Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 73 Evolution of Heaven and Earth

The surroundings are dark. Jun Lintian walks alone in this dark world. In Jun Lintian's perception, this is not a secret room, but more like an independent world, a vast and boundless world, and the world has no light. Even with Jun Lintian's current cultivation and vision, In the past, I couldn't see my fingers.

Just when Jun Lintian felt confused, a crisp step suddenly echoed in this empty secret room.

"Who is it?"

Jun Lintian asked doubtfully, but the answer to Jun Lintian was the seemingly endless echo.

I looked around blankly, but I couldn't find the slightest clue.

In the dark world, another crisp step sounded. When the second step sounded, a light suddenly appeared in Jun Lintian's vision. The light was like the morning sun at dawn, and then the light became more and more dazzling until Jun Lintian could not open his eyes. Suddenly, it was found that the light that filled this secret room or this silent world completely disappeared in an instant.

Without the dazzling light, Jun Lintian looked around everything. The whole secret room was rippled with a faint green halo. The green halo was like the beating elves swimming in the void, while the light emitted by the green halo brightened the small secret room. .

Looking around, the empty feeling in the dark has disappeared, and it has been replaced by a secret room of only dozens of square meters.

The gray rocks make up this secret room, and above the gray wall are dense mysterious runes, and between the runes are obscure totems. There are beasts and birds in the totem, and these obscure and illegible totems have never been seen or even heard of.

staring at the light green secret room, Jun Lintian didn't know what to do next. He stared at the gray wall and fell into meditation. However, just as Jun Lintian fell into meditation, an ancient picture suddenly appeared in Jun Lintian's mind.

The sky and the earth were chaotic. At that time, there was no sky or earth, but there was only a chaotic turbulence suspended in the dark void. I don't know how many years this chaotic void has been floating in the void. When endless years passed, the chaotic atmosphere that had never changed suddenly surged, as if The thick white clouds in the sky rolled in the wind.

The chaotic atmosphere is rolling, and the chaotic atmosphere is filled with thrilling thunder. Under this thunderous breath, the soul of Jun Lintian's heart trembles. Even after countless years, even if the scene in Junlintian's mind happened at the beginning of the beginning of the world, Junlintian is still oily. And there is a deep shock.

The breath of thunder is releasing the power of terror, and the huge and unimaginable chaos gradually divided into a stream of air of different sizes.

The endless years have passed again, and the striped airflow divided by the chaotic qi gradually began to transform and take shape. When Jun Lintian saw the shape of those striped airflows, Jun Lintian's heart was deeply shocked. He whispered in shock: "That... That's the twelve-week dragon vein."

Finally, when the twelve-week Tianlong veins of different sizes evolved, the twelve chaotic airflows were spread in the twelve directions of the void, and the twelve airflows, that is, the dark void where the twelve-week Tianlong veins were located, gradually emerged, and then became rocks. Stone, at the same time, the sky appeared, and clouds appeared in the sky. The clouds turned into rain and then landed on the ground.

Mountains, rivers, deserts...

Countless landforms appeared over the 12th-week Tianlong vein one after another, and the figure of the 12th-week Tianlong vein was gradually covered by this sudden world. However, Jun Lintian felt that this sudden world was based on the 12th-week Tianlong vein.

This is an independent world. When countless various landforms appeared, I don't know how many years have passed, and a touch of green appeared in the world. It was a plant.

Time is passing, years are flowing, and green has gradually spread all over the world. When I don't know how many years have passed, the forest has spread to every corner of the huge world. With the emergence of plants, all kinds of animals have also appeared one after another, including beasts and birds, and among these beasts and birds, the king of the sky I saw something familiar.

After careful consideration, Jun Lintian suddenly remembered that the familiar beasts and birds were not the totems in this secret room?

The pattern of heaven and earth has been fixed, and human beings have gradually emerged between heaven and earth. Human beings are getting stronger and stronger in the cruel law of survival, and their plunder of the world has become deeper and deeper with the increase of their own power.


That is the best interpretation of desire.

One day, when human power is so powerful that the world cannot bear it, in the perception of Jun Lintian, this world seems to be a little different from what it has been perceived before, but it is different in the perception of Jun Lintian, but it is ambiguous and indescribable.

The sky is still the sky, and the earth is still the land. People in the world still have limbs, facial features and thoughts, but people gradually find that the powerful human beings who once dominated the world have submerged in the dust of history with the passage of time, but the powerful existence did not appear in people later. The strong man.

The ancient constitution disappeared into the long river of history one by one, but human beings in history have not been deeply aware of the meaning contained in it.

People in heaven and earth gradually discovered the changes between heaven and earth, but human beings in the chess game are more confused. They are at a loss. Behind the endless desire with the increase of power, greedy human beings stopped the pace of desire growth for the first time, and they are thinking calmly.

The picture in Jun Lintian's mind stopped abruptly when he arrived here, and everything around him returned to normal again. Although it was only a short moment, in Jun Lintian's perception, he felt as if he had gone through countless eras.

"Twelve weeks of Tianlong vein!"

Jun Lintian muttered to himself in a low voice. At the same time, he thought of the golden rune in his mind, which was the ninth-week Tianlong vein, the vein mark of the burning Tianyan dragon vein. At this moment, this vein mark is quietly floating above the abyss of the wilderness in Jun Lintian's mind. The golden vein mark is like a coiled golden dragon, and the golden light is scattered. The darkness from the abyss of famine exudes hot energy at the same time.