Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 210 The Fallen Body

In the silent night, the dark night sky, a bright moon hung high, sprinkled with silver moonlight. When the mercury-like moonlight fell on the earth, on the other side of the sky, there was a red, and the fiery red light reflected half of the sky, and a hot breath rushed straight to the sky, and the void seemed to be It was distorted in this terrible hot atmosphere.

The endless red flame seems to ignite the void, but in the red light reflecting half of the sky, it emits a cold chill, which seems to be fear from the depths of the soul.

Countless big eyes stared at the red sea of fire, the dark shadow, a dark and degenerate breath spread out. All the strong people infected by this degenerate breath couldn't help but have a deep sense of fear in their hearts, which was instinctive fear, just like bumping into ghosts in the middle of the night. People.

In the sky, the majestic sound of dragon singing is still echoing, but at this moment, everyone looks at the sea of fire, and the figure shrouded in darkness is slowly moving.

"This breath..." Kong Yihan looked at the dark figure and said solemnly, but the uneasiness and panic in his heart involuntarily became stronger.


Another sound of dragon singing echoes between heaven and earth, and under the huge night sky, there seems to be only the dark figure standing in the sea of fire.

The fat elder's small eyes almost narrowed into a crack, and then a sense of terror ready to fight came from the fat elder. He looked at the dark figure from afar and shouted, "Who is coming? This is the mountain gate of my ancient Yunzong. If it is unparalleled, I hope to leave quickly..."

The sound of the fat elder roaring with Yuanli echoed between heaven and earth, and with the roar of the fat elder, the disciples and elders of Gu Yunzong present also anxiously looked at the figure shrouded in darkness.

In the dark night, Kong Yutong's figure stood quietly in the sky. Her beautiful eyes stared at the dark figure in the sea of fire. Kong Yutong could look at it. When the time passed, the corners of Kong Yutong's eyes were wet. She almost sobbed and whispered, "It's you... ? In the sky!"

Kong Yutong muttered softly, but her petite figure, regardless of the increasingly horrible hot breath around her, did her best and flew to the dark-covered figure as fast as she could.

Kong Yutong's figure rushed into the red sea of fire in the blink of an eye, and Kong Yihan and others, who had just realized this, wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Kong Yutong's figure rushed to the red sea of fire like a moth to the fire. Even if the figure was shrouded in a dark breath, his soul It was also full of depravity, but Kong Yutong's intuition told her that the figure, the figure shrouded in darkness, was exactly the countless people she missed day and night.

Jun Lintian... Is that guy really still alive?

Kong Yutong asked in his heart, but the eyes staring at the sea of fire had never left the figure shrouded in darkness.

"Dangerous, come back..."

Looking at Kong Yutong's figure being swallowed up by the sea of fire, Kong Yihan roared anxiously, but Kong Yutong's figure seemed to have been demonized and rushed into the sea of fire desperately. This is the obsession in his heart, and the kind of emotion that can't be relieved of a person, or 'love'.

With the deepening of Kong Yutong, the dark figure seemed to tremble slightly in the sea of fire, but after this tremor, he saw two black light revealed in the darkness, which was the look of the figure, and when the vision of the figure shrouded in darkness touched Kong Yu When Tong's body, this red sea of fire was furious again.


With the sound of an air explosion that shook the world, the figure shrouded in darkness suddenly moved, and the black hair was pulled into a thread. When the figure shrouded in darkness stopped, he had already appeared in front of Kong Yutong.

When the distance is close, Kong Yutong can see the face of the black figure clearly.

Kong Yutong quietly looked at the figure close at hand, his familiar eyes, his long dark hair, and the handsome face that made any woman jealous. Isn't this face the face he misses day and night?

Looking at the face in front of her, a strange feeling appeared in Kong Yutong's heart. For a moment, Kong Yutong was at a loss. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to call 'Lintian', but the moment these two words appeared in her mouth, she was swallowed by Kong Yutong.

"Is he really close to the sky?" Kong Yutong couldn't help asking in his heart.

Her beautiful eyes had crystal tears, and she looked affectionately at the figure in front of her. Kong Yutong was dull. At this moment, Kong Yutong felt that her body was not controlled by herself, and there was a momentary blank in her mind.

The figure shrouded in darkness seemed to be burning with black flames. At the same time, the long dark hair stood upside down due to the steaming of the dark force. At this moment, the figure shrouded in darkness looked at Kong Yutong in front of him, and the dark demonic eyes showed a trace of struggle. Color, this fallen figure seems to be recalling and resisting.

The struggle in his mind made this dark figure feel pain. He held his head in his hands and his face was full of ferocious. At the same time, he made a painful roar in his mouth. However, in this painful roar, there was a silky dragon power, which was an extremely hot power and burning dragon vein.


The boundless pain enveloped the dark figure. When he struggled to the end, the dark figure suddenly put down his hands holding his head. At the same time, his dark and mysterious eyes showed a fierce color, and his handsome face was twisted to ferocious. He stared at Kong Yutong in front of him and almost squeezed out a word from his mouth: " Die!"

The word 'death' seems to hit Kong Yutong's heart fiercely, because Kong Yutong felt at this moment that the Jun Lintian, who was familiar with him, was moving away from him little by little.

A magnificent force burst out from the dark figure. However, in the face of this power enough to destroy a mountain range, Kong Yutong stood in place in a daze. In Kong Yutong's eyes, there was only the approaching terror power. She shook her head gently, crystal tears, dripping from the corners of her eyes, hole Yutong whispered in despair, "You didn't die. Tell me that you didn't die..."

whispered, and finally turned into a roar. When Kong Yutong's cry echoed between heaven and earth, in countless eyes, the power that almost overturned the world swallowed Kong Yutong's petite figure.

Everything is so vigorous, but when the facts happened in the eyes of everyone, everything was so silent. Everyone seemed to see that the increasingly haggard figure in the past two years, the beautiful face with a peerless face showed a faint smile. In this unknown smile, people could not see it. Is it pain, sadness or happiness, let go...


" Stop it!"

Ape Song's figure, like a Titan ape, trembled. He watched Kong Yutong's figure swallow up by the devastating force, with a ferocious face, cracked eyes, clenched fists, and his nails were deeply embedded in the palm of his hand, and bright red blood flowed down through his fingers.

Kong Yihan's wide pupils watched Kong Yutong's figure being swallowed up by horrible power, but... where should he go at this moment?

Time is like an extremely sharp knife. At this moment, it cuts the hearts of Yuan Song and others again and again. When the roar of Kong Yutong disappeared between heaven and earth, the violent power also stopped.

A pair of staring eyes stared at the previous void. At this moment, in the void, Kong Yutong's petite figure was still standing there, and tears were flowing at the corners of his eyes, but there was a happy smile on his beautiful face. Kong Yutong looked at the figure in front of her, and she whispered He said, "Is that you? Lintian..."

At the moment when the power submerged Kong Yutong, Kong Yutong's exhausted roar also resounded, and his soul fell into the mind of Jun Lintian in the abyss. At that moment, Jun Lintian regained the silky clarity, and it was the clarity of this moment that saved Kong Yutong's life.

Kong Yutong's low call resounded through Jun Lintian's heart. The softness and expectation in his tone deeply affected Jun Lintian's consciousness.

In his dark and strange eyes, confusion flashed. Now Jun Lintian is struggling, and at this time, a grand breath instantly came to this world of flames, which is Kong Yihan's breath.

Kong Yihan looked at the figure burning with black flames all over his body. He frowned deeply, but when he felt that Kong Yutong was unharmed, Kong Yihan's anxious heart was also relaxed, but when Kong Yihan looked at Jun Lintian, Kong Yihan's whole heart sank.

Kong Yihan saw the scene of Junlintian at this moment more than ten years ago, but the indifference of the East at the beginning was many times stronger than the atmosphere of Junlintian today.

"Isn't it dead? But...fallen..." Kong Yihan whispered, with an indescribable taste in his tone. At the same time, he opened his palm, and a terrible force condensed in his palm.

What is the power of the full blow of the jihadist-level strongman? When this force condensed in Kong Yihan's hand, the world began to tremble. At the same time, in this red sea of fire, the huge flame was swaying, as if it had met a natural enemy.