Fruit Empire


It's dark, and I don't know how high the ceiling is.

Xiao Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly. This is the Nether Hall. The word "Underworld Hall" was first heard from Cui Wenren, but even the veteran Cui Wenren himself did not insist on returning to the Underworld Hall at this moment.

In the middle of the whole room, there is a huge black stone tablet with a line of scribbles written on it: "Wherever human imagination can reach, it is the territory of hell."

The word also shines with blue light, which looks quite gloomy and horrible. Xiao Yang shook his head helplessly and said that this place really had the posture of hell.

"Please keep moving through the arch in front of you and enter the main hall of the Netherworld." The sages began to prompt again.

Xiao Yang took everyone through the arches mentioned by the ancestors and stepped into the main hall of the Nether Hall. As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Yang saw the giant sage statue that Cui Wenren had mentioned before. The huge body of the sage may be at least hundreds of meters high, and you can't even see its head from the ground. At the end of the first level, when I saw the sages on the Wangxiangtai, I still felt that she was quite beautiful, but now people only feel depressed when they see such a huge image.

"What a bad taste." Su Feiqi hummed, "Is this woman the wife of a game designer?"

"This is the virtual image of the sages." Xiao Yang looked at the mountain-like sages, "It's really big to say. If there is really such a big person, you won't feel it when you beat her.

While talking, the sages suggested that the record statistics had begun. Xiaoyang's industry fire points are as high as 16,000, and there are still more than 8,000 left after deducting 7600 points, plus two hell medals, one each for the Rasha level and one for the hungry ghost level.

Then the self-service treatment terminal still appears, just like Wangxiangtai. Xiao Yang's injury this time was not as serious as last time. It was quickly cured and only took 20 points.

Xiao Yang came out from there and saw Peng Fei wavling to himself. Peng Fei said, "I just tried. The self-service personal terminal is to find this big sage to open it."

After saying that, Peng Fei took the initiative to explain the use of the self-service personal terminal to the new couple. Xiao Yang didn't care about this and opened the self-service personal terminal in front of the sages.

Micro sages appeared. Xiao Yang did not operate by himself at this time and said directly, "Find the teleport gun for me!"

Both levels suffered a great loss of the teleportation gun, and Xiao Yang himself also wanted to get the teleportation gun. This thing may be very expensive, but it really works at the critical moment.

As a result, two light spots appeared in the glass cover. Xiao Yang was a little surprised and clicked on the first one. He only heard the miniature sage: "Remote transmission gun, the longest transmission distance is 5 kilometers. 10,000 points of industry fire are needed, and there is no need for different energy.

The second is a short-range transmission gun, which requires 3,000 points within 1 kilometer. Xiao Yang is worried. 3,000 points is not cheap. Do you want this thing or not?

While Xiao Yang was hesitating, Su Feiqi's face suddenly appeared on the glass cover. Su Feiqi smiled at Xiao Yang: "Hi, captain."

Xiao Yang was stunned: "What is this? Video call?"

"You can choose to communicate where you click your own state, so that you can talk to your teammates. It's very convenient." Su Feiqi said, " By the way, I have something to ask the captain. That is, you are strengthening your physique now. What is that called?

"Elf Druid. Why do you also want to choose this enhancement?

"Well, I'll try." After saying that, Su Feiqi's face disappeared. Obviously, she hung up.

Less than three minutes later, Su Feiqi called again. This time, she looked like a bitter gourd: "Oh, captain, I can't even exchange that physique. The sages said that I was not used to the elf Druid physique and could not be transformed.

At this time, Xiao Yang knew that there was still an adaptive problem in his physique. No wonder the elf Druid's physique is so cheap, mostly because this physique is demanding, and many people can't transform it. In this way, Xiao Yang is really lucky.

Su Feiqi's face is depressed and her physique can't be transformed, so she can only choose other ways to strengthen it. Xiao Yang comforted her casually and then began to think about her own problems.

The transmission gun is put down for the time being. At present, there are still some more urgent problems to be solved.

First of all, it is a matter of physical fitness. Xiao Yang now has no time to carry out other physical transformations. First, he will find a way to dig out the potential of the elf Druid's physique. Druid... Although Xiao Yang's own understanding of Druids is very shallow, he also knows that in the fantasy world, Druid is a master who can use natural magic, healing and metamorphosis. What are Xiao Yang's skills now? Ferocious beast roar, beast soul variant, beast inspiration, plus wood spirit rejuvenation and beast language mastery, the rest is gone. That Muling rejuvenation is still incomplete, and I don't even know the spell. As for natural magic or arcane, I don't know anything about it.

"I said, the sages, how can I learn those skills related to my elf Druid's physique?" Xiao Yang looked at the miniature sage and asked.

"Please go to Chujiangyuan to exchange the Druid inheritance scroll. 1000 points are required, and a hungry ghost medal is required. The miniature sage replied.

Xiao Yangqi said, "Where is Chujiangyuan?"

"The secrets, scrolls, etc. needed for growth and cultivation physique must be exchanged in Chujiangyuan." The miniature sage asked, "Have you decided to go to Chujiangyuan?"

"Oh, okay, let me have a look." Xiao Yang regretted this as soon as he said it. He remembered that the last knife test made him almost hang up. Most of the unknown Chujiangyuan would also be in danger!

However, at this time, Xiao Yang was too late to regret. The scenery around him had changed and turned into an endless prairie. There is a blue sky overhead, and the sky is clear and cloudless. The wind blew very warmly, and Xiao Yang only felt that his heart had calmed down. Is this quiet and peaceful place really Chujiangyuan?

At this time, the miniature sage appeared in front of Xiao Yang, and Xiao Yang grabbed it: "I said the sage, this is Chujiangyuan? Where should I change the inheritance scroll?

"Elf Druid Inheritance Scroll, are you sure to exchange it?" The sages asked.


"The inheritance trial begins." The miniature sage said, "Please note that death in the trial is regarded as an official death."

Xiao Yang cursed. After deducting points and deducting the medal, you have to do this kind of trial and other things after deducting the medal. It's really an asshole. But forget it, this hell game itself is perverted enough. It's not surprising what happens. He is basically used to it.

When I was thinking about it, a two-tall gray bear slowly came from the distance. The miniature sage prompted: "The trial content, defeat the blade-tooth bear."

Xiao Yang thought that this was simple. Isn't it just a bear? He could blow it with a rocket launcher. As a result, he was just about to start the warehouse space and only heard the micro sage prompts, "Sorry, it is forbidden to use the warehouse space here."

Xiao Yang was shocked that he had even put the knife back into the warehouse space, and now he has no weapons in his hand. If you can't use the warehouse space, how to deal with this bear? He thought again that since it was a trial of Druid, he must use Druid's spells. Xiao Yang's body has returned to its best state when he was treated just now, and there is no problem even if he uses the beast soul variant.

So Xiao Yang said to himself, "Beast soul variant, diamond body, positive body transformation!"

"Sorry, it is forbidden to use any offensive skills here." The voice of miniature sages sounded like a death sentence. You can't use offensive skills, that is, you can't even use Blood Orchid Strike. Only then did Xiao Yang understand that this labor test actually wanted to fight with this bear with his flesh and blood!

Xiao Yang turned around and fled, but he stopped after running a few steps. This grassland is boundless, but where do you want to escape? Besides, it's not a way to escape. If you want to get the inheritance scroll, you still have to defeat the bear.

At this time, he also risked his life and turned around and ran to the blade-toothed bear. Although he can't use skills and weapons, his elf physique is still there, his agility and running speed are far beyond ordinary people, and there is no possibility to defeat the blade-tooth bear.

Xiao Yang ran to the blade-toothed bear, and the bear stretched out his palm and patted him. Although the bear's paw is delicious, it is a killing weapon when it is still on the bear. If it is next to this palm, the brain must be photographed. Xiao Yang knew how powerful it was, so he jumped sideways and dodged the blow. The blade-toothed bear then slapped again, and Xiao Yang hid again. The bear waved his palm dozens of times in a row and did not touch the corner of Xiao Yang's clothes. With Xiao Yang's current reaction, it is no problem to save his life under this attack. But now he is just passively dodging and can't think of a way to defeat this bear.

Taking advantage of the gap between the blade-tooth bear attack, Xiao Yang kicked the bear's stomach, but the bear felt nothing and slapped Xiao Yang again. Xiao Yang rolled away in a hurry and managed to avoid this.

The battle continues, and Xiao Yang has no way to cause damage to the blade-toothed bear. The bear became more and more brave, and he waved his palm faster and faster. When Xiao Yang was anxious, the two huge palms of the blade-toothed bear patted him at the same time. Seeing the huge palm patted in front of Xiao Yang, Xiao Yang suddenly grabbed it and fell over the shoulder to the bear! The blade-toothed bear fell to the ground and did not move.

Xiao Yang was surprised. The action just now was obviously not out of his own consciousness, but his subconscious instinctive reaction. But no matter what, it's too much to be able to throw this bear seriously injured at once. Xiao Yang looked at his right hand and saw that the King Kong's engraving was emitting a faint light. He knew that this was the instinctive reaction of his body through the experience of the King Kong Beast Soul, which could achieve the effect of four or two thousand pounds.

On the ground, the blade-toothed bear's body gradually blurred. When its body completely disappeared, a scroll appeared on the ground. As soon as Xiao Yang picked up the scroll, the scroll scattered into a light spot and fell on Xiao Yang, melted into his body and disappeared.

"Get the elf Druid inheritance scroll, and the reference method is to start the idea and look inside." The sages suggested.

Xiao Yang's mind moved, and a scroll came to his mind. There are dense alien words written on it, but Xiao Yang seems to have learned that kind of writing from birth, and all of them can understand them.

When Xiao Yang was looking at the scroll, the scenery of Chujiangyuan had completely disappeared, and he returned to the self-service personal terminal.

Xiao Yang stopped checking the scrolls. Anyway, the rest time here is a week, and it's okay to talk about it after learning spells. Now let's take a look at something else first.

The props here are almost endless. Xiao Yang turned over for a long time and saw several very practical things. Using the alien energy stealth cloak and the flying magic carpet are all 6,000 points plus a hungry ghost medal to exchange. Coupled with the 3000-point transmission gun, each one looks very useful. Xiao Yang didn't make a decision after thinking about it for a long time, but he didn't choose anything. He thought that it would take a long time. Don't worry too much. It's not too late to think about it and change it.

Xiao Yang was also tired and opened the random door and went to his room. As soon as I entered the door, I looked up and saw the faces of the sages. Xiao Yang somehow got angry and punched him with one punch. The other party was knocked to the ground by this punch, covered his face and shouted, "What are you doing! People saw you coming to greet you kindly. Why did you hit me?"

At this time, Xiao Yang remembered, oh, it was Yan Xiangyu.

"I'm sorry, I was upset when I saw that Xiao's face, so I failed." Xiao Yang pulled Yan Xiangyu up, "I didn't expect you to be there."

"You are such a person." Yan Xiangyu said, "But I don't care about you. By the way, you know, I found something very interesting.

"What's the matter?"

Yan Xiangyu smiled and said, "It's a secret about this hell game."

Hearing Yan Xiangyu's words, Xiao Yang became interested: "What's the secret?"

"During your absence, I carefully turned over the room. As a result, this thing was found. Yan Xiangyu said and pointed to the corner of the room. Chen Ang saw that there was an old-fashioned typewriter there, which was completely different from the luxurious modern style of the whole suite.

"That's not a typewriter. Come and have a look with me." Yan Xiangyu walked over as he spoke. Yan Xiangyu sat in front of the typewriter, and Xiao Yang also sat next to her.

When Yan Xiangyu touched the button on the left side of the typewriter, the thing made a sound: "The ninety-seventh debugging terminal is started. Please enter the startup password.

Xiao Yangqi said, "Do you still need a password for this thing?"

"Hmm." Yan Xiangyu said to that thing, "Start."

"The password is correct, and the system starts to start." The typewriter-like thing clicked twice, and then a virtual menu popped up. Almost all the options on the menu are not turned on, and only one "view record" can be selected.

Xiao Yang only felt strange: "I didn't hear you enter the password?"

"The word start is the password." Yan Xiangyu smiled and said, "I'm lucky. I guessed right at once."

"...what is this?" Xiao Yang asked.

"I don't know either. It is probably specially used by technicians to debug the system. Yan Xiangyu said, "I can only open web pages and chat on QQ on my computer. How can I understand such a complicated thing?"

"...I thought you had made some big discoveries." Xiao Yang hummed and reached out to touch the "view record" menu item. However, when he touched the menu item, the whole menu immediately disappeared.

"When the second person contacts the system, the system will automatically shut down. To start, please re-enter the password. That thing made a sound.

Xiao Yang was a little surprised and shouted, "Start."

"The password is wrong, please re-enter it."

Xiao Yang's eyes widened: "What's going on? Do you think my password is wrong?"

"No way." Yan Xiangyu looked at the thing and said, "Start!"

"The password is correct, and the system starts to start."

Xiao Yang was stunned for a long time and suddenly shouted, "I know! This thing is activated by the voiceprint password!"

"Voiceprint password?" Yan Xiangyu was shocked, "But why..."

Xiao Yang stared at Yan Xiangyu. It's really weird that this woman can start the system with her voiceprints. Yan Xiangyu looks similar to the sages, which can also be said to be a coincidence, but she actually has voiceprints that can start this strange system, which can never be described as a coincidence. Perhaps this woman named Yan Xiangyu is the biggest key to unlocking the secrets of the hell game!

"No...don't look at me like that. It's terrible." Yan Xiangyu couldn't stand being stared at by Xiao Yang and whispered.

"I'm sorry." Xiao Yang withdrew her eyes and stood up, "I'm going out for a while."

About Yan Xiangyu, Xiao Yang wants to discuss with Su Feiqi. Maybe Su Feiqi can find some useful clues from it.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xiangyu said, "Wait! I haven't finished telling you the secret I want to tell you.

"Didn't you finish?" Xiao Yangqi said, "Isn't this broken typewriter?"

"Of course not! What a secret!" Yan Xiangyu said, "I'm talking about what's in this 'check the record'."

Xiao Yang sat down again and watched Yan Xiangyu operate. Yan Xiangyu clicked on the "View Record" option, and the thing suddenly shouted "ah", which shocked Xiao Yang.

" to be replaced... collapsed... our world... Schrodinger... Adventist... hell... fusion... transformation... that's a conspiracy! Must...the sage...Möbius ring..."

A series of incoherent words came out of typewriter-like things. The more Xiao Yang listened, the more confused he became. He didn't even hear some words at all.

After these sounds disappeared, Yan Xiangyu said, "If you check the record at one click, this meaningless word will appear. I think these words must have something to do with the secrets of the hell game.

Xiao Yang thought about it and thought it was right, so he listened to the paragraph again and found a pen to write down all the words. After remembering, Xiao Yang turned around and was ready to leave, and Yan Xiangyu grabbed him. Xiao Yang frowned: "What else?"

"Can you spend more time with me?" Yan Xiangyu didn't dare to look at Xiao Yang's face and whispered, "Even if it's just one day... No, just one night..."

"... Your face is so like a sage who owes a beat. If I stay, I really don't know what I will do." Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Even so, do you want me to stay?"

"Hmm..." Yan Xiangyu seemed to have tears in his eyes, "... I don't care about anything. These days, I'm locked in this room alone and can't go anywhere. I've had enough! I've had enough of this life like a death row prisoner! As long as you can accompany me, whatever