Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 47 Burning Desire

The huge flame burned half of the sky, and the hot waves came to his face. Jun Lintian felt that he was in the purgatory furnace. However, the most shocking thing was the three looming words "Burning Tianhe" above this river. Why is it called Burning Tianhe? What is it related to the burning Tianyan dragon vein?

While thinking about it in Jun Lintian's mind, Jun Lintian felt relieved by the sudden changes in the environment in the wild animal farm. It turned out that the towering ancient trees disappeared and were replaced by a yellow wilderness. Everything was because of this burning 'burning Tianhe'.

Taking a deep breath, Jun Lintian calmed down his inner turmoil, and the power of the wilderness overflowed the body surface, forming a protective layer.

This scattered hot breath has made Jun Lintian, who has the physical strength of the ninth-order martial artist, feel extremely uncomfortable. At the same time, Jun Lintian can feel that in the burning Tianhe with great anger, there is a sense of danger, which comes from instinctive belief, or from the most mysterious power of Junlintian, life. The sixth sense of luck.

At this moment, at the other end of the Burning Tianhe River, it is still the same as the place where Junlintian is located. The earth is dry and black. Few plants can survive under such a hot temperature.

And next to the burning Tianhe River, the forbidden area of life where birds do not poop is now placed with a variety of stones. These stones without exception exude terrible power fluctuations. Golden light connects these stones. It seems that it has not been completed yet.

This is a formation waiting to be completed. As for its function, it will not be known until it is launched.

However, the most important thing is not this array. The most important thing is that the figure that is busy in the array at this moment is a fat, extremely hard-hard figure. His fat face and fat will shake three times with each step he takes a step. At the same time, the dry earth will also shake a trace of smoke and dust, due to the burning of the river The temperature by the river is so high that this fat figure is now wearing only a pair of triangular trousers.

This fat figure, the extremely powerful obscene aura has already revealed its identity, the obscene and unlucky fat man, Fang Fan.

Why did the evil fat man appear here? What is he doing here? Is there anything worth stopping by that money-opening guy here? If Jun Lintian is here, there must be such a series of problems.

The obscene figure of the fat man fiddled with stones with different faces. At the same time, from time, he obscenely took out a thin line from his underwear and played with it between the stones. Looking at the smile on the fat man's trembling face, it was easy to guess that the evil fat man must be making a bad idea. .

When the fat man was full of joy and hummed a little song, suddenly...


A more painful howling than a wolf and a terrible howling echoed. Looking at it, it was a fiery crab clamped the fat man's tender **.

The fat right hand pulled down the fire crab on his buttocks fiercely. When he pulled it off, the fat man groaned his teeth again and looked at the palm-sized fire crab in his hand. The fat man's small and black eyes were full of anger. He roared loudly, "Fuck you, fat man hates you sneaking guys the most... , ah, ah... vomit!"

Just when the fat man opened his mouth and scolded the fire crab without any wisdom, the fire crab shook his abdomen, and a sour and smelly ** shot directly into the fat man's big mouth.

Son of a sudden, the fat man felt that the world was spinning, and the sight in his eyes became more and more blurred. "No, this ** can actually paralyze the soul..."

Feeling the toxin in the fiery red **, the fat man was shocked and suddenly threw the fire crab in his hand, and then focused on resolving the toxin of the fire crab, but is the toxin that can paralyze the soul so easy to resolve? Just when the fat man could not resolve this toxin in every way, the toxin that paralyzed the soul finally broke out completely.

The fat man suddenly felt that he was now in the top suite of the Spring Breeze Building, surrounded by countless red and **. At the same time, these women took extremely enchanting steps, with ** smiles on their faces, and walked towards the fat man little by little.

At this moment, the fat man has already fallen, and his fat face has an undisguised ** smile. At the same time, the fat man swayed his fat and oily body to the maximum extent, blowing the whistle he thought was pleasant in his mouth. Especially in the perception of the fat man, the moment when the fingers of countless women touched the fat man's skin, the fat man Suddenly, there was a feeling of ecstasy. His small eyes narrowed into a crack kept squeaking, and his mouth made an intoxicated moan. The fat man couldn't wait to be in this flower.

The fat man's mind is a fascinating spring\ palace picture, but at this moment, the fat man's body is dancing beside the burning Tianhe River, and at the same time approaching the burning Tianhe River step by step. Just as the fat man enjoys the tender touch of the brothel woman in the fantasy, the flames in the Tianhe River at this moment touches the fat The body.

Inflamming the body, burning desire!

The red flame instantly climbed on the fat body, and the only pair of trousers left was completely disarmed and surrendered under the burning flames of the Tianhe River. At the same time, the fragrance of a roast bird spread away.


With a sharp and painful cry, the fat man finally recovered from the paralysis of the toxin. His fat body like a meat ball jumped directly into the sky, and then fell down and smashed a deep pit on the ground, but the flame on the fat man's body was still not extinguished.

The fat man also knows more or less about the flames in the burning Tianhe River. This is not an ordinary flame that can be extinguished casually.


A magnificent Yuanli spewed out of the fat man, and the Yuanli formed a strong storm. The remaining flame on the fat man stopped under the attack of this Yuanli storm.

The fat man lying on the ground weakly looked at the turned fire crab in the distance. The fat man was shouting and scolding, "Fuck your ancestors, the toxin of a small fire crab is so powerful. If it hadn't been for the fat man, I would have fallen into the thighs of countless enchanting women."

Is he still "almost" falling? Perhaps only a thick-skinned guy like a fat man can say this as usual.

The fat man patted his buttocks and stood up. However, when the fat man stood up, he suddenly felt that a coolness rose from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. This feeling was also experienced when he jumped out of the sacrificial tomb and met Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong.

The fat man whispered: "Why do you have an ominous feeling?"

At this moment, the unlucky and obscene fat man looked at the other side of the Burning Tianhe, where Jun Lintian stared solemnly at the flaming Burning Tianhe.