Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 187 Sudden Outbreak

Kong Yihan's words surprised the people present. The arrival of the disaster is often when someone breaks through to the level of jihad, and the genius will bring down personal disasters. However, now the cultivation of the power of the wilderness is no more than the ninth level of Yuanshi. It is such a way to step into practice, but only a few years The guy between actually led to a catastrophe, which didn't shock everyone.

However, after everyone was shocked, everyone also echoed and said before that Jun Lintian would cause a disaster, but the time of the disaster was still uncertain.

"Well, since this happened to the guy Jun Lintian, there is nothing to figure out. Anyway, the shock that guy brought to everyone is unbelievable. Is it less? Everyone guessed this in their hearts, and with this thought, everyone's contradictory hearts were much better.

Naturally, Jun Lintian does not know the vision outside the gate of Gu Yunzong Mountain. Today, Jun Lintian is still trying to break through the almost insurmountable barrier of the power level.

Time passes day by day, and Jun Lintian is quiet and almost forgets the passage of time in practice. In addition to the necessary work every day, the huge ancient Yunzong is the talk of people's daily life. Throughout the ancient Yunzong, people still live as usual, but the senior officials of the ancient Yunzong are now It is quiet in a faint panic.

Just a few days ago, a message came from the end of the Burning Tianhe River. The importance of this news was set to be the highest level, and the senior officials of Gu Yunzong also gathered at the first time to discuss countermeasures.

In the huge council chamber, dozens of people sat at a huge oval table, and the top was naturally Kong Yihan, the patriarch of the ancient Yunzong. At this moment, Kong Yihan looked solemnly at the dozens of people below. Among these people present, they almost occupied the vast majority of the senior officials of the ancient Yunzong. Even some senior elders in the northern wilderness battlefield, It came back because of the news.

"I don't know what the result of everyone's discussion is?" Kong Yihan's voice echoed in the huge council chamber, and as Kong Yihan's voice fell, the huge council chamber suddenly calmed for a moment, and someone stood up and said, "Master, I think we should immediately evacuate all the people at the end of the burning Tianhe River and open all the prohibitions at the end of the burning Tianhe River..."

"Master, I don't think this should be. First of all, the news about the outbreak of the flame whirlpool at the end of the Burning Tianhe River is still in the stage of speculation. We can't be sure at all that if all the disciples and elders at the end of the Burning Tianhe River are evacuated, it will inevitably cause a certain panic, which is the voice of Gu Yunzong. Reputation and the mentality of the disciples have a great impact!" At this time, another elder immediately stood up and said loudly.

Just as the elder had just finished speaking, the elder who spoke before immediately said, "The elders present, suzerains, are indeed still in the stage of guessing the news of the outbreak of the flame whirlpool, and they don't know anything about the date of its outbreak, and rashly evacuate the brothers at the end of the burning Tianhe River. Son, it will indeed cause the panic of the people of Gu Yunzong.

"But... in the ninety-nine-layer prohibition at the end of the burning Tianhe River, there are more than half of the potential disciples of our ancient Yunzong. If we don't prevent it and lose this group of excellent disciples, then who will guard the huge ancient Yunzong in the future when we die? Protection? Since the disaster more than ten years ago, I, Gu Yunzong, have been greatly damaged, and now Gu Yunzong can no longer withstand any blow.

"And... Now that Jun Lintian is still on the 61st floor of the prohibition on the 99th floor, whether it is the indifference of the East or everyone here, everyone will hope on that guy, and these days, the achievements of that little guy have also been shown in the eyes of everyone. Such a genius, if because of our For a moment, he inadvertently fell into the outbreak of the whirlpool of flames. Perhaps at that time, the whole Gu Yunzong was not as simple as panic. If it really arrived, the whole Gu Yunzong would face the problem of survival.

The elder who stood up said this word in one breath, and after saying it, the people present who wanted to oppose it obediently closed their mouths. Indeed, in the face of the life and death of Gu Yunzong, any panic was not worth mentioning.

Kong Yihan sat quietly above. He looked at the people present and said, "Actually, I am also in favor of withdrawing the disciples at the end of the burning Tianhe River in time. After all, the future of the ancient Yunzong is closed. If the disciples there fall, the huge Guyunzong will have no future..."

After saying that, Kong Yihan looked at the people present and asked, "Let's make a statement. Do you want to evacuate the people there immediately or..."

Kong Yihan said so, but just before he finished his words, suddenly a terrible wave of power shook the world, and everyone present felt that the earth was shaking at a distance, as if the world was about to be turned upside down.

"What's going on?"

The faces of everyone present changed, and most of them stood up from their seats with a grunt, and Kong Yihan, who felt the fluctuation of this terrorist force. At this moment, his face turned pale and his eyes looked to his side. In that direction, it was the end of the burning Tianhe River.

"It's not good..."

Kong Yihan's heart sank. In just half a breath, he had sensed everything dozens of miles away. Kong Yihan directly patted the table and shouted: "Save people..."

The word 'saving people' is still echoing in the huge council chamber, and Kong Yihan and several jihadist-level strongmen present have disappeared. When Kong Yihan and others reappeared, they were already standing outside the end of the Burning Tianhe River.

With the departure of Kong Yihan and others, some powerful strong people present reacted. Sure enough, the plan could not keep up with the change. Just now, we were still discussing how to explode due to the flame vortex, but now... The flame vortex broke out directly without any time, and this is also the one that verified the heart of Jun Lintian's heart at the beginning. Ann, and the vision between heaven and earth at the beginning was a sign of the outbreak of the flame whirlpool.

Kong Yihan stared at the end of the burning Tianhe, which was wrapped in prohibition, and now the dense prohibition burst out dazzling light. This is the phenomenon that the power of prohibition is pushed to the limit.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kong Yihan's heart sank even more fiercely. He couldn't imagine the situation under prohibition at this moment, "What the hell is going on?" Kong Yihan's voice was trembling.