Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 20 Relieved

"Laugh for Guangxuan!"

The beautiful woman deeply remembers this sentence in her heart, so Suer's memory at this moment is only the good memory of the past.

Su'er was smiling happily. She was waiting for Guangxuan to take her to the place where Guangxuan was born. Su'er was eager to take out a beautiful place like a fairyland. However, Suer's innocent and kind look in Guangxuan's pupils was as painful as a knife.

Today's Su'er is such a scene, but Guangxuan, who has a deep understanding of Su'er, guessed what kind of pain Su'er had suffered in those years. He seemed to be able to see that Su'er's eager pupils gradually showed despair in this sea of sacrificial tombs before the endless years.

Even if you can imagine what Su'er experienced in those years, no matter how contemplating Guangxuan is, he can't imagine the pupils of Suer's eyes looking forward to his figure appearing in her vision. It must be a pair of extreme grief and despair.

However, Su'er has always remembered Guangxuan's promise to her. Guangxuan once said that no matter where Su'er is and no matter what situation she encounters, Guangxuan will appear beside Su'er when Su'er needs him most, and that is, Guangxuan's once vow, Su'er has guarded endless years. , and Su'er has no regrets about the endless years of waiting.

Su'er's waiting was not in vain, but in fact, Su'er didn't know. At the moment when Su'er's sad figure completely disappeared in the sacrificial tomb, Guangxuan's lustful and fiery figure had completely appeared in this sacrificial grave, but Su'er, who had lost consciousness, could no longer hear from Guangxuan's heart-breaking The call of the lungs.

Watching the person he guard fall in front of him, no one can feel the pain in it. It seems that Guangxuan, who has collapsed in the whole world, regardless of his life, and the power of the sky level completely broke out. However, under the siege of the local strong, even if Guangxuan has the power of the sky level, he It still fell in this sacrificial tomb.

Guangxuan's death was exchanged for everyone's burial, and also caused the suspension of this sacrificial tomb. However, the huge force of the battle completely buried the whole sacrificial tomb under the ground, and this burial is endless years.

"You said you should be happy, please don't cry, okay?"

"Seeing your sadness, Suer feels so sad..."

Su'er's green hand gently stretched out to Guangxuan. However, as expected, Suer's right hand passed through Guangxuan's body. One was a resentment and the other was a mark. In a sense, they were all people who had completely disappeared in this world. The two figures were just one Taoist will, a will that refuses to disperse.

Guangxuan looked at Su'er's painful face. He cried and swallowed, but Guangxuan was quickly sorting out his mood. He said intermittently, "Well, okay, I listen to Su'er. I don't cry, we don't cry..."

A resentment, a mark, reunited again after countless years have passed. That is the indelible emotion of the two. When Shen Zhiwu and Jun Linyao jumped off the broken heart cliff, the question in Jun Lintian's heart was well interpreted at this moment. What is love? This is!

Su'er is like a naive child. When she saw a faint smile in the corners of Guangxuan's tearful eyes, Su'er's beautiful face immediately burst into a happy smile. As Guangxuan said, the most beautiful one is happy. Smile.

Looking at the naive Su'er, the heart knot in Guangxuan's heart that could not be relieved was finally completely untied. Guangxuan's figure turned into a light spot little by little, and as Guangxuan's body turned into a light spot, there was also Suer'er's figure.

The light spots turned into two bodies blend with each other. You have me and I have you. Even if they can't hug each other, they still feel each other's existence at this moment.

The disordered world became quiet. Because the previous bloody beam of light broke through the soil layer on the surface, at this moment, when the blood-colored and green azure disappeared, the sunlight in the sky shone down, and the dazzling sunlight shone on the fat man's obscene face and kept staring at the previous half-sky. At the moment when the dazzling sun shone on his face, he suddenly came to his senses.

The dark little eyes looked around and looked at the awkward environment around him. The fat man finally took a sigh of relief, "My little life is saved..." The fat man said with relief in his heart, but the fat man's hungry face immediately appeared as if he had swallowed a piece of shit. The expression, followed by the horrible cry of the fat man's howling, echoed in this sacrificial tomb.

"I...my black elixir, my pottery bowl, no, my God, you can't do this to me..."

The cry that was worse than killing pigs spread far away, scaring a pile of flowers and plants.

In the bloody sea of blood, the red blood has faded away the ferocious blood color. At this moment, there is a clear flowing water, and in the clear bottomless water, Jun Lintian's ragged figure and Kong Yutong's figure wrapped in the power of pulse marks quietly floating in the clear water.

A huge wave of wild power flowed out of Jun Lintian's body, and at the same time, the pulse print power that had been attached to Kong Yutong also contracted back.

The first thing Kong Yutong did to regain consciousness was to perceive the existence of Jun Lintian. However, when Kong Yutong felt the unusually huge breath on Jun Lintian, Kong Yutong's heart was full of doubts, and with the doubts in Kong Yutong's heart, he invaded the huge heretical power in Jun Lintian's body. After being completely refined by Jun Lintian, a huge power of waste overflowed his body surface, and in Jun Lintian's mind, the abyss of waste that had been expanding finally stopped spreading.


A dull voice came from Jun Lintian's body, and then Jun Lintian's closed eyes suddenly opened, and then Jun Lintian pulled Kong Yutong's figure and suspended in mid-air together.

"The first level of Yuanshi, this is the power of the Yuanshi level. Sure enough, it is not comparable to the barren power of the ninth level of warriors!" Jun Lintian felt the power of the wilderness in his body at this moment, and he thought in a low voice in his heart.

Kong Yutong looked at Jun Lintian doubtfully. She was puzzled about the terrible power on Jun Lintian's body, and she was even more confused about Jun Lintian's ability to take off. At the same time, she was also confused about Jun Lintian's real cultivation. Although there were many doubts in her heart, Kong Yutong, who was meticulous in her heart did not ask, who could not have one. What about your own secret?

The fat man's eyes were also attracted by Jun Lintian, but at this moment, Jun Lintian asked in his heart, "Teacher, do you know what that makes you feel familiar now?"

Just when Jun Lintian asked this question, the sacrificial tomb began to collapse, and in the dusty mid-air, the power of a three-dimensional projection showed a picture, which was a picture that outlined the terrain, but a single painting brought to Jun Lintian was unimaginable pressure.