Fruit Empire


smiled, " By the way, why do I think you feel relaxed?"

"That's true. Fighting with this kind of enemy will make me uncomfortable. Because I always remember that when Brother Yang was still alive, we survived in this way. Peng Feidao.

"Ha ha. Anyway, it is impossible to meet Xiao Yang. There is nothing so coincidental in the world. But your words reminded me of something..." Su Feiqi's face showed a nostalgic look. "Assuming that these people are led by Xiao Yang... they will definitely go to Chang'an. Under the appearance of incomparable caution, there is the nerve of risk-taking and gambling. This is the man.

"...this topic ends here." Peng Fei didn't want to talk more about this, so he stopped Su Feiqi from continuing, "Let's rectify and get ready to go to Chang'an."


The outer suburbs of Xianyang. In fact, it is not far from Chang'an, the capital of Tang, but it gives people a feeling of depression and loneliness. There is no smoke in the vast mountains. Now it's time for dinner, and there is no half a strand of cooking smoke in the endless mountains. From this perspective, this is a place where no one will set foot.

But this is not a natural secret that humans can't get to. In this mountain, there are very pure man-made objects buried. Several people are currently walking on the mountainside for these things hidden underground.

"Long Hao Dao. Why do I feel that the more I go into the mountains, the colder it gets? Obviously, I have worn so much." Sitting on a jujube red horse, An Qingxu, who was as huge as a wild bear, asked.

"That's of course. Here lies the dragon soul of the first emperor in the world. It's normal for the main guild to feel gloomy. Hao Hen said indifferently. His name for An Qingxu has been changed from the young general to the lord.

Hao Hen looked at the other side of the mountainside when he spoke. There is a huge group of mausoleums. As he said. The bones of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng were buried there and guarded by countless terracotta warriors and horses.

"...I'm already clear about this. But, Taoist priest, can the kind of thing you said really succeed? I can't imagine at all..."

"It will succeed. I'm sure." Hao Hen said confidently, "It just takes a little time."

An Qingxu still showed some uneasiness on his face. At this time, a helmet-striking guard stepped forward from behind him and smiled, "Lord, when did what Hao Daochang said lie? When did he lie to you?

"Haha. That's right, Hao Daochang is my Zhuge Kongming, and he has no plan. I'm too suspicious." An Qingxu laughed loudly, "Your words can still calm my heart, Peng Jie."

With that, An Qingxu turned his eyes to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin in front of him, as if all his spirit was concentrated below.

The soldier took off his helmet, but it was undoubtedly Peng Jie. Peng Jie smiled and said, "No, I just flatter and kill people, and I can't do anything else."

Hao Hen couldn't laugh and said coldly, "Peng Jie. Don't laugh so proudly. We set that big trap in the house to let you deal with the aftermath. What's the result?

Peng Jie's face immediately turned pale. He didn't dare to look directly at Hao Hen's face and whispered, "...I'm sorry. Some guardians messed up the matter... As a result, only Guo Ziyi died, or they killed it themselves. I only killed one of the outsiders.

After he said that, he huddled there and did not dare to move, but fortunately, Hao Hen did not pursue him, but only said, "Forget it. I have experienced the tenacity of those guys, and it is expected that you will do this. And it doesn't matter what they do. As soon as this matter is completed, everything on this wheel of history will be under our control.

"...yes. Next, we will complete the legendary resurrection. There is a special point in the wheel of history, and the First Emperor's Mausoleum in front of us is one of the important access points. As long as this access point can be perfectly activated, we can resurrect the violent legend in this history. Peng Jie said, "At that time, we will really be invincible."

"Hmm. Other outsiders, or even fate beasts or guardians, don't care. When the legend is resurrected, it is time for us to control everything. Hao Hen clenched a cyan pebble in his hand and said faintly, "It's just that this process takes three days. We must make all preparations in these three days to prevent foreign invasion.

"Don't worry. Not to mention the super props on the two of us, the bear in An Qingxu's body alone is enough to solve all the invaders.

Hao Hen does not say anything. In order to prepare for the attack, he has made five lines of defense. But despite this, he decided to be careful.

After all, in this hell game, anyone can create an unimaginable miracle. Especially those outsiders who have failed to solve it by themselves or Peng Jie, it is worth taking seriously.

But one thing is certain. In front of the serious self, everything will develop according to your expectations. Whoever wants to change the fate determined by Hao Hen is just futile.

That night, Xiao Yang and others rested in a small village. Rena's injury has worsened. Although she is still holding on, Xiao Yang still decided to stay and rest under her threat of "if you dare to stop, I want you to look good". In fact, except for Rena, the other people's injuries are not light, coupled with the psychological and physical fatigue caused by fighting in the isolation chain; they have long wanted to rest.

Xiao Yang sat on the straw pile of the narrow but warm earthen house. Reina fell asleep peacefully next to him. Xiao Yang looked at Rena's sleeping face and smiled. Seriously, it's hard to imagine that Reina, who is calculating, will show such an expression. Do you feel a sense of stability because you are around?

"Huang Lin." Luo Ruzhi, sitting on the other side of the straw pile, shouted Huang Lin's name, "I've always wanted to ask you a question. When isolated in the chain, why can Song Yunxiang use his skills? Consume the value of deeds to gain time to use skills?

Hearing the name of the deceased, Huang Lin looked a little gloomy. But she still forced herself to cheer up and nodded and replied, "Hmm. Every outsider can consume the value of deeds to obtain the time of complete unblocking physique and skills at a critical moment. I don't know the specific proportion of exchange time, which is probably proportional to the strength of skills. The stronger the intensity, the faster the value of deeds will be consumed.

"What about the specific method?" Xiao Yang joined the discussion.

"Just like Yunxiang used it at that time. Call out the ball of deeds, and then concentrate all your will on it, let it be used for yourself and release skills. That's all right." Huang Lin added, "It's just that there is a restriction on this move. That is, after using it once, you have to wait a month if you want to use it again next time.

"So it is. I finally understood the conversation between you and Song Yunxiang at that time. Xiao Yang said, "by the way, can you use this trick to fight against the fate beast?"

"In fact, this is the only way to fight against it under the threat of the fate beast." Huang Lin said, "But it doesn't mean that it can directly attack the fate beast, but that it can resist the attack of the fate beast to a certain extent and kill historical figures at the same time. However, this is a trick that is only used in the most dangerous times, and basically no one usually does it. You should know that the value of deeds is almost the same as everything of us outsiders. It is simply the stupidest way to waste the value of deeds to fight with the beast of fate. Besides, those strongest fate beasts are not ordinary constitutions or skills that can fight against at all.

Black dream is perched on Xiao Yang's shoulder at this time. It said to Xiao Yang, "I am not particularly clear about the value of deeds, but from the information I heard from other outsiders last time, if the value of the deeds of an outsider is reduced to 0, he will exist in this wheel of history in the most tragic form. But I don't know exactly what will happen.

Before coming to Anqingxu's mansion, Heimeng encountered other outsiders a few kilometers away and eavesdropped a lot of information from them. Information about the guardians is also obtained from those outsiders. Of course, these outsiders are actually outsiders who were eliminated by Peng Fei and others; but Xiao Yang and none of them know this.

Xiao Yang put his right hand on his forehead. It feels a little cold. As he thought, the trick of consuming deeds to use skills is only a life-saving move, and it is not enough to be used to attack. It seems impossible to use this trick to kill Tang Xuanzong and Tang Guifei.

Xiao Yang has been thinking about how to achieve his goal, and unconsciously closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Xiao Yang was woken up by a cold hand the next morning. The hand kept reaching into his warm back, which made him cry out and woke up. He came to his senses and found that it was Rena's hand.

"...Don't do such a thing. How old are you?" Xiao Yang pulled out Ruina's hand angrily.

"I don't want to. But you can't even wake up. I can't help it. I can only wake you up with temperature. Rena's eyes suddenly became sharp, "Don't talk about this. It's very late now. Let's go quickly.

"Is it very late?" Xiao Yang looked at the sky outside and saw that it was not completely bright outside, at most it was less than seven o'clock. As soon as he stood up, he felt a little sore and soft all over, and couldn't help saying, "Let's rest for a while."

The other two are the same as Xiao Yang's point of view. Physical fatigue is far from being eliminated. No, it should be said that now after resting for a period of time is the most mentally and physically exhausted.

"I know you are tired." Reina stood up from the haystack, but she almost fell back. Xiao Yang quickly tried to support her, but she refused. Reina finally stood firm and said, "...but we really don't have time. According to my inference, we will soon be caught up by the pursuers.

"This is unfounded. If you want to say that Peng Jie... He would have been able to catch up with us a long time ago. It's impossible for him to come now. Xiao Yang said.

"How can it be Peng Jie? What are you thinking about? I'm talking about another force. Rena was a little unhappy, "It's the one who sent Guo Ziyi."

"They... that's true. But I always feel that those people are a little far away, as if they have little to do with us. Xiao Yang said, "Since Guo Ziyi was dispatched, they have no movement. And at that time, there were no powerful enemies to follow Guo Ziyi. Maybe they didn't make the eradication of us a top priority.

"This idea is a little naive. Did you forget the shock when you received the imperial edict? They will know how long An Lushan has died! And they can even send Guo Ziyi. If I have such excellent intelligence ability and combat resources, I will definitely make full use of all this to eradicate all the enemies I can find. Reina said solemnly, "The enemy will think like me!"

Xiao Yang's heart was shocked. As Reina said, the last time he learned that An Lushan's death was known to the court, he broke out in a cold sweat. Yes, invisible enemies are the most terrible. Whether it is Peng Jie and Hao Hen, or those guardians, at least they already know their existence. The force mentioned by Reina is completely hidden in the dark and knows nothing about them. Maybe they are ready to surround themselves now and are about to close.

"...there is no basis for this." Luo Ruzhi next to him is still interrupting, "I now doubt whether this group of enemies you mentioned exists or not. Maybe it's just the historical figure here itself, such as a powerful literary minister or general, who has a lot of eyeliner under him, so..."

"Stop talking. Rena is right. These guys who don't know where to hide can't be underestimated. Xiao Yang looked at Rena, "Yes, how long will it take to use the teleport gun?"

After leaving Anqingxu's mansion, Reina used up all the remaining teleportation times of the gun. Originally, Rena was going to leave several emergencies, but at that time, because she was seriously injured, her mind was not particularly clear and there was a slight error in the calculation, so the teleport gun is completely useless now.

Rina said, "It will take about three hours to recover."

"Okay, let's go now." Xiao Yang said, "In case we don't even have a chance to escape."

After saying that, everyone stood up and walked out of the room. Four ordinary horses were parked in the stables not far from the house, which they bought with silver from the farmers in the village.

Four people rode on the path. Considering that people are likely to be wanted now, it is obviously dangerous to take the road.

Unconsciously, people have rode through three mountain passes and walked into a sloping valley. At this time, just after dawn, the cold air of the morning brushed everyone's faces, giving them a refreshing feeling.

Luo Ruzhi stretched out: "The weather is really good. If you can..."

"Don't talk!" Reina shouted alertly.

"Rumble..." With the thunderous sound, behind them, all the boulders rolled down the cliff, completely blocking their back road.

"..." Xiao Yang clenched his fist. Rena's prophecy has really become a reality.

"Wo! Oh! "Oh!" From the top of the hanging wall on both sides surrounding the valley, countless fully armed soldiers emerged. They stood densely and couldn't tell how many people there were at a glance. The archers were full of pulled bows and arrows, ready to go; and there were countless logs and rolling stones in front of them.

"There is an ambush!" Huang Lin muttered with her eyes open. But no one took her word. There is no need to make a special explanation for such obvious facts.

Why? Why?

Countless question marks rolled in Xiao Yang's head.

There are at least thousands of soldiers here. They had already waited here in advance to catch Xiao Yang and others. But this is completely unreasonable. It will take at least several hours to prepare for such a large scale, and a few hours ago, they just decided to take the path to Chang'an!

"Kill! Kill the traitor Shi Siming!" With the "rumbling" sound of rolling stones, there were killing sounds on the cliff.

Xiao Yang looked at his companions. Everyone's injuries are far from good, and it will be very reluctant to fight. However, now there is no choice but to fight.

In the narrow valley, Xiao Yang and others were surrounded by countless soldiers. Rolling stones, logs, countless bows and arrows, and murderous intentions and conspiracies hidden behind them. It can be said that it is a man-made knife, and I am a fish.

However, they still decided to fight. Because once you give up, it's all over.

Xiao Yang's first problem is those stones. If you are hit by such a big stone, even if you die or fall into a coma, you will immediately lose the ability to fight and dodge. The valley is not only very narrow, but also there is no place to cover in the middle; it is naturally a wonderful ambush ground for the ambush, but it is quite bad for Xiaoyang who was ambushed. They couldn't find a place to dodge at all. They were completely a few live targets.

"Boom!" That's the sound of Xiao Yang's ion cannon shooting. A few consecutive ion cannons quickly destroyed the largest stones, but this was obviously far from enough; the number of stones prepared by the ambush army was not enough to solve the problem by bombardment one by one by one. What's more, the number of times the ion cannon itself can be used is limited.

The remaining number of shots of the ion cannon will soon be left with only one shot. Xiao Yang put the ion cannon back and looked at Luo Ruzhi and Huang Lin and said, "Let's start. It's time for you to be active."

Huang Lin threw a dragonfly roll forward. It will take quite a long time from the beginning of operation to the effect, so it can only be released like this and then wait. Luo Ruzhi aimed the blind gun at the high cliff and fired several shots in a row. This blinding gun is exactly a gun-type sonic blinding gun, and its attack range is quite large.

"Ah, I can't see it! So dark! My eyes! Eyes!" Such shouts sounded from the cliff.

"Don't talk nonsense! How can you not see it? Huh? I really can't see it! What is this... Ouch!"

"It's a demon law! Sure enough, that rumor is right. There are demons around the traitor Shi Siming!"

"Brothers, don't panic! Listen to my orders!"

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the soldiers on the cliff had temporarily lost their sight and only heard their screams everywhere. After being blind, the soldiers were in chaos, especially some archers began to shoot randomly, and injured many comrades-in-arms.

However, some high-quality soldiers were unmoved and acted according to the original plan. Thousands of arrows shot at Xiaoyang and others overwhelmingly; and some of them were on fire.

"This is troublesome." Xiao Yang smiled bitterly