Fruit Empire


At this time, Su Feiqi suddenly said, "Gill. Your assimilation is almost complete.

"Hmm?" Jill's split was stunned for a moment, "Why do you know? Just by checking the reincarnation record of the living and the dead, I can do this when I first began to assimilate with the ancestors.

"You shouldn't have heard of the name Yuan Xueyan." Su Feiqi looked at Jill's split, "This name must have been found from the big memory of hell itself."

"Hmm. That's true. 90% of my assimilation with the sages has been completed. Jill nodded and said, "Although that hell spirit is extremely powerful, I can still deal with it. I just need to procrastinate. Time is my victory. At that time, even if 108 Yuanling gathers, there is no way to stop me from becoming a sage.

As soon as the words arrived, Jill's face showed an extremely painful look.

" could this..." Jill's pupils suddenly expanded, "The second spirit..."

"Smile!" With a sharp thorn, the inside of Jill's body cracked into four pieces in an instant! At the same time, a dimensional whirlpool with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly appeared inside the other side of the tower!

A black light shines from the middle of the dimensional vortex, which seems to be composed of countless black particles of light. Xiao Yang casually looked at one of the light particles, but couldn't help but be attracted by the light particles. Those tiny particles of light are very clear when they first look at them, but they feel extremely blurred when they look at them again, and they feel very clear when they blink their eyes. The light particles are sometimes clear and sometimes blurred, and there is an extraordinary beauty.

The black light shines directly on Jill, who is divided into four petals. Soon Jill's body returned to its original state, and the huge dimensional vortex also disappeared.

Xiao Yang couldn't help asking, "Jill, are you all right?"

"It's just that I didn't die." Jill's tone was not relaxed at all. "For good, Yan Xiangyu was not affected, otherwise it would be troublesome."

At this time, Xiao Yang found that Yan Xiangyu was sleeping peacefully in Jill's arms like a baby. It's just that her figure is so thin that you can't see it if you don't look carefully.

Gil raised her left hand into the air. This time, what appeared from her hand was a *. An arrow was shot from the crossbow, but as soon as the crossbow came out, it began to split, divided into two, four into four, and four into eight. It's like the proliferation of cancer cells. Even when Xiao Yang was stunned, the crossbows had been covered in the interior of the tower on the other side.

Jill's whole body is covered with red tattoos, and the light that hits along those tattoos shines directly on all the crossbows hanging in the air.

The dense crossbows instantly turned into a strange state, as if they were drawing mosaics in the air, chaotic and blurred. This large mosaic wraps everyone up like a cover.

"What is this?" Peng Fei asked.

"Olysses twisted the empty shield." Jill simply replied, "This thing is far beyond the sky and earth wall and is the best dimensional shielding wall. Among the seventeenth dimension, it is also quite solid. It should be possible to delay some more time. Just a little while, just a little..."

As soon as she said this, in the mosaic cloud in the middle of the empty shield, a big hole was smashed out! A figure landed from the big hole!

Xiao Yang was stunned. That was not the black dream he expected, but it turned out to be...

"Emperor Yan?" Peng Fei first called out the other party's name.

"Dad?" Ruo's daughter also shouted out in surprise. But at the next moment, the water droplets protecting her beside her were smashed in an instant, and her body was suddenly forcibly torn into eight pieces by an extremely huge force. At first glance, it looked like a blooming flower!

Peng Fei shouted "ah", and his chest was so angry that he turned into a shadow demon almost without thinking about it. However, just before he rushed over, he found that his body was fixed in place and could not move at all.

"Don't move." It was Su Feiqi who spoke. The fog knife in her hand has wrapped Peng Fei, who was in the state of Shadow Demon, and fixed it in place. Peng Fei's internal time flow was limited to one hundred millionth, and he could do nothing at this time.

"If you die, please die more valuablely." Su Feiqi snorted, "It doesn't make any sense to die now. Besides, you can see clearly that even the child is not dead.

Seven of Ruo's eight bodies automatically burned and disappeared, but the remaining pieces were surrounded by soft light and slowly recovered. Ruoju, who was born in the wheel of mythology, will not die so easily.

Xiao Yang looked at Emperor Yan falling from the sky. Although from the image, he is definitely the Yan Emperor, but now this Yan Emperor has no such divine temperament at all. Maybe it's just a feeling, but...

As if he had noticed Xiao Yang's sight, Emperor Yan turned his head towards Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang just looked at him and felt as if he had been nailed to the guilloph. All the fears I have encountered in this life cannot be compared with the present.

At this time, Emperor Yan's eyes were empty and godless. Of course, he could not see any contempt for mortals or anything. And there is no murder in his eyes. But this Emperor Yan is undoubtedly the scariest guy Xiao Yang has ever seen. Those empty eyes are not nothing. Infinite chaos rolled in his eyes. This guy is definitely not Emperor Yan! Most of the body of Emperor Yan was possessed by the spirit of hell. At this time, his posture has long surpassed people and even gods, just like the universe itself... or the personification of some natural laws.

Emperor Yan only looked at Xiao Yang, and then walked in the direction of Jill as if he had lost interest in him. But as soon as he took the first step, Xiao Yang felt that he was dislocation all over. The bones and bones are staggered, and the blood doesn't know where to fly away. The vision in front of me turned blurred red, and the position I was looking at was also changing. Although consciousness exists, it feels like the body is torn apart. Not only your own body, but also the world around it seems to be flowing strangely.

In a daze, Xiao Yang saw his right leg suspended in the air, and then half of it appeared in a place next to him as if it had been cut open, twisting into a twist.

Xiao Yang understood in an instant. This is the most horrible phenomenon he has ever encountered, space distortion! This Emperor Yan, just walking in the other side of the tower, caused the space distortion of the stable space of the other side tower! Has the power of the 108 Yuan spirit of hell reached this level...

When he felt this, Xiao Yang's body had been severely damaged, and most of his body was scattered around. In addition to Xiao Yang, Su Feiqi and Peng Fei are also scattered by space distortion, but one of them turns into fog and the other is shadow. Such a discrete body may only be killed when it is under a concentrated and indiscriminate attack. In addition, the woman's recovering body is protected by unknown light and is not affected by space distortion. But Reina doesn't know where she has gone.

"The beast god comes." Xiao Yang used this skill. The body scattered around was recombined and turned into the body of the beast god. He incarnated the original lion form and shouted, "Come out with me!"

Emperor Yuanling Yan and Jill, who was a semi-sage, began to fight. This battlefield cannot be intervened. Just staying in it will be a great danger. With this in mind, Xiao Yang wanted to call everyone to leave. At least the tower on the other side itself has not been destroyed by space distortion, which means that the battlefield is mostly in the tower, and it is obviously more realistic to choose to escape now.

"Escape is meaningless, captain." Su Feiqi, who was scattered in the air, can still make a sound, "You will understand this right away."

At this time, the space distortion became more violent, and Xiao Yang's beast god's body was twisted again. However, he soon returned to his original state. This space distortion is only a phenomenon caused by Emperor Yuan Lingyan, not his attack. Xiao Yang, whose body dimension has reached eleven, will not be affected by this level of space distortion and die. But you should know that Emperor Yan and Jill have not officially started a war yet. If there is a real fight, everyone will definitely be affected at that time.

Xiao Yang would continue to shout for everyone to escape, but at this time, he suddenly felt an inexplicable force shaking in his body, and then his body suddenly shrank and became the size of an ordinary person's thumb!

"This is really suitable for you." Then Rina's voice sounded in Xiao Yang's ear. Rena's body also became as big as a human fist at this time. She grabbed Xiao Yang and put it on her shoulder.

"It's really good, just like a doll." Reina looked very happy.

"What is this going on? And when did you have such a strange ability? Xiao Yangqi asked.

"This is the power from the wai�. Control gravity, control size and shape. Rina pressed her chest and said, "Although I just tried it to be useless to the Yuanlingyan Emperor, it can still be used for you and me."

"What if the problem gets smaller? Can't..." Before Xiao Yang finished speaking, Reina suddenly began to fly at an extraordinary speed. If someone watches with more than third-order dynamic vision, they can find that Rena's body is jumping in the air in an extremely irregular way, drawing irregular lines. Rina still teleports from time to time during the flight, and her trajectory is intermittent. Of course, this teleportation ability also comes from the wai�.

"I see, Reina." Xiao Yang, lying on Reina's shoulder, asked, "Can't you see the distortion of space?"

"Well... But this doesn't seem to be the result of my own evolution. Now I can see those twisted curves and avoid them. It's troublesome to hide if it's too big, so I make us smaller, so it's easier to hide. Rena explained.

In fact, Rena's hiding is not as easy as she said, but at least up to now, the two of them have successfully escaped the continuous space distortion again and again.

At this time, Emperor Yan was only one step away from Jill. He stretched out his hand in the direction of Jill and was about to make a move.

"Oh!" " Fractured strange sounds are ringing in the air. Countless thick black lines suddenly appeared under Emperor Yan's feet and cut his feet all of a sudden! When Emperor Yan had just been cut, his body was pressed like a big stone with infinite weight, and was flattened into a pancake with no thickness at all!

Xiao Yang stared at those black lines. I still remember that I encountered this kind of black line when I first entered hell, and as long as I was wiped by the black line, it would be erased immediately. At that time, Xiao Yang and others were almost killed by the same black line!

"The line of the world." Su Feiqi was talking, who was foggy, but as she spoke, she restored her human form. "That's a tool used to format every world, and it's also one of the most primitive tools in the hell game system. Jill, in this way, can you use the power of the hell game system now?

"Hmm." Jill replied, "It's ninety-nine percent. It is precisely because of this that I can use the Geshi black line to seal the Yuanling into the second dimension.

At this time, the distortion of space has disappeared. It seems that Emperor Yuanlingyan has indeed been sealed.

Xiao Yang was also relieved: "Then your goal will be achieved soon."

"Hmm. I will..." Jill's words only ended here. A big mouth appeared in the void and suddenly bit her from her body!

Xiao Yang was shocked: "Black Dream!"

The dark dream appeared from the void. It hangs a lot of chaotic color blocks that are made of unknown materials. Just looking at those color blocks makes people feel that they are heavy enough to crush the space.

Jill's body was broken into two pieces, and they were quickly connected and restored to their original state. But Jill's expression at this moment was extremely desperate: "Yan Xiangyu... I can't feel it at all..."

Xiao Yang suddenly understood what Jill meant. Yan Xiangyu, who was originally held in Jill's arms, has disappeared. She was swallowed by the black dream! At this time, Jill's assimilation is obviously not complete, and she is only 99 percent of the sages now. As the core ability of the hell game, no one knows how much Jill has.

"Jill... Can you open the door to the world now?" Su Feiqi asked loudly with a white fog. Naturally, she also thought of the same problem as Xiao Yang.

Jill didn't answer Su Feiqi at all. Her eyes moved, and countless black lines in the air rubbed directly in the direction of the black dream.

However, Black Dream Xiao opened his mouth. Chaotic color blocks spewed out of its mouth, and those color blocks hit Gill in a spiral curve. Its speed... No, that's something that can't be expressed by speed. They filled Jill's side in an instant, hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions, and even can really be described as infinite. This infinite chaotic spiral devoured all the lines of the world and penetrated and tore Jill's body.

Jill came back to life in the air under such circumstances. She burst into countless dimensional whirlpools, but those dimensional vores could not resist the erosion of chaotic spirals at all, and were shattered like biscuits. Seeing this, Jill could only turn her body into a group of black light particles and began to flee, but those chaotic spirals crushed all these light particles.

"...It's over." Su Feiqi's voice showed despair for the first time. Xiao Yang was completely stunned at this time. Jill has even had 99% of the power of the sages, and even in the face of Emperor Yuanlingyan, she can win. However, she was still killed by a black dream. As the spirit of hell, the black dream of dimension 17 is really unfathomable...

And at this time, Xiao Yang heard a very strange voice. The sound can't be described in words. If it is forced to describe it, it is like an extremely sophisticated mechanically broken sound. And with this sound, the tower on the other side also collapsed.

The tower on the other side collapsed, and the part connected to the world at the top of the tower also collapsed. People can no longer see the world. Before that part completely collapsed, Xiao Yang seemed to see some familiar figures, but he couldn't see anything before he could confirm it.

There is a vast void beside everyone, and you can't even see a dim starlight in the endless darkness. Only the mask of the woman who is still healing is still on. Peng Fei rushed to the mask with the body of the shadow demon god, wrapped in the mask and began to run. At the same time, he shouted, "Run away, everyone!"

Rina also made the same choice and changed back to its original size in an instant. Her bone wings spread more than 1,000 meters, pulled up Xiao Yang, who also returned to his original state, and shuttled through the void at her fastest speed. Xiao Yang seemed to think of something at this time. He kept thinking about it and let Ruina fly with him.

Only Su Feiqi did not escape. She looked at the black dream indifferently without any fear in her eyes, as if she had accepted her fate.

But Black Dream did not chase everyone. It raised its head and opened its mouth with a spray. The chaotic spirals broke out again, and they condensed into a larger spiral and rushed straight up.

"Boom!" There is a sound like thunder. A hole was broken in the void, from which Jill's body appeared.

Jill's eyes were closed, and her body flashed with golden light. Looking at her appearance, it seems that she is healing.

Jill deserves to inherit 90% of the power of the sages. Even if she was beaten so badly by the chaotic spiral just now, in fact, she was still not killed, but hid in another dimension space.

Black Dream finally found Jill. It released a chaotic spiral like crazy and began to attack Jill. Seeing those chaotic spirals rushing to Jill again, but as soon as they touched the golden lights, they suddenly disappeared and appeared in another place in the void. It seems that those golden lights have the power to distort the dimension. Even things like chaotic spirals have been seriously distorted and unable to attack Jill herself.

The black dream roared. Although the hell genrei has no feelings, he is still anxious in the face of the fact that he can't attack the target.

At this time, Peng Fei's shadow demon god had rushed to Xiao Yang and Ruina's side. He said, "Brother Yang, Rena... It's great that you're all fine."

Xiao Yang did not reply, but Reina replied, "What's good?" There is no place to escape at all.

"Don't worry too much. I don't think Jill will lose. At least she has the power of the sages now, and she won't die so easily. Peng Fei said.

When Peng Fei was speaking, a hole was suddenly broken in the void in front of him. Peng Fei was slightly shocked: "That' warehouse space..."

At this time, Xiao Yang also shouted out in surprise: "My warehouse space has also been opened!"

Except Peng