Fruit Empire


Na shook her head and said, "No, this is not the canopy, but the ground wall. The earth wall is not completely isolated like the canopy. It has one-way traffic characteristics, that is, it can come in, but it is very difficult to go out. There should be a very small singularity area in the closed space of the sphere of the ground wall. Finding the singularity area is the only way for us to escape from the ground wall blockade.

Xiao Yang turned to the regimental commander: "You just said that it is almost impossible to go out, that is to say, it is still possible to go out?" Do you know where to go out?

"Stop daydreaming!" The regimental commander snorted, "It is said that if you go to the most central area at the bottom of the mine, you can get out from here. But no one has ever confirmed this, because no one can go out after entering this mine!"

I saw him pointing excitedly at the entrance of the mine: "Listen, stranger! The things below are 10,000 times more horrible than you can imagine. Under this mine, it's a real hell!"

"Haha!" Xiao Yang laughed out loud. He kept laughing, covering his stomach and crying for pain.

"What's so funny about this? He was scared to death, so did he go crazy?" The head of the regiment asked Rena. Reina was also smiling at this time. When she heard the regiment leader ask herself, she put away her smile: "Foolish guy, how ridiculous your words are? Of course, you can't feel it yourself."

"Wow - if you want to know why I laugh so much, let me tell you." Xiao Yang took a deep breath and said, "Real hell? It's ridiculous. You know, we have been in real hell from beginning to end.

"A bunch of crazy people!" The regimental commander cursed, "Anyway, if you want to go to death below, you can go by yourself. We will wait here to die and won't accompany you to suffer."

Xiao Yang said, "...The Baron is not ordering you..."

The regimental commander immediately interrupted him: "What a fart! That bastard only told us to bring you here, and he never said he would accompany you down to find suffering.

"However, since you know that entering this area is death, why do you follow us under orders?" Jill interrupted and asked at this time.

"Do you think we want to come? Our family is in the hands of that bastard scum. If we don't come, he will burn them all in the incinerator and squeeze out the water in their bodies to decorate his fountain! But he obeyed the order of the scum and died. At least our family can still get a pension!" The regimental commander said angrily, "It's all you! It's all because of you foreigners that we want to die with you!"

At this time, Reina said something to Jill and Xiao Yang, and then flashed to the regiment leader and smiled, "Since you hate us so much, why don't you kill us here?" When the mouse is dying, it will fight with the cat. It seems that you are about to die, and you are not as brave as the mouse.

"Do you really think we don't dare?" The regimental commander retreated, gritted his teeth and roared desperately, "Brothers, kill these foreigners!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an original-sized giant crocodile tortoise shell suddenly appeared in front of Rena, which was inserted straight into the sand surface. After that, those motorcycle infantry and flame tanks began to attack in the direction of Reina. Countless machine gun bullets fired on the giant crocodile tortoise shell, but they could not cause any damage to it at all. The flame of the flame tank can't do anything about the giant crocodile tortoise shell. Some tanks and air cushion motorcycles wanted to go around behind the giant crocodile tortoise shell, but found that there was a tortoise shell shield behind it, and there was still no way to break through Xiao Yang's defense line.

The regimental commander had fled back to the distance he thought was safe in the air cushion motorcycle, gritted his teeth and looked at the extremely strong giant crocodile tortoise shell. He had long heard that these foreigners had scattered the Morton fortress that the baron army had not been able to capture for a long time with the help of three people. That's why he did not dare to let his subordinates attack these people after entering the ghost wall. However, after being provoked by the arrogant woman of the other party, he finally couldn't help it. Anyway, he was dead. Let's try his best to kill these evil aliens here!

Up to now, the commander has regretted it. The other party's ability is obviously more powerful than rumors. The big shield like a turtle shell alone is unbreakable. Machine gun bullets and high-temperature flames can't help it. If there are * and ion cannons... and so on, why didn't you see * and ion cannons attacking them? Obviously, there are five destroyer robots here!

The leader thought of this and hurried to check the five robots. He saw the five robots quietly staying where they were, and then he found that the drivers of the robots were gone and he didn't know where they had gone.

"The ghost in the mine... really came out..." The regimental's face was deformed because of fear.

In the space where the tortoise shells on both sides were combined, Xiao Yang only supported the tortoise shell with both hands, while Rena observed the movements of those troops from the cracks. On the other side, next to Jill, the five drivers of the destroyer robot were piled up, all of whom were in a coma. They were tied with extremely strong bone rings, which was also made by Reina. Even if they all wake up, it is impossible to escape from the bone ring.

Let Xiao Yang use the super beast body skill to summon the giant crocodile tortoise shell to resist the opponent's attack, and at the same time let Jill use the transmission gun to teleport the five destroyer robot drivers to his side, and then stunned them all to the ground. This is the strategy that Reina just came up with. It can be said that it is easy for Xiaoyang's giant crocodile tortoise shell to resist bullets and flames, but the ion cannon on the destroyer robot is not necessarily necessary, so Jill needs to send the robot's drivers.

At this time, the mobile troops in front of them suddenly became chaotic. They did not fire, but all turned their heads and began to flee backwards. Reina unfolded her bone* out of the tortoise shell, and Xiao Yang also removed one of the tortoise shell and went outside to see the situation.

Just now, the leader shouted "ghost" and the whole army panicked. All the people began to flee in panic like rabbits chased by wolves. The only thing that didn't move was the tank of Ina and Luo Ruzhi, but they drove to a small sand dune outside the phalanx at the beginning of the battle and did not participate in the battle.

Rina flew out of the tortoise shell and quickly flew to the front of the unit. She spread her bones and wings 50 meters and soared in the air like a giant eagle.

"If you want to die miserably, you can continue to escape." Reina shouted in the air. The huge shadow cast by her bones and wings on the ground brushed over the motorcycles and tanks over and over again, constantly putting psychological pressure on them. And Rena's flight speed is many times faster than that of these motorcycles and tanks. No matter how they escape, Rena always hovers over them.

Xiao Yang saw Rena's intention, and she obviously wanted to make these troops yield to use their combat effectiveness. However, looking at this situation, Rena's strategy was not very successful. She likes to use force to intimidate, which generally works, but now the group of soldiers are in a bad mental state. If it goes on like this, they will have to be scared and collapse by Reina.

"You take good care of them here first." Xiao Yang said to Jill, "I'll go there."

Xiao Yang also used a super beast body on his legs, and the legs of two diamond bodies propped him nearly ten meters from the ground, as if Xiao Yang was wearing two extremely large boots. Similarly, these two legs are very light. Xiao Yang can easily step on them on the sand and step out 40 or 50 meters in one step. There are huge footprints on the sand, and there is no problem to put several tanks in one footprint.

"Rina, you can come down. Don't scare them there!" Xiao Yang shouted as he ran in the direction of the group of air cushion motorcycles and tanks.

When Reina heard Xiao Yang's words, she flew back to him and withdrew her wings to about three meters in size.

"Look at you, they are scared to death." Xiao Yang shook her head and said, "They are already scared. If you do this again, it will only be counterproductive."

"...what do you want to do?"

"Wait and see."

Xiao Yang shouted loudly, "Don't move!"

This time he used the roaring skill of the fierce beast, and his voice was as loud as thunder. The soldiers were suppressed by the sound and could not move for a moment.

Rina said, "Yo, your deterrent has become stronger."

"Hmm." Xiao Yang nodded. His main talent chose the direction of the beast king, so all skills related to the beast king have been strengthened. The fierce beast roar skill was mainly used to deter beasts before, and the effect on humans was not particularly obvious. But by now, this move can suppress many ordinary human beings at the same time.

Listen! We are not going to kill you. We just want to leave here alive and have no time to kill you. Of course, whether you are dead or alive has nothing to do with us!" Xiao Yang roared, "Your drivers were not taken away by some bullshit ghosts, but by our ability. If you don't believe it, go and have a look! Let's go to the mine to find a way out. Ghosts or ghosts, if you dare to block our way, we will kill it all! Well, I've finished what I should say. Now those who are willing to fight with us will come. If they are willing to wait here to die, you can do whatever you want.

After saying that, Xiao Yang waved to Reina: "Let's go."

Rina flew over there behind Xiao Yang and said, "Is it really useful for you to do this? I don't think this group of people have the courage to go down at all. You said you wouldn't do anything to them, let alone come.

Xiao Yang still said, "I tried my best. Let's count a few."

When Xiaoyang and the others came to the mine, one-third of the people who were willing to go down the mine with them were willing to follow, and even the leader was willing to come. Even if these are bold, the remaining two-thirds are still willing to stay in place and wait to die. The pilots of the five destroyer robots are all willing to go down.

The entrance to the mine is actually not small. Those tanks and air cushion motorcycles are in a row and slowly drive into the mine.

Xiao Yang looked backwards. The sonic tank was still parked on the small sand dunes, motionless like a sleeping Beetle. After continuing to wait for a minute, Xiao Yang shook his head and turned around, rubbed his temples, and then walked to the mine. He said to himself in his heart: I'm not very disappointed, but I just feel a little sorry.

But at this time, the sound of tracks running came from the direction of the small sand dune. Xiao Yang did not look back. He just stopped a little, and then walked forward with a lighter step. Somehow, he always feels much more comfortable.

After entering the pit, Xiao Yang and others walked in the front of the whole army, and the regimental commander also moved forward in a row with them. There are special mineral lamps hanging everywhere in the mine, which are probably immortal due to the nature of minerals. Although the light is not very bright, there is still no problem to see the road clearly. As they walked forward, the regimental commander began to talk about the mine.

It is said that ten years ago, this was the largest declining spice mining area in the desert, and all the spices transported from the mine were of great value. However, since one day, there has been a supernatural phenomenon in the mine. Many workers are missing and their bodies cannot be found at all. Later, more supernatural phenomena appeared in the mine. Some roads were still open on the first day, and the next day they were blocked by stones. Even underground rivers suddenly appeared in some places, and some inexplicable monsters. Many people say that ghosts with magic appear in the mine. They are all the souls of those who died in the wars nearby and come to revenge on the living. Later, there was a ghost wall that absolutely could not come out of the inside. These mines could no longer operate, so the whole mining area was gradually abandoned.

"This is a spatial distortion phenomenon. That is, the phenomenon of random movement and distortion of part of space in a certain area. Rena said to Xiao Yang, "I haven't met him before, but the earliest captain of the stranded person once talked about this kind of thing. He said that there is a high probability of space distortion in the closed space of the ground wall. The closer to the singularity area, the more likely it is to happen.

Xiao Yang looked ahead and asked, "Is this phenomenon very dangerous?"

"Is it more than dangerous? If it is not a soul messenger but a living person, encountering a large-scale space distortion is equivalent to receiving an invitation from Death. Space distortion is not as regular as a teleport gun. This kind of space conversion is completely random, and the transfer does not care about the human body at all. It's lucky to be suddenly sealed into the ground or in the water. If you can't do it well, your body will be divided into several pieces, moved to different places, and die on the spot. Rena said worriedly, "Our soul messenger will be better because we have a regenerative body, but it's not much better. In short, let's pray that we will encounter less space distortions. My body should be able to..."

There is no follow-up to Rina's words. Xiao Yang turned his head and said, "Why... Reina? Ah?"

Rena is not in his sight, and he can't find Rena when he looks around. He shouted Rena's name anxiously and no one answered him. Xiao Yang's heart is cold. Shouldn't he encounter space distortion now?

"Ah...ah...ah...ah!" The rear troops screamed one after another. Xiao Yang was thrilled and immediately pulled Jill into his arms. The two fell to the ground together and shouted, "Those who are still alive should curl up as much as possible!" It's not easy to die!"

Jill listened to Rena's words, and she also understood Xiao Yang's intention. She curled up into a ball and didn't dare to move. The two had a lot of physical contact, and the exhaled breath blew directly across each other's faces, but they didn't feel any heartbeat, but they waited extremely tightly.

Xiao Yang suddenly felt that the line from his arm to his ears seemed to be blown by and cool. Then he felt the hot and sticky ** spewing out of his body, and the sound on his left was completely hoarse in an instant, as if the left earphone suddenly broke down while listening to music. Then Xiao Yang felt the pain, as if the flesh on his body was suddenly cut away by a fast knife, and it took a while to feel pain.

Jill saw Xiao Yang's miserable situation and clenched her teeth desperately to prevent herself from screaming. More than half of Xiao Yang's left arm continued until his left ear disappeared, and his face was bloody. Due to the power of the soul messenger, Xiao Yang's body began to recover, but it was so miserable that Jill could only close her eyes and not want to look at it again.

But then she also cried out in pain. Her back was twisted by irresistible force, and her flesh and blood were twisted into a ball.

Fortunately, Jill was only injured, and in the next two minutes, Xiao Yang and Jill were no longer affected by space distortion.

Two minutes later, the screams in the mine were basically inaudible. It took Xiao Yang dozens of seconds to stand up carefully. He suddenly felt a chill on his leg again and hurriedly pulled Jill back. But in this way, a large piece of flesh and blood on his leg also disappeared.

Xiao Yang no longer dares to move, so he can only hold Jill and continue to shrink into a ball. After more than ten minutes, Xiao Yang stood up again. This time he didn't feel anything strange. The phenomenon of spatial distortion is really over for the time being.

Xiao Yang looked back behind him. The tragic scene in front of him made him, who was used to seeing the Shura slaughterhouse, feel very uncomfortable in his stomach and quickly shook his head to distract himself. Less than half of the remaining tanks and air cushion motorcycles, most of which are mutilated and distorted like toys damaged by monsters. Some motorcycles only have the front half left, and the driver's body is only half left, and the other half has gone somewhere. Some tanks have only turrets, and pilots, gunners and so on have only a head. One of the five destroyer robots has disappeared, one is still one-third of the lower left, and the other has been completely twisted into a twist, and its original appearance can't be seen at all. The other two robots look intact, but if you look closely, you will know that only one is really intact, and the other is only intact on the surface. The internal cockpit and the driver inside have been removed, leaving only the driver's limbs inside.

When Xiao Yang scanned around, he saw that the sound wave tank that Luo Ruzhi and Aina were riding were still there. He quickly started the communication headset to contact Luo Ruzhi, but there was no sound in the headset. Xiao Yang hurried to the edge of the tank and saw that the tank's hatch opened, and the ragged Aina climbed out of the hatch with a sad face. Xiao Yang immediately looked into the tank and saw that it seemed to be stirred with a blender, and even half of the intact parts could not be found. As for Luo Ruzhi, he doesn't know where he has gone, only some fragments of his clothes are still in it. There are not a lot of blood stains and limb fragments in it, and I don't know what's going on with Luo Ruzhi.

Aina stood on the edge of the tank and lowered her head sadly. She has no wounds except for the serious damage to her clothes. Xiao Yang thought that even the distortion of space did not hurt her, and he felt a little terrible in his heart for no reason. He didn't talk to Ina and went straight back.

There were still some moans in the mine, and it was initially judged that about 30 to 50 people still survived. The regimental commander just broke a bone and didn't look serious.

"Is anyone still alive? Keep moving forward with me." Xiao Yang said.

"I'm still alive! But my hand... my hand is gone! Legs... Legs are gone! You devil! Why did you lie to us here!" A seriously injured man came out of the middle of the tank and shouted excitedly, "I want to go back... Even if I starve to death and die of thirst outside, it's better than this