Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 12 Kill All

The little figure curled up in the corner of the wall, and the thin figure couldn't help trembling. At the same time, the messy hair covered the little cheek, and she could feel the little girl's inner panic, fear and pain.

"Xia Xiang?" Jun Lintian shouted in a low voice.

"Ah?" The little figure seemed to have just woken up from the dream. She suddenly raised her head. When he saw the figure wrapped in red flame outside the prison door, her dark eyes were full of fear and fear. Her tightly curled figure shrank towards the corner. If she could, it seemed that the little figure was about to get into the wall. In the seam.

The little girl looked at the figure wrapped in flames outside the prison door with fear. Her figure trembled violently and said in fear, "I'm sorry, don't hit me, I don't know, I really don't know..."

"Please, don't hit me. Xianger will be very good. She won't cry. She really won't cry..."


The little girl kept begging for mercy, but all this was seen in Jun Lintian's eyes, but it made Jun Lintian guess in his mind that Jun Xiaxiang had gone through these days, and an anger rose in his heart. However, at this time, the depraved soul breath approached. In a hurry, a The power of the world burst out from Jun Lintian's body, and the small figure in prison just now disappeared in an instant.

Jun Xiaxiang was included in the northern wilderness by Jun Lintian.

The fallen figure came here. When he found that Jun Lintian took away Jun Xiaxiang in an instant, the dark figure couldn't help sinking. The person in front of him made him feel more and more mysterious and terrible, but in the heart of this fallen figure inexplicably disgusted the life in front of him, as if I can't wait to kill the person in front of me immediately.

"Where did you... go?"

Hearing this dull word, Jun Lintian sneered, and at the same time, the murderous intention in his heart became stronger and stronger. Jun Lintian sneered, "Ha ha, do you want to know? Then exchange your life."

At this time, the soldiers in the prison rushed over. After looking at Jun Lintian's eyes, a violent red flame suddenly spread, and the soldiers who ran over suddenly burst into flames all over, and then directly turned into ashes all over the sky. Just the breath of escape, killing several people. This is the horror of the king now.

Jun Lintian looked over and looked at the figure shrouded in darkness, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

At the same time, Jun Lintian felt a huge breath around the cell. That was accompanied by various strong men. So many strong men guarding such a little girl. It seemed that the secret hidden in Jun Xiaxiang was really not small. "What did Jun Linyuan find that he actually made the other party use so much. The strong..."

Jun Lintian thought so in his heart, but at this time, the figure shrouded in darkness in front of him had moved, and the violent gas explosion led to the extremely disordered air turbulence, which directly caused the prison room to collapse.

The huge movement made the city tremble, and the people in the city were in panic.

Jun Lintian did not take the attack of the dark figure, but dodged and directly dodged the blow. However, when Jun Lintian's figure appeared, he had appeared in front of a third-level strong man. Jun Lintian whispered, "Today here , no one wants to leave alive..."

The man in front of Jun Lintian looked at the red flame figure in front of him. In an instant, there was a blank in his mind, and a threat of death deeply shrouded him. At this moment, he seemed to see the door of death opening to him.


The strong man at the Yuanshi level wanted to say something, but in his eyes, the flaming palm was directly imprinted on his chest, and when he faced this gentle palm, he did not have any resistance. His body seemed to be uncontrollable and could only open his eyes. Watching death come, this is a kind of torture. Although the time is short, in the perception of the Yuanshi-level strongman, it seems to have gone through several generations.

Finally, in the wide pupils, red flames permeated, and then the whole person turned into flying ash and scattered in the air.

Jun Lintian's figure keeps flashing, and without moving once with Jun Lintian's figure, one person or even more people will die in Jun Lintian's hands.

After a few breaths, dozens of division-level strongmen died directly. Such a force is enough to subvert a war, but in the hands of Jun Lintian, but it is solved by raising his hand. This is Jun Lintian's current strength. Over the years, countless forbearance, penance, and life and death The power.

Jun Lintian suspended in mid-air, looking at the dark figure in front of him, the dark figure looked at Jun Lintian and said coldly, "Have you finished killing? If it's over, then it's my turn to kill you."

The tone was cold without any emotion. It seemed that the death of his companion had nothing to do with the person in front of him, which made Jun Lintian's heart sink. It seemed that the person in front of him had destroyed his human nature.

The originally quiet city immediately became restless. At the same time, the officials in the government office also got up and rushed here. When they saw the messy cell, everyone was stunned. At this moment, Jun Lintian looked at the people around him and thought to himself, "You can't fight here, or you will die a lot. People, try to avoid it as much as possible."

Jun Lintian said to the figure shrouded in darkness, "Want to know where Jun Xiaxiang has gone? If you have the ability, just follow me!"


The dull gas explosion echoed between heaven and earth. At the same time, a long red rainbow crossed the night sky and disappeared between heaven and earth in a blink of an eye. With the departure of Jun Lintian, the figure shrouded in darkness also followed in an instant. Looking at the speed, there was no need to be slow in the sky.

In a short time, it is already a hundred miles away from the city, and it is also empty and empty.

Junlin stood in the night sky, and red flames shrouded his body, bursting out the sound of crackling flames burning. At the same time, it also reflected the surrounding void red. The void around Junlintian's body was completely distorted, and a terrible high temperature enveloped the world. The mountains and forests below were in this terrible high temperature. In the middle, it burned, and the flames, like the anger in the king's heart, were burning this world.