Fruit Empire


The minimum number of people required for heaven is three. I, Xiao Yang, Rena, if any of the three of us does not want to stay in heaven and leave, this perfect world will collapse. The happiness I pursue will also disappear.

"So that's it." Luo Ruzhi shook his head, "But I really can't understand you... What happiness... This is not like Su Feiqi at all!"

Su Feiqi smiled gently: "Do you see my male companion?"


"He is my ex-boyfriend. At that time, I was also responsible for drug trafficking. When I heard that he was engaged in drugs, I was so angry that I killed him with a gun on the spot. Since then, I have become cold-blooded. I still remember that at that time, many people thought that it was great for me to destroy my relatives. But more people think I'm selfish and cruel. Su Feiqi said this with sad eyes, "But no one knows that my heart regrets this matter every day. I once swore that if you could give me another chance, I would never do it again.

When Luo Ruzhi heard Su Feiqi's words, Luo Ruzhi was very surprised. I really didn't expect that Su Feiqi would also say the word regret.

Su Feiqi saw Luo Ruzhi's idea, and she hummed and said, "You will be strange and normal. But you know, not everyone will show their true heart. In fact, you can't think of it, right? The regret for that incident is the reason why I took the initiative to come to this hell world. Because only in the 'heaven' in the hell world will we have the opportunity to change the past and make up for regrets. As for me, I just want to get the relics of my ancestors. It's good to do it, but even if I don't do it, it's just like that.

"Take the initiative?" Luo Ruzhi was shocked, " this...?"

"It doesn't matter if I tell you." Su Feiqi said, "Thousands of years ago, my ancestors came to the world of hell. He has passed through many conventional scenes and entered the wheel of mythology. But in the end, he went to the 'heaven' and found the happiness he had lost for a long time. After learning about this from my hometown's collection, I used the records in the book to start looking for a way to enter the hell game, and finally let me find it. Maybe I'm the only one who came to hell by my own will, right? Of course, those stranded people are not enough. Anyway, they have a convenient way.

"But Su Feiqi. You took so much time to almost die here many times. In the end, you just arrived in such a world..."

"What? What's wrong with this world? I got the happiness I have lost for a long time. I'm very happy." Su Feiqi said, "That's enough."

"But this is obviously a false world." Luo Ruzhi was very puzzled, "Isn't what you got also false happiness?"

False? There is no falsehood in this world. My happiness is real. The world where he is not dead is real for me now. Su Feiqi said firmly, "And not only me, but also your Captain Xiao Yang and Miss Ruina are the same."

"What do you mean?"

"Xiao Yang still doesn't know that this world is a kingdom created by our wishes. This is what I helped Reina hide from him. However, even if she knows this, Xiao Yang can't give up the world because of this. Because it's so happy here." Su Feiqi said, "All the lost things will come back, and all regrets can be made up. This is the kingdom of heaven. Whether it's for me, Reina or Xiaoyang, the world is the happiest world.

"...haha. What happiness is this? You guys are just deceiving yourself. Luo Ruzhi smiled sarcastically, "You women are such a creature after all. For this worthless world, you are satisfied. I thought you and Rena were both great heroines, but I was wrong. You are just two poor little women."

"Do you want to make me angry? Forget it, Luo Ruzhi." Su Feiqi was calm. She just smiled faintly and said, "You can still stick to your will with a shadow-like body. I respect your courage very much. But you are not qualified to criticize our choice. We have also tried our best for our own happiness. Little woman is a bad word, but it doesn't matter. We get happiness, that's enough.

"But that's false..."

"Enough." Su Feiqi turned around and said, "He is still waiting for me. If you want to find Xiaoyang, go. However, don't try to persuade him to give up his current happiness. Then goodbye, Luo Ruzhi."


Luo Ruzhi looked at Su Feiqi disappearing in his vision. He couldn't understand Su Feiqi's choice.

The dull pain came from my right shoulder. Luo Ruzhi knew that his situation was getting worse. It really won't last long. Anyway, let's find Xiao Yang first. Just explain the situation to him. He will definitely not be like Su Feiqi.

With this idea, Luo Ruzhi stepped into the church. He quickly inquired about Xiao Yang and Rena's residence from the staff. Xiao Yang and Ruina are really special, so the staff are very impressed. Luo Ruzhi asked about the place as soon as he asked.

Xiaoyang and others live in villas outside the city. Luo Ruzhi called a taxi and rushed to the place where Xiaoyang and the others lived.


Xiao Yang sat on the sofa in the bedroom. The sunlight from the shutters shone on him and made him warm.

Today is not supposed to be a holiday, but the old section chief specially gave him a day off and asked him to come back to accompany Reina. At the thought of the reason why the old section chief gave him a holiday, a feeling of happiness appeared in Xiao Yang's heart.

"Xiao Yang." Rena's voice came from not far away. Xiao Yang immediately stood up and walked over there. Reina just came out of the bathroom, and the water droplets on her cheeks were not dry.

"...What are you in a hurry to come here for? It's not night yet." Reina said, "Although it doesn't matter during the day, I still want to do something else now."

Xiao Yang smiled bitterly: "...what are you talking about? I'm not the one I want. I want to go for a ride with you again."

Ah, that's a good idea. But why did you suddenly think of this? Rena felt a little strange, "Didn't you say that you are a little bored these days? You don't want to go out to play when you have nothing to do, and you want to stay at home longer?"

"...that's it. But now the situation is different. You can't go out casually after a while, so I want to go out with you as much as possible now. Xiao Yang said.

What does it mean? Can't I go out casually in the future? Rena's eyes became fierce, "What the hell is this guy thinking?"

"By the way, I really miss your eyes. Well, but you really can't go out to play in a few months. Xiao Yang stared at Reina's abdomen, "After all, our baby will be born by that time."

"...So that's how it is." Rena patted her lower abdomen and her eyes softened. "It's true that you can't ignore these two little things."

This time it was Xiao Yang's turn to be surprised: "Two?"

"I think there are two. My hunch has always been accurate, just wait and see. Reina said, "Well, I'll get ready. We'll go out right away."

"Hmm." Xiao Yang said, "I'll go to the garage first."

"Go ahead. But this time it's up to me to drive. You will definitely not allow me to drive in the future." Rena stared at Xiao Yang, "And I don't like you driving. Looking at your slow driving, I want to press you down."

Xiao Yang wanted to talk back, but finally smiled: "I know, my wife."

Xiao Yang walked out of the door and walked towards the garage. As he walked, he turned on his mobile phone and looked at the text message inside. There are 50 or 60 unread text messages, which surprised Xiao Yang. As a result, most of the text messages really congratulated Xiao Yang on having a child.

This happened when Xiao Yang accompanied Reina to the hospital yesterday afternoon. I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly.

Thinking that most of the text messages were congratulations, Xiao Yang did not look carefully and kept turning down the text message list. When he turned to the back of the last unread list, Xiao Yang stopped. Behind this unread text message, there is a dense string of text messages, and the sender's column is full of brother or sister-in-law.

Xiao Yang held his mobile phone tightly. A warm current seems to be burning in my heart. My brother and sister-in-law are still alive and well. He was not sentenced to death for murder. Even Rena, who thought she would miss it, also appeared beside her. Marry Rena. Now even the children already have them.

All the regrets have been made up. All wishes have come true. I'm really happy. Can there be anything happier in this world? Happiness is simply not like reality, but like a beautiful dream.

Is it a good dream? Maybe I really didn't wake up in my dream. If that's the case, then pray that this dream will never wake up.

About 20 minutes later, Reina finished wearing it. Rena has always liked to wear makeup, so she is so fast.

Xiao Yang and Rena both got into the car, and Rena stepped on the accelerator and drove in the direction of the city. This time, their plan is to go to a famous lake in the countryside.

Not long after the car started from the door of the villa, Reina suddenly stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, and Ferrari rode away.

"Why did you suddenly drive so fast? You want to scare me." Xiao Yang said with a little dissatisfaction.

"What, don't you accept it?" Rena hummed, "I have to convince you when I come back."

"...I don't think it's good for children like this."

Rina said, "I don't have many opportunities to drive. You can't let me go for a while."

"Good. According to you." Xiao Yang had to agree with a wry smile. Normally, it has nothing to do with Rena, but now that she has children, it's better to let Rena do it.

Xiao Yang just didn't find a taxi driving towards the villa. Reina saw the taxi in the rearview mirror at the beginning, and saw Luo Ruzhi sitting in it, so she accelerated desperately.

The appearance of Luo Ruzhi is by no means a good omen. In any case, we must extinguish all the signs that will affect this happy world at the beginning.

Seeing the Ferrari in front of him fly away with wind and sand, Luo Ruzhi frowned. He only saw a back from the people in the car, but he instinctively felt that Xiao Yang and Rena were sitting in it.

"I said it was really luxurious in this villa area. You don't look like a rich man, but you still come this way. Shouldn't you want to steal the things of these rich people?" The taxi driver joked with Luo Ruzhi, but Luo Ruzhi did not respond. The driver raised his voice and said to Luo Ruzhi, "Hey. Did you hear me?"

"...Oh, I'm sorry. What?"

"Forget it. Well, do you want to enter the villa area?

" Keep up with the Ferrari in front of you."

The driver was shocked: "You're not kidding me, are you? Let me go after Ferrari?"

Luo Ruzhi said, " sure to catch up with it!"

"No, I can't do it." Instead, the driver stopped the car and turned his head and said to Luo Ruzhi, "I think you are really suspicious. What are you chasing that Ferrari for? Are you actually a killer...ah!"

At this time, Luo Ruzhi took out Uzi* from somewhere and pointed it at the driver: "Drive quickly."

"" the driver's mouth trembling.

"Don't say anything. Chase me desperately!" Luo Ruzhi said calmly, "If you dare to resist, my gun is not as easy to talk to as me."

The driver was scared and begged for mercy, but Luo Ruzhi did not answer, but gently wiped the gun in his hand. The driver didn't dare to speak any more. He immediately stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward as fast as he could. Intimidating ordinary civilians is something Luo Ruzhi was used to doing when he was a mercenary. Of course, it is not difficult to deal with a small driver now.

At this time, the Ferrari in front of it has reached a crossroads. The red light flashed, and pedestrians on the crosswalk began to cross the road. Rena is very irritable, but she can't run the red light casually at this time, so she can only stay in the car and stare at the red light and sulk.

Xiao Yang asked, "Are you in a bad mood?"

"Very good. You don't have to worry about it." Rina replied rudely.

The red light is 90 seconds. With ten seconds left at the red light, the shadow of the fast taxi could be seen in the rearview mirror. Rena was extremely anxious, but she still tried not to show it. If it is found by Xiao Yang, it will be troublesome.

The red light finally turned green. Reina immediately started the Ferrari and suddenly reached the maximum speed limit of the road.

Huh? What are you doing so fast?" Xiao Yang's strange way.

"I probably can't drive in the future, so I'm going to soar a little today." Rena immediately thought of an excuse.

Xiao Yang quickly said, "Don't do this, Reina! In case of a car accident..."

"Bum! Bang!" There was a sudden sound of gunfire behind. Xiao Yang was shocked: "Someone is shooting at us? What's going on?"

"Maybe the owner of the BMW I crashed into that time came to us for revenge. After all, my car is also very eye-catching, and it is very likely to be found by them. Reina said this right away.

"...No way?" Xiao Yang shook his head and said, "If you want to seek revenge on us, you have come a long time ago. Why wait for now? What's more, it's also close to the city. There are many people, so it's difficult to deal with it afterwards.

"I said you are so calm." Reina satirized Xiao Yang, and then suddenly raised the speed to the highest level, and the Ferrari galloped forward crazily.

At this time, they were obviously speeding, but Xiao Yang also understood that it was necessary. Life safety is important. Who can take care of so much?

Xiao Yang turned his head and looked behind. He wanted to know who was chasing this side. It's really strange to say that although the other party shot at Ferrari, he didn't feel tight at all, but was a little surprised at first. Xiao Yang always felt that the other party didn't mean to put himself to death, and he didn't know that it was not his own illusion.

The gunfire is getting farther and farther away. Not a single bullet hit the Ferrari. And the taxi behind is getting farther and farther away from Ferrari. From Xiao Yang's position, you can basically see the figure on the car clearly.

Xiao Yang suddenly wanted to see the other party's appearance clearly. Somehow, when Xiao Yang looked at the taxi behind him, he felt a sense of nostalgia in his heart. It's like reuniting with an old friend who has been away for a long time.

Xiao Yang's eyes widened and looked back. He felt that maybe he could see more clearly.

The abnormal situation occurs at this time. The distance between the two cars seemed to suddenly get closer, and the figure on the car became bigger and bigger in Xiao Yang's eyes. Xiao Yang was shocked. When he looked carefully, he saw that the distance between the two workshops was still getting bigger, but his vision seemed to have changed. Xiao Yang had a very bad feeling in his heart, but he temporarily left all these behind and continued to look at the taxi behind him.

Then he saw the people sitting in the car. That's a man with a strong figure but a little haggard face. He held Uzi* in his hand and looked very anxious.

Xiao Yang stared his eyes wider and blurted out: "...Luo Ruzhi?"

A dirty word came out of Rena's mouth. She made a sharp turn along the road. Xiao Yang's head was hit and she closed her eyes in pain.

When Xiao Yang recovered and opened his eyes again, the taxi could no longer be seen behind him.

Xiao Yang looked at Rena and said, "Why are you in such a hurry, Rena!"

"If you are going to be killed, you can save your life." Rena's words are well-founded, but her expression is a little unnatural. Xiao Yang's heart thumped: "Rina... Are you hiding something from me?"

"...Is this the case again? Don't you want to abandon me for this reason?" Rena said angrily, "If you dare to do this, I will definitely chop you into mud and keep only one head in my arms."

"Don't change the topic! I just saw Luo Ruzhi, my companion in the hell game! He came to see me!" Xiao Yang said directly, "There must be something strange in this world!"

"" Reina couldn't speak for a moment.

"Rena! Are you really cheating on me? Xiao Yang's anger came up, "I clearly trust you..."

"Xiao Yang." Rui