Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 24 in vain

The familiar voice shook Jun Lintian's mind, but the content of the words made Jun Lintian seem to stand unsteady. When the familiar face appeared in Jun Lintian's vision, Jun Lintian felt that his mind was emptied in an instant. He stood dullly in Yuanli, and in his eyes, except for that There is no emotion outside Zhang Meili's worried face.

The moment the fourth prince saw the king coming to heaven, he immediately gathered enough strength in his hand and attacked the king's heaven at a very fast speed.

But at this moment, in Jun Lintian's eyes, as long as the little boy in his hand shows a worried look, isn't that worried face the figure he misses day and night? Isn't that the figure who has left his hometown for it and struggles on the edge of life and death again and again? But... But why did she get out of that carriage? Is it all fake, or did God make a big joke with herself?

The power in the hands of the fourth prince oppressed the void and went straight to Jun Lintian, but at this moment, Jun Lintian did not dodge. At the same time, the rest of the royal family also saw such an opportunity and threw horrible attacks on Jun Lintian one after another.

Jun Lintian was dull and did not have any resistance. At this moment, Jun Linhai also found this. He quickly moved his body and came to Jun Lintian's body. At this moment, the overwhelming attack also arrived, but... The attack that should have fallen on Jun Lintian fell on Jun Linhai.


The blood all over the sky sprinkled all over the night sky, and the withered body of the king's sea fell from the air like fallen leaves in autumn.

When he felt Jun Linhai's dark eyes, Jun Lintian came to his senses from his dullness. He looked at Jun Linhai's body falling in the air. Jun Lintian opened his mouth to shout something, but when Jun Linzhen wanted to shout something, he found that his voice was hoarse.

Looking at Jun Linhai's lips moving slightly, there was a happy smile on Jun Linhai's face, as if a stone in his heart fell.

From Jun Linhai's lips, Jun Lintian heard: "Lintian, is that you?"

The silent communication made Jun Lintian burst into tears, but the next moment, when another wave of attacks hit the dying Jun Linhai, Jun Lintian suddenly stormed away, and a hot breath like the sun filled the world. At the same time, an unimaginable pressure came to this world. Everyone felt that The top of my head seems to be suddenly covered with something.


Jun Lintian's body moved, and the air-eating fury was used in an instant. At the same time, the physical strength of the fourth level of power, coupled with the power of the burning Tianyan dragon vein, Jun Lintian resisted the attack of everyone.

Gently holding Jun Linhai's dilapidated body, Jun Lintian looked at his eldest brother, from childhood to age. If anyone is the best for himself, Jun Linzhen can no longer find anyone except Jun Linhai. Today, Jun Linhai also ignores the danger of his life and is seriously injured and still blocks himself. That series of attacks.

Brotherhood is often silent, and the void at this moment is also under the strength of Jun Lintian, once again silent in a subtle stalemate, but people's eyes looking at Jun Lintian are full of fear, as if they were facing Jun Linhai without any injury.

Jiang Yunhuai returned to his mother's arms, but at this moment, Jun Lintian looked at the heartbreaking figure outside the carriage.

"Why?" Jun Lintian asked in a low voice, and at the same time, he was muttering to himself, "I'm back. I'm coming now, but... why, why is this the result? Who can tell me why it turned out like this?

Jun Lintian muttered, and at this moment, Ye Yiyu was also anxiously looking at whether her son was injured. However, at this time, the void in front of the red figure suddenly left, and a space storm permeated, but the space storm was fleeting, and a simple hairpin emerged from the void.

It is an ordinary hairpin without any strangeness. At the same time, it is full of cracks and seems to be completely cracked and broken into pieces at any time.

However, it was this hairpin with no characteristics that made Ye Yiyu's eyes fall on this hairpin from Jiang Yunhuai. Even if so many years have passed, even if the hairpin had been completely cracked, however... When he saw this hairpin again, Ye Yiyu still recognized it at first sight. Come out.

Looking at the hairpin, the figure deeply buried by Ye Yiyu was excavated from the dusty memory. Ye Yiyu's delicate body was trembling. His dark eyes looked at the hairpin in a daze. His voice trembled and asked, "This... Why do you have this hairpin? Who are you?

Ye Yiyu's dark eyes looked at the red figure, and Ye Yiyu's abnormality, coupled with the horrible breath of Jun Lintian, also made everyone present dare not attack rashly. They all observed the changes of the situation with vigilance.

The red flame that wrapped the whole body disappeared little by little, and a vague figure gradually appeared in everyone's vision. Jun Lintian gently raised his right hand and stretched out to the hairpin suspended in front of him. The burning red flame looked at the hairpin in front of him in a daze. Jun Lintian whisperedly He muttered, "I'm back, Yiyu, you know, I'm back..."

However, at Jun Lintian's fingertips, the moment they touched the cracked hairpin, everyone seemed to hear a crisp cracking sound echoing between heaven and earth, which seemed to be the sound of glass cracking.

The hairpin, the hairpin that Jun Lintian has been carefully protecting for many years, has turned into debris all over the sky and fell from the air, as if Jun Lintian's heart has completely cracked at this moment, and with the fragmentation of the hairpin, the red flame that has been surrounding Jun Lintian has also completely retreated, a Yin His handsome face was displayed in everyone's vision.

Looking at this familiar face and the guy who had disappeared for several years, everyone's heartbeat seemed to stop, and their dull eyes focused on Jun Lintian.

At this moment, Jun Lintian, his dark eyes were unconsciously filled with crystal tears. He looked affectionately at the shadow not far away, and whispered, "Who am I? Yiyu, don't you know me? I'm back, I'm back..."

Jun Lintian said so painfully, but the tears in the corners of his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

In the deep voice, there is heartbreaking pain, former promises, former vows, former persistence... But now it seems that everything is in vain...