Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 18 Mysterious Man

Jun Lintian walked on the street. He felt everything familiar around him, but when Jun Lintian observed everything around him, he suddenly felt that Jun Lintong's figure suddenly condensed, and then turned to another direction. At first, Jun Lintian didn't feel anything, but gradually Jun Lintian felt it. Jun Lintong's breath has undergone a subtle change, which is a growing panic.

"Hmm?" Jun Lintian frowned. He looked at the gate. Jun Lintong's figure had just walked out of the gate.

"Isn't Lin Tong going back to Jun's house? Why did you suddenly change direction? Jun Lintian was puzzled, and at this time, the words of the old man Gumu suddenly echoed in Jun Lintian's mind, "Lintian, just now a few obscure soul fluctuations hovered around Jun Lintong. Now Jun Lintong has such an abnormal scene, which may be related to those obscure soul fluctuations?"

"Is it just a soul fluctuation?"

"Yes, even I didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of power, let alone the fluctuation of the power of the wilderness." The old man Gumu said this, but even the old man of Gumu was not very sure about the conclusion.

"Let's go and have a look. If something really happens, maybe it can help." Jun Lintian's heart turned like this. At the same time, he also changed his route and walked in the direction of Jun Lintong. Jun Lintian has always kept a certain distance from Jun Lintong. When Jun Lintong suddenly stopped, Jun Lintian also stopped. He hid in the grass hundreds of meters away, and the breath of Jun Lintian was suppressed. It's the lowest.

Five figures suddenly appeared around Jun Lintong's body, and each of these five figures was higher than Jun Lintong. Although no one stepped into the power level, it was more than enough to kill Jun Lintong. Moreover, the ability of several people to hide his breath was so strong that it was against the sky, which also made Jun Lintong In the battle, it is absolutely against the trend.

A powerful force permeated Jun Lintong's body, and his beautiful eyes looked solemnly at the five people around his body. When he fell into such a situation, the only thing that Jun Lintong could think of was a dead end.

"Is it difficult to escape death? But... I haven't sent the news that Xiang'er was rescued back to Jun's house..." Jun Lintong thought so in his heart, and at this time, the five people had suddenly pedaled the ground and then shot straight at Jun Lintong. A huge burst of empty sound echoed in Jun Lintong's ear, and in Jun Lintong's vision, it was death. I'm getting closer and closer.

"Are you going to die?" Jun Lintong felt that the world was spinning, but in the face of death, he had no strength to resist.

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!"

In the void, there was a series of silent and low collision sounds. After a few collisions, Jun Lintong's long-awaited death did not come as scheduled. When Jun Lintong looked around, the five figures had all fallen to the ground, and at the end of Jun Lintian's vision, a back was at a very fast speed. Leave.

"I...saved?" Jun Lintong felt that everything was like a dream. He was still in an absolute death situation just now, but in a blink of an eye, he had been saved. Jun Lintong wanted to catch up with the back, but Jun Lintong desperately found that his foot was not a little slow compared with the distant back.

Jun Lintong couldn't help bowing to the distant back and shouted, "Hey, who are you?"

Jun Lintong's voice echoed between heaven and earth, but there was no reply in the air except for Jun Lintong's echo. Jun Lintong looked at the back for a moment and became distracted. After a long time, Kong Yutong whispered, "Who saved me? And...and that back is so familiar..."

When Jun Lintian left, he left Jun Lintong with a complete back. Jun Lintian changed his face, but did not change his back.

But over the years, Jun Lintian's breath has changed a lot, and at the same time, his body has also changed a lot. This is also because Kong Yutong's failure to recognize whose back belongs to when he saw Jun Lintian's back, but the familiar feeling in his heart stunned Jun Lintong for a moment.

"That man, I must have met him somewhere..."

Jun Lintong was determined in her heart, and the next moment, she suddenly remembered that she had to go back to the family and tell everyone the news that Jun Xiaxiang was saved by the mysterious strong man. At the same time, she also wanted to tell everyone that the dark figure, the person who pushed the whole Jun family to the abyss of destruction, was a few years ago, because of his soul The complete corruption was expelled from the Junlinyang family, and the death of Junlinyuan was also the work of Junlinyang.

Jun Lintong no longer dared to neglect, returned to the imperial capital as quickly as possible, and then crossed the streets and returned to Jun's home.

When Jun Lintong returned to Jun's house, Jun Lintian was still walking on the streets of the imperial capital at this moment. It seemed that the matter of saving Jun Lintong just now did not affect Jun Lintian at all. However, through this incident, it also made Jun Lintian extremely vigilant: "It seems that you can do things so boldly in the imperial capital. The situation of the Jun family is indeed very bad, but fortunately I am back now. If something really happens to the Jun family, I can also control it!"

Jun Lintian is nostalgic, and at this moment, in the huge Jun's family, he is still in the council chamber that Jun Lintian is familiar with.

In those years, the coming-of-age ceremony was held here. Years later, many of the Jun family have come of age here. At this moment, this council room is full of high-level officials of the Jun family. At the top, it is the position of the head of the Jun family. At this moment, the person sitting in this special position is slightly tired. At the same time, the temples are a little white. In a few years, Jun Aoxiang seems to be much older.

At the bottom of the council hall are the elders of the Jun family and the major branch families.

"Lin Tong, is what you said true?" Jun Aoxiang, who was much older, looked at Jun Lintian below and asked solemnly.

"Well, this is the news from the border gate. I heard that the news came back by one way, but everyone who passed the message died on the way. As for me, if I hadn't practiced outside and accidentally met someone who was plotted, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to send the news back."

Jun Lintong said this, but at the same time, she thought to herself, "If the message is transmitted through the array and is not intercepted by the enemy, so many people will not be killed for one message!" When I thought about this, the whole council hall was silent. At this time, Jun Lintong said again, "In fact, on my way back to Jun's house, I was also plotted. If I hadn't met a mysterious person to save him, maybe Lintong would not have been able to return to Jun's house alive."

"Another mysterious man?" Jun Aoxiang and others looked at Jun Lintong's eyes, showing a solemn color and could not say the charm.