Fruit Empire


Almost all the impact, that's why it hurts so much.

"Bastard! Who made you open your eyes! Go to hell!" Rina roared angrily, and half of the broken bone wings suddenly stretched out and took Xiao Yang's throat.

Xiao Yang ignored the oncoming threat and turned his head aside and said, "Thank you."

The bone wing suddenly stopped in the air and then hung down.

"...Why didn't you protect yourself just now? Then you will die, idiot!" Rena said in a low voice.

"Because I believe in you--" Xiao Yang said affirmatively, "I won't let me die."

"Don't be self-righteous! I just think you still have useful use, that's why I saved you!" Rena defended.

Hearing Rena's words, Xiao Yang couldn't help smiling. That's asking Reina, "Is that really the case?"

"...Okay! Despicable guy, even if you win this time!" Rena gritted her teeth and said, "Remember, I will definitely get it back next time!"

Xiao Yang wanted to laugh, but the afterglow from the corners of his eyes glanced at Reina's seriously injured body and couldn't help restraining his smile and silent.

Rina's injury healed after a few minutes, and she spent almost 3,000 points of her rebirth potential. Rena walked to Xiao Yang, touched his shoulder, and motioned him to continue to find the other side of the tower.

Xiao Yang and Rena looked at each other: "Can you answer my previous question?"

"What's the problem?" Reina pretended to be stupid.

"Why did you join hands with us? Tell the truth."

Rina avoided Xiao Yang's eyes and said with a smile, "That's because... even if I'm betrayed by you, I don't have to worry about dying."

Xiao Yang clenched his fists. Now he finally understands Reina's pains. As a soul messenger, Rena can't trust anyone at all. The biggest reason why she chose to join hands with Xiao Yang and others is that even if she is betrayed by them, she can protect herself and not die like this.

Xiao Yang grabbed Rena's hand: "Rena, as long as you are still my companion, I won't betray you. I swear."

"Forget it." Rena shook off Xiao Yang's hand with a bitter smile, with a green light in her eyes, "Human vow is the least valuable thing in the world. What's the matter if people do everything for themselves and break their small vows?

"Sometimes I make helpless choices. But I won't take the initiative to betray my companions. I'll prove this to you, Rena. Xiao Yang said seriously.

"Let's not talk about this." Rena walked behind Xiao Yang and said, "Follow me to heaven again and continue to search for work."

"Okay." Xiao Yang let Rena pick herself up again. However, the next moment, Rena suddenly let go. Xiao Yang was not sure about the balance and fell forward.

Xiao Yang stood up and patted the sand on his body and asked Rena, "What's wrong?"

Rina pointed to her right side: "There... can you see that thing clearly?"

Xiao Yang looked in the direction of Reina's finger. There is a building about ten kilometers away. Yes, that's an ancient tower with brick structure! The tower is divided into three layers, with a gray tower body, which looks a little illusory. All the features are consistent with what Reina said about the other side tower.

"It's very similar to the other side tower you described." Xiao Yang looked at Rena, "But this distance is too close. I didn't find it in the sky before, but it suddenly appeared in this place. Isn't it too strange? Can the other side tower move in an instant?

"I have never encountered this kind of thing." Rena said, "Let's go and have a look first."

Xiao Yang was still taken by Reina to fly forward. They flew less than ten meters, and Xiao Yang could even feel the sand on the ground flying up and hitting himself.

Rina is flying at almost full speed, but to Xiao Yang's surprise, the distance between them and the tower does not seem to shrink.

"Rena, rise a little higher." Xiao Yang said.

Rina rose according to her words. As soon as she rose less than 30 meters, she suddenly shouted out: "The tower...the tower has disappeared..."

Sure enough, the other side tower has now disappeared out of thin air and is completely invisible.

"Rina, you can go down a little more now." Xiao Yang said again.

As soon as Reina fell about one meter, she found that the tower reappeared in her vision. She was surprised: "What's going on?"

"This is a mirage." Xiao Yang was a little surprised, "Don't you know?"

"... is talky." Rena was a little angry. "Tell me what's going on."

"It is a virtual image, which is caused by the refraction of hot air on the surface, which is often seen in the desert. Simply put, the tower is not here, but somewhere else. Xiao Yang explained, "The existence of a mirage has a certain range, and it cannot be seen beyond a certain height. That's why we didn't find the tower in the high sky, but we could see it on the ground.

"I remember that there is indeed such a thing. Seeing the scene of the mirage shows that the physical object is not far away, right? Reina covered up her embarrassment and flew high into the sky.

Rina, like Jill, was transformed into a living person through phantom awakening, and then reincarnated as a soul messenger. When she turned into a living person, she learned a lot of common sense in the real world that she did not know before, but due to her lack of real sense of these things, it is easy to come up with what common sense to use. Her combat wisdom and conspiracy ability are already quite prominent, but she is a little unable to solve problems that need to be solved by common sense.

It took 15 minutes for Reina and Xiao Yang to find the real other side of the tower. The tower is under a sand dune, and the shadow of the dune blocks most of the tower. If Rena hadn't flown high, they wouldn't have found the tower.

Rina landed in the direction of the tower, but when she had just landed at least 500 meters from the ground, Xiao Yang suddenly shouted, "Stop first!" I saw someone appear next to the tower!"

Rina asked doubtfully, "What's going on? Does someone show up? Didn't you see anyone just now?"

"They came out of the ground..." Xiao Yang said.

At this time, there is a strange-shaped car parked in the sand layer next to the tower. The car is tracked, covered with camouflage armor, and there is a large spiral drill on the top of the car. There are two people next to the car, and only their backs can be seen from Xiao Yang's position. Both of them got out of the car, and the car came straight out of the sand layer.

Xiao Yang said, "I'll listen to what they are saying with super hearing first, and then..."

"No. We followed them directly into the tower. Rena said and hugged Xiao Yang tighter.

Xiao Yang exhaled: "Even if you do this, you won't shrink the size of us. Even if you are close to them, you will still be found."

"Oh, I have a way to make them see us. You can wait and see." Reina said confidently and activated the invisible force field generator on her shoulder. She and Xiao Yang disappeared into the sky in this way.

"It's impossible for them to see our bodies now." Reina said, "Let's sneak into the tower and follow them to investigate intelligence. Let's not talk after entering the tower, so as not to be found by them.

Xiao Yang nodded silently. I didn't expect that Reina would still have such an invisible device, which is very useful for the soul messenger.

After the two entered the other side of the tower, Reina quickly landed on the side of the tower. The reason why they don't land on the sand is that they will produce footprints and expose their whereabouts.

Xiao Yang and Rena are very close. Because Reina's invisible force field can cover a very limited area, he must be as close to Rena as possible, otherwise there is a danger of being found. This will cause some inconvenience for the two, but they are not ready to fight, so the problem is not too big.

Looking at the tower on the other side from close, it can be seen that the tower body is as extremely illusory as Reina said, and even not as realistic as the tower in the mirage just now. It seems to be projected with poor water mist projection technology. Located in front of Xiaoyang and them is a light gray arch. Looking inside from the door, the inside of the tower is very blurred and can't be seen clearly.

Xiao Yang carefully stepped into the door. As soon as he entered the tower, he immediately felt a chill all over his body, as if he had been patted on the shoulder from behind in the boundless darkness. Looking around, the world inside the tower became very realistic, while the world outside the door behind became like a phantom.

Rina walked behind Xiao Yang. Now the two of them start from the waist, with more than 20 pairs of bone rings tightlykaost the thighs, calves, knees and ankles from top to bottom, so it is actually equivalent to Xiao Yang walking forward with Reina.

The interior of the other side tower is extremely spacious, and the area at the bottom floor is as large as a standard football field. The interior of the tower is all wood with almost no decoration, but it is full of a strange atmosphere. Every time Xiao Yang took a step forward, he felt that something was hiding in the tower and peeping at him secretly, but in fact, when he stared around carefully, he found that there was nothing.

Strong fear gradually filled Xiao Yang's heart, and his hands began to sweat. If it hadn't been for Renee's obstruction, he would have wanted to turn around and run away.

Xiao Yang swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It's so strange. Why are you so scared? There is no reason for this! This is obviously just an empty tower, and there is nothing that can scare you!

At this moment, Xiao Yang felt Rena's cold fingers climb up his face and move on it. Xiao Yang soon noticed that she was writing.

"No... be... afraid. Every soul messenger will feel fear when he enters the other side tower for the first time. It is said that this tower is sealed with the obsession of all the dead in the hell game, so it is scary. But they won't really hurt you, just identify the target and move forward. Rena wrote on Xiao Yang's face.

Xiao Yang's heart is a little more stable. Death is dead. There is nothing to be afraid of the so-called obsession of the dead. According to Reina, he focused on the stairs in front of him and walked straight forward.

Xiao Yang finally walked to the edge of the stairs. He quietly stepped up the stairs and looked at the top of the tower from the cracks in the stairwell.

"Ah?" Xiao Yang couldn't help screaming. God, that's...

There was a ** sound from the second floor. Obviously, the two people who came in the first had heard his shout. Xiao Yang finally came to his senses and quickly dragged Reina to the side of the stairs to hide. The two held their breath and dared not make a sound.

The two people who advanced to the tower first walked to the bottom of the tower. At this time, Xiao Yang saw the appearance of these two people. Both of them were men. One was very burly, and the other was very thin, and he was a little obscene, wearing a pair of round-framed glasses.

The two carefully searched the bottom layer, but still found nothing. The obscene-looking man said, "Zhu Qiang, I said that there is no one. You must have a hallucination."

"Yang Li, your ears are too bad. I bet that someone definitely called here just now. The burly man scratched his head, "I guess they escaped from the tower."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if there is someone. We quickly read the information and destroy it. It's useless for them to come in again." After saying this, the obscene man named Yang Li walked up the stairs again.

Seeing their figures disappear, Rena angrily pinched Xiao Yang's arm and wrote on his face, "What on earth were you thinking just now!" We almost exposed it!"

Xiao Yang wrote on Reina's arm: "Don't worry about this. Let's keep up. Otherwise, the information will be ruined. I'll discuss it with you later about what I just saw.

Xiao Yang carefully walked up the stairs and tried not to make any sound. His eyes were focused on the stairs in front of him and never looked up at the top of the tower. The scene he saw with his head up just now is still engraved in his mind like a brand. But Xiao Yang still put the picture aside, but focused his attention and tried not to make any sound when climbing the stairs.

There was nothing to care about on the second floor of the tower on the other side. Xiao Yang quickly dragged Rena to the top of the tower.

The top floor of this tower is as empty as the first and second floors. The only difference is that there is a very old desk in the middle of the top floor. The two were also walking towards the desk at this time. The two of them walked forward side by side, and neither of them walked fast.

While Xiao Yang was still considering countermeasures, Rena suddenly took the initiative to run up and made a "stepping" sound on the floor. Xiao Yang was very surprised why Rina took the initiative to expose himself, but he immediately found something more amazing. Obviously, the footsteps were so loud, but the other two people didn't seem to hear it. They were not moved at all and still moved at the previous pace.

Rina took Xiao Yang first to run to the desk. Xiao Yang felt that Reina pushed his hands to the table. At this time, the other two were still dozens of meters away from them.

"Close your eyes, remove distractions, relax your mind, and you will soon hear information about this obstruction of the battle." Rena said.

Xiao Yang wondered why she made a sound, but Reina immediately said, "Time is running out. Hurry up and do as I say. I'll explain the rest later."

Xiao Yang closed her eyes according to what Reina said. After a long time, he felt clear in his mind, and then he heard a hoarse male voice: "In this obstructive battle, the number of living people is 2, and the total number of soul messengers is 7, the original is nothing, hidden. The restriction is that you can attack living people and not kill them. The time to lift the restrictions is 6 hours before the end of the living mission. This is the end of the information broadcast.

Xiao Yang suspected that he had not finished listening, and he wanted to continue listening, but he soon felt that his body was electrocuted, and then he realized that his hand had been pulled away from the desk by Rena. At the same time, the other two people have also come to the edge of the desk, put their hands on the desk, and then closed their eyes.

Suddenly, the obscene man Yang Li's chest was pierced by a sharp throwing gun. He shouted and opened his eyes. As a result, he saw a second gun beside Zhu Qiang on the opposite side and flew towards him again.

Yang Li dodged the second shotgun. Zhu Qiang!" He roared, his clothes burst in an instant, and the throwing gun that pierced his body was also blown away. Yang Li's originally thin body suddenly expanded, and the muscles of his upper body protrud out one by one, and his skin gradually turned gray-green. Soon Yang Li completed the transformation, and the bursting green muscles in his upper body looked very scary - that was the Hulk's posture that can only be seen in movies and games.

At this time, Zhu Qiang opposite Yang Li also opened his eyes. He shouted in surprise, "Yang Li?"

"Fuck Zhu Qiang, how dare you sneak up on me! Go to hell!" Yang Li half sank, grabbed Zhu Qiang's leg with one hand and lifted him up, and suddenly fell on the floor. Zhu Qiang's head was knocked out in an instant, and red and white things flowed out of the wound on his head.

"Yang Li, you..." Zhu Qiang was still talking, but Xiao Yang suddenly couldn't hear anything. By this time, Reina had taken the initiative to take a few steps back, away from where the two were.

"Okay, you can talk to me." Rena said to Xiao Yang, "Don't worry about being heard by them. Because on the top floor of this other side of the tower, everyone's hearing range is only two meters away, and the sound from more than two meters can't be heard.

Xiao Yang suddenly realized: "So that's it! No wonder you just ran directly on the floor and then suddenly talked to me, but they still didn't find out.

"That's exactly." Rena put her chin on Xiao Yang's shoulder, "Well, let's chat while watching these two idiots fighting each other."

Two people not far away are fighting fiercely. Zhu Qiang seemed to want to convince Yang Li at first, but Yang Li didn't listen to him at all and continued to attack him. Zhu Qiang returned his hand in anger, and the contradiction between the two sides intensified, and each of them put on a posture of not killing each other. Zhu Qiang's physique is probably a demon. His body became similar to the boss Mephisto in the game Diablo II, so he fought with the Hulk that Yang Li became.

"You just used your body to throw a gun to make an attack, which prompted the two people to kill each other." Xiao Yang sighed, "Rina, you are really terrible."

"Thank you for your compliment. But my attack is just an inducement factor. They don't trust each other in the first place. Even if they don't kill each other now, they will definitely fight after a while. I just made this process a little earlier. Rena said.

"Distrust each other?"