Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 14 The Third Order of the Warriors

The rumble of rapids is drumming in the mountains, like hundreds of millions of war drums, which makes people excited.

A silver waterfall hanging on the cliff fell down, with a drop of hundreds of meters. The white water mist wrapped around the waterfall. The dazzling sunlight passed through the white fog and scattered a beautiful rainbow. Huge birds kept flying in front of the waterfall. On the cliff of the waterfall were countless birds and birds, and below the silver waterfall was a pool. The huge lake, the blue lake is like a mirror, reflecting the clear blue sky and white clouds, and the rich and lush ancient trees around the lake are like a sharp sword pointing straight at the sky.


The torrent of the waterfall is deafening, and below the waterfall, a teenager with a ** upper body is under the torrent, and the torrent of hundreds of meters hit the thin body.

The drop is hundreds of meters, and the impact of its torrent can be imagined. However, this thin figure carried it down. In the dark eyes, there was a firm belief, and the violent sound of bones kept coming from the body, which was the sound of the body under the huge impact.

Each bone of the body is vibrating at a very high frequency, the bones are constantly sonorousing, and the muscles on the surface of the body ripple. This circle of ripples constantly withstands the huge torrent, and then introduces this huge force into the body and transmits it to every corner of the body.

The various forces of the thin body are improving at an incredible speed, but the price of such an efficient power is the pain that inhumans can bear.

Even though he has experienced such a practice for ten days, today's Jun Lintian still feels unparalleled pain. His whole body seems to be burned by flames. The process of shaking his internal organs is definitely a hellish experience, and what is more desperate is the punching power of the old wooden old man not far away. Each punch will raise its strength to the limit that Junlintian's body can withstand today. What is the limit? The limit is that Jun Lintian can't wait to faint immediately, but reason has been ** aware of the pain from every part of the body, and with the improvement of strength, this feeling of pain seems to be slowly expanding.


Jun Lintian's handsome face was completely distorted, and his mouth roared like a beast, but Jun Lintian's roar with all his strength was completely suppressed by the torrent of the waterfall. His dark eyes gradually turned blood, and his white skin gradually became red. Unconsciously, Jun Lintian's body surface gradually became It emitted a cloud of white, and I couldn't tell whether it was an evaporated water mist or something else.

The torrent of the waterfall keeps falling, and the right power controlled by the ancient wooden old man has never been interrupted.

The bloody sunset gradually fell, and the sky was fishy red. The darkness gradually became the main color of the world, and the young man under the waterfall came out from under the waterfall with his tired body.

The mouth gasped, and the chest continued to fluctuate, and the redness in the eyes had not completely receded. The long wet hair stuck to the back, and a drop of water slowly flowed down Jun Lintian's body. However, at the moment when the water on his hair was about to flow to the heel, Jun Lintian's whole body braked The body's blood flowed ten times faster than usual. At the same time, the surface of the white body immediately became red, like a high fever. The bloody red eyes became more and dense.


A fluffy white water mist quickly evaporated from the surface of Jun Lintian's body, and the water that was about to flow to the heel was quickly evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before it flowed to the ground, it had been completely steamed dry. At the same time, the wet trousers and hair also completely evaporated in a few breaths. fen.

After doing all this, Junlintian picked up the clothes on the boulder and put them on for himself, and the heartbeat, which increased ten times at that moment, also returned to normal.

Jun Lintian looked at the old man who came by, and there was a fierce look in his eyes that had not completely receded. He immediately said to the old man, "Teacher, I think I should be able to withstand four times the gravity!"

"Four times the gravity?" Even the old man of Gumu felt a trace of surprise at this moment.


"Then try it first!"

The ancient wood old man turned into a wisp of green smoke and sank into a bloody ring on the middle finger of Jun Lintian's left hand. However, when the ancient wood old man integrated into the ring, he could obviously feel that Jun Lintian's body suddenly sank, as if Jun Lintian's body was much heavier in an instant.

Feeling the weight of his body now, Jun Lintian said solemnly to himself, "This is four times the gravity. Although it is only one weight more than three times the gravity, it is definitely the last straw to crush the camel, but..." Jun Lintian's eyes stared at the winding stone steps in the distance, and there was a trace of madness at the corners of his mouth: "No After that, I still have to go back to Lingyun Mountain within the specified time!"

The figure of the teenager crossed the stone steps, and the 19,000 stone steps were constantly left behind by Jun Lintian. Every time Jun Lintian takes a step, the stone steps will vibrate slightly, which is four times the gravity. However, the gradually young man's physical strength begins to lose strength. If this is three times the gravity, this feeling is triple gravity. In this case, it only happens when you are about to get to your residence, and now you have only traveled one-third of the way.

Jun Lintian gritted his teeth, and the blood in his body gradually began to accelerate, and more powerful forces continued to supplement the lost physical strength, but Jun Lintian's face gradually turned pale.

The twilight shrouded Lingyun Mountain, but a young figure flashed on the winding stone steps from time to time. The calls of various animals kept coming from the night, and even some traces of animals hunting food from time to time. However, all this is so insignificant for Junlintian. At this moment, in Junlintian In his eyes, there is only the peak of Lingyun Mountain, which is his destination.

The night became darker, and the figure of Jun Lintian finally appeared on the top of the mountain. When the only servants saw Jun Lintian's figure appear at his residence, they did not panic too much. For a month, this former waste young master came back at this time every time, and when he came back, he was tired, but tonight He seemed to be more tired than ever, but the servants did not care about this trivial change.

It has been a month since I came to Lingyun Mountain. At the beginning, it took a whole day to run the 19,000 stone steps of Lingyun Mountain, but with the practice of Junlintian's continuous pulling down the extreme state, the time to go back and forth of Lingyun Mountain was shrinking rapidly, until a week later, 10,000 It only takes two hours to go back and forth between the nine thousand stone steps, and at this time, Jun Lintian began to practice under the huge waterfall at the foot of the mountain behind Lingyun Mountain.

Jun Lintian, who has just begun to practice, dares not approach the strong torrent of the waterfall at all. The drop of hundreds of meters is enough to smash the fragile body impact of Jun Lintian.

However, as time goes by, the place where Junlintian practices is getting closer and closer to the rapids under the waterfall. At the same time, the time for Junlintian to run back and forth to Lingyun Mountain is still shorten. Ten days after coming to Lingyun Mountain, when Jun Lintian ran the 19,000 stone steps of Lingyun Mountain, the ancient wooden old man added a heavy gravity to Jun Lintian. In an instant, Jun Lintian was returned to the prototype and ran back and forth to Lingyun Mountain, which increased three hours at once.

However, eight days later, the time was shortened to a critical point. At this moment, the ancient wooden old man doubled the gravity, and at this moment, Jun Lintian can try to practice under the waterfall, but it's just a try.

Until a few days ago, the gravity of running Lingyun Mountain increased three times, and Jun Lintian could really practice directly below the waterfall.

In a month, this is the month of Jun Lintian's transformation. The original tender face has completely faded away from greenness and replaced by maturity and stability. The white skin color has gradually flashed the luster of bronze, as well as the face that is more beautiful than a woman. Now it is not only beautiful, but also its What comes out is the natural breath of men, which is the charm of male hormones.

Jun Lintian has changed. Whether from his body or from his heart, Jun Lintian has completed a complete transformation. Although this month is almost isolated from the world, what Jun Lintian has learned and felt in this month is definitely not comparable to what he has obtained in the past 16 years. In practice, Jun Lintian really understood what is called calmness, what can be called perseverance, and what can be called endurance. Those dark eyes can finally be called deep, but they still feel that there is something missing, which is from the precipitation of the years.

At this moment, Jun Lintian is lying in a huge wooden barrel. The milky ** in the wooden barrel emits a strong pungent smell of medicinal materials. The strong medicinal power continues to rush into Jun Lintian's body, repair Jun Lintian's tired body, and consolidates the achievements of Jun Lintian's practice in the past day.

In just one month, Jun Lintian has been able to persist and achieve such achievements. It can be said that more than half of these continuous medicinal materials have contributed. They are the backing of Jun Lintian's ability to practice as usual every day. Without these medicinal materials, Jun Lintian's body would have been completely defeated in this purgatory practice.

There was a white fog in the barrel, but Jun Lintian quietly closed his eyes. In just a few breaths, Jun Lintian had fallen into a deep sleep, and the sleeping Jun Lintian still instinctively absorbed the medicine to strengthen and consolidate his body. Unconsciously, in Jun Lintian's head, a dark The hole appears here, and this small black hole is growing bit by bit.

This black hole exists in the back of Jun Lintian's head, but it feels that it exists in another time and space. There are palpitating breaths from the small black hole. When you feel this breath, it seems that you have traveled through the long river of history for hundreds of millions of years, and a sense of ancient vicissitudes arise spontaneously. .

And Jun Lintian's body suddenly burst into a metallic luster, and every muscle in his body is like a python, full of power. If it is divided according to the strength of power, today's Jun Lintian is enough to be called a third-level warrior.

A black whirlpool formed in the head, and the whirlpool is endless darkness, like an abyss. At the same time, in the frightening darkness, it seems that a dormant wild beast is quietly waking up!