Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 43 Plan to Strengthen the Body

In this towering ancient forest barren field, a mountain-like body lay on the ground. Blood had already soaked the messy land, and the bloody smell came to many weak wild beasts that feed on dead bodies, but at this moment, these wild beasts stared at the huge corpse tremblingly and were unwilling to approach it.

Suddenly, the body, which had been dead for several hours, moved slightly, and then was directly turned up from below, and a bloody figure came out from under the huge body.

The thick blood wet the long dark hair, and then the white face, and the robe was also wet with blood and stuck to the body.

Jun Lintian looked at the wild bear cow beside him. Jun Lintian was still puzzled about his body now, "Why is it heavy again?" Jun Lintian asked in his heart, and at the same time, he looked at his feet. At this moment, he did not use the power of the pulse mark to support his body, and the most direct consequence was that Jun Lintian's ankles sank into the earth.

At this moment, Jun Lintian feels like an iron ingot standing.

Taking a deep breath, Jun Lintian felt the body that had completely recovered and the explosive power of complete recovery in his body, but Jun Lintian did not clearly know that even if he had the effect of blood coagulation fruit, with his previous injury, he could not completely recover in such a short time, with suspicion in his heart. Confused, he asked in his heart, "Teacher, what happened to me during this period?"

The old man's voice seemed to be on call. As soon as Jun Lintian asked, the old man Gumu told what happened during his coma.

After listening to the old man's words, there was a smile on his handsome face. He said in his heart, "Teacher, do you mean that as the body of the ancient god, I can absorb blood crystals and strengthen the power of the body without restrictions?"

"Well, according to ancient records, this is theoretically, but as your own strength increases, the difficulty of physical strengthening will also increase exponentially, and although there is no danger to life, an ancient man with the body of an ancient god once left such a sentence in his own ruins, 'Ancient god The body is the creation of heaven and earth and detached from the bondage of the world. Although it is not bound by the limit of physical strength, it will attract the jealousy of heaven and earth in improving the strength of the body, thus causing a natural disaster'

"Heavenly disaster?"

"Yes, every power that is not bound by heaven and earth will be destroyed by heaven and earth. The body of the ancient gods is enough to be called a god. The power of the gods is enough to destroy heaven and earth and turn the universe upside down. How can this not lead to the destruction of heaven and earth?"

After listening to the words of the old man, Jun Lintian meditated, but after the old man paused slightly, he said again, "You still don't have to think so much. Since ancient times, countless times, I have never heard of any god's constitution reaching the level of the god, so... you still practice boldly and rest assuredly. ."

Jun Lintian smiled bitterly. Now he hasn't learned to climb, and he is worried about the pain caused by falling while running.

"Then teacher, it seems that I'm going to take it in this barren or beast farm for a while." Jun Lintian thought of countless wild beasts in this wild beast farm, each of which represents the strength and strength of the body. And now the most lacking thing in the sky is strength.

"Well, every god's constitution is a huge treasure, and the legendary ancient god's body can be comparable to an artifact."

"Ha ha, teacher, I still think it's more realistic to condense my body to a king-level object first..."

"Yes, little by little, first realize the king-level ancient god body, then the sacred object level, and then the emperor level... I'm eager to attack." Rarely, the old man Gumu said such an easy word.

The king-level artifact is enough to withstand the attack of the powerful, and the sacred artifact is enough to withstand the attack of the jihad-level strong. At this moment, the projection of the 'Northern Wasteland' lying quietly in Junlintian's mind is a sacred object, but today's Junlintian can't urge it at all.

Jun Lintian looked inside. He saw that every cell in his body emitted a faint golden light, and there was a white jade-like halo between the bones, and this little white jade halo seemed to become stronger with the strength of Jun Lintian.

A faint arc appeared on his handsome face, and Jun Lintian looked around at the wild beasts waiting to eat, "Let's start with you!" Jun Lintian whispered softly, and then his body was like an iron ball ejected out.


One punch hit on a three-meter-high rotten wolf. The rotten wolf almost had no time to wail, and almost no bone on his body was complete. He directly hunted a fourth-order barren beast. Jun Lintian's body did not stop. He kept wandering among dozens of corpse-eating wild beasts, and the figure of Jun Lintian stopped again. At that time, it was already in a mess. The wild beasts hidden in the dark burst one after another and then collapsed on the ground.

Next is Jun Lintian cleaning the battlefield.

Break the body of each wild beast, and then take out the blood crystals in its body. However, to Jun Lintian's disappointment, there are only three blood crystals condensed in the bodies of dozens of low-level wild beasts, and they are only the size of their little fingers.

Looking at the three small blood crystals in his hand, Jun Lintian sighed in his heart: "There are three thumb-sized blood crystals in the body of a wild bear cow that has just broken through the first level of Yuanshi, but... it seems that you still have to risk hunting high-level barren beasts." Jun Lintian thought so in his heart, and at the same time, he felt the breath of no human strong man around him at this moment, and then the power of a pulse print overflowed out of his body, and then left this bloody place with his steel-like body.

Jun Lintian's body passed through the towering ancient trees. At the same time, he carefully concealed his breath and accidentally found a stone cave. Jun Lintian's figure sank into it, and then used the power of the wilderness to bring a huge stone to block the mouth of the cave.

Looking at the three small blood crystals in his hand, Jun Lintian said to himself, "Well, it's better than not coming. Let's absorb these three blood crystals first."

After saying that, Jun Lintian opened his mouth and swallowed the three crystals into his abdomen. As soon as the crystals entered the abdomen, Jun Lintian felt that his abdomen seemed to burn. At the same time, it seemed that a small volcano erupted in his body. The hot power flowed into Jun Lintian's body, and then little by little Absorbed by Jun Lintian's body.

The density of Junlintian's body is also increasing little by little when absorbing the power of this blood crystal. At the same time, as the density of the body increases, there is also the strength and defense of Junlintian. At the same time, Jun Lintian's cultivation of staying in the first level of Yuanshi for a long time gradually showed a trace of loosening. He vaguely felt that it might not be long before he could break through to the second level of Yuanshi.

"Lintian, the whole body exists with bones as the pillar, so strengthen your bones first." Just as Jun Lintian absorbed the source of the blood crystal without any rules, the voice of the old man Gumu suddenly echoed in Jun Lintian's mind.

"Hmm!" Jun Lintian answered in his heart, and then under the control of Jun Lintian's consciousness, the origin of the blood crystal was immersed in Jun Lintian's bones little by little through Jun Lintian's flesh and blood tissue.

And the skeleton of Jun Lintian, the halo of white jade is also getting thicker and thicker, and the whole bone is carved like white jade, and its toughness is improving little by little.