Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 40 Double-headed Wolf

This year, the test of Gu Yunzong went through an unexpected storm. First, it was the outbreak of the potential value of the king's god level, and then the number of people beyond the imagination of the elders passed the willpower test level.

Today, Jun Lintian quietly crossed his knees in his own two-story building, and a trace of desolation power gradually flowed through the power of the pulse seal and then gradually flowed all over his body, probing out a trace of mind observing his body with the faint power of the desolation.

Each cell burst into a pale golden light, and in each cell, Junlintian felt an ancient breath. This breath seemed to travel through the core of Junlintian's cells, from ancient times to today's time and space. While Junlintian was shocked by this breath, he was even more surprised by the power of his own body. .

Before that, if the power of the wilderness was not used, the physical strength of Jun Lintian was not as good as the third level of the martial artist. However, now, the physical power alone is as high as the seventh level of the martial artist, and the defense power of the body is also much stronger.

He clenched his fist slightly, and there was a trace of excitement in Jun Lintian's eyes. He muttered in a low voice: "In the body of the ancient god, I gradually felt the ancient breath and power, which is the power I will fight for in the future..."

Unconsciously, the sky is dark. Whenever the night sky is shrouded in stars, Jun Lintian always likes to find an empty highland, and then lies quietly on the high ground alone, with dark eyes quietly looking at the starry night sky, while Jun Lintian's pupils have no focus, because at this moment, Junlintian will All my thoughts focused on the beautiful face floating in the night sky and smiling, and the beautiful face was Ye Yiyu's.

He carefully took out the simple hairpin from his arms, and Jun Lintian stroked it gently, as if he were holding Ye Yiyu's jade hand in his hand.

"Yiyu, how are you? The Ye family and the Jun family didn't embarrass you..."

Whenever the night is full of starry sky, Jun Lintian's inner miss for Ye Yiyu becomes stronger and stronger, and Jun Lintian's mind once laughed and quiet together with Ye Yiyu. Even if it is a small conflict between the two, in the eyes of Jun Lintian at this moment, it is so precious and happy.

Holding the hairpin in his arms, Jun Lintian gradually closed his heavy eyelids. When the morning sun came to this world the next day, Jun Lintian opened his sleepy eyes.

In the mountains, many people kept jumping, and then gathered in the huge square at the top of the mountain.

Collecting the hairpin in his arms, Jun Lintian cleaned up his mood, then jumped off the roof and joined the team of everyone running to the top of the mountain. However, Jun Lintian's figure was always a little strange in everyone's eyes.

For ordinary disciples, although they don't understand the meaning of the divine potential value, through the elders and the real high-level officials who shocked the ancient Yunzong, this so-called divine potential value absolutely exceeds the nine-level potential value. Now that there is such a brother among their generation of disciples, everyone feels that Feeling an invisible pressure, everyone is guessing the actual cultivation of King Lintian.

After all, the potential value is not the same as the actual cultivation, let alone the actual combat effectiveness.

After a while, people gathered in the huge square. This time, not only the seven elders Xiang Xuan came here, but also the three elders who suddenly appeared yesterday.

When the ultra-of-earth figure of the three elders appeared in the eyes of everyone, everyone felt in a trance that the three elders did not exist in this void, and a hazy force surrounded the three elders. No matter how much everyone looked at it, what everyone saw was just a vague figure.

Today's three elders have restrained the pressure that is enough to deter the world. In everyone's eyes, the vague figure suspended in the air at this moment is no different from the ordinary old man without any cultivation, but as long as the person who has experienced the pressure from the three elders yesterday will not suppress it. The old and vague figure is regarded as an ordinary old man.

Jun Lintian quietly looked at the figure in the sky. In his dark pupils, the focus was extremely narrowed. Jun Lintian now remembers the terrible pressure that could not be described in words. At the same time, Jun Lintian was also shocked by the strength of the eldest brother Jun Linhai.

At the beginning of the Yongyuan Empire, the eldest brother escaped from such a powerful man. Even if he lost an arm, don't forget that the former King Linhai was just a powerful man.

The difference in strength between the power level and the jihad level is not comparable to the difference between the Yuanshi level and the power level.

The three elders looked at more than 100 people on Thursday, especially for a moment on Jun Lintian. However, just for a moment when his eyes stayed, Jun Lintian's cold sweat had soaked through his vest.

"It seems that more than 400 people have arrived, so let's go..." The voices of the three elders echoed between heaven and earth. At the same time, the three elders looked at the guide around and the seven elders Xiang Xuan.

The elders looked at the three elders one after another, and then nodded slightly. Dozens of elders unfolded separately and surrounded the whole huge square. Then the figure of the three elders suddenly appeared in the center. After a strong "up", Jun Lintian felt that there were suddenly bursts of violent power fluctuations in the sky, almost every An elder's body is full of huge power fluctuations.

The empty atmosphere has become almost thick under this huge force.

This huge square suddenly burst into a dazzling light. At this moment, a bottomless force suddenly gushed out of the three old man's body. This force connected the power fluctuations of the elders with this world, and then Jun Lintian felt that the void around him was distorted, a huge space force. It's full of surroundings.

It seems that the whole world is spinning, feeling this familiar power fluctuation, Jun Lintian's heart is shocked.

Because before that, in that dangerous sacrificial tomb, Junlin has gone through this experience several times, from the periphery of the sacrificial tomb to the edge of the core, to the depths of the core, all of which is the power of void reversal! Now in Gu Yunzong, you can actually see someone exerting such power with your own eyes. How can you call Jun Lintian not shocked?

While shocked, Jun Lintian had a further understanding of the strong men of the ancient Yunzong.

When the twisted and blurred void around became clear again, Jun Lintian looked around and saw that the square in his eyes had completely disappeared, replaced by a towering ancient tree and the fertile and wet land under his feet.

More than 400 people appeared here out of thin air, with a thick layer of dead leaves under their feet, stepping on it, as if stepping on a soft sofa. Among the dead leaves are some scattered dead branches, with their feet stepping on the dead branches making a crackling sound, and the surrounding air is full of There is a rotten smell.

The vision is covered by the towering ancient trees, and in everyone's perception, they obviously feel that the air around them is a little frozen. Under the shade of the towering ancient trees, there are hidden dangers.

"Future disciples of the ancient Yunzong, as long as you can cross this vast barren beast farm, most of you can become the inner disciples of the ancient Yunzong. If you can't cross the barren beasts, then what awaits you will be the food in the belly of countless powerful barren beasts!"

Xiang Xuan's voice echoed in the world surrounded by towering ancient trees, and then Jun Lintian and others could no longer feel the breath of the three elders, seven elders and various guide.

Jun Lintian stared at this forest full of crises and frowned. Just such a simple detection, Jun Lintian felt that there was a group of wandering wild beasts similar to wild wolves around, but it was several times larger than the wild wolf, and it had two heads. His blood-red eyes showed his murderous nature.

The most frightening thing is that this huge group of double-headed wolves generally has the strength of the sixth and seventh level of martial arts, and the leading wolf has the strength of the first level of Yuanshi.

Observing his eyes and hidden breath, Jun Lintian was shocked to find that this group of wolves may have the wisdom of human beings.

"Is this the wild beast? Do you have human wisdom, be able to practice, and have a more powerful body than human beings? Jun Lintian couldn't help but have a little fear in his heart. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for humans to defeat the wild beasts of the same level to fight against the wild beasts.

"Wolf, a two-headed giant wolf..."

Between Jun Lintian's frown, a guy who obviously grew up in a big power family immediately called out, and with this guy's exclamation, it instantly disrupted the order of the scene, and more than 100 wolves in the distance also found more than 400 people including Jun Lintian.

"Wow..." A dull wolf howled echoed between heaven and earth, and the next moment, nearly a hundred pairs of wolves formed an encirclement to attack Jun Lintian and others.

Feel the pair of bright wolf eyes in the green shade. Everyone present has strong willpower and has a certain cultivation. Therefore, in the face of the great enemy, there is no panic. Many people who use weapons have convulsed their weapons one after another, and Yuanli has also escaped from the body surface and is ready to be together. Killed, but at this moment, a young man with a sharp sword jumped into the dense forest in an instant.

Two wolves wanted to prevent the young man with a sharp sword from leaving, but everyone only saw a sword light passing through the void, and then the two wolves were split in half by a sword. The giant double-headed wolf, which was divided into two halves, fell from the air and hit the ground heavily. With the two heads fell, there was also the ginseng drawn by the sword light. Ancient tree.

I saw rows of ancient trees that needed to be surrounded by more than a dozen people being cut open with a sword, and the incision was extremely smooth, like a mirror.

When everyone was shocked by the strength of the young man with a sharp sword, Meng Gu's voice also echoed in everyone's ears: "My purpose is only to cross the barren orage to complete the final test, not to kill wild wolves, so... leave these wild wolves for you."

After that, Meng Gu's figure also disappeared from everyone's sight. The huge group of two heads, because of the previous free killing, the wolves did not stop Meng Gu's departure, but let him leave.