Fruit Empire


The group went out to meet the cavalry.

"You all have worked hard." Xiao Yang looked at the cavalry and said, "I don't know when the angel (that is, the emperor's envoys) will come?"

It is reasonable that these cavalry are only the guards of the envoys, and they should disap off their horses to show their respect when they see such a high-level general Shi Siming. But the leading cavalry immediately bowed to Xiao Yang: "General Shi, please don't worry. It should come, it will definitely come."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of horses' hoofs came from afar. Xiao Yang turned his head and looked. However, the first thing that came into his eyes was not the horse fleet or carriage he imagined, but something more exaggerated and surreal.

It is a halberd, and its steel color shines in the air. The length of the halberd is about 20 meters long. If someone can swing it, it must be a giant beyond common sense. Such an unimaginable halberd hung in the air in front of him and rushed towards Xiaoyang with the sound of horses' hoofs.

Xiao Yang suddenly felt that his neck was very cold. That feeling is like being cut on the neck by some sharp weapon. He felt cold, and then he felt that the world around him was gradually rising... No, his vision was still spinning, and the world around him seemed to be reversed. Behind, a headless body is riding on a horse in armor. Wait, isn't that your own body? What! Did you actually be beheaded?

"Xiao Yang!" A whisper came into Xiao Yang's ears. He was excited and then found that he was still standing well. He touched his neck and made sure that his head was still on his neck.

"What are you doing?" Reina looked at Xiao Yang, "It's like I lost my mind just now."

"...I have nothing to do." Xiao Yang pretended to be relaxed. When he spoke, he felt that his hands were very wet, and he pinched it open and saw that it was full of sweat. The scene I just saw, is that an illusion? Think about it carefully, that's really not what should happen now. Now I'm standing here in plain clothes, but what I just saw was riding on a horse in armor.

However, the feeling of being killed is true, and it doesn't look like an illusion at all. That feeling is even more real and accurate than when you feel your death in the spring world. What's wrong with that feeling?

"The fate beast... there is a fate beast..." At this time, Song Yunxiang couldn't help muttering, "And it's also in the form of a weapon!" What the hell!"

Xiao Yang looked at the long halberd in front of him. Destiny beast in the form of weapons? Does that mean this halberd? That's true. This halberd is definitely not what it should be in history, and its form is obviously the fate beast.


Xiao Yang asked Song Yunxiang in a low voice, "Wait, the fate beast should be a beast or something, right?" This kind of thing is obviously a weapon. How can it be a fate beast?

"The fate beast is just a general term, in fact, it has all forms. Of course, there are also weapon forms, but it is difficult for us to see them. This halberd...ah..." Song Yunxiang was suddenly stunned when he said this and didn't go on.

Xiao Yangqi said, "What's wrong?"

"No...nothing... I must have thought wrong." Song Yunxiang laughed dryly, "That's impossible... It should be impossible..."

Xiao Yang continued to ask, and Song Yunxiang no longer spoke. Xiao Yang shook his head and continued to look at the direction of the halberd.

The halberd finally rushed to Xiao Yang and the others. The owner of the halberd has white hair and beard, and he looks at least 50 years old, but his face is ruddy and his eyes are bright. Although he wears casual clothes, he can be seen at a glance that he has been a fierce general who has been fighting for a long time. Xiao Yang searched for this person's information from Shi Siming's memory, but found nothing. It seems that Shi Siming has never seen this person before.

Hua Baihu turned over and got off his horse, took out a Xiao Huang silk from his arms, and said loudly, "Fan Yang's soldiers and horses, Shi Siming, take the order!"

As soon as the two words of the decree came out, Xiao Yang hesitated a little and did not immediately kneel down. Hua Baihu said harshly, "Why don't you kneel down to receive the order?"

Xiao Yang immediately knelt down. No matter how unaccustomed you are, there is no choice at this time. The rest of the people also knelt down with him.

"...I am extremely sad to learn that Anqing died for no reason. Shi Simingqing and his visitors jointly investigated the cause of Anqing's death and personally sent it to the court within this month. I admire this."

Hua Baihu finished reading the imperial edict. Xiao Yang fell backwards and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Luo Ruzhi behind him helped him.

"Lord An... Lord An is dead?" Xiao Yang's eyes widened, and a completely unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

"It's dead. The news reported by the emperor's cronies in this city is absolutely true. General Shi, don't you really know that you are so close? The old man with a white beard asked calmly.

"No... I don't know. Shi has been recuperating and doesn't know the situation of Lord An. Xiao Yang beat the ground fiercely and cried and howled, "Lord An! Shi hasn't repay your kindness yet... How can you leave Shi and leave like this? Who is it and who dares to kill you? If Shi catches this person, he will smash ten thousand pieces of his body to make the spirit of Lord An in heaven! ......”

Xiao Yang howled several times later, crying sadly and doing a real job. At this time, Shi Siming should still be a loyal general under An Lushan, and An Lushan naturally has to show something after his death. Hua Baihu looked at Xiao Yang's performance and didn't say anything. After Xiao Yang finished crying, he gave the yellow silk to Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang took over the yellow silk. The content of this edict is also within my mind. As Reina guessed, there must be enemies in the court. If you go to the court according to that person's will, there will definitely be an inevitable war waiting for them. Well, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have Shi Siming's destiny, and I won't have no way to meet the fate beast as before.

However... there is another thing that is very interesting.

Xiao Yang wiped away his tears and looked at Hua Baihu: "What's the name of the general?"

"My surname is Guo, and my name is Ziyi." Hua Baihu stared at Xiao Yang and said.

Xiao Yang took a step back. Famous general Guo Ziyi! He is the first minister of the pacified Anshi Rebellion and the first general of this era! And more importantly, Shi Siming was defeated by Guo Ziyi!

Xiao Yang suddenly understood what he felt just now. That's the fate of being defeated and defeated by Guo Ziyi!

Guo Ziyi sensed Xiao Yang's strangeness, but he just saluted Xiao Yang and said, "General Shi, I have a low position and poor ability. This time, I am here to cooperate with General Shi's investigation, and I only hope General Shi will help me more."

Although Guo Ziyi spoke in a low-key way, his tone did not feel low at all, but gave people a feeling of hidden sharpness.

The long halberd behind Guo Ziyi had been automatically withdrawn from his body at this time. Xiao Yang saw that his life was worry-free, and he was much more relaxed. He also saluted and said, "General Guo is very polite. I have heard of General Guo's name for a long time. I am deeply honored to be with General Guo's colleagues this time.

"Where." Guo Ziyi arched her hand and said, "If General Shi is fine, I will leave first. I will visit again tomorrow to deal with Lord An's affairs.

Xiao Yang did not keep Guo Ziyi and saw him and his horse team leave.

"I said Xiao Yang, I'm afraid this person is not simple, right?" Behind him was Rena's voice.

"It's not just simple. This man was the first hero of the Anshi Rebellion and a famous Zhongxing general of the Tang Dynasty. Historically, Shi Siming was defeated by this man, and then declined and finally died. Xiao Yang whispered, "The deterrent of the halberd even made me personally understand Shi Siming's death. This person is Shi Siming's big star, which is also very horrible to me.

"What are you going to do? Now that the imperial edict is also known, it is not impossible for us to escape. Rena said.

"No, I can't escape. Guo Ziyi is very important. Although he was restrained by fate, after all, he was not the one who killed Shi Siming, and I would not be frightened by it. What's more..." Xiao Yang turned his eyes to Guo Ziyi's back. "If the first person in the world kills Guo Ziyi here... the history of the Tang Dynasty will change unimaginably."

Guo Ziyi is a famous general who pacified the Anshi Rebellion. Historically, it was because of Guo Ziyi's several great victories that brought the Tang Dynasty back to life. If Guo Ziyi died before the Anshi Rebellion, the history of the whole Tang Dynasty would be rewritten. During the Anshi Rebellion, there were many people who could serve as leaders. An Lushan died, including An Qingxu, Shi Siming, Shi Siming's son Shi Chaoyi, and other ambitious generals among the rebels. Together with the rebel forces, even if these people are dead, there will always be people rushing out to be the head of the rebels. But Tang Jun's side is different. Without Guo Ziyi, no one can stop the edge of the rebels.

"Kill Guo Ziyi? This plan sounds good. Reina is very interested in Xiao Yang's idea. "Let's draw up a detailed action plan now."

Luo Ruzhi also nodded and said, "It's really a good opportunity. Maybe you can get your money back at one time and get enough value for the deeds.

"Hey, what are you kidding!" Song Yunxiang said puzzledly, "It is quite difficult to kill historical figures. Guo Ziyi's fate beast is invincible in this era. There is no one who can rely on fate to kill him except Tang Xuanzong. Shi Siming's destiny is indeed very strong, but he can't be Guo Ziyi's opponent when he really fights; on the contrary, he has to be greatly restrained.

"Try it. If it really doesn't work, think of another way. Xiao Yang said, "We don't have many opportunities in this era. Instead of letting the opportunity slip away, it's better to face the difficulties first. After An Qingxu killed An Lushan, no one could control it, and it was difficult to find a breakthrough from him. If we don't seize the current opportunity, we will have more difficulties in the future.

"I agree. I don't know how powerful Guo Ziyi is, but I think we have hope to win. Renea looked at Huang Lin as she spoke, "Besides, we still have a bird here that is not very restrained."

On Huang Lin's shoulder, the petite parrot is combing its feathers. As a ranger, Huang Lin is far from invincible. However, her fate parrot has the ability to be hardly restrained by any fate beast. Even against An Qingxu, who is now very horrible, Huang Lin has not fallen behind. With Huang Lin's containment, it is not impossible to kill Guo Ziyi here.

"Huang Lin, can you help us?" Xiao Yang asked Huang Lin. Huang Lin is theoretically Xiao Yang's teammate, but now she certainly won't obey Xiao Yang's orders so easily, so Xiao Yang must ask her what she means.

Huang Lin was a little hesitant. She turned her eyes to Song Yunxiang, which was asking for his opinion. Xiao Yang asked Song Yunxiang directly, "What do you plan to do?"

"Damn, it's crazy. That bitch Hongluan didn't want to attack Guo Ziyi's level. Song Yunxiang said and smiled, "Well, I'll do it with you. Xiaolin, thank you for your hard work. Please do your best to help them.

"I see. I will do my best." Huang Lin also listened to Song Yunxiang's proposal.


The next day, Guo Ziyi came to Shifu again. Xiao Yang took about 100 cronies to greet Guo Ziyi at the door.

"General Shi..." Guo Ziyi took a look at Reina immediately behind Xiao Yang and said casually, "Do you need to bring a woman to investigate? Even if she is a yellow-haired and blue-eyed female Hu, she can't be of any serious use if she goes there.

The implication is that Xiao Yang took Reina to have fun along the way. At this time, Reina put away her weapons and wore women's clothing, which was also shining brightly without powder, so Guo Ziyi thought so.

"General Guo is probably wrong." Xiao Yang said indifferently, "This is a guest specially invited by Shi. She is a strange woman. Shi respected her very seriously and asked General Guo to respect himself and stop saying such words.

Guo Ziyi looked at Rena carefully and saw that her eyes were brilliant and murderous. She really didn't look like an ordinary woman at all. Guo Ziyi withdrew her eyes and bowed her hand solemnly, "I know I'm wrong. It seems that General Shi is different from what the rumor said. It's too rude. Please don't blame General Shi.

"General Guo's words are heavy." Xiao Yang couldn't help but have some respect for Guo Ziyi. Guo Ziyi is indeed a famous general in history. He obviously doesn't like Xiao Yang, a historian, but he can frankly admit his mistake. This temperament is not what ordinary people can have. Xiao Yang thought that if he did not meet Guo Ziyi in the historical wheel of this game, but went back to the Tang Dynasty and met Guo Ziyi, maybe he could become friends with him. But now, Xiao Yang has no choice but to kill him.

Xiao Yang took Shi Siming's entourage and Guo Ziyi to Anqingxu Mansion. According to Guo Ziyi, the emperor, that is, Tang Xuanzong, already knew that An Lushan died in Anqingxu's house.

"To be honest, I still don't believe that Lord An is dead." Xiao Yang said in a speculative tone, "I sent some people to Anqingxu Mansion last night to inquire about the news. According to them, Anfu, which is usually on high alert, went empty yesterday and couldn't find half a person. Although there were some blood stains in it, no bodies were seen.

Guo Ziyi didn't say a word.

"Lord An can fight tigers and wolves empty-handed. Unless he uses treachery, ordinary people can't kill him easily. What's more, according to General Guo, if Lord An dies in Mr. An's house, then the biggest suspicion..."

Guo Ziyi shook her head, and her white beard trembled with the wind: "Don't say more. We naturally know the details when we get there.

Since then, Guo Ziyi has never said a word.

In the afternoon, hundreds of people finally came to the gate of Anfu. Anqingxu's house is built on the hillside, so high that even Xiao Yang, who has great eyesight, can't see the situation inside.

When it was about 200 meters away from Anfu, Guo Ziyi waved his hand: "Stop!"

Xiao Yang also ordered Shi Siming's follower to stop the horse. He and Guo Ziyi each sent several horse scouts and asked them to go to Anfu to knock on the door first.

Those scouts rushed to the gate of Anfu. The gate of Anfu was locked, and the horses knocked for a long time but did not respond. After listening to the report of the horses, Xiao Yang and Guo Ziyi each rushed to the gate of Anfu with several cronies. In addition to Rena and others, Xiao Yang also brought several of Shi Siming's confidants, including the three people who came to Anqingxu's mansion for investigation last time.

But just as Xiaoyang and the others were about to arrive in front of the gate, they only heard a "kara" sound of the gate, and the door opened from the inside! There were seven or eight children standing in the door, servants. Looking at their posture, it seemed that they were going to come out to guard the door. These people were not panicked when they saw Xiao Yang and Guo Ziyi, and immediately someone went to inform the steward in the room.

Xiao Yang was shocked to see this. There should be no one in Ming'an Mansion. But now there are so many people out of thin air. Is it possible that An Qingxu deliberately left some people in this house to hide a conspiracy?

"General Shi, I remember you said that you had someone spy on this house and said that there was no one in it." Guo Ziyi asked, "But what's going on?"

"Shi doesn't know either! Maybe Shi's subordinates are not doing things in good. Xiao Yang could only say, "General Guo Shao'an is not impatient. Wouldn't it be better to have someone here? At least it will be easier for us to investigate.

Guo Ziyi nod, rushed to the gate and shouted, "To report to your young master An, the emperor sent Guo Ziyi and General Shi Siming to see him!" Let him come out to see us quickly!"

A pale middle-aged steward came out of the door and saluted Guo Ziyi: "The young master has gone out to work with his grandfather and has not come back yet. Lord, General Shi, if you are looking for a young master..."

Before the middle-aged steward finished speaking, Xiao Yang interrupted him: "Public work? That's fine. General Guo was ordered by the emperor to come to the house. Whether your young master is here or not, he must enter the house today.

The steward looked at Xiao Yang: "General Shi, this... we are old..."

Xiao Yang said, "Your Majesty, Shi can't help your young master. Open the door and let us in."

"Stepping!" A burst of footsteps came from the house, and at the same time, there was an exclamation, "Siming!"

Xiao Yang was stunned. In front of him, the body is as fat as a huge top. With a smiling face, there is an ambition to swallow the world in his small eyes.

"An...Lord..." Xiao Yang shook his head hard, "No, this is absolutely impossible! How can this kind of thing..."

That's all for Xiao Yang's words. Because he saw the huge bergine rising from the other party's back and the terrible oppression. This unique destiny beast is undoubtedly the symbol of Anlu Mountain.

Xiao Yang was stunned and speechless, and four people were more surprised than him, including Rena and Song Yunxiang. What the hell is going on in front of you? An Lushan is obviously dead and can't die anymore. This is the reality that they have seen with their own eyes. But now, An Lushan has come back to life? Is this an illusion? But the depressing feeling of the fate beast is real; this feeling