Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 22 The Wrath of Jun Lintian

The figure with one arm turned into a light spot all over the sky and floated in the council chamber. At this time, everyone came back from shock. They walked directly out of the council chamber one after another and looked up at the dark night.

The night that should have been quiet is noisy at this moment. All kinds of horrible breaths filled the world, as if the void had turned into a cage, firmly surrounding the whole Yongyuan Empire. No one was allowed to enter or leave. In the night, the moonlight fell on the one-armed man standing in the void.

Like this magnificent figure, holding up the whole sky, an unmatched momentum came to this void.

At this moment, next to a wooden railing, a graceful figure was immersed in tears in her eyes. She stared at the void. The figure that had been completely seriously injured, the beautiful woman sobbed and cried. She muttered powerlessly to herself, "Linhai, why is this? Even if you give up your life, can the whole Jun family really escape this disaster? Your mother knows what you are thinking, and your mother also knows the status of the Jun family in your heart, but Linhai, do you know the status of your three brothers and sisters in your mother's heart?

The beautiful woman stared at the void. She just lowered her breath and tried not to let the figure in the night sky feel her existence.

Shen Yuhan is very clear about the determination in Jun Linhai's heart, but Shen Yuhan also knows what the overall situation is? What is the determination in Jun Linhai's heart? So at this moment, Shen Yuhan chose to bear the pain in his heart silently without venting it.

The figure of Junlinhai stood in the void. He looked at dozens of approaching figures. At the same time, in the middle of the night, the people who shuttled through the endless buildings also fell into the eyes of Junlinhai one by one.

Looking at the dozens of powerful strongmen in front of him, except for the deep calmness in Jun Linhai's eyes, there was only the extremely firm determination. He said slowly: "I, Jun Linhai, want to take my life again. I will never resist. I just hope that I will not embarrass the Jun family and everyone in the Jun family..."

"Hmm, the king's family's concealment of the murderer of the emperor has long been the crime of killing the nine clans and letting go of the king's family? Jokes..."

"Jun Linhai, don't you naively think that your own surrender can resolve everything, right?"


During the dialogue, on the ground of the imperial capital, all the armies and the strong have been in place, and the whole monarch's family has been strictly surrounded.

At this moment, on a noisy street, there are countless residents of the imperial capital, and among these people, there is an ordinary figure who stares at the great one-armed man in mid-air. Even though it is dark late at night, this ordinary man seems to be able to see through the night. Jun Linhai saw it completely in his eyes.

"Big brother..." The ordinary figure shouted softly. At the same time, in his perception, he stood in the void. The figure of Jun Linhai and the bones inside his body were almost shattered. At the same time, there was a huge blood hole on his right shoulder. Although he had stopped bleeding, the injury was extremely serious, but this was not It is the reason for the shock of Jun Lintian's heart. In Jun Lintian's perception, the soul of Jun Linhai is incomplete, which is a part of it being forcibly cut off, and the whole soul is trembling, as if it may collapse at any time.

Such a serious injury is unbearable even by Jun Lintian, but for a long time, Jun Linhai has been relying on the unimaginable willpower to support himself, because the whole Jun family needs to be guarded by himself.

Jun Lintian's clenched fists burst into a crackling bone burst. At the same time, Jun Lintian's face was gradually twisted, restoring his original appearance little by little. But it was at this time that the red flame burned out of Jun Lintian's body, and Jun Lintian became a living person in an instant.

In the crowd of the imperial capital of the Yongyuan Empire, a shocking breath suddenly burst out in the originally plain breath. This breath shocked many people. After that, everyone saw an angry pillar rising from the ground, directly connecting the sky and the earth, and the buildings around the pillar of fire were not spared. The bottom turned into flying ash.


The anger of gritting teeth echoed between heaven and earth, and at this time, everyone also focused their eyes on this abrupt figure.


Like thunder, it exploded in the sky. This strong man, full of flames, directly broke through the sound explosion, and the horrible air explosion directly affected the building, which was even bigger! The red flame has disappeared, leaving a large pit 100 meters in diameter in place, and at the same time, ferocious cracks continue to extend, destroying countless buildings.

Jun Linhai looked at this red figure and couldn't help frowning slightly on his serious face. He looked at the royal family and said, "I didn't expect that I, who was seriously injured, could make you so excited and exclude such a strong man with such strong combat effectiveness..."

Jun Linhai's words made everyone present stunned. For a moment, they didn't know what was going on.

"Isn't that red figure from his family? But... by the way, isn't this red figure the mysterious strong man who saved Jun Xiaxiang at the beginning? Sure enough, this breath is so strong that even the arrogant pervert of Jun Linyang died in his hands..."

"Who is that red figure? What does it have to do with the Jun family?

"Why have you never heard of such a powerful breath in the Yongyuan Empire?"


Many great powers are thinking about it, and at this time, the red figure also came to the air. He looked at the horrible figures in front of him. Among these people, Jun Lintian knew a little, and there was a member of the Ye family. When Jun Lintian was waiting for Ye Yiyu, there was Have a relationship with one side.

Below, in the mansion of the Jun family, Jun Aoxiang and others stared at the red figure in the sky. They stared, but the hot breath that dispersed made everyone feel an unimaginable sense of oppression, which was the absolute suppression of the breath.

Now the king's Lintian uses the power of the burning dragon vein, which is also the reason why the king's sky is extremely horrible at this moment.

"Why... I also feel that figure, so familiar?" Jun Aoxiang whispered, but deep in Jun Aoxiang's heart, the memory of a certain figure was teased. Not only was Jun Aoxiang whispered so softly, but many members of the Jun family present were muttering so inexplicably.