Fruit Empire


"I'm sorry, no worries. This is my personal temperament. It's like you like to dress up as that cute and go out to lie to girls.


"Don't be stunned, continue." Reina patted the handle of the chair, "Hurry up, I'm still waiting to marry you, Lord Heaven."

Three hours have passed. Xiao Yang has recovered under the treatment of Shuidan. Xiao Yang, who also had healing skills, didn't care about Shuidan at first, but after experiencing her treatment, Xiao Yang realized that this girl was not simple. Her physique belongs to witch doctors or shamans, but she is not from a famous system such as World of Warcraft, but from a game that Xiao Yang has never even heard of. However, as a witch doctor, Shuidan has a very strong healing ability, and its prayer healing technique is effective for most high-level constitutions, but there are only a few that can't be cured like Ji Jinde. For example, Xiao Yang's body recovered quickly in a short period of time, and no scars were seen on his body. This efficiency is naturally one level higher than Xiaoyang's wooden rejuvenation.

At this time, the two mountains suspended in the air can be seen in front of you. Xiao Yang pointed to the mountain on the left, "That's Wangwu Mountain. That's where Zhuan and I fought.

"So according to the myth, the other one is Taihang Mountain." Su Feiqi said, "Taihang King's House, the backbone of the northern sky. When you get here, you will already be the old nest, directly below the northern heaven.

At this time, it is basically the destination. Everyone left Dijiang's back and all entered the cabin of the transport plane that Ji Jinde became.

"To be honest, Zhu Rong's efforts to fight against the army far exceeded my expectations. In just five hours, the whole army has arrived below the northern sky. This speed is almost comparable to the light black dream. In terms of the army march, this speed is extremely amazing. Xiao Yang said to everyone, "You should know that those big eel demon guards of the gatekeepers of the northern world were even left far behind by Black Dream and could not catch up with it. And the average speed of this whole army can be comparable to that of the black dream, that is to say, there must be many arms even above the black dream! Judging from this alone, Zhu Rong's combat effectiveness in the crusade is beyond imagination.

Su Feiqi looked at Xiao Yang: "According to you, the strength of the crusade is far better than that of the army?"

"No... I'm not sure about that. Xiao Yang looked up at Wangwu Mountain in front of him. The huge tunnel that he knocked out by himself is vivid. Seeing the tunnel, Xiao Yang remembered his battle with Zhuan. Is Zhuoqi really fighting? He didn't really fight back from beginning to end, just pressed himself once with a feather. And until later, Xiao Yang turned into a giant dragon wolf, but his expression had not even changed. The combat effectiveness of Zhuan is really unfathomable.

Conversely, Zhu Rong. Although he is also known as the leading god, at least Ji Jinde beat him very awkwardly. Although Zhu Rong did not do his best, such a comparison always makes people feel that he is far inferior to Zhu Yu.

"This war should be fought." Xiao Yang said, "But we don't have to care about the victory or defeat between them. Let's act with the camera."

When I was talking, the Kuacon Legion on the front ground had already gathered. The giants of the Kuafu Legion are all hundreds of feet tall, which can be described as towering. As long as they stamp their feet, they can bring earthquakes and blow breaths to bring hurricanes. Even without praise, these giants walking on the ground is a disaster. However, these giants did not come here. Their feet are surrounded by countless flying monster snakes, which are flying in the sky with Kuafu giants.

The Kuafu giants supported by snakes lined up in a square array and rose to the two flying mountains of the Taihang Royal House.

But at this time, the change is sudden. From behind the two mountains, two giant gods suddenly came down. They are 10,000 meters tall and have a black and white complexion.

"How dare you invade the northern world!"

"I won't let it go!"

The two giant gods roared and stepped on the dark clouds and killed the giants.

"That's the general under Zhuan Yu, the god Chong and Li..." Su Feiqi said, "The giant god is against the giant, and now there is a good show."

However, the good drama mentioned by Su Feiqi did not happen at all. The two giant gods waved their fists in the air, and all the Kuafu giants who were beaten were immediately seriously injured. The power of God is not that giants can resist. The giants of Kuafu were killed and fled.

At this time, there were giant demons and gluttony in Zhu Rong's array. These two are ancient monsters that have been crowned for a while, with great mana and infinite power. The two gods and demons fought together in the air, fighting dark and the sun and moon.

At this time, some monsters rushed down from the two mountains of Taihang from the royal house, and Zhu Rong's crusade army also dispatched a new army. Countless demons fought in a melee and fought everywhere.

The transport plane transformed by Ji Jinde shuttled among those monsters. They did not participate in the battle. No, in fact, it is impossible even if you want to participate in the battle. The demons of both sides of the enemy were mastered and were slightly touched, and the transport plane and everyone had to be finished on the spot.

"It's really difficult." Ji Jinde's voice sounded in the cabin, "It's hard for me to hide now. These guys are really strong and perverted! If it goes on like this, I won't be able to do it!"

"Sady." Peng Fei said, "It's good that they didn't fight us because they saw that we were weak. If we are really chased and beaten, even if only a stronger monster comes, I'm afraid it will be enough for us to drink a pot.

Uncle Ji. I have always felt strange. Your transport plane is a transformer anyway. Why doesn't it even have an invisible function? Su Feiqi asked.

"Invisible? I have this function, but it's against radar. Ji Jinde said, "Really... can it work on these monsters?"

"Whhhhhh Let's try it first."

As soon as Su Feiqi's voice fell, the transport plane was suddenly shocked. As soon as everyone got up from the floor of the cabin, they saw a huge horse head staring at them outside the window.

"Beast!" Peng Fei blurted out.

"'s the beast!" The beast said sarcastically, "It seems that you can still hide! You are still free on the battlefield, which really makes me envious.

"We heavenly soldiers can't compete with monsters, so we naturally have to adopt other strategies. If you don't take the initiative now, it's just a roundabout strategy. Xiao Yang said, "What's the point of coming here? You are so powerful that you don't go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but hang out here, isn't it?

"Haha!" Jiao beast said, "This is Master Zhu's message. You are lucky. You have a chance to make contributions this time.

"What?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Now the northern sky has noticed our battle. The northern world has been completely under martial law, and no one can enter. But fortunately, our army happens to have an internal response in the Xuangu Heavenly Palace in the northern sky. It opened a secret road inside the Xuangu Heavenly Palace. You can now enter the Xuangu Heavenly Palace from the secret road, take the opportunity to approach Zhuan, and give him..." The beast made a beheading action, "It clicked!"

Xiao Yang was shocked. What is Zhu Rong's intention to make such a move at this time?

At this time, Su Feiqi said, "The beast. You must also know how our combat effectiveness is. How can we heavenly descenders be compared with the great gods? Even if we really get to Zhuanqi's side, we can't kill him.

"Haha. Don't you have the ancient bow of Emperor Yan? If the shot is accurate, the bow is enough to kill the god. The beast narrowed his eyes and said, "Besides, this dark road is narrow, and only you heavenly soldiers can go in."

"We will be found as soon as we enter." Peng Fei said, "At that time, I haven't met Zhuan, and I will be clicked by the miscellaneous soldiers first. Why should we do such an uneconomical thing?

"After entering, our interior will disguise you. Even if he is not careful, he can't find you. The beast said, "Of course, this matter is really dangerous. You were sent directly by Emperor Yan, and Master Zhu can't control you. Of course, you can't go. However, think about it clearly. This is your opportunity."

Xiao Yang stared at the beast: "What's the opportunity?"

"The chance to kill Zhuan." The beast laughed, "Our inner response is very clear. The leader of the heavenly soldiers, oh, by the way, it's you. Your wife was robbed, and now she is going to be the queen of the northern world. Don't you...don't you want to take her back from your hands? If you don't do it again, I'm afraid that your wife will have been slept by that bird.

"Bastard! Shut up! If you dare to say such a thing again, I will send you to the west immediately!"

Peng Fei was furious and roared at the beast.

However, at this time, Xiao Yang, the real person concerned, widened his eyes and his pupils seemed to disperse.

"...You're not moved, are you, captain?" Su Feiqi saw Xiao Yang's thoughts and quickly advised, "This is a trap. 100% want us to die. You absolutely can't agree!"

Xiao Yang didn't say anything for a while.

Indeed, this is likely to be a trap. Let's not talk about whether you can really get to Zhuan's side; what if you get there? The power of Zhuo is far from what he can do. Rushing to assassinate him is just to die. This is a brave and resourceful suicide!

No. No. The beast is right. This is an opportunity! It's a chance to kill Zhuan and save Rena! Although Xiaoyang doesn't know what will happen after he goes there, he knows very well that if he doesn't go now, he will definitely regret it in the future!

"I'll go." Xiao Yang resolutely made a decision, "Other people stay here. No matter what happens, the first goal is to save your life.

"Brother Yang, you can't go!" Peng Fei said urgently, "This is..."

Xiao Yang immediately interrupted him: "This is my order as a captain. If you still recognize me as your captain, I hope you will obey my orders.

"......! I can't obey such an order! As a captain, shouldn't you save your life first? This is the captain's responsibility!" Peng Fei said without hesitation, "Brother Yang, you will never escape your responsibility, right?"

"Peng Fei. Let me ask you a question." Xiao Yang smiled at Peng Fei, "If the swallow is still alive now. And she was taken away. The same choice is in front of you. How will you choose?

Peng Fei was speechless for a moment: "That's..."

"Do you understand, Peng Fei?" Xiao Yang said, "In this world, there are some things that are more important than my life and the responsibility I have always adhered to."

Peng Fei couldn't answer the words, so Xiao Yang turned to the beast and said, "Tell me where the secret road is. I'll be right there."

"Okay." A five-colored stone appeared in the hand of the beast. "This is a colorful stone, which is the token of the inner response. If you hold this stone, you can naturally see the entrance of the dark road. Just rush in at that time. When you get to the dark exit, this colorful stone can also be connected with the inner response.

The colorful stone flashed in the air, and then appeared in Xiao Yang's hand.

"Good." Xiao Yang said, "Ji Jinde, please let me out."

Ji Jinde hesitated and said, "...but this is the battlefield of the gods and demons outside, not to mention that you can't fly..."

Black dream also said, "I'll take you there."

"No need. This is my own business." Xiao Yang said, "Ji Jinde, just let me out. I can fly."

"Captain..." Luo Ruzhi said at this time, "At least let me go with you. After all, I have an ancient bow..."

"No. You also have a lot of wishes to accomplish. Live well. Use your life in a more valuable place.

"But captain, don't you also want to live? Don't you also have a lot of wishes..."

"hehe." Xiao Yang laughed and said, "Isn't I going to fulfill my wish now? Now my only wish is to hold Reina's hand again.

Ji Jinde opened the cabin. Xiao Yang turned into a dragon wolf and disappeared into the blue sky.

Xiao Yang, who incarnated the dragon wolf with the skill of the arrival of the beast king, fell sharply from the transport plane. Xiao Yang, with colorful stones, soon saw the entrance of the dark road mentioned by the beast. The entrance looks like a blinking eye, and its position is in the middle of the giant demon Qiongqi and the giant god Li!

Xiao Yang did not hesitate to rush to the entrance. That god and demon are fighting vigorously, and they must not notice their existence.

However, unexpectedly, when Xiao Yang approached them, they turned their heads in the direction of Xiao Yang at the same time! The giant god Li stared at a pair of yellow eyes, the giant demon Qiongqi stared at a pair of purple eyes, and four huge palace-like eyes were fiercely facing Xiaoyang.

When Xiao Yang was surprised, the two giants continued to fight as if they had not seen him.

At this time, Xiao Yang was less than 100 meters away from the two big monsters, and then he found how difficult it was to move forward. Just around the huge body of this god and demon, there is a transparent barrier that is dozens of meters thick. Xiao Yang was blocked as soon as he rushed to the barrier, and it became almost impossible to move forward.

"This kind of thing..." Xiao Yang suspended in front of the barrier, thinking about how to break through the barrier. The two big monsters fought in full swing, and there was a storm in the air. Every time they attacked each other, there was a shock wave like a nuclear bomb explosion spreading around. The only reason why Xiao Yang has not been directly broken by these shock waves is that the shock waves have been dispelled by these barriers outside Li and Qiongqi's bodies. When he came to Xiao Yang's side, it was no longer powerful. That is to say, their barriers can easily withstand the impact of nuclear bombs. It is more difficult to reach the entrance by breaking their barriers than climbing to the sky.

Xiao Yang was thinking about it when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Is the entrance getting smaller?" Xiao Yang had such a feeling, and he quickly rubbed his eyes. Taking a closer look, what Xiao Yang saw was not an illusion. The entrance was indeed slowly shrinking! There is not much time left for Xiao Yang!

"Damn, that's the only way." Xiao Yang roared, and the dragon wolf he incarnated immediately grew up in the wind and turned into the size of a city! A god and a demon over there quickly found the huge Xiao Yang and turned his attention to this side.

"I'm on your side, Qiongqi, don't fucking mess with me!" Xiao Yang's giant dragon wolf said and shouted at the giant god Li, "Stupid big! Come and hit me!"

Xiao Yang roared and called out many King Kong's giant arms out of thin air and greeted Li's body.

"Ah, wow!" Li was enraged, and his mountain-sized fist bombarded in the direction of Xiao Yang. The fist rubbed in the air, with the storm, thunder, and the shock wave of Kuaxiao. Not to mention being hit by a fist, even if it is just a scratch, I'm afraid Xiao Yang will be smashed all over!

However, Xiao Yang made a speeding movement under third-order dynamic vision at this time. The giant god's fist was as slow as the old man slowly playing Taijiquan in Xiao Yang's eyes, and Xiao Yang gently dodged the giant god's fist.

At this time, the position of the giant god has changed, and the entrance has been completely exposed! Xiao Yang's giant dragon wolf's body shrank again and quickly penetrated into the entrance of the dark road!

When the giant god came to his senses, Xiao Yang's dragon wolf's tail had disappeared in the entrance.

However, the giant god's fist did not stop. It bombarded back!

In front of the giant god Li's fist, a black nightmare dragon flew straight. That's a black dream. On the body of the black dream, there were two people sitting. One is Luo Ruzhi, who holds the Yuan ancient bow, and the other is Su Feiqi, whose body is partially atomized!

"Luo Ruzhi, you have been staring at me like that. Do you have any questions about me coming here?

Obviously, the giant god Li's fist was close in front of him, but Su Feiqi seemed to care at all, so she smiled and asked Luo Ruzhi.

Luo Ruzhi's face is very ugly. That can be said to be a painful look.

"Hey. Sure enough, it still hurts a little. That guy is really amazing." Su Feiqi smiled and said, "Well. Let me answer your question. Although I am sometimes cold-blooded and ruthless, I occasionally get impulsive. I want to take back my beloved woman from the hands of the god... It would be a pity if I missed such a handsome thing. If a man did this to me, I would definitely die with him. Ah, it's off topic. In a word, Xiao Yang is so handsome, so I have to go and see it. In addition, without me to help a little favor, Xiao Yang still can't beat that god this time.

While talking, the giant god Li's fist has arrived in front of the black dream! The mountain-like fist hit the black dream like this... No, it penetrated the black dream's body, as if it had hit the air!

"Ha?" Giant God Li failed this blow,