Fruit Empire


Those intruders who used to be their teammates. No, even if they are close at hand, Xiao Yang and others will not see Peng Fei's existence as if they can't see these guardians in front of them, right? After all, they are no longer in the same dimension. Even if they pass by, neither side can see each other's body, and they can't transmit their voice to each other's dimension, let alone each other's hearts. They are bound by the most powerful rules of the wheel of history, and the only thing they can pass between them is hostility and attack.

Turn back to the isolated chain, Xiaoyang's battlefield.

"" Xiao Yang gasped. Perhaps because of the enemy's carelessness, the ion cannon is unexpectedly effective. So far, two enemies have been eliminated, and there are only four enemies left.

The enemy is probably ready to use a wide range of undifferentiated offensive functions, but Xiao Yang took action before their attack, causing their attack to fail. The guardian who came to chase this time is not as powerful as expected. In fact, compared with the guardians who fought with Song Yunxiang just now, these guardians in front of us are obviously much weaker.

"Xiao Yang!" Renea rushed to Xiaoyang's side somehow, "That bird... can't indicate the location of the enemy, can it?"

"Well... you're right. I just rely on its eyes to show me the direction of attack. So far, the effect is quite good. Two enemies have been killed." Xiao Yang replied.

While speaking, Black Dream said again: "The enemy has begun to move at high speed again. The movement speed is so fast that you can hardly see anyone. Now I can't judge their position correctly."

Rina didn't hear Black Dream talking. She said to Xiao Yang, "Grow me the bird. Take a rest."

"No. I can do it. Only I can understand its words. Xiao Yang doesn't want to be humble. He is telling the truth.

"...this bird... Forget it, let's not talk about this for the time being. In fact, you don't need to know what it is talking about. You just need to observe the direction of its eyes to know the location of the enemy, right?

"Hmm...but...huh?" Xiao Yang's voice seemed to be hit with an exclamation mark. As if the cold from the abyss had invaded his body, he half knelt on the ground in disbelief and couldn't help getting up.

"Xiao Yang?" Both Black Dream and Rena and Luo Ruzhi exclaimed.

"No..." Xiao Yang held on to stand up, but his attempt failed. "I'm not in danger of my life. It's just that I suddenly lost my strength. Bastard...what the hell is this..."

"It's true that I used the skills for you. The specific skills are unknown. Hei Meng said, "But I don't think your body can fight for the time being, right? At least it can't be fought on the move."

Rina obviously has the same view as Black Dream. She rushed directly to Xiao Yang and shouted, "Give me your Uzi*. And the bird. Does it seem to listen to you? Tell it to come and help me immediately. Don't say anything else."

"Rena...I...can still..."

"It's just that you can't even move, can you? It may be okay to be a fixed battery, but other estimates can't be done. The important thing is that I can protect you, idiot. Bring the gun, hurry up." Reina once again showed her usual toughness.

"..." Xiao Yang had to acknowledge Rena's behavior, gave his Uzi* to Rena, and let Black Dream also stand by Rena's side. He himself was half kneeling in place with an ion cannon, ready to act as the fixed turret mentioned by Rena.

Rina used Uzi* and her sharp dagger to attack the enemy at the same time, while Xiao Yang carried the ion cannon and waited for the black cannon to be fired behind. The enemy is now moving at a high speed, and of course the ion cannon can't hit. But Xiao Yang can now judge the position of the enemy through the eyes of the black dream. As long as it is judged that the enemy has stopped moving, Xiao Yang can immediately react and use the ion cannon to destroy the stopped enemy.

Xiao Yang can't move now, which can be said to be very unfavorable. Fortunately, it seems that the enemy can't easily use powerful attack skills in movement. This is because they obviously knew that they had taken away Xiao Yang's mobility, but they did not use their skills to kill Xiao Yang immediately. Obviously, this is not because they are compassionate, but because their ability is not enough to do this.

Just as Xiao Yang and Reina began to cooperate, the previous battle on a battlefield had completely ended. Song Yunxiang's body was weakly lying on the ground. No, that should no longer be considered a body, right? In fact, all that is left is his head, and the rest of his body seems to have been lost in the battle. Then, even the remaining head was hit by something and disappeared in an instant. There is only a ball-sized ball on the ground, which proves that the previous Song Yunxiang is not a phantom, but a real person.

Although he tried his best, Song Yunxiang's battle ended in failure. The series difference between the two sides is too big. That gap can't be made up by saying beautiful words or being handsome.

After only half a minute, the black dream that stayed on Reina's shoulder suddenly turned his head and looked behind Xiao Yang. Surprise and panic suddenly appeared in its small eyes.

"Xiao Yang... There is a new guardian... Come here! That strong..." Heimeng shouted in a language that only Xiao Yang could understand.

"What..." As soon as Xiao Yang finished speaking, he felt as if his left hand had been nailed by something, and then his whole body was raised high. Xiao Yang immediately realized his current situation. Just like what Huang Lin encountered earlier, he was raised high in the air by the enemy. That is to say, the enemy who fought with Song Yunxiang has come again! Of course, this also means that Song Yunxiang has now...

"Bastard. Go to hell and apologize to Song Yunxiang!" Xiao Yang picked up the ion cannon and pointed it at his back. Guardians are not untouchable, and they can kill each other even if they can't see it. Being captured by the enemy means that the enemy is near him, so he can definitely be killed with an ion cannon!

Xiao Yang quickly pulled the trigger. The heat emitted from the ion cannon mouth made Xiao Yang feel uncomfortable, but he still gritted his teeth and endured. As long as you can kill the enemy, it doesn't matter if you suffer a little burn.

Xiao Yang could obviously feel that the thing holding his hand was loose, and he couldn't help but look happy. It seemed that his prediction was not wrong. Next...

"What are you attacking, Xiao Yang! Wrong! He is not there! What caught you was separated from his body!" The black dream suddenly shouted.

Before Xiao Yang could be surprised, he heard a "click", which was the sound of his right arm fracture. The severe pain entered Xiao Yang's heart, and at the same time, the ion cannon also fell to the ground and lost its owner.

"Xiao Yang!" Rena's bullet and sharp dagger rushed to Xiao Yang at the same time, and she also ran this way. Taking advantage of the sight of the black dream, Rena has prevailed in the battle with several other guardians. However, as soon as she felt that Xiao Yang was in danger, she immediately gave up the advantage of getting it and immediately turned back to protect Xiao Yang.

But she ran a few steps and suddenly shouted out in pain. More than ten big openings in her clothes burst in an instant. Above the left armpit, eight centimeters in front of the left elbow, the left waist, ten centimeters on the left side of the navel, three centimeters above the left knee, six centimeters in the right thigh against the knee... More than ten places were injured at the same time, and bright red blood spewed from Reina's white skin.

"...Is the moving route... too simple..." Reina muttered annotice. Considering that the enemy cannot determine its position immediately, Rina has been running on a complex and changeable route since just now. However, in order to go back to save Xiao Yang, she could only take the shortest straight line. That's why she was locked by the enemy and hit by the enemy's attack.

Rina changed the route and ran desperately. As she ran, Yin Hong's blood was sprinkled all over the ground, but she didn't care at all. Her injury is not light, but it is not fatal after all. If she misses the opportunity to save Xiao Yang because of this minor injury, it will be the most terrible thing for her.

Xiao Yang's body is slowly rising into the air. Now he is not only caught by his left arm. Right arm, left leg, right leg; in other words, all the limbs are firmly grasped by something. No, not only the limbs, but also the head seems to be strangled by a thick rope, and even breathing feels uncomfortable. Of course, Xiao Yang is also struggling desperately, but those things that grab him are like iron pliers, and it doesn't work no matter how he pulls them. Of course, he doesn't have much strength now; but even if his strength returns to a normal state, I'm afraid he can't do anything about these "iron pliers".

Xiao Yang suddenly felt it. Those "iron pliers" are pulling in different directions, and all five "iron pliers" have a great pulling force. His joints were crying, and the feeling of being torn apart came from all over his body.

A word came to Xiao Yang's mind.

Five horses are divided!

If it goes on like this, the body will definitely be dismembered by the five forces! B bastard, now it must...

"Stepping!" Continuous footsteps came from the ground in the distance. Soon, many heavily armed soldiers rushed over from the side of the courtyard. They all rushed this way aggressively with bows and machetes. These people are obviously belonging to the guards of An Lushan, but Xiao Yang and others did not see this group of people when they were in the lobby before. Maybe they didn't come to see the truth until they heard the movement here?

"Demon...Monster!" The archers all looked in Xiao Yang's direction and shouted in horror.

"Don't be afraid! Shoot the whole team!" The leaders of the archers forcibly suppressed their fear and shouted.

Countless bows and arrows shot in the direction of Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang smiled gloom. If you are pierced by these bows and arrows, it would be better than being dismembered by five horses, right?

...No, wait, in that case, maybe...

What happened next completely verified Xiao Yang's speculation. Xiao Yang was not pierced by ten thousand arrows. On the contrary, the "iron pliers" that caught him seemed to be loose. The arrows hung in the air, as if they had shot something, but they couldn't see what they had hit.

Xiao Yang was loosened and fell back to the ground. The height he was lifted up was not high, so he was not very hard this time. He immediately stood up and threw a look at Reina.

Their opportunity has come. Now the archers are targeted by those guardians; they not only see the guardians, but also regard the guardians as monsters and are desperately attacking each other.

"...It can't be like this... The attack of the guardians has no effect on these soldiers..." The black dream on Reina's shoulder couldn't help blurted out.

Xiao Yang nodded. That's right. Although I don't know what the principle is, there is no doubt that the guardians can't touch the group of soldiers in front of them, and on the contrary, these soldiers can touch the guardians!

And this is the best way to solve the guardians now!

Xiao Yang struggled to stand up. The soldiers of Anlu Mountain are still facing the guardians, flying through the air with fire bows and arrows. This group of guards seemed to regard the guardians as the first enemy, and their eyes were as if they had not seen Xiao Yang.

"It's strange. These guys should be able to see us, right? Xiao Yang moved cautiously and asked the black dream.

" the time interval between you. This interval does not block vision. So they can see you." Black Dream explained.

"This is strange. Deliberately turning a blind eye?" Xiao Yang then asked, "What's the situation of the guardians now? Did those arrows kill them?

"A guardian was injured." Hei Meng said, "The other three guardians are fine. At the beginning, they just didn't know that they would be hit by those arrows, so they suffered a little loss. Now that they have started their defensive skills, these arrows may be difficult to hurt them.

The guards shouted in horror and shot arrows desperately. This also confirms the theory of Black Dream from the side. It seems that the idea of killing the guardians by relying on these ancient guards alone is too naive.

"Captain, what shall we do now?" Luo Ruzhi's voice came not far from the front. He has been running around with Huang Lin in a coma on his back. He also suffered some minor injuries just now, but there was no big problem.

"Just continue to protect Huang Lin. Don't think about fighting." Xiao Yang said.

"Oh, good." Luo Ruzhi's voice suddenly changed in the middle of the process, "Ah?"

He fell to the ground as if he had been hit by something; Huang Lin on his back also fell to the ground. Xiao Yang hurriedly shouted, "Hey, what's going on? Is the guardian attacking you?

"No. The guardians are currently defending fully and have not attacked you.

"No..." Luo Ruzhi's expression was very painful. "The wound on his back suddenly felt very painful. I don't know why."

Xiao Yang thought for a moment: "Isn't the effect of that spray gone? I remember Huang Lin said that as soon as the effect of the spray disappears, the pain on the wound will double back to your body.

"Ah?" Luo Ruzhiqi said, "But it's not two hours now..."

"Ter that man to run! The guardians noticed that he could not move, so they had given up their defense and began to prepare to attack!" The black dream suddenly shouted.

Xiao Yang immediately shouted, "Luo Ruzhi, run now! Run!"

"Huh?" Luo Ruzhi had reacted, but he just took a step aside, but hesitated and did not continue to move.

"Pa-ss..." A crack-like voice sounded one after another. Luo Ruzhi flew as high as if he had been hit in the abdomen by a heavy hammer, and flew several meters high before falling back to the ground. At the same time, there was the sound of bone breaking; Luo Ruzhi was obviously injured by this blow.


At this time, it is on the other side of the courtyard, where Xiaoyang and others can't see far away. Anlu Mountain in time and space three months ago was walking slowly.

"Ah?" He suddenly shouted as if he had seen a ghost, "You... why are you here? Aren't you dead? I just heard the guards say that you are dead!"

"Oh. In a sense, I may be dead. However, it's not easy to kill me easily, sir.

"It's good that you didn't die. I heard from the guards that the previous group of traitors was no longer visible, but there seemed to be a bunch of monster-like invaders in the courtyard. Hurry up and help me solve them."

"You don't have to say this, sir. Don't worry, of course I will solve them all. But before that, sir..."

The words stopped abruptly. At the same time, An Lushan's body was instantly divided into eight pieces and scattered on the ground.

"Master, you have no use value anymore. So, let's borrow your false life first. If you die, all the idiots here will..."

He imagined what would happen next and couldn't help laughing. Just thinking about what will happen next will make him happy.


"Luo Ruzhi!" Xiao Yang shouted and ran to Luo Ruzhi.

Rina said next to him, "... He was obviously told to run. What the hell are you thinking about?"

"Don't worry. I can't die.'s really... bad luck." Luo Ruzhi lay on the ground and smiled bitterly, "I should have been able to avoid it. It's a pity..."

"Don't say anything." Xiao Yang had rushed to Luo Ruzhi's side and helped him up, "I understand. Thank you for your hard work."

Luo Ruzhi can indeed avoid this blow. However, if he dodged, Huang Lin in a coma would completely take this attack.

"...I'm sorry. I don't really want to obey your order to protect Huang Lin. It's just that I was a little hesitant at that time. Luo Ruzhi said.

"Well... stop talking."

Maybe the truth is exactly what Luo Ruzhi said, but it doesn't matter either. He considered whether to protect Huang Lin with his own life. This is amazing enough.

Xiao Yang helped Luo Ruzhi walk. In fact, they will be very dangerous if it goes on like this, but fortunately, the offensive of those archers has been strengthened again, and the enemy has no time to take care of this side for the time being; in this way, they can temporarily get some time to breathe.

"This is really strange. Obviously, it's just some ordinary bows and arrows, and the power should not be