Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 169 Long time no see

"Is it an acquaintance? As I said, almost no one in the whole Gu Yunzong doesn't know you... No, you... Did you just say that you know Jun Lintian?" Saying this, several people next to Jun Lintian showed a trace of surprise, and a pair of unbelievable eyes stared at Jun Lintian closely.

Looking at the image of everyone, Jun Lintian nodded slightly after thinking about it.

One of them hurriedly asked, "Does Jun Lintian also know you?"

"It's an acquaintance."

"Then have you seen the real king?" The more they asked, the more excited they became, and the conversation between Jun Lintian and several people gradually attracted the attention of the people around them, especially when talking about the legendary guy, everyone pricked up their ears to listen, which led to many people who unconsciously surrounded Jun Lintian.

Looking at the dense figure around, Jun Lintian couldn't help scratching his head, but in the end, Jun Lintian still nodded his head, "Nonsense, how can you not know yourself?" Jun Lintian thought so in his heart.

After watching Jun Lintian nodded, everyone became more and more excited. They surrounded Jun Lintian in the center and asked Jun Lintian to tell everyone what kind of person 'Jun Lintian' is and where is he now? At the same time, how did he know Jun Lintian?

For all kinds of problems of everyone, Jun Lintian suddenly felt that his head was big. At this moment, he hated to have to know himself, and then quietly slipped away. Just when Jun Lintian was in trouble, some careful people in the crowd were carefully observing Jun Lintian, especially Jun Lintian's handsome face.

Although several years have passed, Jun Lintian's young face has a little more mature, and at the same time, his slightly impulsive personality in those years is now a little more calm, but Jun Lintian's face that makes any woman jealous is still so eye-catching.

This is a face that doesn't seem to exist in the world, which makes some bold people present begin to doubt the identity of King Lintian.

However, just when the crowd was making a lot of noise, this explosive news exploded in the square, because at this moment, several people flew here in the distant sky.

"Who is that?"

Because of the distance, the people at this moment can't see the people clearly, but with the passage of time, those figures are getting closer and closer. When they enter the field of vision of the people, when the people see the faces of the people, almost all the people present held their breath. At the same time, his unbelievable eyes, For a moment, I looked at several figures that had fallen on the square.

"That...that...that's the four daughters of Gu Yunzong..."

"It's really the four women, no... I didn't expect to see them here today. I have heard the roles of the four women for a long time. Now when I see them, they really live up to their reputation. No, there are no words to describe the appearance of the four women."

"Look, the four women are coming here."

"Really, they, they came here."


It was Kong Yutong and others who came. Now the four women are walking step by step in the direction of Jun Lintian. After all, Jun Lintian did not deliberately hide their breath at this moment, so the first time the four women came here, they sensed the existence of Jun Lintian. As for why others did not find the existence of Jun Lintian In.

One reason is that although Jun Lintian is well known in the ancient Yunzong, although there are many people who have really seen Jun Lintian, the huge population base is still too small for the huge ancient Yunzong, and since Jun Lintian entered the end of the Burning Tianhe River and closed in the Dan furnace. In the past two years, Jun Lintian appeared in everyone's eyes too few times. Coupled with the passage of time, people's influence on Jun Lintian himself was even thinner, which made Jun Lintian unable to hide his breath, but no one could still recognize Jun Lintian at a glance.

However, even so, there are still many people in the square doubting the identity of King Lintian.

A faint smile appeared on Kong Yutong's beautiful face. She gradually walked into Jun Lintian. At this moment, because Jun Lintian was surrounded by everyone, there were many people between Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong. When these people saw Kong Yutong smile at themselves, everyone's hearts were like a deer rushing. Generally, the fluttering can't stop.

"That...that's Kong Yutong..."

"She is actually laughing at me, and he is coming towards me. What should I do? What should I do? If Yutong talks to me, what should I say? What on earth should I say?"


For Kong Yutong and others gradually walking towards the crowd, many nymphomaniac think so in their hearts, and at the same time, everyone has a feeling of being flattered.

It is getting closer and closer. With the approach of Kong Yutong and others, the heartbeat of the people present can't help but accelerate. Three years later, Kong Yutong also grew up from the little girl in those years to today's woman who went down to the earth like a fairy, and there was endless ** between her smile.

For the four women of Gu Yunzong, everyone has only watched from afar, and no one has been able to get so close to these four people, but now, these four unattainable women are quietly coming towards the crowd.

Kong Yutong took the lead, and everyone consciously gave way where she passed.

When Kong Yutong stopped her footsteps, she had stood quietly in front of Jun Lintian, and there was a charming smile on her beautiful face. This smile seemed to make the world pale. Kong Yutong quietly looked at the person in front of her. This guy is still so beautiful, and now he is so mature. Taste.

Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong looked at each other, and at this moment, the people in the square knew that Kong Yutong and others were coming for this guy, but... who is this guy? Unexpectedly, Kong Yutong was treated like this.

After looking at each other for a moment, Kong Yutong said in a charming voice, "Long time no see..."

Jun Lintian looked at the girl in front of him, nodded with a smile and asked, "How have you been all these years?"

The brief dialogue between the two showed the extremely familiar relationship between them. However, even at this moment, although everyone guessed who the handsome guy was at this moment, no one dared to believe it. After all, they had just talked to the man so casually and peacefully.

"Very good, how about you?"

"Hmm!" Jun Lintian also nodded slightly and then asked, "Why do you remember coming here?"

"What's the matter? If you can come here, I, Kong Yutong, can't come here?" For Jun Lintian's question, Kong Yutong's peerless face smiled faintly and asked rhetorically, but the three words "Jun Lintian" in Kong Yutong's words sounded in everyone's ears like thunder, shocking everyone to stand almost unsteadily.