Fruit Empire


Fighters bursting in the sky, and——

A pair of bone wings like huge clouds covering the sky and the sun between themselves and the fighter group.

The length and width of the wing is more than 100 meters, and it continues to grow. They block all the machine gun bullets, and even those airborne lasers can only interrupt the very small part of the bone wing and can't penetrate the defense of the bone wing at all.

"Gill, Luo Ruzhi, we're coming!" Xiao Yang's high voice echoed in the air, "Listen to my command! Stop the tank first! These laser fighters will be resisted by Reina for the time being! I'll come down immediately, Luo Ruzhi, and prepare the teleport gun!"

Rina, with huge wings, threw Xiao Yang down from dozens of meters in the air. Even if he came out of the beast soul variant-half body, he called out the diamond body in an instant and landed smoothly on the ground.

"Aina! Stop the tank!" After Luo Ruzhi shouted like this, he also leaned out of the hatch with a teleport gun.

"Captain!" Luo Ruzhi saw the burly diamond body and shouted excitedly, "You're finally back!"

"I'll catch up later!" Xiao Yang shouted, "Now transfer me to the bomber group over there!"

Luo Ruzhi nodded and aimed at the King Kong body with a transmission gun to pull the trigger. The next moment, a half-large diamond body appeared on a bomber. Xiao Yang manipulated the King Kong body to punch and smashed the bomber's engine. When it was about to explode, he jumped to another bomber 100 meters away. The machine gun bullet swept on the body of King Kong, but Xiao Yang couldn't feel it at all. Due to the emergency avoidance of the bomber, Xiao Yang failed to jump completely on it, but his diamond body still grabbed the wing of the bomber with one hand. Xiao Yang manipulated the King Kong body to swing towards the third bomber, and also tore off the wings of the second bomber. The third bomber also began to make a evasive movement and almost dodged the King Kong body, but Xiao Yang threw the wings in the King Kong body when he approached it, which just smashed the tail of the third bomber, and the bomber had no choice but to fall down.

The King Kong body had no landing point and fell straight down. However, Luo Ruzhi quickly activated the transport gun again and passed the body still in the air to the top of the fourth bomber.

"Great job!" Xiao Yang's roar came from the air, "Go on to look at me!"

The King Kong's play against the bomber group began again.

If Xiao Yang is one-sided, then the other side is simply slaughter. Rena's huge wings swept in the air, and in an in an inswituit, the two fighters were directly cut into four pieces, and the pilot and the plane were blown to ashes in the air. Countless sharp cones shot from her wing rushed to the fighters at a speed close to the speed of sound, turning the five laser fighters closest to her into a honeycomb in ten seconds. Seeing the wrong momentum, the most powerful bomber led the remaining three fighters and began to flee. But just as they began to accelerate, Reina had already flown in front of them. Only continuous explosions were heard, and then Rina was the only one left in the air.

Xiao Yang killed well with the help of Luo Ruzhi's transmission gun, and quickly killed eight bombers, and the remaining eleven bombers took the opportunity to flee back. But when they escaped hundreds of meters, it was the huge bone wings that were as vicious as the sickle of death that appeared in front of them.

When there was nothing left in the air, Reina and Xiao Yang returned to the ground. Jill has jumped out of the tank and greeted them with a gesture of victory. Luo Ruzhi came out after a while. Xiao Yang was about to talk to Luo Ruzhi, but he saw Luo Ruzhi pull out a beautiful little girl like a doll from the tank.

Rina also saw this scene. She immediately blindfolded her eyes and looked at Aina. When she found that there was no blue light on Aina, her eyes changed.

Luo Ruzhi took the little girl off the tank, jumped on the sand, and smiled, "She is Aina, is..."

A strong wind blew around Luo Ruzhi, and his whole body was overturned and rolled far away on the sand.

Rina appeared in front of Ina. Her bone wings spread more than ten meters, and hundreds of deadly sharp cones shot at all the key points on Ina's body at the same time.

"Ah?" "My God!" What!" The voices of three people sounded at the same time.

Hearing these sounds, Luo Ruzhi just got up from the dust and vaguely saw Rena standing in front of Ina, who was like a god of death. He felt bad and shouted hoarsely, "Shout!" despite the sand in his mouth.

But Reina had already done it just before he shouted out. The bone wings enough to cut the laser fighter from the middle into two halves scraped towards Ina's body.

"Ah--" Luo Ruzhi shouted crazily, but he was stunned after shouting for less than a second, "Huh?"

Rina's bone wings were deeply inserted into Ina's body and penetrated from the other side of her body. Ina's face showed a painful expression, but she didn't even shed half a drop of blood, and there was no blood on the yellow-brown bone wings. The pair of bone wings clearly passed through her body, but it seemed that they only crossed in the phantom, and did not touch any entity at all.

Rina stepped back several steps and shook her wings. Hundreds of terrible sharp cones flew back from the sand behind Aina, passing through Aina's body like through the air and returning to Reina's bone wings. During the whole process, Ena was still unharmed, but bit her lips tightly, which seemed to be very painful.

Xiao Yang looked at this scene and was extremely shocked. As soon as Reina rushed to Ina's side, she shot her body with those sharp cones. As a result, she shot back and forth twice, and Rena's direct attack on the bone wings seemed to be hitting the air. Xiao Yang couldn't help thinking of the silver ring he bought in Meng Pozhai, which once protected the whole team in a space-covered way; at that time, Ladi-Hellen's attacks were all invalidated, which was similar to this effect. Does this little girl have similar props on her body? But if so, what's wrong with her painful expression?

"You... are the enemy." Ina said, stretching out her tender fist and hitting Rena. Reina immediately pulled half of the bone wing to resist. Aina's fist suddenly hit her bone wing, but Rena felt as if she had been touched by an ant. Ina's fist is indeed only as powerful as a little girl, without any lethality. At this time, Reina thought of another important question - can Ena's fist hit herself, that is to say, she is now in a physical state and can attack?

"I can't beat it." Ina muttered in horror and ran quickly to the side of the tank. Reina immediately shot a sharp cone again, but they still fell to the ground through Ina's body. When Reina was surprised, her petite body had climbed into the tank. Reina reacted, and half of the bone wing quickly reached on the tank; the bone wing turned into countless claws, grabbed the tons of tank directly, and then shook Ina off the tank. Aina desperately wanted to jump back into the tank, but Reina had raised the tank several meters high, and she couldn't even touch the air cushion under the tank.

"Xiao Yang, shoot her quickly! What are you still sending?" Rena shouted to Xiao Yang beside her, "She is either a lonely soul or a soul messenger. She must be eradicated immediately!"

"Huh? I know this, but..." Xiao Yang said and turned his eyes to Aina. She is looking helplessly at the tank that has been carried to the sky. Xiao Yang's mind appeared after Aina was shot - her lovely head was pierced by a bullet, blood spewed out from it, and her shining eyes lost their brilliance...

Xiao Yang shook his head at Reina with a bitter face. Although he knew that the bullet was likely to work for Ina, he couldn't shoot such a small girl. After all, Ai Na did not attack Xiao Yang and his companions, and shooting such a little girl was really against his bottom line.

"I have no guts!" Rena stamped her foot and turned to Jill and said, "Jill, since you have a rocket launcher, use it quickly!"

"Aina saved our lives, and I..." Jill hesitated.

"It's all so useless!" Rina said and stretched out the other half of her wings to Jill, took the rocket launcher from her hand and took it to her own.

But when Reina picked up the rocket launcher and pointed at Ina, she found someone blocking in front of Ina with open arms. That's Luo Ruzhi.

Rina did not put down the rocket launcher because of this.

"Luo Ruzhi, do you know what you are doing?" Reina asked harshly.

"I'm protecting Ina." Luo Ruzhi said, "Please raise your hand."

"Protect her? That's stupid!" Reina said angrily, "Have you forgotten? I warned you before you left that as long as you don't meet a living person, you will be killed! How dare you say you want to protect her now?

"Yes, I want to protect her." Luo Ruzhi did not give in at all, "Please let us go."

"...I'll count the next three." Rena regained her calm tone, "Listen, Luo Ruzhi, whether you walk away from her or not, I will pull the trigger after three counts. Whether it's dead or alive, you can choose for yourself!"

Xiao Yang shouted in the back, "Rina! You give it to me..."

"Don't talk! You said you trusted me as much as you trusted yourself, so please believe my judgment now!" Rene said, "Otherwise, I can only think you are lying to me!"

Xiao Yang looked at Luo Ruzhi. Luo Ruzhi smiled at him and still stood still.

"One, two..." Rena paused for a moment. Luo Ruzhi still didn't move.


"Wait, Rena!" Xiao Yang shouted.

Rina resolutely pulled the trigger. At the same time, Luo Ruzhi felt that his feet were tripped, and he fell to the ground. He suddenly realized that Aina was protecting himself, but by then the rocket had flown past them.

"Boom--" four consecutive explosions sounded in the air. A piece of shrapnel brushed Luo Ruzhi's neck and made a cut in his neck. Luo Ruzhi's heart was settled, but he saw a small hand reaching out to his face.

"Does it hurt?" Ina wiped the wound on Luo Ruzhi's face and asked softly.

"It doesn't hurt." Luo Ruzhi held Aina in his arms, "You're fine, and my brother won't hurt."

"Xiao Yang!" Reina turned angrily and looked at Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang is holding Uzi* in his hand. It was he who exploded four rockets in the air just now.

Xiao Yang looked at the gun in his hand. He himself did not expect that he would hit four rockets in motion so accurately.

But now is obviously not the time to consider this issue. Xiao Yang walked to Rena and looked up at her: "Calm down, Rena."

"What nonsense are you talking about! That's an extremely dangerous enemy!" Rena's eyes could almost eat Xiao Yang, "If you don't kill her now, you will definitely fall into her hands in the future!" This is raising a tiger, do you understand?"

"I said Rena." Xiao Yang held his forehead and said, "Answer me first. Can you kill her?"

"I..." Rena was a little speechy, but quickly reacted, "I'll find a way!" Maybe with a rocket launcher, yes, maybe with your moonlight..."

"You can't kill me. As long as I want, no one can kill me." Ina's shrill voice came from not far away.

"You little devil!" Reina shouted, "Don't lie to me! There is nothing in this world that can't be killed!"

"Rina, don't hold on. Ina is right. Nothing can hurt her now. Xiao Yang said to Rena, "Give up. After all, she is not a threat to us now, and there is no need to continue to waste time on her.

Rena said angrily, "No! I must kill her! Don't worry so much! You clearly said that you trusted me! My judgment is..."

"Enough! Trusting you doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!" Xiao Yang was also angry, "Hell, you really want to kill your companion for this! I really don't know what you're thinking!"

"I gave Luo Ruzhi a chance! He can die if he wants to. We have no obligation to bury him!" Reina pushed Xiao Yang down and picked up the rocket launcher to bombard Ina again. But Xiao Yang immediately pulled her down from the ground, and the two fought together for the rocket launcher.

Jill was about to persuade her to fight, but she suddenly saw Luo Ruzhi stand up and pull Ina to walk far away.

"Wait! Luo!" Jill shouted, "Where are you going?"

Xiao Yang and Rena stopped fighting when they heard Jill's words. Xiao Yang said, "Luo Ruzhi?"

"Captain..." Luo Ruzhi stopped, "Sorry, I'm going to leave here with Ina."

"I didn't expect you to say such a thing." Xiao Yang shook his head and said, "Don't you know how dangerous it is to walk alone in the desert with such a child?"

"I know. But--" Luo Ruzhi turned his head and said, "This team can't accommodate Aina, right?"

As Xiao Yang was about to speak, Rena shouted, "Of course, she is our enemy!" I must..."

Xiao Yang pulled Rena behind him and said to Luo Ruzhi, "I apologize for what Reina has done to you. I'm really sorry."

"Thank you, captain." Luo Ruzhi smiled, "What about Ina? Can you let her join us?"

Xiao Yang shook his head: "No. Reina is a little extreme, but she is not wrong. This little girl is so suspicious. She can even invalidate all attacks. Who knows if she will suddenly attack us? We can't take such a big risk to bring her."

Luo Ruzhi turned to Jill: "What about you, Jill? You have also fought side by side with Ina. Ina also saved your life. Can you stand by my side?"

Jill lowered her head and didn't say anything.

"That's true. Ha ha, you are very rational, Miss Jill. All right, goodbye, everyone. Wishing you all the best." Luo Ruzhi turned around again and took Ina's hand and walked forward.

"Luo Ruzhi!" Xiao Yang shouted loudly behind him, "Why did you do this? Haven't you always been the best at avoiding danger and walking hard on the road? Why do you have to choose this dead end this time? Answer me!"

"I'm tired of this survival game." Luo Ruzhi whispered, "In Aina, I have found the meaning of my survival. I will protect Ena until I die. It doesn't matter if the whole world stands opposite me. I won't flinched or run away.

"Luo Ruzhi..." Xiao Yang wants to ask Luo Ruzhi, does Aina really need your protection? But at this time, he couldn't say such words.

"...Okay. I'll let you go now." Reina made a lot of determination to say this, "But next time we meet, I will do my best to attack you and will never show mercy again!"

"Thank you, Reina." Luo Ruzhi smiled and said, "At that time, I will do my best to resist."

At this time, Ai Na, who was next to Luo Ruzhi, asked, "Are they enemies?"

"No, they are my companions. We just had no choice but to part ways. Luo Ruzhi squatted down with a smile and picked up Ina in the posture of a princess hug.

Xiao Yang also wants to retain Luo Ruzhi. However, he stretched out his hand and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. He could only watch his figure getting smaller and smaller in his eyes.

At this time, Jill suddenly ran to Luo Ruzhi.

"Luo, wait first." Jill grabbed Luo Ruzhi and turned around and said, "Captain, Rena... Can you listen to me first?"

Jill's voice is not loud, but everyone in the field can hear it.

"Say it." Xiao Yang said.

Jill looked at Rena: "Can you take two people when you fly in the sky?"

Reina replied, "It's no problem to bring twenty. It's just that the more people you bring, the easier it is to be found.

"That's no problem." Jill smiled and said, "I have a way to let Luo stay and make everyone not complain."

Jill's method is actually very simple. The team was divided into two groups. Luo Ruzhi and Aina stayed in the sound wave tank, while Xiao Yang and Jill were with Rena. When they needed to move forward, Xiao Yang and Jill were led by Rena, while Luo Ruzhi and Aina used tanks to march. In this way, even if Aina has an attempt, it is impossible to attack others, and Rena can also monitor Aina to ensure that there are no problems.

"Of course, unless Aina attacks us, you can't attack the tank." Jill said.

"I can agree. But I have a condition." Rena pointed to Ina, "She must tell us truthfully what she is, is it a lonely soul or a soul messenger?"

Luo Ruzhi protected Ina's body and blocked Rena's hostile sight. But then Aina said, "Monster, I don't understand the words you said. Of course I'm a human."
