Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 21 Desire, Depravity

The leaf curtain drooped, and the darkness gradually enveloped the world. However, in the silent night, there was a huge thing like a lion on the flat land. It was the prosperous imperial capital of the Yongyuan Empire. The brilliant light came with darkness, while the singing and dancing broke the tranquility of the night and the impetuous world. At this moment, vulgarity seems to be incompatible with the quiet nature, as if there is a drop of bright red blood on the white paper, and people are drunk, indulged and rotten...

The blood-red lantern exudes a dim halo, and the dull air oppresses everyone's chest. The imperial capital is like a cage, while confused people are anesthetized and degenerate in the cage.

At this moment, there is unbridled laughter inside and outside the spring breeze building. In the laughter, some people fell on the wine table. Some people surrounded a bunch of opposite sex bumpy and walked to the second or third floor. They laughed unscrupulously. They vented their desires to their heart's content, whether it was rights, status or women, alcohol models. It confuses people's consciousness, but desire drives people's instincts.

That's a depraved body, and they are empty!

Yuqiao quietly looked at the sleeping Jun Lintian, and the teeth clenched her cherry lips tightly. She was struggling. However, Shen Zhiwu's voice was like an irresistible magic sound, constantly forcing her. Yuqiao's petite body suddenly trembled slightly, but the slender jade hand uncontrollably shrouded her. The veil on the body.

The woman felt that the air around her became thick, and time suddenly flowed too slowly. When the gauze slowly faded around her waist, the snow-white gauze gently slipped from the clever red skin and then fell to the ground. The jade body originally hidden under the gauze was completely exposed to the house, jade-like skin. With a faint blush, the dim candlelight set off the woman's delicate face, and the waterfall-like black hair quietly spread on the woman's naked back.

The clear eyes gradually climbed to the root of blood. At the same time, there were tears in the woman's eyes. She sobbed a little, but the clever movements did not stay at all. The trembling jade hand slowly stretched out to the pink chest. At the moment when the jade hand as white and tender as green onions touched her skin, the words were clever His whole body trembled violently.

"Dignity? What can I do to insist on my dignity? If it weren't for Mr. Shen, would I still be me now? Yuqiao muttered softly, but now he has taken away all his clothes, including the extremely seductive chest wrap.

An extremely charming body is so red, ** standing in front of the bed, but at this moment, Jun Lintian is sleeping, his closed eyes have not revealed a gap, and his calm breathing is as peaceful as a sleeping baby, and only the atmosphere of alcohol still permeates Jun Lintian.

Yu Qiao stepped on the jade feet to the bed and gently untied Jun Lintian's coat.

The dim candlelight in the room reflected the clever movement on the wall. The movement of the shadow was very slow, and it can be seen from the swaying shadow that the action of Yuqiao at this moment was a little dull or mechanical, and at the same time left a crystal tear at the corner of the jade-like carved eyes. She sighed lonelyly: "My dignity, It's trampling on people!"

Tears dripped, and then the dignity that Qiao has persisted for six years has disappeared. Six years ago, Jun Lintian was ten years old, Shen Zhiwu and Jun Linhai was 17 years old... It was a spring-hearted age, just like today's Jun Lintian.

Gently retreated from Jun Lintian's clothes. At the moment when Yu Qiao stretched out his hand to Jun Lintian's trousers belt, the ring on the middle finger of Jun Lintian's left hand flashed a glor, and a pure natural force was instantly captured by the bloody and simple ring, and then this pure power flowed into Jun Lintian through the bloody ring. In the body.

The pure power of heaven and earth wandered in Junlintian's body, dispelling all the alcohol permeated in Junlintian's body, and Junlintian's consciousness gradually returned to his body.

When Jun Lintian's wine is completely gone, the power flowing into Jun Lintian's body also disappeared without a trace. This is the body that can't carry the yuan power. It can't retain the slightest power, even if it's only for a short hour or two.

Jun Lintian woke up and opened his heavy eyelids with difficulty. The dim light melted like Jun Lintian's pupils. Jun Lintian suddenly felt that his upper body was cold, and it seemed that a delicate and lubricating jade hand was gently untie his trousers belt. At this moment, Jun Lintian was still a little confused. He was trying to think about his current body. Where and what happened before?

Suddenly, Shen Zhiwu's signature ** and smile appeared in Jun Lintian's memory, and the confused Jun Lintian's spirit suddenly shocked. He immediately remembered the reason of everything, couldn't help but get up suddenly, and then jumped down from **.

Jun Lintian's sudden action scared Yuqiao, and Yuqiao couldn't help screaming. However, when he saw Jun Lintian and Yuqiao's four eyes converging in the air, Jun Lintian's breathing couldn't help but become rapid and heavy, because standing in front of him at this moment was an extremely attractive body and body, which had never happened to the world. Lintian only felt a burst of heat in his lower abdomen and dry mouth.

Yuqiao, who was frightened, was full of fear at first. When everything recovered, Yuqiao lowered his head gently, as if he had accepted his fate, and slowly walked to Jun Lintian. At the same time, Yu Qiao stretched out his hand to Jun Lintian's trousers.

The cleverly carved body emits a lovely body fragrance, as well as the woman's shy expression and movements, all of which cause fatal ** to any male animal. At this moment, Jun Lintian is falling step by step in this endless **. His breathing is rapid, his body temperature is rising sharply, and he is beautiful. The excessive cheeks are already covered with sweat beads.

Jun Lintian suddenly felt that the air suddenly became hot, although there was a cold night wind blowing outside at this moment.

The naked body stood quietly in front of Jun Lintian and looked at the woman who was half a head shorter than him. Jun Lintian looked at any private place of Yuqiao's body. He imagined that this body had such power that he almost lost his mind, and in Jun Lintian's heavy breathing, He looked at the jade hand as white as a green onion and stretched out to his trousers little by little, which was his last line of defense.

Jun Lintian's breathing became heavier and more hemp.

At this moment, in the back of Jun Lintian's head, the void belonging to his mind, the dark sphere wrapped in colorful brilliance trembled slightly. The power in the dark ball felt the desire in Jun Lintian's heart at this moment, excited, boiling and roaring. This power longed for Jun Lintian to immediately make the petite body of Yuqiao Throw it to **, and then press it under yourself fiercely, fiercely **.

The clever jade hand touched Jun Lintian's body. At this moment, Jun Lintian's body trembled violently, and his handsome face showed a fierce struggle.

"No, I'm not willing to degenerate, I'm not willing to be driven by desire, I don't..." Jun Lintian gritted his teeth, his dark and deep eyes took a look at the dull and confused clever words, and then took a deep breath extremely heavily, turned around and grabbed the coat on the ground and grabbed the window and turned out.

When Jun Lintian's figure disappeared into the thick night, Yu Qiao, who stood still in place, suddenly found a trace of coldness in his body, which was from the invasion of the night wind. Yuqiao gently picked up the veil on the ground and hid his naked body, and then looked at the direction of Jun Lintian's disappearance again. After a long time, Yuqiao's cherry lips opened slightly and whispered, "He... is different from others?"

Shen Zhiwu, who was lying quietly in **, felt the breath of the distant sky. He sighed softly and did not catch up, but Shen Zhiwu's ruffian but extremely deep eyes looked at the endless darkness. Shen Zhiwu took a deep breath and then fell asleep.

In his sleep, Shen Zhiwu seemed to return to the age that made people feel happy and warm, where there were his cherished memories and his painful memories. Shen Zhiwu's heart was a little tingling. Yes, Shen Zhiwu only felt heartache in his dream, because when he opened it. From the moment of his eyes, Shen Zhiwu had no heart.

Shen Zhiwu did not want to see Jun Lintian embark on the road he had walked, so... Shen Zhiwu wanted to turn him into a man immediately after he became an adult. A real man knows how to control his emotions and will use absolute reason to overcome naive, naive and stupid ideas, but he failed. I don't know what difficulties are waiting for Jun Lintian. Is it the obstruction from the two giant families of the Ye family and the Jun family, or the warm happiness like spring, or something else? Shen Zhiwu didn't know whether all this was a blessing or a curse.

The cold night wind messed up Jun Lintian's hair. In the dark night, Jun Lintian walked quietly on the street alone.

It's already late at night, but there are rare passers-by on the road, but people walking in the middle of the night are a little hastily. I don't know whether they are obsessed with the warmth of home or afraid of late at night. The faces of passers-by are cold indifference, and in the eyes of Jun Lintian, the world in these people's eyes is black and white, and people are all like If you are like a passer-by, you will pass by in a hurry without leaving any trace, but the airflow from Jun Lintian's ear shows that someone has just passed by.

"Desire, depravity..."

These two words suddenly flashed in Jun Lintian's mind. At this moment, inexplicably, Jun Lintian suddenly felt a cold chill deep into his bone marrow. This chill is not like the previous ridicule of others for his waste body, but more like the feeling of being targeted by some kind of cold and powerful existence. This is from instinctive fear. In the middle of the night, Jun Lintian wrapped his clothes, but his thin body still shivered.

The night is deeper, but the colorful shackles are still wrapped in the dark abyss - the abyss of famine!