Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 28 Parting

The dark forest sleeps in the east of the town, and a shocking beast roar echoes in this quiet world from time to time. At night, the people in the town have fallen asleep one after another. At this moment, in the only remaining guest room in the ordinary hotel, Kong Yutong's slender hands gently hold their fragrant cheeks, which is beautiful. His eyes stared at Jun Lintian in a daze.

Jun Lintian seems to be immersed in the good memories of the past. In Jun Lintian's mind, it seems that every memory of Ye Yiyu's smile will make Jun Lintian show a dull smile.

The surroundings were silent. When Jun Lintian talked about the good memories between him and Ye Yiyu, Kong Yutong's beautiful face showed a trace of unknown sadness. However, Kong Yutong still listened to Jun Lintian's words quietly against the fatigue of these days.

Gradually, Kong Yutong felt that the woman named Ye Yiyu was so happy and really happy. If she changed to herself, she would definitely wait for the return of Jun Lintian, and she would definitely...

That hair!

Suddenly Kong Yutong thought of the hair, and now she gradually understood why Jun Lintian was so desperate and persistently wanted to find the hair back, because the hair was the bond and missing between Jun Lintian and Ye Yiyu.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the candlelight in the room is crumbling. At this moment, Jun Lintian is deeply immersed in the memories of the past. His eyes can't help looking at the dark night sky outside. The deep night sky is dotted with stars. Looking at this quiet night sky in a daze, Jun Lintian staredly. He whispered, "Yiyu, are you also looking at the night sky at this moment?"

Taking a deep breath, Jun Lintian came out of his thoughts. He looked at the empty table in the room. Kong Yutong's petite and tired body lay on the table and fell asleep.

Looking at the sleeping Kong Yutong, a faint smile appeared on Jun Lintian's handsome face. He got up and picked up Kong Yutong and gently put it on ** and covered him with a quilt. Then Jun Lintian walked out of the room alone. He came to the roof of the hotel quietly and lay on the roof. His deep eyes were quiet. Look at the night sky.

In Jun Lintian's vision, in the starry night sky, her vision began to become blurred, and a beautiful face appeared in Jun Lintian's vision. The beautiful face showed a happy smile. She quietly looked at Jun Lintian lying on the roof.

Jun Lintian smiled faintly and whispered, "Yiyu, are you all right? Do you know that I miss you?"

Jun Lintian gently closed his eyes. When the morning sun rose from the edge of the sky, and the dazzling light shone on Jun Lintian's eyes, Jun Lintian's eyelids couldn't help beating once or twice, and then gently opened his eyes. However, the morning sun shined directly on Jun Lintian's eyes the next day, making Jun Lintian fierce under the stimulation of the sun. He closed his eyes again.

After rubbing his temples with his hands, Jun Lintian supported his waist and jumped down from the top of the house.

The abrupt action of Jun Lintian shocked the early people, but people in the town also often see the ability of monks, so everyone is not surprised by the ability of Jun Lintian.

came to the hotel and had some simple breakfast. Jun Lintian returned to the guest room with several steamed buns in his hand, which were prepared for Kong Yutong.

In a squeak, Jun Lintian walked into the guest room. As soon as he entered the guest room, Jun Lintian saw Kong Yutong, who had got up, sorting out his package.

"What's wrong? Why did you tidy up the package so early? Jun Lintian put the steamed bun in his hand on the table and said doubtfully.

Seeing Jun Lintian coming in, Kong Yutong smiled faintly, but the hand of sorting out the package did not stop. Kong Yutong said faintly, "I have to go back, so... I can only accompany you here."

"Go back? Is your home in this town? Inexplicably, Jun Lintian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed because he suddenly learned of Kong Yutong's departure.

"Well, although it's not in this town, it's not far from here!"

"Oh, well, let's eat these things first!"

Jun Lintian handed over the steamed buns. Kong Yutong took them and said thank you softly. Then he sorted out the buns and put them into the package together. A small package was quickly completed in Kong Yutong's hand, while Jun Lintian beside him was Kong Yutong, who quietly sorted out the package, and the feeling of reluctance in his heart was also It is getting stronger and stronger.

"I'm leaving!"

Kong Yutong sorted out her package, and then looked at Jun Lintian standing aside. She said again, "Thank you for saving me twice." As soon as the words fell, Kong Yutong's shadow quietly left.

Looking at Kong Yutong's departure back, this sudden separation made Jun Lintian at a loss for a moment. Jun Lintian wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, Jun Lintian found that he didn't know what to say. Finally, when Kong Yutong's figure was about to disappear at the end of Jun Lintian's vision, Jun Lintian asked loudly: "Hey, can we meet again?"

Kong Yutong's distant figure stopped. She turned around gently, squeezed out a smile and said, "Yes!"

Kong Yutong's figure left. Jun Lintian looked at Kong Yutong's figure leaving, with a faint smile on his handsome face, "Will I really see you again?" Jun Lintian asked in his heart, but the northern wilderness is so vast that there is little chance of meeting a person in such a vast world.

The morning sun has stood above everyone's heads. Jun Lintian settled the bill and walked out of the hotel. He looked at the people who hurried by around. At this moment, Jun Lintian lost his way forward in a trance.

Where is the northern wilderness?

Jun Lintian is confused again. He has a purpose in his heart, but at this moment, he can't find the way and direction.

Kong Yutong has left. Where is she from? Why did you choose to leave at this time? Is there something wrong with her family? Many irrelevant questions revolve around Jun Lintian, and Jun Lintian's thin figure stood blankly between heaven and earth. The originally noisy surroundings suddenly became silent in Jun Lintian's ears, as if Jun Lintian had been stripped away from the world.

At this moment, Jun Lintian felt the trajectory of fate in the dark, and at the same time, Jun Lintian's very firm mind also improved a lot at this moment.

"Power, Yiyu, wait for me to go back!"

Jun Lintian said this in his heart, and at the moment when his mind peeled off this world, Jun Lintian suddenly understood that since he could not find the real northern wilderness now, he would do everything he could to improve his strength first.

When Jun Lintian realized, the people around him were talking about it and listened carefully to everyone's discussion. Only then did Jun Lintian know that it was the 'Ancient Yuanzong' that controlled the area of nearly a thousand miles of here and began to recruit disciples. The history of the ancient Yuanzong was extremely ancient, and almost no one could know its founding. However, in the north, it is a well-known power.

There are countless strong people in the ancient Yunzong, and their skills and combat skills can be regarded as the top of the Northern Wilderness. At the same time, the place where the ancient Yunzong is located is full of power in heaven and earth, which is extremely suitable for practitioners to practice, and countless strong people have their own guidance.

On this northern land, countless people are eager to become members of the Gu Yunzong. Even a boy who guards the mountain is enough to glorify their ancestors. Therefore, whenever the ancient Yunzong recruits disciples once a year, countless young beautiful women are eager to join the Guyun Sect.

However, the conditions for Gu Yunzong to recruit disciples are extremely harsh. First of all, they need to test their potential, then their minds, and finally their current strength. None of them are indispensable.

Every time Gu Yunzong recruits disciples, countless people participate, but only 100 people can stay in the end.

Listening to everyone's comments, Jun Lintian found that there was no empire in this northern land. There were huge sects distributed on the earth. The sects controlled absolute force, and then controlled the boundaries within a certain range. This is the northern wilderness, which is more naked and naked than the Yongyuan Empire. The Northern Desert.

"Now I have no idea about the real northern wilderness, and if you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, it seems that it is better to join this ancient cloud sect first, and in this way, you can gradually understand the whole northern wilderness." Jun Lintian said in his heart, and at the same time, he also wanted passers-by to inquire about the place where Gu Yunzong recruited disciples in this town, and there were some necessary procedures.

To enter the test of sects, you must be between the ages of 12 and 20, which is an irrevocable rule. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, a pervert like King Linhai is enough to let a sect break the principle.

The passers-by looked at the back of Jun Lintian's departure and couldn't help smiling and said disdainfully, "There is no power in my body, and I still want to enter Gu Yunzong. It's simply an idiot's dream. It's almost enough to rely on that beautiful face to sell your buttocks."

This person now has the cultivation of the seventh level of martial arts, but 11 years ago, he was not the third level of martial arts, so he was completely brushed down in the first round. Many strong people who have been brushed down and unwilling to join Gu Yunzong will feel anger and jealousy.

Following the guidance of passers-by, Jun Lintian walked through several streets and alleys and came to a huge square. At this huge square covering an area of nearly 1,000 square meters is full of people and shoulders, with the scorching sun overhead. Jun Lintian walked in this crowd with difficulty, registering a name first, and then holding a single in his hand. Zi queued up and waited for the most shallow potential test. Only after this shallow potential test can he be qualified to go to the foot of Guyunzong Mountain for a complicated and formal potential test.

Next to this long dragon-like team, there is an empty team. Jun Lintian asked the people in the same queue behind him to know that the special channel is for geniuses above the Yuan division level. This is the charm of the strong and the special rights that the strong should have.

PS: 300,000 words, is anyone reading it? If someone is watching, give me a ticket...