Xiao Yang and turns to rush to Su Feiqi, Fang Xin and others. They have been shooting at King Kong just now, and King Kong is busy dealing with Xiaoyang's Tyrannosaurus Rex body and has no time to take care of them. Now that the Tyrannosaurus Rex body is about to be scrapped, and King Kong has time to pinch these "little bugs" to death.

Fang Xin was the biggest, and King Kong rushed to him first. Fang Xin's face was pale and he hurriedly ran down the mountain, but King Kong caught up with him in just one step, grabbed him and pinched him in his hand. Just like this, with a few clicks, Fang Xin's whole body bones were broken. However, King Kong did not pinch Fang Xin to death. He directly threw the semi-paralyzed Fang Xin to the ground and turned to the next target. Wang Hanren was unlucky this time. King Kong also crushed her bones with a little force and threw her to the ground.

King Kong then turned to Su Feiqi, but Su Feiqi ran very fast and had already run far away. King Kong was about to chase her, but suddenly felt a burning sensation on his neck. He turned around and looked at him. Cui Wenren was bombarding himself with Xiao Yang's falling rocket launcher.

The blood on King Kong's neck had stopped. Cui Wenren's rocket team exploded the skin of his neck, and the blood began to flow wildly again. King Kong was furious and stepped in front of Cui Wenren to catch him. Cui Wenren's reaction was quite fast and could completely avoid the attack, but he had no intention of dodging at all. He threw away the rocket and let King Kong grab himself in his hand.

Xiao Yang, who was paralyzed aside and still couldn't move, was shocked. What on earth is Cui Wenren thinking? Now there are still Su Feiqi and Cui Wenren who can fight. Isn't Cui Wenren going to die like this to cut off the whole team's life? As a veteran, how can Cui Wenren make such a stupid mistake?

However, Cui Wenren was pinched hard by King Kong, but it still seemed to be okay. He even pulled his arm from King Kong's hand and pulled out his small backpack from behind. King Kong was furious when he saw this. Xiao opened his mouth and bit Cui Wenren to bite him in two!

Cui Wenren saw King Kong biting at him, turned his head and threw his small backpack into King Kong's mouth. Although King Kong swallowed the foreign body, he continued to move on his mouth, bit off Cui Wenren's whole right arm and a large piece of meat on his right half of his body, and spit on the ground. Cui Wenren's remaining body was also thrown to the ground by King Kong. Cui Wenren's face was pale, but he still squeezed out a smile and pressed something with his left hand.

With a loud bang, King Kong's stomach was blown up a big hole, and his intestines and abdomen flowed out. His body is as strong as King Kong, and he still fell to the ground weakly after such a serious injury!

"Hey...he..." Cui Wenren laughed miserably, "Gorilla, how about the... taste of regular depleted uranium*?"

At this time, Xiao Yang understood that Cui Wenren asked King Kong to catch himself in order to throw the depleted uranium* in his backpack into its mouth and then detonate it! Because Cui Wenren's protective clothing can still be supported for a while, he can complete his plan when he is caught by King Kong.

Cui Wenren's preparation of depleted uranium* has made Xiao Yang a little surprised, and he used this way that can be said to sacrifice himself to severely damage King Kong, but it was even more unexpected by Xiao Yang!

However, what surprised Xiao Yang even more is still behind - the King Kong actually stuffed the blown intestines back into his stomach and insisted on standing up again. King Kong walked to Cui Wenren angrily. It seems that this time, he will never show mercy again!

veteran Cui Wenren is about to die. This idea came to Xiao Yang's mind, and the scene of Cui Wenren saving him and guiding him flashed in front of his eyes.

"Ah!" Xiao Yang roared crazily. Countless beasts flashed in his mind again, and unlike last time, he saw his naked ** appearance at the end of the series of beast pictures.

"Skill 'Beast Soul Variation' has been upgraded to the middle 'positive body transformation'!" The voice of the sages sounded again.

Xiao Yang roared again, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex engraved on the back of his right hand flashed blue light! Just for a moment, Xiao Yang's body was once again covered with the body organization of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and this time the Tyrannosaurus Rex was completely as big as the Tyrannosaurus Rex defeated by Xiao Yang at the beginning!

Xiao Yang's newborn Tyrannosaurus rex roared and rushed to King Kong, and hit the hill-like King Kong to the ground!

Then, before King Kong stood up again, the Tyrannosaurus Rex had bit its neck fiercely. This time, the new Tyrannosaurus body was much stronger than before. Its steel teeth pierced King Kong's throat and almost touched its trachea. Xiao Yang was so confident that he vowed to bite King Kong to death!

I didn't expect that King Kong would rise up again even in such a desperate situation, fall to the ground and fight with the Tyrannosaurus Rex. King Kong's huge fist hit the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex crazily, almost cracking the extremely hard head; even Xiao Yang's own head felt a little dizzy. However, Xiao Yang still bit King Kong's throat and did not let go. The huge bite force made King Kong's blood flow more intensely, and the power of punching and rolling gradually became smaller.

King Kong is getting weaker and weaker, but Xiao Yang's new Tyrannosaurus rex is becoming more and more brave. The sharp teeth of the Tyrannosaurus body have bit the trachea of King Kong. Seeing that King Kong only has air and no gas, he is about to cry and mourn.

But before Xiao Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, King Kong roared again and threw the tyrannosaurus rex body away and fell to the ground! Xiao Yang was thrown so heavily that he couldn't get up on the ground. He felt terrible in his heart. The power of the so-called protagonist of the original book is really a troublesome thing. What should we do to deal with this damn gorilla!

At this time, King Kong dragged his bloody body and walked to the edge of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It roared, and a pair of huge palms grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the Tyrannosaurus Rex body and was ready to break the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex body in half with its natural magic power! In the movie, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was killed by King Kong in this way. Xiao Yang's Tyrannosaurus rex body has not stood up yet, and it seems to be unable to return to heaven.

However, an extremely painful expression suddenly appeared on King Kong's face. His two huge palms suddenly softened, and his strength seemed to disappear. This is the result of Xiao Yang's three consecutive blood orchid attacks. Although it is no problem to hold on to this pain when King Kong is in good condition, now his abdomen is broken and he is seriously injured all over. His body is close to drying up. The severe pain caused by the blood orchid pain is enough to temporarily lose his mobility.

Xiao Yang took the opportunity to manipulate Tyrannosaurus Rex's body to top King Kong. Xiao's big mouth bit its throat again! With a click, King Kong's throat was completely bitten off! King Kong still stretched out his huge palm and struggled, but finally lost his strength, his hand fell to the ground and did not move.

"Red Dot, Super Gorilla King Kong, destroy. Get 3000 points of industry fire points. Hearing this prompt from the sages, Xiao Yang only felt an unbearable headache, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex body was relieved in an instant. He tried his best to barely stand up and looked at Cui Wenren not far away. Cui Wenren's blood has penetrated into the soil, and his surroundings are all black and red. Xiao Yang was shocked. Shouldn't Cui Wenren be dead?

However, Xiao Yang soon found that Cui Wenren was still breathing deeply. Although the veteran's eyes were almost unable to open, he was obviously still alive.

Xiao Yang was about to ask Cui Wenren how he was doing, but he said first, "... Well done, you guy."

"If you hadn't started to blow up King Kong's stomach, I wouldn't have killed it." Xiao Yang stared at Cui Wenren, "However, even now, I still think you have made a stupid decision. If it were me now, I would never have made such a choice.

"That's right... This decision is really stupid..." Cui Wenren's face is getting paler and paler, "But I said... I'm different from you... I'm a little tired of the world... It would be a good ending if I could die with value and dignity..."

Cui Wenren's breath has become weaker and weaker. That level of injury can't be saved even if it is sent to the hospital for first aid. That is to say, Cui Wenren's will is extremely tough. If it were someone else, he would have lost his breath a few minutes ago.

Xiao Yang clenched his fist, clenched his teeth and said, "You... are so stupid. As a veteran, you can live more easily than others.

"No... I'm very satisfied to die like this..." Cui Wenren suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight at the scorching sun in the sky. "Xiao Yang, do you know what the sages asked me a question when they invited me to join the hell game?"

Xiao Yang did not answer, and Cui Wenren said to himself, "It asked me, do you want to be a hero?"

Hero... Xiao Yang remembered Cui Wenren's previous comments on heroes - heroes always make stupid decisions without necessity. At that time, did Cui Wenren decide to sacrifice himself in a critical situation?

"I answered the sages, I think. So I was sent to the hell game. Cui Wenren laughed at himself, "I didn't expect that I could not be a hero here at all. I could only escape for my life under the protection of others and get rid of a bear... Later, all the teammates who protected me died, and I met you again... In the end, I had to end my life in such a stupid way, haha! It's really ridiculous."

"You are already... a hero." Xiao Yang whispered.

"Don't lift me up. I'm just a stupid veteran." Cui Wenren coughed violently, "I'm going The information I know is basically told to you... From now on, it's up to you to work hard. If you are the captain... Maybe you really have a chance... escape from hell..."

Xiao Yang nod his head and said, "Well, rest in peace."

"Goodbye, rookies..." This is the last sentence said by veteran Cui Wenren with a smile. After that, his heart beat forever.

Xiao Yang lowered his head. Goodbye, veteran. Thanks to your sacrifice, we got the opportunity to live.

"Great veteran, great hero." Su Feiqi's voice sounded in Xiao Yang's ear. She had escaped far before, but now she has finally come back.

"He is indeed an admirable hero. But--" Xiao Yang said in a low voice, "The hero is dead."

"Don't say that." Su Feiqi smiled and said, "I think you are also very heroic, captain."

"Exit. I don't want to be a hero. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do many of the things that Cui Wenren did. Xiao Yang said, "As long as I am a person who can live, I will be satisfied."

With that, he only felt that his chest was stuffy, and his whole body fell straight to the ground. The injury he suffered just now is far from healing, and he finally can't hold on until now. Su Feiqi hurriedly helped Xiao Yang up: "Captain, what do you think we should do next?"

Xiao Yang looked around, and Fang Xin and Wang Hanren were still paralyzed on the ground. Although their lives don't seem to be in danger, they can't move. Peng Fei also couldn't move because of a fracture. The only person who can move is Su Feiqi... By the way, where is Wen Xingping? The fat man didn't know where he hid, and there was no trace of him anywhere.

"You use my knife to cut out King Kong's heart first." Xiao Yang ordered, "Then let's find a safe place first."

Now everyone has lost their combat effectiveness. If they are attacked by something again, it is easy to destroy the whole team. So Xiao Yang ordered Su Feiqi to quickly get King Kong's heart, and then the whole team rested and healed.

Su Feiqi pulled out the Japanese traveler's knife from behind Xiao Yang and prepared to cut open King Kong's chest. However, he didn't expect that King Kong's skin was very hard. Su Feiqi cut it for a long time before barely cutting its skin. Xiao Yang shook his head. If he could move, he could quickly cut open King Kong's chest with the immortal blood front. Now, we can only wait slowly.

After a while, a voice suddenly sounded: "Ah, it's great that everyone is still alive."

Xiao Yang saw that it was Wen Xingping.

"Do you still have the face to come back?" Peng Fei, who finally recovered some spirit, scolded angrily, "We are all fighting hard, and Brother Cui even died!" What about you? Where are you? Where the hell did you go, you bastard?

Wen Xingping finally found Cui Wen's body at this time. His face was pale, but he still hesitated and didn't say anything. The fat man probably hid behind the hillside just now, and now he dares to escape back after hearing no sound.

Peng Fei also wanted to scold him and was stopped by Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang said, "It's useless to scold him now. It's just that he's here. Let him do something."

"...what do you want me to do?" Wen Xingping asked timidly.

"Take Wang Hanren's telescope and take my Uzi* to patrol the vicinity to see if there is anything dangerous." Xiao Yang said, "If there is, don't fight with them. Come back and inform us immediately."

Wen Xingping wanted to refuse