Fruit Empire


people know too little. There are too many secrets of the hell game. Who can guarantee that what we know now must be correct? I believe that I will be able to find a way to resurrect the swallow! Even if it is impossible, I will make it possible! That's why I have to survive here!"

Fang Xin was shocked. He didn't expect that Peng Fei would take this almost impossible wish as the pillar of his life.

"The boy is quite handsome." Xiao Yang patted Peng Fei on the back with a smile, "Since you want the swallow to be resurrected, don't tell me that you are going to die like last time."

Peng Fei was a little embarrassed: "I occasionally get discouraged. Brother Yang, aren't you the same?"

Like Xiao Yang, Peng Fei is not a hero or a superman, but just an ordinary person. He is also fragile, wavering and frustrated. But even so, he set such a difficult goal and worked hard to live for it.

"I see." Fang Xin cheered up and showed firm eyes, "Peng Fei, I'm not as smart as you, but I also want to see Su Feiqi alive again. For this goal, I will definitely live well."

The matter was finally settled. Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said to everyone, "Okay, let's take a break." Don't waste your hard-won rest time.

When everyone was resting, Peng Fei deliberately ran to Xiao Yang and asked in a low voice, "Brother Yang, did you hide something about Su Feiqi?"

"Sorry. At that time, the situation was relatively special, and I can't tell you." Xiao Yang said apologetically, "But this matter has nothing to do with the current task. After the task is completed, I will tell you slowly.

At the end of the break, everyone was retransmitted back to their original position. The snake-necked dragon opened its mouth and was about to bite Xiao Yang's neck. At this time, the atomization state of the scene has disappeared, but the surrounding world is still frozen, which is the effect of Meng Po soup.

After treatment, Xiao Yang's physical strength also recovered, and all the functions of his body returned to a full state. He dodged from the mouth of the snake-necked dragon, and then pulled Jill up and swam to the shore. At the same time, Peng Fei in the air also moved forward quickly and soon reached Xiaoyang and others. He rolled them up directly with a long rope made of silky tentacles and pulled them out of the water.

When Peng Fei dragged Xiao Yang and Jill back to the shore, the three minutes just ended. With a "pop", it seemed that something broke open, and everything in the scene began to run again. The snake-necked dragon in the water bit empty, which left it there. It has never encountered the sudden disappearance of the prey from its mouth.

"Ah?" Jill shouted out, "What's going on? Why am I here? I was not..."

"Is it safe?" Xiao Yang said to Jill.

"Xiao..." Jill turned her head and glanced at Xiao Yang carefully, "Are you still alive? The wound on your neck..."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Ha ha, maybe God has given us a miracle."

"Oh." Jill nodded and didn't go further. She knew very well that this was not a miracle of God. It must be what Xiao Yang did before he and Xiao Yang could get out of danger safely. However, Xiao Yang and others will definitely not tell the truth about their false person, so it is meaningless to ask more questions.

Jill quietly glanced at her palm. Two-thirds of the circle has been filled red, and as long as the last third is also filled, you can become a real human!

"Tip: The final stage of the phantom reincarnation mission officially begins. The goal is to kill..."

The words of the sages are colder than before. After listening to this sentence, Jill felt that her heart was about to break.

How could this happen! You asked me to do such a thing! How can I do such a cruel thing! God, tell me why, why is this!

"Repeat. The goal is to kill one person in the real team.

This is the price of wanting to become a human being.

Xiao Yang has been waiting for Jill's answer. After he waited for almost ten minutes, Jill finally spoke.

"Thank you. But I don't have anything I want to do for the time being." Jill smiled and said with a very relaxed expression.

Xiao Yang guessed that the "psefather" had not told Jill what the next small task of the phantom reincarnation mission was. That's good. Let's wait until the task is clear.

"It's not a way to stay here." Peng Fei said, "Let's find a place to settle down."

It's really dangerous for people to stay outside like this. Although Helen, the enchanted messenger, and the dinosaurs under her control have not yet gone out, this is only temporary, and no one knows when she will launch an attack.

Helen is a Druid. She has the ability to compete with other soul messengers. She can control those dinosaurs to attack people without the taboos of soul messengers. In the last battle with Helen's dinosaur army, the whole team was almost destroyed, and no one wanted to fight again.

However, since the task of phantom reincarnation is not over, random movement may cause greater trouble. Xiao Yang thought for a moment and then decided to ask Jill's opinion first.

"I have no opinion. Of course, it's better to wait in a safe place. Jill seemed to speak calmly, but her right hand tightly grasped the corner of her clothes and couldn't help rubbing it.

"Are you really all right?" Jill's performance was so unnatural that she was noticed by Xiao Yang.

"I said I'm just a little tired, it's really nothing!" Jill hurriedly defended.

"That's good." Xiao Yang said, "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me that I can also help you cure minor injuries and minor diseases."

Jill smiled and nodded. But at this moment, a sharp look swept at her, staring at her straight and walking to the other side of Xiaoyang. That's from Peng Fei's eyes. Peng Fei also felt something wrong with Jill's performance.


According to Peng Fei's proposal, everyone got on the flying car and flew towards the canyon. The deeper the Grand Canyon goes, the narrower it is. In the narrower areas, those large carnivorous dinosaurs can't enter. This is the most unfavorable terrain for Helen's dinosaur army, and it is extremely safe for Xiao Yang and others.

The flying car has been flying at the slowest speed when flying to the Grand Canyon. Xiao Yang specially ordered Luo Ruzhi to slow down, so that if Jill had a task to do, they could also respond more quickly. However, Jill didn't make any request. As soon as she asked her, she said she had nothing to do. When Xiao Yang asked for the fifth time, Jill showed an impatient expression: "Xiao, don't keep asking me. I really have nothing to do."

Xiao Yang hit a nail and said nothing more. Anyway, he is happy and relaxed when he doesn't have to do anything.

The flying car finally flew back to the Grand Canyon and flew to the depths of the canyon. Looking at the surrounding mountain walls, Xiao Yang remembered the chase with the pterodactyl. Last time in the face of Pterodactylus, everyone suffered a great loss. If it hadn't been for the appearance of Gai's Micronnosaurus later, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

The team's ability to fight in air is really poor, and the terrain of the canyon is not conducive to combat. If you encounter Pterodactyl again, it will definitely be another bitter battle.

Xiao Yang and the others did not meet the pterodactyl in the end, but they met a large pterosaur they had never seen before at a corner. Its wingspan is more than ten meters long. Although it can't catch up with the sagmyco-tailed giant pterosaur, it is also quite terrible. Its mouth is long and thin, and its beak is blunt; it has a crown on its head, which is located above the front of the orbit. Simply put, it looks like a crane or stork.

This pterosaur has been following the flying car since it found Xiao Yang, but it did not chase it immediately, but maintained the same speed as the flying car.

"I remember. This is a feathered snake pterosaur, also known as Fengshen pterosaur. Wang Hanren said, "It is the largest flying creature that has really lived in the new era, not the new dinosaur on this island."

"Everything wants to treat us as a snack. It seems that we are really unlucky. Xiao Yang took out the poisonous crossbow arrow he got from Lin Yitu and aimed at the pterosaur ready to shoot. I haven't used this thing since I got it. Let's try this pterosaur first.

"Don't worry, Xiao Yang." Wang Hanren said, "Although this pterosaur is big, it is not a particularly ferocious carnivore. Its food is just some bugs and small dinosaurs. It may have followed our car just because of curiosity.

Xiao Yang put down the crossbow. If the pterodactyl is indeed not hostile to itself, it is better not to attack it first. Although it should not be a problem to deal with this guy, if you don't kill him at once, you will be in trouble after making him angry.

"I'll solve it." Peng Fei said that he had spread his wings and flew out of the car and flew towards the feathered snake pterosaur. Xiao Yang hurriedly shouted, "Come back quickly!"

"Don't worry. I just want to try my air combat ability. Peng Fei waved his hand behind him, and then stretched out two one-meter-long sharp blades on his arms, and there were some needle-shaped protrusions on the side of the sharp blade.

As soon as Peng Fei flew over, the feathered snake pterosaur gave up its intention to track the flying car and changed its flight direction and was ready to escape. But Peng Fei quickly caught up with it. Although Peng Fei's flight speed in the air is not good, his flexibility is quite good. He intercepted the pterodactyls by a little path.

Peng Feifei jumped on the feathered snake pterosaur, and two sharp blades pierced into the most vulnerable neck of the feathered snake pterosaur at the same time. With the blood gushing out, the feathered snake pterosaur screamed and fell down. Peng Fei flew back to the flying car leisurely.

Xiao Yang gave him a thumbs up: "Well done."

"Since I had these two wings, I really feel different." Peng Fei sighed, "I finally understand why human beings have been yearning for the sky for thousands of years. The feeling of flying in the sky with your own strength is really great.

"Oh, maybe." Xiao Yang said, " By the way, I feel that in addition to being able to fly, your own combat effectiveness has also improved. In the past, you should have been unable to deal with that pterosaur with one blow.

"My combat effectiveness has indeed improved. This is an evolution of me. I have some other functions for this pair of wings, and I will use it when I need it. Peng Fei's words turned around and said, "But Brother Yang, you made a mistake. I can kill it not only by that thorn. When the sharp blade pierced its neck, I also injected highly toxic tissue fluid into my body. It was actually poisoned.

"Poisoned..." Xiao Yang patted himself on the head, "I remembered something. You fought with a group of Velociraptors when you left the team. At that time, you also injected venom into them.

Peng Fei nodded: "Hmm. Their antitoxicity is so poor that the Velociraptors injected by my tissue fluid are dead.

"This is really a good idea. If you meet the dinosaur army again in the future, you will have to rely on your venom. After confirming the effectiveness of Peng Fei's venom, Xiao Yang was in a much better mood. After Peng Fei's return, the team's combat effectiveness has really improved a lot. With his help, I can also give full play to my combat effectiveness. Maybe it's not a daydream to confront the dinosaur army head-on.


The flying car drove all the way to the canyon passage only six meters wide, and then began to land down. They were very alert along the way, but they did not encounter any new threats.

After arriving at the bottom of the canyon, everyone built a camp. In order to facilitate vigilance and escape, they only set up two tents, and the door of the tent was wide open. In fact, the flying car was put in the tent, and no one got out of the car. That is to say, this tent is only used to block the wind at night. If there is any danger or emergency, they can start the flying car immediately.

In order to reserve energy, while it was safe and had nothing to do, everyone began to take turns to rest. For a period of time, only two people were left on guard, and the rest went to make up for sleep. Originally, Xiao Yang said that Jill could not be responsible for the vigilance, but Jill strongly asked to put herself in the alert queue, and Xiao Yang had to agree.

At 7 p.m., it was Jill and Xiao Yang's turn to be on guard. Xiao Yang kept looking outside the tent and said nothing. It is rare to be safe in hell games for such a long time during the day. Xiao Yang knows that this safe environment is the most paralyzed, so he has always maintained a high degree of vigilance. You can't be careless until the task is completed. This is an important experience for Xiao Yang to live until now.

Jill has been quietly staring at him since she began to be on alert with Xiao Yang. She tried to shout at Xiao Yang several times, but she couldn't open her mouth.

Xiao Yang rubbed his temples. He didn't fall asleep when it was his turn to sleep just now, and now he is getting more and more sleepy.

Gil took a deep breath and finally said, "Xiao..."

"Miss Jill..." While Jill opened her mouth, Xiao Yang also called Jill's name. The two were a little embarrassed. Xiao Yang said, "Miss Jill, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine. If you have something to do, just say it first." Jill made modest concessions.

"Then you're welcome. Oh, Miss Jill." Xiao Yang did not turn his head to look at Jill, but asked casually, "I kind of want to know what do you think we will do?"

Jill asked carefully, "What will happen?"

"Can we leave this island alive? Or will you die here?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Don't worry. You are so strong and the whole team is cohesive, you will definitely be able to go out alive.

"You"?" Xiao Yang smiled, "Isn't this statement very strange? Don't you think you can't live?

"...I..." Jill finally came up with an excuse. "You only asked me if you could leave alive, but you didn't ask me what I would do."

Xiao Yang seemed to be very interested and asked, "So do you think you can leave alive?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." Jill simply said her heartfelt words frankly, "Let's see God's arrangement."

"It seems that Miss Jill is a devout believer." Xiao Yang only smiled for a few seconds and then restrained his smile, "We have experienced a lot of things. Many times I felt that I was going to die, but in the end I tried my best to survive. Now I think it's incredible, like a dream.

Jill nodded: "I heard that there is a saying in China called 'life is like a dream'."

"Yes, life is like a dream. What I'm experiencing now is the biggest nightmare in my life. Xiao Yang yawned, "That's right. Miss Jill, what did you just call me to say to me?

"...nothing." Jill lowered her head and said, "I was a little bored just now and thought of a question. If someone saved your life, but later you had to kill the other party in order to survive, what would you do in this situation?

"What a...difficult problem." Xiao Yang's voice is getting lower and lower, "If it were me, I might..."

The words stopped here. Maintaining a high alert state for a long time consumed Xiao Yang's too much spirit, and finally made Xiao Yang unable to withstand the invasion of the sleeping demon, so he fell asleep. Jill didn't even respond when she shook it.

Jill sighed. She hasn't made a decision on the multiple-choice questions put in front of her. She wanted to listen to Xiao Yang, a real human choice before making a decision, but Xiao Yang fell asleep before she finished speaking.

Now there is a lot of snoring in the car. Everyone slept sweetly. It's also difficult to ask others.

Jill glanced boredly at the car. Wang Hanren slept on her left side, and his white neck came out.

As a real human being, Wang Hanren is really asleep. Jill looked at her sleeping face enviously and suddenly thought of something.

As long as she gently twists Wang Hanren's neck, she can die immediately. She won't make any sound, and now everyone is asleep. Even if she is killed, she will not be found by others.

Kill her. You can escape by yourself after killing her. As long as you can become a real human, it doesn't matter if you die on this island soon.

No, what am I thinking! How can I do such a thing? As a fake person, what right do I have to deprive her of her right to survive? Although it is a false life, I can continue to live by them to save me!

Two thoughts confronted Jill's mind, making her bite her lips in pain.

However, in the end, Jill's hand involuntarily reached to Wang Hanren's neck. ** who wants to become a human, let her forget all other thoughts.

Just twist it. Soon