Fruit Empire


like rushing forward, making people worry that it will suddenly fly out of the mountain road and fall to the bottom of the valley. The mud splashed on Xiao Yang, and the water turned out to be warm. Xiao Yang said that the car was really crazy, and the rotation of the wheels could actually heat up the water.

Can you drive slowly? This is too dangerous!" Wang Hanren made a sound.

"Don't worry, I promise that this car won't roll over." Luo Ruzhi said confidently, "Being that time is tight now, we should try to do it as soon as possible."

Luo Ruzhi is indeed a driver in the army, and his driving skills are extraordinary. Even if the speed is so fast, he still drives steadily, and he can't see a tight look on his face.

Xiao Yang was also relieved to see Luo Ruzhi so calm. As a newcomer who came in for the first time, Luo Ruzhi's performance is impeccable.

Xiao Yang's hand is on the red button to cover it. Except for Xiao Yang, no one has noticed the existence of this button. This button is a little strange. In order to avoid unnecessary worries and panic among his teammates, Xiao Yang has to temporarily cover the button so that others can't see it.

The jeep overturned several shorter hillsides and quickly reached the edge of the island's highest peak. Xiao Yang suddenly shouted, "Stop, there is a mudslide in front of you!"

Luo Ruzhi immediately stopped the car. After only a few seconds, a torrent of mud and stone rushed down less than 100 meters ahead. A huge tree held by three people was instantly broken by the mudslide and merged into the torrent.

If Xiao Yang shouts a little later, the car will end up with the tree.

Luo Ruzhi started the jeep again. Peng Fei said urgently, "The mudslide is not over yet!"

"The mudslide is dozens of minutes short and lasts for several hours. Waiting for it to end here is almost the same as waiting for death. Luo Ruzhi turned the front of the car and said, "Let's make a detour to the hillside on the left this time."

No one objected this time. In front is a mudslide, and on the right is an unknown river. If you want to go, you can only go to the left.

The jeep drove up the hill on the left and continued to drive forward. There is not as much water on the hillside here as there, and the possibility of encountering mudslides is much smaller. However, Xiao Yang still did not dare to relax. He concentrated on his super vision and hearing and paid attention to the situation ahead.

Peng Fei suddenly frowned. A smell like a rotten egg floated over the mountain, which made him feel very uncomfortable. He thought that it was probably something corrupt to emit such a smell, so he didn't tell everyone. In fact, the smell was quite light, and only Peng Fei, who had the sharpest sense of smell, smelled it, and even Xiao Yang did not smell it.

The car has been driving for about 10 minutes, and it has driven halfway through the mountains. After the mountain area, you will reach the seaside, which is very close to the designated beach.

However, at this moment, Wang Hanren called out: "Red dot! There is a red dot approaching us quickly!"

A red dot did appear on the enemy radar again, located directly behind the crowd. In just half a minute, the distance between it and the crowd was shortened by half. The speed of this red dot is unbelievable!

Xiao Yang didn't have time to warn of the mudslide in front of him, and immediately turned back to see where the red dot was. However, to his surprise, he could not see anything moving within a few hundred meters behind the car.

"The red dot is about to catch up with our car!" Wang Hanren shouted.

With a "clap" sound, a claw mark was scratched on the back cover of the car. Seeing this scene, Xiao Yang immediately understood the identity of the other party - the invisible Alexia again! Presumably, it washed away the purple blood that Peng Fei sprinkled on its whole body, and then chased everyone again.

"All the firepower is aimed directly above the back cover of the car!" Xiao Yang shouted as he picked up the grenade gun and fired it. The other party only has the ability to be invisible, so it should still be able to shoot.

But just as everyone began to shoot in unison, Xiao Yang suddenly heard a roaring sound behind him - that is, in front of the car.

That's the sound of mudslides.

Xiao Yang looked back and saw that the mudslide had just rushed down from the top of the mountain, less than two kilometers away from everyone. In front is a mudslide that can destroy everything, and behind is the transparent Alexia. The situation is quite serious.

And what's more worrying is that everyone's bullets did not hit the target, and all of them only hit the air. Xiao Yang listened carefully to the sound behind the car, and his face changed greatly: "Stop shooting! That guy is in the horizontal line at the rear of the car, so he can't be beaten!"

Xiao Yang's prediction is not wrong. At this time, Alexia was leaning behind the rear of the car and flying close to the ground, so the bullet could not touch it at all.

"That's it!" Luo Ruzhi said and stepped on the brakes. At the same time, he slammed the steering wheel and shook the rear of the car. He only heard a "bang--" sound, as if something was thrown out by the tail of the car and hit the mountain wall.

" Sit down, I'm going to speed up!" Luo Ruzhi shouted like this and suddenly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The speed of the jeep is still very slippery. If you accelerate like this, the car is likely to fly out, but now he can't take care of that much.

"Wait! The mudslide is about to rush down! If you drive over like this..." Xiao Yang saw the number on the speedometer and suddenly changed his mind, "Don't worry, keep rushing, maybe we can rush over!"

The speed of the jeep has now exceeded 120 kilometers per hour. According to the speed of the debris flow, it will take about two minutes to rush down. In two minutes, the jeep can run 4 kilometers. In this way, it should be enough to leave the impact range of the mudslide.

Xiao Yang stared at the enemy's radar. On it, the red dot representing Alexia's figure has approached the crowd again. This thing is simply like a bone maggot that can't be driven away. Xiao Yang racked his brains to think about it but still hasn't come up with a solution.

Peng Fei stretched out the pair of imperfect wings from his body and opened them like a canopy, covering everyone inside. Not only that, Peng Fei also showed more than a dozen sharp blades on his wings to defend against Alexia's attack. Peng Fei's body is so weak that he can grow these sharp blades is his limit.


Half a minute later, a sharp blade was ruthlessly broken. A few seconds later, even a big hole was opened in Peng Fei's wings. This Alexia's attack ability is so strong that Peng Fei in this state can't resist at all.

Xiao Yang raised his left arm high and activated the beast body skill. His left arm began to quickly cover flesh and blood tissue. In the blink of an eye, he put a miniature Tyrannosaurus tail on his left arm and swept over the car.

From Xiao Yang's left arm, there was a feeling of sweeping something. Xiao Yang thought that Alexia had been swept away, but the tail of the Tyrannosaurus Rex he had just picked up was half scratched by a paw! Xiao Yang felt that he was about to scold his mother - fucking, such an attack is not enough to sweep away Alexia!

Aleksia's claws blew the wind and grabbed the people in the car. But at this time, Xiao Yang installed a new Tyrannosaurus tail again and swept it with his feelings!

This time is more fierce and fierce, but Xiao Yang can obviously feel that the other party has not been swept away. When Xiao Yang was extremely angry, he saw Fang Xin stand up from the car and punched out the void!

"Ah--" a scream.

"Fang Xin!" Xiao Yang shouted out.

Fang Xin's whole arm was folded into a 90-degree right angle, and it felt like a damaged puppet. Fang Xin endured the severe pain and sat down with a miserable smile: "I finally beat that bastard away."

It turned out that Alexia was almost swept down by Xiao Yang, and Fang Xin tried his best to add the last one to it, and then beat it out. However, Fang Xin's arm was also fractured by this punch and almost died.

The red dot on the enemy's radar is getting farther and farther away from the center of the coordinates. It seems that Alexia is not so easy to catch up.

However, despite this, everyone's expressions were still very tight. There was a rumbling sound on the hillside, and the terrible mudslide rushed down the hillside crazily with the momentum of thousands of troops and horses.

Luo Ruzhi clenched his teeth and pressed his feet on the accelerator. It can be said that he even used his strength to breastfeed. The speed of the jeep has also stabilized at 130, and it seems impossible to rise any more.

However, the jeep has not yet left the impact range of the mudslide. The front end of the mudslide is only two or three hundred meters away from the jeep. Maybe everyone will be submerged in the mudslide and die tragically.

And the more unfavorable news is that the red dot Alexia rose up again and followed closely from behind. During the confrontation just now, its body was also splashed with mud and water, and the outline of its body could barely be seen. At this time, Peng Fei withdrew the pair of wings and put them into a shape similar to a fly swab. Xiao Yang removed the Tyrannosaurus tail on his left arm and replaced it with King Kong's arm.

After another half a minute, the jeep was only 30 meters away from the outer edge of the debris flow impact range. At this time, the distance between the striker and the jeep of the mudslide is ten meters, while Alexia is only one meter away from the rear of the car!

Aleksia arrived at the rear of the car. The front of the mudslide is close at hand. And almost at the same time, Peng Fei's "fly swap" patted over, and Xiao Yang's huge King Kong palm also fanned it. Alexia was fanned to the ground like a mosquito and rolled several times.

With this reaction force, the speed of the jeep was slightly improved, and it rushed out of the debris flow at the moment before the debris flow hit! The mudslide wiped the tail of the car and buried Alexia in an instant. Countless rocks, black mud and trees completely buried Aleksia below and continued to rush down.

At this moment, the wheels of the jeep slipped and suddenly rushed out of the mountain road to the right! Luo Ruzhi stepped on the brakes and tried his best to hit the steering wheel. He finally hung the car on the mountainside and did not fly down to the bottom of the valley.

Luo Ruzhi took a deep breath before he carefully began to reverse his car. He finally drove the jeep back to the mountain road and continued to drive forward at 70 kilometers per hour.

Xiao Yang sweated with lingering heart, and others were similar to him. Jill, who didn't even exert any strength, fell back on her seat, looking quite tired. This life-and-death race with the mudslide is really thrilling.

"Bear by the way, do you smell a very bad smell?" Peng Fei suddenly said. The smell of rotten eggs has been getting stronger and stronger since just now, which made Peng Fei a little worried.

Hearing Peng Fei's words, Xiao Yang also noticed this and said, "There is indeed such a stinky smell."

Luo Ruzhi's expression changed greatly: "The smell of rotten eggs? When did this smell start?

"About ten minutes ago." Peng Feidao.

As soon as the voice fell, a bright light flashed on the horizon ahead. Luo Ruzhi punched the steering wheel: "Damn it, even the ground light has come!"

Ground light, and rotten egg gas hydrogen sulfide. Thinking of this, Xiao Yang suddenly recalled the hot mud water that had just splashed on his body. The water was not heated by the jeep, but by the heat of the surface itself! Surface hot water, geolumination, sulfide gas... all illustrate a fact--

Luo Ruzhi gritted his teeth and shouted out: "How can..."

"Boom--" A loud noise completely swallowed up Luo Ruzhi's next voice. Thick smoke erupted from the top of this peak, and countless solids erupted from the top of the mountain!

Xiao Yang's speculation completely became a reality. Volcano, eruption!

In fact, the signs of volcanic eruptions began to appear a long time ago. The hot water on the surface and the leaking volcanic gas clearly indicate that the volcano is about to erupt. However, because too many things happened in a short period of time just now, no one paid attention to these details.

The momentum of volcanic eruptions is getting stronger and stronger, and countless magma erupting flows down the ridges. Wherever they flow, all the accumulated water is evaporated in an instant. As soon as the magma touched the trees, the trees were immediately broken, fell into the magma and burned, and soon turned into a pile of coke.

And the temperature of the surface also rises rapidly, and the accumulated water on the ground evaporates, forming a thin water mist.

With the explosion of volcanic gas, various rock fragments and solid fragments solidified by molten slurry were ejected from the crater. These volcanic debris spew quickly into the sky and then fell down like a meteor shower. Volcanic debris varies in size, a few centimeters in diameter, and falls to the ground like ordinary stones. This material is called volcanic gravel or volcanic block. And the large diameter is even several meters, just like a shell. This kind of thing is called a volcanic bomb. If hit by a volcanic bomb, even a hard rock will be smashed into a big hole, not to mention anything else. Not only that, these volcanic substances often have extremely high temperatures, and even if the human body is rubbed against the skin by very small volcanic gravel, it will cause serious burns.

Peng Fei tried his best to flap his wings to avoid small volcanic gravel and volcanic ash falling into the car. But he can only do this at most. If a large volcanic bomb really hits, that pair of wings will have no effect at all.

"What should I do? As long as the car is slightly touched by these things, we will be finished!" Wang Hanren said tightly.

Before he finished speaking, a volcanic bomb with a diameter of more than one meter had fallen from the sky and almost wiped the door on the left side of the jeep and hit the ground! Half of the iron sheet of the door was scraped off, and a hole bigger than the car itself was smashed on the ground next to the door just now. That tragic situation is as if it had been bombed by heavy mortars.

Fang Xin, who was sitting by the door, shouted "ah" - half of his left arm leaning against the door had been burned off!

All the people in the car were so loud that they couldn't say a word. It's really dangerous here! The power of volcanic eruptions is not something that humans can resist. Under the great power of nature, human beings are simply as small as ants. In fact, at this time, Xiao Yang could feel that there was almost infinite natural power in the erupting volcano, but he did not feel happy at all, but subconsciously felt terrible.

Luo Ruzhi's face has already oozed a dense layer of sweat, and both hands are trembling. The erupting volcano is a hundred times more frightening than any monster. Even in his mercenary career, he has never encountered such a critical situation!

However, he still held his spirit and grasped the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator to move forward. It is very close to the beach of the destination. As long as you can get through this journey to the ship, you can temporarily get safety.

The eruption of the volcano continues, and the flowing magma will melt and destroy all living animals and plants along the way. And those volcanic bombs that fell like shells were even more powerful and smashed the ground into potholes. The mountain road had been damaged for a long time, and Luo Ruzhi could only drive a jeep to carefully bypass those pits.

Xiao Yang was very anxious and kept tapping his head. What should we do and how to get out of this volcano safely!

In fact, there is still a way to say it. The full version of the King Kong body can use its extremely thick body to cover the whole car and move forward with the car. As long as they are not large volcanic bombs with a diameter of more than five meters, it should not be a big problem to stop them with the physical strength of the diamond body. Now the most difficult magma has not flowed here, and it is not difficult for the diamond body to walk on the ground.

However, there is a considerable problem with this scheme. After the last use of the beast soul variant, Xiao Yang's spirit has almost reached its limit and has not recovered yet. Even if he can barely use the "beast soul variant positive change", he doesn't know how long this positive change can last.

Xiao Yang's right palm stroked the red button. In addition to using the full version of the diamond body, pressing this red button may also save everyone's fate. It's just that this is more risky than using a positive body transformation. It is impossible to say whether this red button works or not. Maybe it is actually a self-explosion button, and everyone will be crushed as soon as it is pressed. Although this possibility is not very high, Xiao Yang is not ready to press this button casually.

Volcanic bombs and volcanic gravel continued to erupt, and Luo Ruzhi drove through the fire and rain. The road is terrible, there are big pits everywhere, and jeeps fall into pits from time to time. Fortunately, this car has excellent off-road performance so that it can't climb out.

Maybe it's because everyone is lucky that no volcanic bomb has hit the jeep directly. However, the eruption of volcanic bombs is becoming more and more dense, and the situation of people is becoming more and more dangerous. Xiao Yang was still hesitating at this time. Should we use the positive body to protect the car, or press that button? Or do nothing and rely on Luo Ruzhi's driving skills and everyone's luck?

Wang Hanren has closed his eyes. In the face of such a situation, she knew that she could do nothing and had no choice but to let her fate. Even Jill next to her grabbed her collar and prayed for God's blessing. Jill is not a devout Christian. But under such circumstances, what else can she do besides praying?
