Fruit Empire


There is no law."

"Oh, so that's it. All right." Hongluan smiled and said, "Let me tell you. This is the world."

"The present world?" Ji Jinde could hardly believe his ears after hearing this word, "Is it really the world? Is it the real world, the place where we struggle hard to come back?

"Hmm. That's right." Hongluan nodded, "All those who have successfully passed the hell game test can return to our original world, which is here."

"...Wait a minute... I have a problem." Shuidan said pointing to the ground, "What's down here?" If it is really this world, why can we still see these scenes in hell?

Hongluan smiled and said, "That's just because you can' see it. In fact, even if you don't enter the hell game, they still exist objectively. It's just that you didn't have such ability at that time, so you couldn't see anything. But once you have experienced the hell game, you can see the reality of the world.

"...I don't believe it!" Huang Lin shouted, "You must be lying to us!"

"Well, what's the reason for me to lie to you?" Hongluan said innocently, "That's really it. You have returned to the real world.

Hongluan didn't lie. She is indeed very calculating, but at least now she has no need to deceive Huang Lin and other three people.

"...but, how is this possible?" Shuidan still can't believe it. "We just entered purgatory. When we were fighting, we didn't know why we came to this place..."

"The abyss of purgatory? Did you come back from there?" Hongluan was a little surprised, but his face soon returned to normal. "But it's not surprising. I have heard such a rumor. It is said that there is a door to the present world in every world of 'hell', which is called the 'Gate of Darkness'. Although the chance of finding the entrance of the 'Chang Dark Gate' is pitifully small... by the way, some people say that in the two special worlds of the heavenly abys and the purgatory maze, the possibility of encountering the 'Chang Dark Gate' is very high.

" wonder we will come back from there." Ji Jinde said, "But in this way, if you are lucky enough, you can even come back from the hell world without doing anything?"

"Well, that's right. Although that's much lower than the probability of winning the lottery. Basically, no one can do it, right?


It turned out to be Huang Lin who asked Hongluan this time. Hongluan smiled and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"You just talked about the abyss of heaven and the purgatory maze?"

"Yes. What's wrong?"

"Isn't it heaven and purgatory? Why is it such a strange name?

"Ah, that's it. Because purgatory is a path of infinite time and a time maze, it is called purgatory maze. As for the abyss of heaven..." Hongluan restrained his smile, "Because it is the happiest in the world and also the saddest. Once it falls, it will never climb up to the bottomless abyss."

" can this happen?" Huang Lin was distracted and said, "As you say, heaven and purgatory are more dangerous than other worlds. They..."

"How to say." Hongluan thought, "I don't know about this, but generally speaking, several rotating worlds are more difficult than conventional scenes, and the heavenly purgatory is higher than the rotating world."

"..." Shuidan's heart tightened, "That means, Peng Fei and the others can't come back?"

"Who can make this clear?" Hongluan said, "But don't worry too much. Didn't you all come out of the purgatory maze? They may also come out."

"I want to confirm it again." Ji Jinde suddenly said, "Miss Hong, do you think we are in the world now?"

"Yes. What's the problem?"

"The power we have gained in hell should only work in hell." Ji Jinde said, "It should have been invalid in the real world, right?"

"Good question. That's what I thought at the beginning. Hongluan smiled and said, "But that seems to be it. Our power is basically unrestricted, and all of them can be used in this world. So now we are in a sense the same as Superman.

"...this is really terrible. In this case, won't the world be in a mess?" Ji Jinde said, "If those of us who come back from hell go to engage in illegal things, isn't there anyone who can control it?"

"As far as I know, there used to be an organization called the Federation of Rebirths. This is probably a self-disciplined organization, and all the sists in hell have to bear the jurisdiction of this organization. But recently, this organization has suddenly disappeared, and not even a member of the organization has appeared again. Hongluan said, "Uncle, if you want to rob a bank or something, probably no one will stop you, right? But I'm not sure."

"I won't be so bored." Ji Jinde asked, "There is another more important question. We are no longer bound by hell now, are we?

"...Well, that's right. At least not bound by the coercion of hell. From the moment you left hell, you have gained complete freedom in body and mind. Hongluan said this but smiled meaningfully, "But it's not necessarily for some people."

Ji Jinde asked urgently, "What do you say?"

"You should know those who have returned to this world but gone back to hell?" Hongluan asked, "So, do you know why there are so many stranded people?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Because they are addicted. It is very exciting to be born and die in hell. The feeling of wanton killing is like taking drugs. Many people can't stand this kind of **. So they also thought of a way to go back to the hell world. Hongluan looked at Ji Jinde, "Maybe you don't feel it now. But if you stay in this world for a longer time, you will feel that way.

"Anyway, I will never do it." Ji Jinde waved to Chao Shuidan and Huang Lin, "Although I'm a little reluctant, I'd better say goodbye to you." Shuidan, thank you for taking care of me all the time.

"Uncle Ji?" Shuidan was shocked, "Are you leaving us?"

"Of course. I have been away from this world for too long. Ji Jinde smiled gently, "Now I'm finally free, so it's time to go home."

Shuidan said urgently, "But what about the deputy captain? We can't..."

"I'm sorry. That's not my problem anymore." Ji Jinde turned around and said, "My wife and children are still waiting for me to go back at home."

After saying that, he turned into a transport plane and rushed to the sky and disappeared into the clouds. No matter how Shuidan shouted, he didn't look back.

"What kind of people are they!" Shuidan stamped his feet and said, "It was clearly agreed to live and die together!" Now let's go!"

"Let's live and die together..." Hongluan smiled softly, "It is very admirable to be able to do this in the hell world. After leaving hell, what else can we talk about living and dying together? Why do you ask others to live and die with you? Isn't that right, Miss Huang Lin?"

Shuidan looked at Huang Lin, but at this time Huang Lin also nodded: "...That's right. After returning to this world, you can no longer follow the routine in hell. Whoever wants to do anything is their freedom.

"...but..." Shui Dan was anxious, "Deputy captain... What should they do? They are still in hell!"

"Nah, it seems that you have a lot of affection for your vice captain." Hongluan walked towards Shuidan, "Well, I said, do you want to meet your vice captain again? Of course, I don't have the ability to pull him out of hell. If you want to see him, you must go back to hell.

Hearing Hongluan's words, Shuidan hesitated: "Of course...but..."

"I see. You still can't let go of this peaceful life in this world. Hongluan sighed, "In the final analysis, your love is just this level."

"No!" Shuidan summoned up his courage and said, "For him, I can give up my current freedom!"

"Oh, it's amazing." Hongluan raised his tone and asked solemnly, "Even if you go back to the hell world, you may not be able to find him. Even so, will you follow me?"

Before Shuidan answered, Huang Lin shouted beside him, "Water Dan! Don't be incited by her! Then you will be sold by her and help her count the money!"

"...No, I still decided..."

As soon as Shuidan's words were at this point, he only heard a "sneer", and suddenly sounded in the air as if something had been cut open. Shuidan felt something different beside him and immediately flashed to the side. As a result, when she looked back, she saw an alien monster from "Galaxy Team" appear where she used to be!

The monster rushed to Shuidan quickly. Shuidan was extremely surprised and stayed still. But at this time, Hongluan shook his left hand at the monster, and the monster was immediately bounced into the air, and his body was twisted into a twist and died tragically on the ground.

"...this...what is this?! This is obviously something that only appeared in hell!!" Shuidan's tongue is knotted, " can it appear in the real world?"

"...I don't know." Hongluan was also a little overwhelmed, "This is indeed a little beyond my expectations."

"Lie!" Huang Lin said, "You must have some intention!" That's why you deliberately lied to us like this..."

"Forget it. I don't have to do that at all. It's not good at all." Hongluan said, "However, I had a conjecture a long time ago. It seems that the current situation is also verifying my conjecture.

Shuidan asked, "What is the conjecture?"

"I'm thinking that we have always thought that the world is real and the hell game is false." Hongluan changed his tone and said, "But what if the fact is the opposite? What if the real world is actually a hell world, and our world is false?

"What?!" How is that possible?" Huang Lin and Shui Dan couldn't believe it.

"Of course, this is just a hypothesis. I'm not sure if it's true." Hongluan said, "But this can explain a lot of problems. Maybe now our false existence of 'present world' is beginning to collapse, and the real hell is beginning to appear, right? Therefore, there will be such a supernatural explosion, and this kind of monster that exists in hell will appear in the world..."

Both Huang Lin and Shui Dan are at a loss. What Hongluan said is really difficult to understand.

Well. No matter how much. Anyway, this sister... Oh, by the way, your name is Shui Dan. Come on, go to hell with me and find your vice captain. Hongluan said so.

Huang Lin continued to dissuade Shuidan, but Shuidan said, "I have made up my mind. Sister Huang Lin, don't persuade me. The ban on you will be lifted in a moment. At that time, you can go wherever you want.

Huang Lin fell silent. There is no need to persuade her. If she wants to die, she wants to die and can't blame others.

"Okay, let's start now." Hongluan said and gently tore his clothes. Shuidan blushed: "Hey... What are you doing... I'm a normal girl, and I don't have that interest at all..."

"...what are you thinking about?" Hongluan couldn't laugh or cry, "I just need to use something."

A strange tattoo can be seen from half of Hongluan's back. At first, the tattoo looked like a monster, but at first glance, it felt like a landscape painting; when I saw it for the third time, I felt that its appearance had changed again and turned into a smiling grimace!

Shuidan was surprised, and Huang Lin's face changed instantly when she saw the tattoo: "Hell Medal..."

"Hmm. Shura-level hell medal. It is second only to the high-end goods of the Red Lotus-grade Hell Medal. Hongluan laughed and said, "Huang Lin, you may think it's strange that even I have such a high-level hell medal. But of course, I didn't get it directly, but medals, which were painstakingly saved.

Huang Lin asked urgently, "...What are you going to do with this?"

Do you still need to say? Of course, it is to open the door to hell, that is, the door to life and death. In fact, this is also the most commonly used use of the Shura-level Hell Medal. Hongluan said, "Many stranded people use this thing to return to the hell game."

"...Hongluan! What the hell do you want to do?" Huang Lin was puzzled, "Why is it that he has returned to the present world and desperately wants to go back? What's the need for you to go to hell?"

"You will understand soon, Huang Lin." Hongluan smiled bitterly, "I'm looking forward to reality before I come back. But now I feel extremely bored. When facing ordinary people, there is nothing I can't do. And none of the other survivors who can stop me will stand up and do business. It's really boring. It's so boring. It's still a hellish life, which is more suitable for me.

After saying that, she gently touched the tattoo on her back. The tattoo disappeared in an instant, and an oval door was quickly drawn in the air beside Hongluan. That's what Hongluan called the gate of life and death.

"All right. Shuidan, come in with me." Hongluan said and walked towards the door. However, before she met the door of life and death, the door suddenly oscillates and soon disappeared like a mirage!

"Ah?!" Huang Lin and Shui Dan screamed at the same time, and Hongluan's expression became very stunned.

A voice was heard in their minds at the same time: "System error. All entrances and exits of hell have been cancelled. Repeat. An error occurred in the system. All entrances and exits of hell will be cancelled immediately. During the automatic repair time, no one is allowed to enter or leave! The automatic repair time is expected to be 175 years. Please use the door of life and death later.

Hearing the strange prompt sound, Hongluan took a long sigh. Shui Danqi said, "What the hell is going on?"

"Didn't you hear it too? The door of life and death has been closed. We can't go to hell anymore." Hongluan smiled bitterly, "Of course, people who are still in hell can't get out anymore."

"What?! We can't get in, can't they get out? Shuidan can't believe his ears, "Is the system wrong? How is this possible?"

I don't know what's going on with the hell game system. Well, there is absolutely no perfect system in the world, so it is not surprising that it will make mistakes. Hongluan exhaled, "Oh, it's really a pity. I can't even go back."

"This can't be explained by common sense at all!" Huang Lin said, "The hell world is far beyond nature and human civilization!" How can it make such a strange mistake like an ordinary computer system?

"Hmm. The hell world is indeed a very surreal existence, which can be called a great work created by God. Theoretically, the possibility of failure of this kind of inhuman thing is extremely low. However, since it has broken down, that is to say..." Hongluan said deeply, "There is a big problem in hell."

While talking, there was another "sneer" in the air. Several kilometers of space were torn apart, from which a large group of unimaginable giant robots appeared. At a glance, you can know what science fiction movies these robots come from, but the three people here don't know what the specific source is.

"...what's going on?" Shuidan's eyes widened, "Didn't you say that the entrance was all closed? Why do these things still appear one after another?

Hongluan raised his hand. The strange gun "little cricket" in her hand made a slight sound, and a bullet roared out. When the bullet flew into the middle of the group of robots in the distance, it exploded. A huge mushroom cloud rose in the sky. In an instant, the shock wave of the explosion turned back from a distance, and three people were blown into the air by the shock wave. The ribbon on Hongluan's body seemed to have life, grabbing Huang Lin at one end and water elixir at the other end, making them suspended in the air. It was not until the shock wave of the explosion was over that Hongluan put them down again.

At this time, the place where the explosion occurred in the distance has been razed to the ground, as if it had been hit by a crater by a meteorite.

"..." Huang Lin had almost nothing to say. Hongluan just said that this gun has the power of intercontinental*, which seems to be really not a joke.

"The entrance and exit of hell is closed. This is just closed for us humans." Hongluan said at this time, "But these monsters are still coming out of the hell world. Probably this abnormal situation is the failure of the hell game. Although I don't know why it became like this.

Shuidan asked confusedly, "...but what should we do now?"