Fruit Empire


Inertia raised his hand to see the situation on the enemy's radar. However, there is nothing on his left arm. He smiled self-deprecatingly. Not long ago, the watch had been left in the cave, and it was not available for the time being.

When the investigation is over, go to the place where the SOS logo is to get the watch back. Brother Yang will definitely find the small cave to get the watch. After that, as long as Brother Yang finds the SOS logo and sees Lin Yitu, he will definitely put the watch near the SOS logo. When you get back the watch, you can get in touch with your teammates.

Peng Fei pressed his temple. There is no need to think so far now. You'd better catch up with the guy in front of you and ask everything clearly. If it slips away, I'm afraid all the people will be finished.

"Let's go back now." Xiao Yang said to Luo Ruzhi. I don't know when Peng Fei's investigation will end, and the watch is also put here. Instead of waiting for Peng Fei here, it's better to go back and meet his teammates first.

"Wait, please take me!" Lin Yitu shouted.

"Come on." Xiao Yang looked at Lin Yitu and said, "We are not going to leave you here."

Lin Yitu lived alone on this island for two months. He knows the island very well and can get a lot of information from him.

"Thank you! But please wait for me first. I'll get something. After saying that, Lin Yitu ran two steps into the bushes next to him, and then suddenly disappeared.

"What?" Xiao Yang ran over there in surprise and soon found a very hidden hole in the bushes. Lin Yitu has been living in the cave for two months.

After a while, Lin Yitu came out. He was holding a set of *, a bag of arrows, and a plastic bottle containing half a thick yellow **.

"What is that?" Xiao Yang frowned.

"The venom squeezed from a poisonous insect can poison a Velociraptor with just a few drops." Lin Yitu said, "I rely on this venom to live safely until now."

Xiao Yang is overjoyed. If this venom is smeared on the bullet, it will be much easier for everyone to deal with those dinosaurs.

Xiao Yang, Luo Ruzhi and Lin Yitu got on the jeep. Xiao Yang suddenly asked Lin Yitu, "Don't you think it's strange that this car can fly?"

"I probably felt strange a few months ago. But for the past few months, I have been with these ancient creatures that can't exist at all. Lin Yitu smiled bitterly, "Even if you say you are God now, I don't feel strange."

"That's good. Don't be surprised no matter what happens to us, and don't ask about our identity. It's not good for you. Xiao Yang said, "You just need to know that we won't hurt you."

He said this to avoid asking questions like Jill. The last time he lied to Jill, he made a lot of trouble, and he didn't want to make such a mistake again.

Lin Yitu nodded: "Don't worry. I didn't like to spy on other people's secrets either.

The flying car rose over the canyon. Looking at the surrounding mountain walls, Lin Yitu seemed to remember something. He asked Xiao Yang, "Yes, where is your base camp settled? If you camp on this island, it will be dangerous if you don't get it right.

"We found a building that was built by others before, and the team members are all there now." Xiao Yang replied, "That building is just embedded in the mountain wall, which is quite safe."

Lin Yitu's face changed: "The building you mentioned is not white on the outside, is it?"

"Hmm." Xiao Yang also felt something wrong, "What's wrong?"

Lin Yitu took a deep breath: "That place can't live at all!"

Hearing Lin Yitu's words, Xiao Yang was very surprised: "Can't live? What does that mean?"

"That place has become the nest of Guy's Microbird Dragon." Lin Yitu said, "Gai's Microbirds can be said to be the most difficult carnivorous dinosaurs to deal with. Once surrounded by them, even immortals will not be saved!"

Xiao Yang pressed the intercom button without hesitation. If there is really danger there, you must contact Wang Hanren and others immediately. Although Wang Hanren and others can't escape from that building, it's better for them to be on guard.

But there was only some messy electrical noise from the loudspeaker, and no one could be contacted at all. At this time, he remembered that Peng Fei had also lost contact with him here. The geomagnetic interference in this place is very strong, and it is normal for the communication equipment to fail.

"Captain, don't worry. I will get back as fast as I can." Luo Ruzhi said. Xiao Yang nodded. This is the only way to do this now.

"What time is it now?" Lin Yitu suddenly asked.

"It's not 2 p.m. yet." Xiao Yang asked, "What's wrong?"

"Two o'clock in the afternoon, then don't worry." Lin Yitu said, "That kind of Gai's microbird dragon usually leaves the nest for food after 4 p.m."

Xiao Yang is in a slightly calm mood. He remembered something and looked at Lin Yitu and asked, "I said, how can you know about that building?"

"That building is called 'Golf'. As I said, I was a paleontologist who came to the island for scientific research. And our base camp is 'Golf'. Lin Yitu's expression was extremely bitter, "Until two months ago, my colleagues and I lived in 'Golf' for observation and research, but now I'm afraid I'm the only one left. Almost all the others were eaten by Ge's Microbirds.

At the same time. Inlaid in the white hemispherical building "Golf" in the middle of the mountain wall.

Fang Xin lay on the sofa to take a nap. Wang Hanren leaned against the computer chair without saying a word, as if he was thinking about something. At this time, Jill approached Wang Hanren and said, "Liang, are you thinking about the diary just now?"

Wang Hanren didn't expect that Jill would take the initiative to talk to him, but he still nodded quickly.

Judging from the dust accumulated in the house, this building has been abandoned for a long time. Including the author of the diary, the people who once lived here have been evacuated or died. Jill analyzed.

"They should have left after completing the task." Wang Hanren said, "No information has been found here. All of them should have been taken away by them."

"Liang, I don't think so." Jill shook her head, "The people here may have died."

"What do you say?"

The diary mentioned that a lot of strange things happened in the inspection team. This was undoubtedly done by their internal people, and the person who wrote the diary secretly found the true face of this person. That man may have escaped, but he may have killed everyone instead. As for why there are no bodies here, it is possible that the man threw the bodies down the mountain. After all this, in order to fake the illusion of the evacuation of all the staff, he may have taken away all the information. Jill speculated.

Wang Hanren thought for a moment and said, "Oh, what you said is indeed possible. But even so, that person should not have been on the island for a long time. There can be no threat to us."

"Yes. Whether the man's task is completed or not, he doesn't need to stay on the island. Jill agreed, "And the gun here has not been taken away. Judging from the dust, the man should have left here for more than a month. Even if he really stayed on the island, he would have been eaten by the dinosaurs.

Wang Hanren nodded: "Hmm. Without weapons, it is impossible to live here for more than a month.

In the Grand Canyon. The jeep is slowly falling. A strong wind suddenly broke out in the canyon just now, and forced flight would only cause the car to be blown up the mountain wall by the wind. Therefore, Luo Ruzhi had to lower the flight altitude of the jeep and prepare to fly out of the canyon after the strong wind passes.

"I have another question for you. What is that Guy's Microbird? I have never studied paleontology, and I have never heard of such a thing. Xiao Yang asked Lin Yitu.

"Even if I study paleontology, I only heard this term not long ago." Lin Yitu said, "It is a kind of newborn dragon, that is to say, we have never found their fossils before, but we have seen living creatures on this island. As for this Gey's micronid, it was discovered by Dr. Gabriel, and it belongs to..."

"Wait." Xiao Yang interrupted him, "Answer me another question first. When did this island have dinosaurs?

"Don't you know?" Lin Yitu was surprised.

Xiao Yang stared at him: "I don't know what's wrong?"

Lin Yitu smiled and said, "I think you came to this island for a purpose, so that you don't even know this, do you?"

Xiao Yang said with a face: "Don't care so much, just tell me the truth."

"The International Paleozoic Foundation declared to us that the paleontology on this island was created by some crazy geneticists 15 years ago." Lin Yitu said, "But I know very well that these dinosaurs have a history of at least 30 years."

Thirty years... Xiao Yang felt dizzy after hearing this word. Thirty years after the creation of dinosaurs, that is to say, it is not any era in Jurassic Park. This island is a world derived from the continuation of the story of Jurassic Park. More than half of the knowledge about dinosaurs learned in movies and games is useless.

"Oh, scare--" a horrible roar came from behind. Xiao Yang looked back and was immediately shocked. Just behind the flying car, a giant pterosaur with wingspanting 20 meters and a cuticle on its tail is approaching this side.

"What the hell, how can there be such a big pterosaur!" Xiao Yang cursed.

"That's Pterodactyl. It also belongs to the new dragon, which was discovered by an investigation team only a year ago. Although it is classified as a pterosaur, in my personal opinion, it should be classified as..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Yang roared. Lin Yitu is really a scholar. At this time, he still talks nonsense. I really don't know how he lived on this island for two months.

Xiao Yang picked up the rocket launcher and bombarded the pterodosaur, and four rockets rushed out quickly. However, the pterodactyraptor was unexpectedly agile, easily flashed the rocket, and then accelerated to hit the flying car. That feeling is like a B2 fighter roaring over.

The pterodactyl approached quickly, and Xiao Yang had to put down the rocket launcher. The pterodactyl is too agile to guarantee that it will hit it until it is within 30 meters of the car. If the rocket explodes at this distance, its power is bound to affect the flying car; therefore, the rocket can no longer threaten the pterodactylus.

Xiao Yang replaced Uzi* and shot at the eyes of the pterodactyl. But the wind in the canyon was so strong that the bullets floated a little. A row of bullets rubbed against the other party's skull, but only scratched a little skin.

Xiao Yang continued to shoot, but no bullets were fired. It turns out that the magazine is empty. Xiao Yang immediately threw down the gun. At present, the pterodactyl is less than 30 meters away from the flying car. By the time Xiao Yang changed the magazine, it had already damaged the jeep.

The giant with a wingspan of more than 20 meters is getting closer and closer to the jeep. Its wings even obviously strengthened the power of the strong wind in the canyon, which made Xiao Yang almost unable to open his eyes.

Xiao Yang took a deep breath and roared at the fierce beast, but the pterodactyl just paused for a moment and immediately continued to chase. As the real air overlord of Sanna Island, this threatening cry is not enough to scare it.

Xiao Yang clenched his fist. The beast soul variant cannot be used on the flying car, and the blood vine can't stop the pterodactyl at all. As for the blood orchid pain attack - when the prick-tailed giant pterosaur enters the effective range of the blood orchid pain attack, even if it really faints, its huge body will definitely hit the flying car because of inertia.

In desperation, Xiao Yang had to release a moon fire at the pterodactyl. Although it takes a lot of natural force, he has no choice now.

The moon fire immediately ignited on the body of the pterodactyl, which made it roar in pain. As the speed of the pterodactyl slowed, the flying car quickly opened the distance to more than 100 meters. The flying car turned in the direction of the canyon, and the pterodactyl could no longer be seen.

"That's awesome! What weapon did you just use to make it burn at such a distance!" Lin Yitu, who watched the battle, asked in surprise.

Xiao Yang said casually, "You just need to understand it as a superpower."

Superpowers? How can there be that kind of..."

"Fuck! Here we go again!" As soon as Lin Yitu's words were half overshadowed by Xiao Yang's scolding. A huge figure rushed out of the corner of the canyon - the pterodactyl reappeared! There is a large black mark on its skin, but the speed of flight has not been affected at all. The body of the pterodactyl is beyond imagination, and it can't even be seriously injured by a moon fire alone.

"The skin of the pterodactyl is completely different from that of other pterosaurs, and it can almost be said that it is similar to the horny shell of turtles." Lin Yitu began to chatter again, "So I have always insisted that it should be included..."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you are so idle, figure it out quickly!" Xiao Yang was filling the magazine of the grenade gun and suddenly remembered another thing, "By the way, don't you have the kind of venom that can easily kill dinosaurs?"

"No, my crossbow can't penetrate that guy's skin. Besides..."

"Then give me the venom and I'll put it on the warhead!"

"I haven't finished what I just said. The venom of threaded beetles has no effect on several organisms, and the pterodactylus is one of them. The natural enemy of the threaded beetle is the progenitor, and the pterodactyl often preys the Archaeopteryx, so it also has anti-toxicity in its body. Lin Yitu said slowly.

Xiao Yang is not angry. If you can't count on this Lin Yitu, you'd better rely on yourself.

Hi grenade gun quickly hit the pterodactyl, but only slightly slowed down its speed. Despite this, Xiao Yang kept shooting and said, "Luo Ruzhi, prepare to land while I'm procrastinating. Once we return to the ground, we will not be so passive.

"No, I can't land now!" Luo Ruzhi was also a little anxious. "The canyon near here is basically getting narrower and narrower, and the narrowest part of the canyon is even two or three meters wide. We can't go down safely!"

"Bastard! Unexpectedly..." Xiao Yang suddenly flashed when he said this, "I have a way! Now you can fly as narrow as possible! In this way, the beast can't catch up with us!"

"OK, I understand!" Luo Ruzhi quickly figured out Xiao Yang's words and immediately regained his confidence.

The width of the jeep is less than three meters, and even with the flanks on both sides, it is only about eight meters. The wingspan of the thorn-tailed giant pterosaur is 20 meters long. As long as the jeep passes through the air passage with a width of about ten meters, it is absolutely impossible for the wide-winged giant pterosaurs to catch up.

Luo Ruzhi drove a jeep to lower the flight altitude and looked for a narrow passage. He soon found that the width of the canyon in one place was only about 15 meters, and then slowed down and carefully drove the flying car through there.

The jeep flew smoothly into the passageway with a width of 15 meters. Xiao Yang kept looking behind the rear of the car, and saw that the pterodactyl stopped moving as soon as it flew to the narrow passage, flapping its wings in a daze.

"That's great... eh?!" Xiao Yang's reassuring tone could not last for less than three seconds and turned into horror. The pterodactyl actually changed the angle of flight and flew diagonally into the channel! The longitudinal height of the body of the pterodactyl is less than six meters, but it occupies the advantage of width!

Seeing the pterodactyl getting closer and closer, Xiao Yang looked at Luo Ruzhi with a bitter face: "Can you let this car fly sideways? As long as we can pass through a narrow passage than six meters, we can escape.

"You are crazy! Even the ace fighter pilot can only barely do it. How can I have that ability!" Luo Ruzhi shouted, "Now driving like this is the limit for me!"

"Please." Xiao Yang said in a low voice, "If we don't do this, we won't live."

"Hey!" Luo Ruzhi made up his mind with a wry smile, "There's nothing I can do. I'll try my best!" Don't blame me if the car is destroyed!"

"Well, I believe you."

"...All right, hurry up! I'm going to fly sideways!" Luo Ruzhi shouted and pulled the lever. The jeep flipped nearly 90 degrees in the air and went straight to the narrow valley ahead.

The width of the canyon has been reduced to ten meters. The wings of the flying car are constantly shaking. Even for Luo Ruzhi, it is extremely difficult to drive a flying car through such a narrow passage. The speed of the flying car is quite fast, and there is still a strong wind blowing in this narrow passage, and the wings of the car are constantly swinging. Luo Ruzhi must concentrate on adjusting the angle of the flanks. Despite this, the flanks on both sides of the car almost reached the mountain several times