Fruit Empire


has not passed the wheel of history, but I have the memory of walking through the wheel of legend.

Xiao Yang has now let the others retreat, leaving only Xiao Yang and Black Dream in the room. When Black Dream asked about the wheel of history, Xiao Yang gave it a general story about what he knew at present.

After the black dream replied, Xiao Yang asked, "What is the wheel of legend?"

"It is far beyond history, but it is not a mythical world. It is also required to change the legend, but the restrictions on participants are not as strict as the wheel of history; the participants will not lose their skills and physique. Black Dream explained, "Of course, the wheel of legend is definitely much more difficult than here, and you will often meet legendary heroes; and they are often enemies of participants."

Xiao Yang said, "You lost in the wheel of legend..."

"Well, it failed. I remember that I met the hero Ku Qiulin and lost without any suspense. There's nothing I can do. That guy is terrible. Black Dream closed its eyes. That's really not a pleasant memory.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the wheel of legend." Xiao Yang changed the topic, " By the way, Black Dream, can you use skills now?"

The way for Black Dream to come to the wheel of history is different, so Xiao Yang thinks it may be able to use skills.

"...I can't." Black Dream shook his head, "I tried this as soon as I came here. I can't even compare with ordinary people now. It's so hateful that it's hard to get back the power, but it's sealed here again. Unexpectedly, it has become such a ridiculous appearance now.

Xiao Yang stared at the black dream and wanted to laugh, but soon endured it and said seriously, "It doesn't matter, black dream. Power is not everything in this world. It's easy for you to move, easy to eavesdrop, and it's quite good to do something secret."

"Just talk about you..." Heimeng stopped on Xiao Yang's shoulder. "Hey, I said Xiaoyang, if I hadn't listened to you and come here, I wouldn't have become like this now. Anyway, you have to be responsible for me!"

"I know. I'll take you out." Xiao Yang said, "But it's not that easy. Work hard slowly."

Shi Siming's identity is very useful, and he can use this identity to do a lot of things. The only trouble is the four-headed wolf in his body. Xiao Yang had a hunch that this thing would definitely hinder him in the future.

But there is no need to think so much for the time being. Rena and Luo Ruzhi don't know what's going on. Let's get in touch with them first and then make a plan.

Legendary Wheel.

"Deputy captain, I..." A big black man knelt on the ground and breathed heavily. Half of his legs have disappeared, all the skin on his body is cracked, and the skin and flesh have turned out under the huge wounds. It's horrible.

"Mark, I'm coming." A thin teenager wearing sunglasses appeared behind the big black man and smiled indifferently, "Thank you for your hard work. Sorry for coming a little late. You did a good job and dragged this monster perfectly. Next, let's do it. Shuidan, you take care of Mark.

A dark-skinned and well-bodied woman like an athlete appeared beside the teenager. She nodded and began to heal Mark.

There are more than a dozen people next to the woman, tall, fat and thin, and they all look like people on the same team as them.

And in front of them, there is a mountain across at this time. That mountain... No, that's not a mountain. It's obviously moving. It's obviously a creature, but it's too big to see only a small part of its body for the time being.

"This snake is really big... Just a small snake body is as huge as a mountain, which is too much praise. Vice Captain, what should we do now? Behind the teenager, a resolute middle-aged man came out, and he looked at the teenager with questioning eyes.

"Well, staff officer, what do you mean, what should we do?" The teenager asked in an empty direction.

"Your child is still the same as before. You already know what you want to do, so why do you have to ask me? A very faint white fog appeared in the air where there was nothing, and a woman's voice came from the white fog.

"You are right." The teenager took a deep breath and waved his hand gently, "Longye, Longguang. You two attack the seven inches of the snake. I have marked seven inches just now, and you can attack directly from the air.

"Well, I see, deputy captain." Two brothers came out from behind the team. They jumped high, and rocket thrusters automatically appeared on their legs, sending them into the sky.

"Ji Jinde, Miao Qi, and Pan Lv, the three of you, go to the mountain in the heart of the snake. Yang Xie, go..." The teenager arranged everyone's actions in an orderly manner, and they took orders one by one.

In the end, there were only the teenager and the woman in the white fog, as well as Mark and Shuidan who healed his wounds.

"I said, you have gradually become a leader." The woman in the white fog laughed.

"No, it's still far away." The teenager clenched his fist and said, "It's really too far away."

"Don't say that, captain. You are the greatest leader I have ever met." While healing Mark, Shuidan said to the teenager, "I admire you very much, really..."

" Shut up!" Angrily appeared on the teenager's face, "Didn't I say it many times? Don't call me captain! There will always be only one captain! I will always be under that person!"

"Yes...sorry!" Shuidan saw that the teenager was angry and quickly apologized, but he obviously did not calm down because of Shuidan's apology, and his eyes were still very angry.

"Forget it. I understand your mood, but isn't this the time, okay, Mr. 'Deputy'? The female voice in the white fog said, "If you don't perform your duties, I will do it for you now."

"...Well, I know. I will take care of the bone of the white snake. The teenager said indifferently, "Just watch there, Su Feiqi."

"Ha ha. I'm happy to see it come true." As the words fell, the white fog suddenly dissipated.

The teenager moved his neck and looked forward. White snake is not a problem. No, even the wheel of legend is not a problem.

If you can cross the wheel of legend, you can return to the real world. But that agreement... Now it seems that it is difficult to achieve.

The teenager shook his head, and his body turned into a black light and quickly shuttled forward.

In Anqingxu's house. Lobby. The tiger beads have been activated, and the red thin line has been woven up from Hao Hen's feet. The blood-red waves are surging, reaching Hao Hen's chest in an instant. It seems that Hao Hen's body is about to be swallowed up.

However, Hao Hen just blinked his eyes. Then the red waves made by Hulao zhu stood still in the air in an instant, as if they were suddenly frozen. The next moment, these frozen red waves automatically dispersed into fragments and floated in the air.

Hao Hen shrugged his shoulders and walked out from the area caged by the tiger's beads.

All the people in the lobby opened their eyes wide and couldn't close their mouths. Even Rena was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

You should know that the tiger bead is the strongest cage with absolute bondage. Once it is locked by the tiger bead, it can't even move at all. Basically, there is no other way but to be obediently locked up. But this Hao Hen unexpectedly... He actually broke through the search of Hulao zhu! What the hell did this damn Taoist priest do?

However, Luo Ruzhi quickly reacted and wanted to start the tiger bead again. But Hulao zhu seemed to be asleep and couldn't start.

Hongluan looked at Luo Ruzhi, who was so anxious that he was about to jump up, and suddenly remembered something: "...Is it the sky..."

"I have some insight. I do have the second Tianxing jade among the nine spiritual treasures. This thing can block the functions of most props, and even the props below the jade level in Jiulingbao, that is, three beads and three stones, can be blocked. Although Hulao zhu is also a very powerful prop, it will still be blocked by Tianxingyu. Hao Hen said indifferently, "Give up. You can't break through my level. It's impossible to see An Lushan.

"What a great opponent." Rena regained her composure, "It seems that if we want to see An Lushan, we have to find another way."

"Hehe, that's impossible. The lobby is the only way for you to see Anlu Mountain. If you don't take this road, you can't find Anlu Mountain at all. Hao Hen said, "And I can tell you that in a few minutes, the little general will take An Lushan out of this house and go to a secret place. At that time, it will be even more impossible for you to see An Lushan.

Hongluan slowly walked over to Hao Hen and smiled, "I said, brother, give us a convenience. If it's convenient for you to give us now, I can..."

"Is it seductive..." Hao Hen looked at Hongluan with sharp eyes, "It's useless. Skills can't be used here, and no props can confuse my heart.

Hongluan closed the door, but still said with a smile, "Don't say that. To be honest, we are all outsiders and have a common goal. If you can join our team, it will be much easier for us to break through the wheel of history.

"Don't make a par with me. The way is different, and we don't conspire with each other. Hao Hen was annoyed, "Get out of here, or don't blame me for expelling you directly."

"Okay. Then let's go to see An Lushan." Rina waved her hand, "Goodbye."

"Do you want to use a teleportation gun?" Hao Hen also laughed, "It may still be useful if you don't say it, but now you remind me that I have also blocked the function of the transport gun. So you..."

Hao Hen's smile suddenly disappeared. Hongluan and Song Yunxiang have disappeared in the lobby! Then Luo Ruzhi also disappeared, leaving only Reina.

Hao Hen roared, "Tianxingyu, biological freezing mode starts!"

A circle of gray smoke appeared beside Rena, but Rena was not affected at all, but continued to look at Haohen with contemptuous eyes in the smoke.

"...illusion? Such a realistic illusion, is it awan xiang jing? Hao Hen was extremely angry, "Wond, when did you use it..."

"It's almost when you use Tianxingyu to block the tiger beads. After using the Vientiane Mirror, I used the transport gun. Thanks to you, I'm a little proud, otherwise I can't succeed. Well, see you later." Renee also disappeared as she spoke.

Hao Hen stamped on the ground. Bastard, then you have to think of another way.

There is a big lake in Anqingxu's backyard, and there are many corridors in the middle of the lake. In the middle of the lake is a big pavilion, and Rena and other people are in the pavilion.

Rina straightened up and said to everyone, "Run away. We can still catch up with An Lushan.

After passing this lake, behind a bamboo forest is the side door of the yard. An Lushan and An Qingxu should not have left the yard yet. If they rush over now, they will definitely be able to intercept them. If the transmission gun can still be used now, it can be transmitted directly to An Lushan immediately. Unfortunately, the teleport gun was completely blocked by Tianxingyu and could not be used for the time being; everyone had no choice but to run over.

"'d better take a break. Look at you, I can't stand it." The speaker is Luo Ruzhi. As he said, Rena has been in a poor mental state since the transmission, looking very haggard, as if she had stayed up for a week.

Rina took a deep breath. The Vientiane mirror was much more difficult to use than she expected. It only created the illusion of four people, and then said two words to the Taoist priest through the illusion, which almost exhausted all her mental strength. Now her spirit is extremely tired, and her sleepiness is like a tide.

"No, if you don't catch up with An Lushan now..." As soon as she took a step forward, her right leg collapsed like a scrapped machine, and her body involuntarily fell to the ground. Fortunately, Luo Ruzhi quickly went over to help her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

"The magic carpet can't be used, bastard..." Song Yunxiang punched the magic carpet that had just been taken out. Tianxingyu's blocking ability is terrible. It is likely that Hao Hen only issued the order to block the props, and Tianxingyu automatically blocked most of the props. Fortunately, the teleport gun and the Vientioscope are not within its automatic blockade, otherwise Rina could not play that trick just now, and everyone would be blocked by Hao Hen in the hall.

The time was urgent, and everyone ran forward at Rena's suggestion, while Rena rested in place. Those people ran desperately and quickly rushed through the heavy corridor and reached the forest.

"Ah!" A howling like killing pigs came from the front. Hearing this sound, Hongluan's face was as pale as paper and muttered, "No way? No matter how impossible..."

Hongluan improved the speed of running while speaking. Her physical fitness was the worst of the remaining three, and her clothes were in the way. She was out of breath from just now, and the sweat on her face was covered with red makeup. But Hongluan didn't care and ran forward desperately. However, she was really exhausted, and her pace slowed down after running for a long time. She cast her eyes to Luo Ruzhi and Song Yunxiang for help. But the two pretended not to see the same and ran forward, gradually opening the distance from Hongluan.

Song Yunxiang ran out of the bamboo forest as soon as possible. But as soon as he came out of the bamboo forest, he was stunned, and his body seemed to be frozen.

Seeing the wrong situation, Luo Ruzhi followed him and ran out of the bamboo forest.

"...this..." Luo Ruzhi also opened his mouth and couldn't speak. The scene in front of him was really beyond his expectation, making him feel that his brain was short-circuited for a while.

There are only two people standing in front. An Qingxu, and a middle-aged man who is slightly shorter than him but much fatter. At first sight of this person, Luo Ruzhi felt like a mountain made of fat meat. An Lushan. There is no need to confirm that this is 100% the man's name.

And the next moment, Luo Ruzhi saw the crimson ** gushing out from the fat mountain.

A short knife sank deep into An Lushan's chest. The blood flowed from the wound under the knife. Perhaps because it is too fat, the blood flow is not fast, flowing down like sticky yogurt.

But the slow blood flow does not mean that Anlu Mountain is not life-threatening. On the contrary, he looked pale and didn't seem to live long.

"...reverse...reverse son!" An Lushan covered his chest and retreated slowly, looking at An Qingxu and shouted, "How dare you... to killed... your father..."

"Don't you want to kill me too?" An Qingxu opposite said coldly, "It's better to do it first, and then it's bad. This is your father's teaching. I've always kept it in mind."

"! If I seize the world, then... that day... one day it will be yours... Why do you have to..." An Lushan said extremely disappointedly, "I have to do it now..."

"Because I can't wait." An Qingxu pulled out his sword from his waist and stabbed An Lushan with another sword. Although An Lushan's body was huge, his movements were very agile. He turned to the right to avoid the key points. As a result, An Qingxu changed the posture of the sword, and the sword pierced An Lushan's round stomach. This blood sprayed heavily, and there was a bright red pool on the ground.

Anlushan sat on the ground because of pain and anger, and the ground shook like an earthquake. At this time, An Qingxu continued to walk towards him with his sword.

"Come on...come on!" An Lushan shouted in fear. His current appearance can't be seen at all... He is just a dying old fat man.

"No one will come." An Qingxu walked to An Lushan and looked at him condescendingly, "Do you remember? You listen to me and take back those soldiers. They can't hear your voice on the other side of the lake. Just to know the whereabouts of that woman, you are so careless; you are at this point, and you are also asking for it.

"" An Lushan was shaking all over, "Since when... have you... become so vicious... I... I can't believe it..."

"When I dialed my destiny from the Taoist priest, I already understood. The world is built on power. Father, didn't you rely on this viciousness to climb to this point today? An Qingxu said indifferently.

"This situation..." Luo Ruzhi, who watched all this, finally came to his senses and looked at Song Yunxiang beside him and said, "What should we... do?"

"We can't do anything." Song Yunxiang pointed to the direction of An Lushan and his son, "Look at what's on their heads."

Luo Ruzhi raised his head. In the mid-air above An Lushan's father and son's head, two huge beasts were fighting. Of course, they are not realistic beasts, and