Fruit Empire


It is not difficult to reverse the relationship between An Lushan and An Qingxu.

But Reina still has some worries. According to Hongluan, there are a large number of outsiders in this historical wheel. But so far, they have not met many outsiders. These people also come here to change history. It's impossible for them to stay like this without doing anything. According to Reina's tutoring on Chinese history during this period, she knows that Tang Minghuang, An Lushan and Yang Guifei are the core of this history. If you want to change history, you must start with these three people. If other outsiders really exist, they will definitely start from these three people.

I haven't met these outsiders yet. What does this mean? These people must be working in the dark, and it is likely that their results are not less effective than Hongluan. They will definitely have contact with An Lushan and other three people; no, maybe they may even stay beside An Lushan and other three historical figures, waiting for the opportunity to move. Whether Hongluan's plan can proceed smoothly is still unknown.

About 20 minutes after the departure of Reina and Hongluan, two more people came out of Anqingxu's house. One of them is An Qingxu himself, and the other is Hao Daochang, who is now acting as a military division beside An Qingxu.

Hao Daochang took out a monocular from his arms and looked in the direction of Rena and the others, and he quickly found Rena's figure.

At this time, Rena judged that the people behind could no longer see this side. She quickly called out the sharp dagger and took action against the guards sent by An Qingxu. In an instant, the heads of the three soldiers were different.

Hao Daochang saw the death of the three soldiers from the telescope. He handed the telescope to An Qingxu: "Little General, you can see for yourself. They really did attack the people you sent.

He had explained the use of telescopes to An Qingxu, so An Qingxu was also familiar with this thing. He took the telescope and looked at it. Sure enough, he saw the guards and bodies, as well as Luo Ruzhi, who disarmed to check whether the guards were dead.

"Sure enough..." An Qingxu became angry. He stamped his feet violently, and even the nearby ground trembled under his anger.

"They will probably report to your father that you concealed the facts and intend to put everything on you." Hao Daochang brushed his beard and said, "In this case, little general, your future..."

"No... Dad should not believe their words so easily. Besides, after all, he is his only son, and I don't really rebel. Isn't he going to do anything to me? An Qingxu said.

"Ha ha, this is not sure. The father is a person who seeks the heart of the world. Of course, he still has a considerable measure, and may not care too much. However, Hongluan is not a simple woman. As soon as he saw her, he saw that she was charming. Do you understand? Even if it is a dragon body, it will be charmed by such a woman. Besides, what she blew to your father is the pillow wind; the little general himself is sure how powerful this thing is. Although tigers generally don't eat children, there are still many unusual things in the world.

Hao Daochang stared at An Qingxu with unpredictable eyes, staring at him hair all over. An Qingxu took a step back and said, "...Then what should I do?"

"Kill your father. In addition, kill Hongluan and her group. Hao Daochang's eyes were extremely fierce, "Then, poor Dao will seek the world for the little general."

Hearing Hao Daochang's words, An Qingxu was shocked and shouted out his name: "...Hao Hen, you are letting me to let my father..."

"Father-s-sling? No, that's just to enable your father to ascend the throne directly to the throne of the emperor in the future. Hao Hen played with the vocabulary, "Only those who can abandon boring family affection can achieve great things. Wasn't the ancestor Taizong also killed his brothers in the Xuanwumen change before he finally ascended to the throne? To be kind to others is to be cruel to yourself. Little General, if you don't do anything now, it will be you who will lie under the yellow spring and die.

An Qingxu was silent for a long time. He suddenly said, "Taoist priest, can you kill them for me?"

"Ha ha, poverty can't help. The poor road leaks too many secrets, and this body has been abandoned by heaven; if it is murderous to the people in the world, it will inevitably be bombarded by five thunderbolts and the bones will be left. Hao Hen's words were terrible, "In addition, the little general can't send others to do it. The emperor has a body of destiny, and there is no one else who can kill him except the little general. If you rush to send others to carry out this task, once you fail, the little general will live your own life..."

Hao Hen's eyes were quite oppressive. An Qingxu did not dare to look in his eyes and turned his head and said, "Taoist priest, let's discuss this matter again. Even if I can do it hard, it's still a question whether I can do it or not..."

"This is not a problem at all. There is an artifact in the hands of the poor road. Although the poor road cannot be used by itself, the poor road can inject mana into it so that the little general can use it. This artifact kills without blood, and guarantees that it can make your father and those disaster stars die here unconsciously. Hao Hen said and scratched a cross in the air with his hands, and then took out an object out of thin air. It is a silver-gray long cylinder, with a row of dim red lattice grooves on the long cylinder and a trigger underneath. Hao Hen put his hand on the grid groove, and the first grid of the grid slot soon became shiny. At the same time, there is a light mass flashing at the front of the long cylindrical object, and those light clusters condensed together and kept jumping at the mouth of the tube.

An Qingxu was shocked: "This is..."

"This thing is called Lei Zhuzhang, which is a magic weapon that has been practiced for many years." Hao Hen handed the thing to An Qingxu's hand, patted the tube, and a small telescope immediately popped up on it.

"The little general only needs to look here with his eyes and see that your father meets those people..." Hao Hen pointed to the trigger of the thunder stick. "You just need to press this. At that time, the sky and the earth will fade, and the sun and the moon will be lightless, and your father and those people will not be saved even if the Jade Emperor comes.

An Qingxu trembled and picked up the thunder stick. This thing is much lighter than expected, as if it were made of bamboo.

"Please calm down, little general." Hao Hen said coldly, "The little general has a great destiny and will do something in the future. In his poor life, he wished that the little general could become a great treasure. If the little general can't pass today, I'm sorry to say bluntly, in a few years, the little general will be submerged under the torrent of the times and die worthless. Poor Dao is not in the mood to watch this scene with his own eyes. I'm sorry, please leave.

With that, Hao Hen stepped forward to leave.

"Wait!" An Qingxu seemed to have made up his mind, and his eyes flashed with a decisive light. "The Taoist priest taught me a lesson! In order to bring the world into his hands, I, An Qingxu, will not hesitate to kill his father and kill the king! Today, An Qingxu vowed here! An Qingxu will live up to the Taoist priest's lesson. In order to seize the world, there is no taboo!"

While talking, an extremely translucent grizzly bear expanded into An Qingxu's body. The bear was dozens of meters high, and the momentum seemed to move mountains and seas. An Qingxu obviously couldn't realize the existence of the bear, but Hao Hen beside him hung a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After saying that, An Qingxu absolutely picked up the thunder stick and looked forward with a scope. The figures of Reina and Hongluan are clearly reflected in the scope.


Rina felt a chill behind her for no reason. She immediately looked behind her, but found nothing. Hongluan smiled and said, "What's the matter, Sister Reina? Did you find any danger again?"

"...Maybe it's just that I'm too **." Rena shrugged her shoulders. Just now, she did feel the murderous intention in the distance behind her, but now she can't feel it.

"Let's just put on the magic carpet." Luo Ruzhi said, "We will not be found on the magic carpet. It doesn't matter if you go down the magic carpet after meeting An Lushan.

"No." Hongluan shook his head resolutely. She pointed to the buttocks behind her and saw the word "An" written on it: "These horses are the horses in Anqingxu's family. We rode these horses given by Anqingxu to see Anlushan. Later, when we get Anlushan, we can say that we stole the horse and escaped, which is more convincing."

What else Luo Ruzhi wanted to say, but Reina said, "There's no need to say. That's it."

Rina actually agrees with Luo Ruzhi's suggestion, but there is no need to care so much about Hongluan in such a small place. Of course, you still need to be careful. Be prepared first, and you can take it easy when you are really in danger.

"Step...step..." There was a regular sound of horses' hoofs in front of him. Reina looked into the distance and saw bursts of yellow sand and dust flying from the distant horizon.

"In front of the official road..." Hongluan said, "Maybe it's An Lushan who came..."

The group of people came to the edge of the official road and stared at the end of the official road. An Lushan, the great traitor who almost destroyed the Tang Dynasty and seized the Li family's world, was about to appear in front of them.

What they don't know is that at the same time, just behind them, An Qingxu, who was holding the thunder stick in his hand, also focused all his attention on the official road. The distance of the scope is only a little bit in front of Rena and the others, and An Qingxu, like them, can't know whether An Lushan is in front of him.

All people are waiting for the appearance of An Lushan. Because when he appears, the fate of many people will be decided.


Death. The black dream slanted through the familiar canyon of Xiao Yang. Black Dream's flying skills are really impeccable. Although its body is more than 45 degrees, it can still keep the two people above sitting steadily without falling down.

Xiao Yang carried the ion cannon and prepared to bombard the rear. He aimed at Ladi and bombarded him without mercy, but the pterodactyl under Ladi's feet sank in the air at an extraordinary speed to avoid Xiao Yang's shot. The red ion beam rushed to the row of pterosaurs behind Ladi and penetrated three pterosaurs on the spot.

The effect of the ion cannon on the Beast King's Legion is much better than Xiao Yang's expectation, but this is not enough. First of all, Ladi is now reacting as fast as a ghost and will definitely not be able to hit her. Secondly, Ladi's Beast King Legion is too scattered, and the ion cannon is not as wide as Xiao Yang's skill moonlight cannon. Two or three pterosaurs can be killed with one shot. You know, this Beast King Legion is more It's huge. I don't know how many tens of thousands there are. It's useless to kill two or three of them. Besides, most of Xiao Yang's own foreign energy has been given to the black dream, and the ion cannon has also been exhausted. Xiao Yang's remaining foreign energy has been given to the ion cannon to barely fill it.

In fact, Ladi has not used her beast soul armor and other tricks at this time, but it is too late for Xiao Yang and others to escape. If this Ladi gets serious, won't he be able to kill them all immediately?

The current situation is extremely unfavorable. Xiao Yang's heart is anxious. He can only aim at Ladi with an ion cannon, hoping to rely on this thing to deter Ladi to delay the time.

"Xiao Yang... Do you have a way now?" Huang Lin asked next to him.

"What can I do? I'm just waiting to die now." Xiao Yang smiled with a self-deprecating smile, "I really want to ask you what tricks you have? Can your sky puppet control the guy behind or her mount? Or do you have any other props you can use?"

"...I wish I could control it. And I don't have any other props." Huang Lin lowered her head and said, "There's nothing I can do."

"You are really useless." The voice of the black dream came into Xiao Yang's heart, "If I had known it, I wouldn't have relied on you."

Xiao Yang hit the black dream with his fist: "Fly yours, don't talk nonsense. You can talk later if you have a way.

"I can probably come up with a solution. Your words...maybe it can also be used..." Black Dream probably thought, "But you may not dare to use it at all."

"What's the use!" Xiao Yang roared, "If you have a move, say it quickly!" Even if there is an 80% chance of dying, I will consider whether to use it or not!"

"Death will not die; however, with that trick, you may fall directly into the evil way. That's not a reincarnation that can be easily left. Black Dream shivered, "I remember seeing someone fall into the evil way with my own eyes. I can't describe how miserable it is.

Xiao Yang fell silent after hearing the words of the black dream. The nine paths of hell, the evil path is the penultimate path, and its location is only above the hell path. Xiao Yang is completely uncertain about what will happen when he really goes to the evil ghost road, but just by listening to the name of the evil ghost road, he can guess that it will never be a fun person.

"I said don't think about what I said. I just said it casually. That kind of thing can't be done by you at all. It's too dangerous. Hei Meng said, "Now I try my best to fly, and you can try your best to find a way."

Xiao Yang looked backwards. Ratti is commanding the Beast King's Legion to strengthen the former army. At this time, the number of the Beast King Legion was many times more than when he met her in the isolated island scene, so the speed of strengthening was far less than that at that time; but Xiao Yang knew very well that once the former army of the Beast King Legion was strengthened, Ladi would launch a general attack. At that time, she can use the tactics of front and back attack again, so that she has no way to escape.

"Black Dream. Tell me the method you said. Xiao Yang put his hand on the black dream's skin and resolutely said to the black dream.

"...what? I told you not to think of that method, that would..."

"Don't worry so much. Just tell me, Black Dream." Xiao Yang said, "There is still a chance to win this game. If you don't fight now, there will be really no chance when Ladi's reinforcement is completed.

Black Dream hesitated for a long time and finally said, "Okay. Listen to me. This is a trick that can be used in any scene, no, anywhere in the hell game, and can improve your combat effectiveness to the level of evil creatures in a short time... Er, I'll tell you the method. That is to use the hell medal on your body to transform; you just need to recite a spell.

Xiao Yang was shocked: "Hell Medal?"

"Well... the reason why this thing is so difficult to get is that it is a real universal prop. Its real meaning is temporary reincarnation, allowing you to temporarily have the power of hell or evil spirits. No law can violate the Hell Medal and limit its power. Black Dream said, "As for the side effects of the Hell Medal... that is, after using the Hell Medal to transform, it is likely to be unable to recover, so as to fall into the evil path or hell almost forever. What you have is the Yecha-level Hell Medal, which will temporarily become a Yecha-level evil spirit after use; of course, this is likely to become forever for the time being.

Xiao Yang's face had become a little pale, but he still said briefly, "Tell me the spell."

"...Do you really want to use it?"

"I will use it again depending on the situation." Xiao Yang said.

"...Okay. Listen. That spell is: Sacrificing endless darkness with my merits. This body is with hell!"

"Nah, broken elf!" From behind came Ladi's voice, "Do you know the real limit of the Beast King's move?"

Xiao Yang frowned. This came back from the dead, and now I don't know what it is. What does she mean? The limit of the Beast King Legion? Haven't you seen it once when you were on the island? The power of thousands of dinosaurs is concentrated on a few dinosaurs, which has improved their single combat ability to an incompetual level. This is the strongest application method of the Beast King Legion, and it should also be its limit.

"Do you think you only need to strengthen the dinosaurs to exert all the combat effectiveness of the Beast King Legion?" Lady hummed, "Stupid. The reason why I did this last time was that even I was restricted as a soul messenger, and I couldn't use all my strength on you as living people. And now I am no longer bound by that rule. The strengthening just now is just a prelude. Let's widen your eyes and see the strongest form of the Beast King Legion! Resonance, let's begin!"

With Ladi's voice, the former army of the previously strengthened King of Beasts, mainly dozens of pterodactyls, formed a fan-shaped reserve in front of Ladi; then, their bodies began to tremble. They are obviously flying, but their bodies are really trembling, leaving flexible shadows in the air. How strange it looks at this situation, but the wonderful thing is that it makes people feel that there is no sense of discord.

"What a dangerous feeling..." Huang Lin beside Xiao Yang muttered to herself, "I feel that my heart is about to jump out."

Huang Lin has already felt the horror of the other party, and Xiao Yang, who feels more sensitive, feels more horrible. Although he could not use any of the skills of the elf Druid, Xiao Yang could still clearly feel that the power of the dinosaurs behind him was rapidly improving. That kind of tremor can't be wrong. They have resonated with the bodies of hundreds of thousands of pterosaurs and bird dragons, making their combat effectiveness truly condense into a whole, and the value of this combat effectiveness must be rapidly increasing.

As Xiao Yang expected, the most dangerous thing then appeared.

The giant pterodactyl at Ladi's feet stopped flying and rose high, carrying Ladi out of the canyon and suspended in the air. At the same time, a wave of pterosaurs and bird dragons behind Ladi