Fruit Empire


However, something unexpected is that the stairs are full of various obstacles - abandoned iron pipes, earth and stone, furniture, etc., blocking the whole ladder.

Peng Fei exhaled and said, "It seems that we are too careful. I'm afraid they only set a trap at the door. As for the interior of this lighthouse, they have adopted the method of using obstacles to prevent the enemy from invading.

Xiao Yang nodded. It takes a lot of things to make a lot of traps, and there is only some debris nearby that can be used by Chris and Jill. That's why they can only build roadblocks. In fact, this is good, at least everyone is much less likely to be in danger. And although these obstacles are troublesome for monsters who are irrational after being infected, they are not a problem for human beings.

When Xiao Yang thought so, Peng Fei had already stepped up the stairs. However, he had just taken less than three steps upward, and a bell suddenly sounded in the tower. The sound was extremely sharp, and it felt like a needle in the eardrum. Everyone felt creepy and instinctively lay on the ground.

But the danger expected did not come. On the contrary, the sound of footsteps came from the top.

Xiao Yang stood up and looked up. There is no doubt that the person standing on the top platform is Jill. Of course, Jill also saw Xiao Yang and others at this time, and her expression suddenly changed: "You..."

"Miss Jill, we meet again." Xiao Yang smiled at Jill.

At this time, a man's voice sounded from behind Jill: "Gill, how's it going?"

It was Chris who spoke. When Jill heard this and turned her head, Chris had also come from the platform. As soon as he saw Xiao Yang and others, he frowned: "Is it you again?"

Desp, Chris can't see so much hostility in his eyes last time.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Chris." Xiao Yang said and looked at Jill again, "Miss Jill, you should have proved our innocence to Mr. Chris."

Jill nodded: "I've already told Chris about that."

Jill's "that incident" refers to Claire's death. At that time, because of the tricks of the enchanted messengers, Xiao Yang and others were framed as the murderers of Claire, which was difficult to argue. Moreover, Jill, who witnessed Claire being sniped by others, also fell into a coma and could not prove the innocence of Xiao Yang and others. After that, Chris took away the unconscious Jill. Presumably, after Jill woke up, Chris asked her about the details of Claire's death, and she told the truth.

Chris closed his eyes in pain when he heard Jill's words. Probably because he thought of his sister Claire, he became sad again.

"Mr. Chris, Miss Jill, I have a request." Xiao Yang said, "We have found a ship that can escape from this island. I hope you can come down and act with us."

Unexpectedly, Chris definitely rejected the proposal: "No, we appreciate your kindness. Don't worry about us. Let's go by yourselves."

Xiao Yang stared at Chris: "Don't you trust us?"

Chris's tone suddenly increased several times, pointing to Peng Fei and said, "With Jill's words, I can believe that you didn't kill Claire. But this doesn't mean I can trust you! I saw with my own eyes that he is a monster infected with the virus! You say you are from the anti-Ambrera organization, but you are with such a monster! I'm sure you're lying!"

Peng Fei said calmly: "You're right. I did accidentally infected with the T Veronica virus. But I can control my body, so don't worry.

However, Chris immediately pointed his gun at Xiao Yang: "Don't say anything. You leave here immediately. Otherwise, I won't be polite."

Xiao Yang sighed to himself. This situation is what he expected. I'm afraid we can only use coercion next.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang gave Peng Fei a look. He believes that the IQ of future people should be able to understand what he means immediately.

However, Peng Fei did not act immediately, but looked up to Chris and said, "Mr. Chris, we are kind to take you with us. You just said that you were waiting for reinforcements, but I remember that your helicopter had exploded, and you didn't take any communication equipment off the plane at that time, did you? In this case, what do you use to call for reinforcements?

Chris said coldly, "We found a portable radio device at the airport, and we used it to send a signal for help to my friends in Europe. At most in half an hour, they will fly a helicopter.

Xiao Yang realized that Chris and Jill were playing with radio equipment at the top of the tower just now. No wonder they are confident to stay in this tower. It turns out that they have already found a way out.

Then in this case, you can only...

"Woo--" Far away, the sound of the propeller turning came. Xiao Yang was shocked. Damn it, did the helicopter called by Chris really come?

Xiao Yang was going to break through the obstacles on the stairs and catch Chris and Jill. But it's too late to do this now. He looked at Peng Fei beside him and saw that he was also frowned and thinking about other ways.

Xiao Yang looked up at the top platform again.

"Bang--" Chris shot the inner wall of the lighthouse.

"This is a warning. I ask you to leave immediately." Chris said very seriously.

Xiao Yang ignored his words and looked at Jill: "Miss Jill, do you really don't want to go with us?"

Jill has not intervened in Chris's conversation with everyone before, but from her expression, she does not seem to fully agree with Chris. Therefore, Xiao Yang pinned his hope on Jill. After all, everyone has a life-saving kindness to Jill, and Jill should be better at talking.

Sure enough, Jill hesitated. But when Xiao Yang thought she would agree, Jill shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I still think it's better to act with Chris."

Xiao Yang wanted to continue talking, but Peng Fei stopped him: "Brother Yang, let's go."

Looking at Peng Fei's expression, it seems that he has other plans. Xiao Yang could only listen to his advice and led the team out of the lighthouse.

After leaving the lighthouse, Xiao Yang asked Peng Fei, "What do you think of?"

"I want to... blow up the helicopter that came to save them." This is the strategy Peng Fei said.

At the place where the sea and the sky meet, a helicopter without any sign flew over. At its current speed, it is estimated that there is still one minute to reach under the lighthouse.

Xiao Yang and others were under the high cliff at this time, surrounding the ambulance and looking at the helicopter from afar.

"Brother Yang, just beat it down as I said." Peng Fei urged.

Xiao Yang held a rocket launcher in his hand, but did not carry it up and aim at the helicopter. He has two concerns now.

First of all, the people on the helicopter may also be system protection figures. Therefore, the launch of the helicopter is likely to cause everyone's points to be deducted again. You know, so far, everyone has been running for their lives and basically didn't get much points. On the contrary, they have been deducted a lot of points. In particular, Xiao Yang's own negative points are extremely amazing. If the points continue to be deducted, it will be very troublesome.

In addition, this is not hidden and is likely to be seen by Chris or Jill. In that case, the whole team will lose their trust forever.

Peng Fei said, "This will indeed cause some problems. But anyway, if we don't use rockets to bomb down the helicopter now, our mission may fail immediately. There is no time to think about it. Let's shoot."

Xiao Yang knew that Peng Fei was right. The helicopter is already very close to the lighthouse. If you gritate any longer, you won't even have a chance to shoot it. Xiao Yang took a deep breath and picked up the rocket launcher.

However, only a moment later, he put down the rocket launcher and put it back into the warehouse space.

"Huh?" Peng Fei was shocked. The rest of the people also looked at Xiao Yang in surprise. Luo Ruzhi asked, "Captain, have you decided not to shoot that helicopter?"

"Of course not. It's just that I'm not going to use a rocket launcher. There is something that may be much better than a rocket launcher. Xiao Yang said this and took out another weapon from the warehouse space.

That's a transport gun that hasn't been used for a long time.

"So that's it!" Peng Fei was relieved, "I understand."

There are only two crew members on the helicopter, namely the pilot and the co-pilot. Xiao Yang first aimed the pilot on the helicopter with a transmission gun and then pressed the trigger. The pilot on the helicopter was then moved to the beach. Next, even the co-pilot was moved to the beach with a gun.

On the lighthouse, Chris and Jill also saw the helicopter, and they waved to the helicopter, hoping that it would fly over. However, the helicopter flew high over their heads and soon hit the peak in front of them and crashed directly.

Under the high cliff, Xiao Yang's teammates saw the scene of the helicopter crash. Luo Ruzhi shouted, "Oh, my God, this teleport gun can still be used like this!"

"It's kind of my wisdom in a hurry." Xiao Yang stepped forward and said, "Okay, don't waste any more time. Let's go to the lighthouse and talk to Chris again. Now he will probably change his mind.

The top floor of the lighthouse. Looking at the wreckage of the helicopter, Chris couldn't say a word. What the hell is going on?

At this time, Jill said, "I just saw no one on the plane."

"No one? How did the helicopter come here? Chris is very confused.

"I don't know. Maybe something happened to the pilot on the way. I said, otherwise--" Jill suggested to Chris, "Let's go with those people just now."

"No, never!" Chris shook his head and said, "I will never go with them!"

"They saved me once. I believe they are not malicious. We..."

" Shut up!" Chris can no longer see the usual calmness on his face. "If you want to go with them, go by yourself!" I will never go!"

"Papa--" With a burst of applause, someone behind them said, "What a wise decision."

Chris and Jill turned around at the same time and pointed the gun at the speaker. It was a blonde woman in an evening dress without any weapons in her hands. Chris asked warily, "Who are you?" How did you get up?"

"Of course, it came up after destroying those obstacles without your attention." The woman smiled and said, "Otherwise, do you think I flew up?"

Chris clenched the gun in his hand: "Are you also with that group of people just now?"

"No. I'm their enemy." The blonde woman said and stretched out her hand to Chris. "Okay, handsome Chris, come and get out of this place with me."

Xiao Yang and others came to the lighthouse again. Just as they were about to enter the inside of the lighthouse, Xiao Yang suddenly stopped. Wang Hanren asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yang's face turned pale and looked up at the top of the lighthouse. Just now, he suddenly heard several consecutive gunshots from the top of the lighthouse, so he was a little panicked and wanted to find out what had happened immediately.

It was not Jill or Chris who first entered Xiao Yang's vision, but a blonde woman standing on the top. She was wearing a gorgeous evening dress, but because of her back to Xiao Yang, Xiao Yang could not see her face clearly.

Jill was standing not far in front of the woman, holding a gun in her hand and constantly shaking. Xiao Yang was extremely surprised. Jill, the first heroine of Resident Evil, who has never been fearless, is actually shaking?

However, more amazing things are yet to come. The blonde woman smiled and pushed something in her arms forward, and the thing fell to the ground.

"Ah--" Xiao Yang screamed in horror! Oh my God! Why...

"Chris, the core character, died." The voice of the sages sounded ruthlessly.

All the people were stunned. They all know that it's over, it's all over!

Xiao Yang knelt to the ground, hammered the ground with his fist, and even pounded blood. It's so unwilling to fail inexplicably!

"All deduction points are 2,000 points." The prompt of the sages continues, "The main task route has changed. Please take Gil Valentine to the pre-prepared ship.

What! Xiao Yang couldn't believe his ears. Obviously, the core character died, but only deducted points, but the task did not fail?

Wait, it seems that I made a mistake. At that time, the original words of the sages should be "Once Jill dies, the task will be immediately judged as a failure." Damn, it turns out that "the death of the core character is equivalent to the failure of the mission", which is just a misunderstanding of everyone! Only Jill's death will lead to the failure of the mission!

However, although Xiao Yang figured this out, he did not relax at all. Since even Chris is dead, Jill is also very dangerous. Now we have to save Jill quickly!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang immediately took out his transmission gun and shot at the top floor of the lighthouse! His target was Jill, but the blonde woman just took a step forward and stood in front of Jill! So, she was transmitted to Xiao Yang's side under the lighthouse!

At this time, Xiao Yang finally saw the appearance of the blonde woman. Her emerald eyes were full of charming eyes, and the charming smiling face made Xiao Yang feel as if he had seen her somewhere.

The blonde woman looked at Xiao Yang and shook her head helplessly. Xiao Yang suddenly woke up: "Rina!"

Blonde and blue eyes, this is the true face of the heroine Rena in Parasite Eve. After she became the No. 3 soul messenger, she probably changed her appearance.

"You can recognize me with a good vision." Rena said, "But your luck is not so good."

Xiao Yang roared, "Bastard! killed Chris!"

"You misunderstood. We, such as the soul messenger, will be eliminated once the core character is killed. Rina said, "I didn't kill people."

"Damn it! You must have tamped it!" Xiao Yang said angrily, "You..."

"I admit this. But I remember I said that we will be enemies when we meet again, right? Reina said and stretched out the terrible wings from behind, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can be polite to you anymore."

Rina flapped her bone wings quickly, and everyone immediately felt the huge wind pressure coming towards them. The sand and stones nearby, the wind blew so that everyone's eyes could not open. Xiao Yang immediately called the bleeding vines, but they did not pester Rina. Rena's movement speed was unbelievable. In an instant, she moved to Xiao Yang's side, and then--

is missing.

Xiao Yang looked around in surprise, but did not find Rena at all.

"Don't look for it. I'm here." From the top of Xiao Yang's head, Rena's voice came. Xiao Yang immediately raised his head and saw her floating in the air, flapping the bone wings like a huge butterfly. There is no skin or flesh on the bone wings, but they can fly like a pair of real wings. This kind of scene looks quite strange.

Xiao Yang was not afraid. He took out a grenade gun and shot at Rena. However, Reina disappeared in front of his eyes again. Xiao Yang was shocked. He hurriedly threw away the grenade gun, put on the teleportation gun, and pulled the trigger at himself!

The next moment, Xiao Yang appeared on the top platform of the lighthouse and stood in front of Jill. Almost at the same time, Reina also came to him.

"I want to hit the east and the west, but unfortunately you took the lead." Reina turned around simply, "That's it. See you later."

Xiao Yang also wanted to attack Reina, but the latter had already flown away from the lighthouse like a flash of lightning and soon became invisible. Xiao Yang leaned against the wall and took a breath. This Reina is so elusive.

Xiao Yang turned his head and looked at another person not far away. She is now sitting on the ground, and the gun she just held in her hand has been lost, and she is trembling all over.

"Gill?" Xiao Yang tried to call her name. However, it is useless. Jill's once bright eyes have lost their focus at this moment, as if even her soul had been taken away.

Xiao Yang regained his spirit and walked to Jill and took her hand: "Get up!"

Gil still didn't respond, so Xiao Yang had to squat down to make