Fruit Empire


In the nursing room, five people are now standing. The person on the far right wearing a white coat is the middle-aged man who just framed Xiao Yang and others at the airport. On his left stood a dry old man, with a pair of small eyes buried in deep wrinkles. In the middle stood a tall man, with a strange ghost mask completely covering his face and unable to see his face. To the left are two twin women who look almost identical. They look good, but there is no expression on their faces, just like two dolls.

"Head, I'm sorry, I messed up." The man in white coat was afraid to look at the masked man in the center, "I... I really didn't expect them to suddenly attack me and make me appear in front of Chris."

The masked man didn't seem to hear the words of the man in the white coat and didn't say anything. The old man said in a cold voice, "Incompetent fool! Not only did it fail to fail those living people's tasks, but even lost them! You are still embarrassed to escape back!"

"No, it's not my fault! It just happened to be...ah!" The man in the white coat screamed, and his body was split in half from the middle! At this time, the old man was taking back a knife as thin as a cicada's wings. Obviously, it was he who cut the man in the white coat into two just now.

After several minutes, the white man's body recovered and lay on the ground gasping like a dog.

"No. 5, if you feel that you have too much rebirth potential, I will cut it off for you at any time." The old man stepped on the face of the man in the white coat, "Do you understand, little rabbit!"

"I... I know..."

"Okay, No. 2, a little punishment is enough." The masked leader said at this time. The old man immediately withdrew his feet according to his order.

The man in white coat stood up, wiped his face, and whispered, "Thank you... thank you, leader."

"Don't think you're all right. I just want to give you a chance to make atonement. The leader said, "This time, you act with No. 3 and No. 4 to take those living people..."

"What!" The man in white coat interrupted the leader in surprise, "Call the two monsters to come with me..."

"This is an order." The leader turned to the two women, "You go with No. 5, find those living people, catch them and take them to the base camp."

The doll-like women did not reply, but silently walked to the white-coed man.

"Lead..." The old man frowned, "Why did you arrest them? Isn't our plan going well?"

"This team of live people is very dangerous. So I changed my mind and would rather arrest them until the end of the time. The leader said, "Only in this way is the safest way to destroy their mission."

The old man brushed his beard and nodded.

"Head, although we can't kill those living people directly, there are so many pursuers here. We can also use these pursuers to deal with them first. There is no need to capture them alive now, right?" The man in white coat said again.

"Do you think the leader is as stupid as you? These pursuers only listen to Alfred. Now that Alfred is dead, we can't use these pursuers again!" The old man stared at the man in white coat, "I understand, just take these two to do business together!"

The twin woman has come to the white-robed man by this time. The man in white coat only felt cold and said hurriedly, "You go ahead!" They walked in front of the man in white coat. The latter breathed a sigh of relief and followed them obediently to the training room.

After the three went far away, the old man said, "Head, I want to know why you asked those two crazy people to go together?"

"No. 5 is not enough to deal with that team of living people." The masked leader said, "No. 3 and No. 4 can be guaranteed to capture them alive."

The old man said puzzledly, "But if those two madmen go wild, they are likely to kill all the living people. Even if there are taboo regulations, they will do so.

"This is just right." The leader said, "Anyway, it's No. 3 and No. 4, it won't be us. It is also useful to let No. 3 and No. 4 die together with the strongest combat power among the living.

"Do you want to sacrifice them?"

"No. 3 and No. 4 are difficult to control." The leader said coldly, "Instead of making them troublesome in the future, it's better to get rid of them now."

The old man couldn't help but feel cold. The scheming of this leader is really terrible.

Xiao Yang and his party guarded in the dry well. They are about 200 meters from the entrance of the cave. From this position, you can clearly see the situation at the bottom of the well. No one spoke, and the surroundings were very quiet, and even the sound of small insects crawling on the ground was extremely clear.

Xiao Yang did not take the rocket launcher, but clenched the Japanese walker's knife in his hand. This is because rocket launchers cannot be used casually in this underground passage, and the main force of this battle is Peng Fei, and others, including Xiao Yang, only play the role of assistance.

After about three hours, everyone was distracted and relaxed. However, at this moment, Wang Hanren suddenly shouted: "There are three black forks on the radar approaching this way!"

Xiao Yang regained his energy. These soul messengers are finally coming.

The white-gown man - that is, No. 5, was searching for the traces of Xiao Yang's team outside the bushes. Of course, his white coat has been scratched, and he has already changed another jacket. The twin women in front of him walked forward at a very slow speed.

"There is a living reaction." No. 5 said to himself, "Those living people are ahead."

5 took out a small telescope and looked in the direction of the bush. However, nothing can be seen in the field of vision of the telescope. No. 5 only felt strange and said, "You two go ahead first, and I will follow up."

The twins obeyed the order like robots and moved forward quickly, while No. 5 carefully followed them. Two minutes later, the twin sisters stopped. On the 5th, it was found that there was a wellhead less than five meters away in front of the twin sisters.

5 came to the well and looked down and found that it was a dry well, and there was an underground passage at the bottom of the well. You can't see the underground passage from here, but it seems to be very deep inside.

"Stupid living people, do you think there's nothing we can do about hiding in here?" No. 5 stood up and waved his hand to the twin sisters. "You two go down and arrest those five living people. Remember not to kill them, otherwise even you, as monsters, will disappear.

The twins still jumped directly into the dry well without saying a word. However, as soon as they landed, dozens of transparent vines stretched out from the ground and completely tied them up. The spikes on the vines pierced their bodies and began to absorb their vitality.

Xiao Yang in the underground passage secretly came, but the good times were not long. After only a few seconds, the blood-sucking vines suddenly let go of the twins! Xiao Yang was shocked and quickly ordered the vines to attack, but the vines did not respond at all.

The vines gradually decayed and disappeared due to the loss of nutrient supply. The twin women 3 and 4 walked blankly to the entrance of the underground passage, and then peeped motionlessly into the darkness. Xiao Yang was a little surprised, but immediately came to his senses, pulled out the grenade gun and shot No. 3 and No. 4 first. Others also quickly entered a state of battle and picked up guns and shot at the two women. The bullet quickly penetrated their bodies, but their bodies quickly returned to their original state and could not cause fatal damage to them at all.

Strangely, despite being hit by bullets, the two women still did not move, just like two standing corpses.

"Stop shooting, I'll meet them." Peng Fei said and took a step forward. At this time, his arms turned into sharp edges and silky tentacles, and he completely entered the combat state. Xiao Yang had seen his monster-like posture, which was not surprising; but it was the first time for others to see Peng Fei become like this. Although they didn't say anything, they were a little panicked.

Peng Fei probably noticed the strange eyes of everyone, sighed gently, and then said, "You are all waiting here. I went to capture the two women alive by myself."

Although these soul messengers must be eliminated in the end, it is not the right time. Only three of the nine soul messengers came, and only two appeared. In this case, of course, it is better to capture them and then ask for the information of other enchanted messengers.

Peng Fei moved forward quickly and came to No. 3 and No. 4 in one breath. The silky tentacles on his arms stretched rapidly towards the twin women!

However, these tentacles did not capture them as they wished. Before the tentacles touched them, their bodies disappeared like magic. When Peng Fei was surprised, there was a sudden pain in his back, and his whole body flew up and hit the stone wall of the underground passage. At this time, No. 3 and No. 4 reappeared, and they each raised a slender leg and maintained a kicking posture.

"It's so fast!" Even Xiao Yang, who was watching the battle, couldn't help shouting out. Even the hunters who infected Xiao Yang and Su Feiqi when they first entered this level would never have such a speed. Fortunately, their attack does not seem to be very powerful, otherwise I'm afraid Peng Fei can't deal with them.

Peng Fei stood up from the ground again and was almost unharmed. His body has been transformed by the T-Veronica virus and has become extremely strong, and this level of attack has no effect on him at all.

3 and 4 were about to launch a new round of attacks, but their bodies suddenly half knelt on the ground. For the first time, their faces showed a little pain. Peng Fei immediately took the opportunity to rush to them, and the sharp blades on his arms penetrated their abdomen and nailed them to the wall. The two soul messengers resisted for a while and found that they could not break away, so they gave up resistance and remained motionless.

No one expected that the two soul messengers would make such a move, and they were all dumbfounded. In everyone's impression, the soul messengers are extremely vicious and will never give up. They have never seen such freaks who will take the initiative to give up.

A few seconds later, Peng Fei came to his senses and said, "Next, I want to ask you a few questions. If you don't answer or lie deliberately, we will never be polite to you.

Xiao Yang also took the knife and walked to the two soul messengers and threatened, "Don't think you are soul messengers, we can't do anything about it. We are well aware of the potential for rebirth. I can cut off your heads at any time until your rebirth potential energy is exhausted.

However, the two of them were still expressionless, neither talking nor moving, as if they were dead. Xiao Yang was about to give them a little power, but Peng Fei stopped him. When Xiao Yang was strange, he saw Peng Fei sticking out more silky tentacles from his arms and stabbed them from the wound on their chest and abdomen.

"My tentacles contain highly infectious viruses. If you still don't cooperate--" Peng Fei's expression has never been so cruel. "I promise to inject the virus into your body and turn you into ugly monsters."

Xiao Yang's heart was also stunned. Peng Fei would say such a thing, even he didn't expect it.

At this time, I was a little impatient to wait for No. 5 outside the well. No. 3 and 4 and those living people are obviously fine, but the battle between them has long ended. No. 5 couldn't figure out what happened in the underground passage at the bottom of the well.

So No. 5 decided to go to the underground passage to have a look. He took a stone in his hand and slid down the rock wall of the dead well. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got to the bottom of the well, he saw No. 3 and No. 4 nailed to the stone wall, while Xiao Yang and others surrounded No. 3 and No. 4.

Xiao Yang and others also found the appearance of No. 5 and were ready to attack him. However, at this time, the change was sudden!

Peng Fei only felt a stomachache, and his whole body suddenly bumped into the rear. When I came back to my senses, No. 3 and No. 4 had disappeared! On the other side, Xiao Yang was just about to attack No. 5, but saw No. 3 and No. 4 appearing in front of No. 5, and their hands penetrated his chest and abdomen like sharp blades.

"Fuck! You! Ah--" No. 5 screamed. At the next moment, his pupils were shattered and his body squirmed like an amoeba, looking very terrible. The next moment, No. 5's hands burst open, and countless blood splashed on everyone.

Everyone in Xiaoyang's team was shocked. What the hell are these two women doing?

"This is my skill, mitochondria*." No. 4 gently opened his cherry lips and said clear words for the first time, "This guy's body has completely collapsed and is completely under our control. Not only that, the blood he splashed on you can be said to be chronicly poisonous, and within 12 hours, you will die of internal rot.

"What do you mean by these words?" Xiao Yang clenched his fist and asked.

"Live people, we want to make a deal with you." When he said this, No. 3's robot-like face also showed a smile.

Cultivation room.

"Lead, although the combat effectiveness of No. 3 and No. 4 is not bad, it should be easy to control them with your ability." The old man No. 2 said, "Actually, there is no need..."

"The most dangerous thing is not their combat effectiveness." The masked man said, "What I'm worried about is that the cold-blooded and silent obedience of these two women is just their disguise."

After listening to the words of the twin soul messenger, Xiao Yang frowned. At first, when the man's blood splashed on Xiao Yang's skin, he didn't feel anything special, but now he felt a chill in his body, which really seemed to be poisoned. He touched his forehead and felt that his body temperature had dropped a lot, which was very abnormal.

Xiao Yang looked at other people and found that their faces were as ugly as himself. In this way, the twin sisters should not have lied, and the possibility of poisoning is quite high.

However, Xiao Yang also noticed another situation, that is, Peng Fei's expression was still as usual. By the way, his body has been modified by Veronica virus, and his physique is no different from that of monsters. He should be immune to toxicity.

"Are you the leader of these people?" No. 4 looks at Xiaoyang, "About our transaction..."

Xiao Yang said calmly, "Let's talk about it first. If the conditions are good, we can also agree.

"It's very simple. You help us with our plan and help us deal with two difficult bastards. No. 3 said, "We will give you the antidote when it is done and promise not to disturb your task again."

At this time, Peng Fei said, "We are enemies incompatible with water and fire. Why should we believe your words?"

As Peng Fei said, the soul messengers have always destroyed their mission at all costs. It is really difficult for them to believe the words of the soul messenger.

"We are indeed in flames, but that doesn't mean we can't cooperate. Frankly speaking, we need to use your strength. No. 3 said, "As for you, you can win the chance to survive as long as you accept our deal. On the contrary, if you refuse our deal, you will die a miserable death. You have all worked hard to this point, and it is not cost-effective to die like this. We all have what each other wants. Isn't it good to take what you need?"

Although No. 3 and No. 4 at this time smiled, it still gave people a gloomy feeling like just now. Just beside them, No. 5 has completely turned into a disgusting meatball. Although he still has a lot of rebirth potential, his body can't recover to adulthood at all.

Peng Fei nodded to Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang looked at his teammates again and made up his mind to say, "...Okay. We accepted this deal.

"Wise choice." No. 3 seems quite satisfied. "You are really an excellent captain. I believe that our cooperation will be successful.

"Don't be happy so early." Peng Fei said, "We still have some conditions on this side."

Peng Fei's condition is that No. 3 and No. 4 prove that they can indeed come up with an antidote. After looking at No. 4 and No. 3, they took out a white pill and handed it to Wang Hanren's hand. Wang Hanren took the pill and looked at Xiao Yang hesitantly. Seeing the latter nodded, he swallowed the pill.

A few minutes later, Wang Hanren's expression returned to normal and his body temperature returned to normal. It seems that this pill is really effective.

"Well, then you can trust us." No. 4 said.

"Well, that's good." Peng Fei said this, and suddenly a sharp blade stretched out on his arm and suddenly penetrated the abdominal cavity of No. 4. No. 4 immediately prepared to fight back, but her sister No. 3 grabbed her and looked at Peng Fei, "What do you mean?"

"Inject her with immune virus serum." Peng Fei said indifferently, accept