Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 42 Mysterious Uneasy

In Shen Zhiwu's shocked eyes, Jun Lintian's body bowed slightly, and then heard a deafening sound of dragon singing from Jun Lintian's body. The bright color of dragon singing echoed between heaven and earth, shaking everyone's hearts. At the same time, Shen Zhiwu's pupils eyes zoomed rapidly at this moment, because it was displayed in front of Shen Zhiwu at this moment. It is a dragon body that covers the sky and the sun.

The huge dragon body burning with red flames hovered in the sky, giving people an unimaginable pressure.

"This...is this the body of the burning dragon vein?" Shen Zhiwu said in shock. At the same time, in his breath, Shen Zhiwu felt that he was as weak as an ant compared with the body of the burning dragon vein.


The sound of dragon chanting corresponding to Jun Lintian's body came from the depths of the earth. At the same time, in the vision of Jun Lintian and Shen Zhiwu, a huge dragon vein poked out from the depths of the earth. However, in the eyes of Jun Lintian and Shen Zhiwu, they found in a trance that the whole city of death was located. Fang, it's just the place where the evil dragon vein of hell is.

The body of the evil dragon vein of hell is extremely huge, which is more powerful than the burning dragon vein.

"Jun Lintian, do you think you can suppress me with a northern wilderness? Hahaha...joke!" The sound of the evil dragon vein of hell echoed between heaven and earth, and at the same time, the body of the dragon god with a dark breath appeared in the vision of King Lintian.

For a while, in this thunder and lightning sky, two huge objects were facing each other.

Two huge dragon god bodies looked at each other from afar, and at the same time, two terrible pressures collided in the void. At this moment, in the void where the two dragons were squeezed each other, thin space cracks emerged out of thin space. The terrible space storm affected a hundred miles. Fortunately, this is in the city of death, within a large radius. There is almost no one. Even if there is someone, he is the kind of person whose soul has fallen.

In the face of this terrible atmosphere, Jun Lintian felt extremely difficult and raised his strength to the jihad level, which was extremely reluctant. However, in the face of the evil dragon vein of hell, Jun Lintian suddenly found that the power of the evil dragon vein of hell absolutely far exceeded the ordinary jihad-level strong, this breath Perhaps only when even the ancient wood elders are extremely afraid, the deepest breath of the ancient Yunzong can fight with one.

Jun Lintian clenched his fist tightly. Although he is at an absolute disadvantage at this moment, Jun Lintian's resolute heart has never changed.

"Death?" This word suddenly crossed Jun Lintian's mind, and then Jun Lintian thought, "From childhood to adulthood, as a waste, in the four years of being lost and helpless, perhaps death is a relief for himself, mixed between the family and Yiyu, his helplessness makes him unable to see any hope and leave his hometown. How many times have you wandered between life and death? And after returning to the imperial capital, the moment I saw Yiyu, what was the difference between myself and death at the moment of heartbreak? Have you ever been afraid over the years? If it hadn't been for the concern and persistence in my heart, maybe I would have died in the original sacrificial tomb, in the battle beyond the limit, and at the end of the burning Tianhe River.

"My life of just over 20 years, ups and downs, joys and sorrows, have already tasted it all, death... Why are you afraid of it?"

Jun Lintian thought so, but at this time, Shen Zhiwu's figure suddenly appeared in Jun Lintian's vision and looked at the lonely figure. Perhaps at the moment when his sister jumped off the broken heart cliff, Shen Zhiwu's inner feelings and the moment he saw Ye Yiyu after returning to the imperial capital were The same.

Jun Lintian's eyes showed confusion, but it was this trace of confusion that made the extremely huge hell evil dragon vein in the distant sky show a solemn color.

The hell evil dragon vein quietly looked at Jun Lintian, "That guy actually had a death ambition in his heart..." The hell evil dragon vein thought so, and the next moment, the voice of the hell evil dragon vein has echoed between heaven and earth, "Jun Lintian, since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you..."

The horrible roar awakened Jun Lintian from his dullness. Jun Lintian looked at the completely erupting evil dragon vein of hell. He suddenly thought of the Jun family, his relatives, and his eldest brother's words before his death. Jun Lintian said in a low voice: "I am not afraid of death in my life, but now I can't die. I have my father. Dear, there are mothers, people who need me to protect, and my promise to my eldest brother..."

Jun Lintian suddenly looked up at the evil dragon vein of hell. At this time, the dark breath of the evil dragon vein of hell has spread all over the world. The real world has turned into a dark night in an instant, and at the same time, the void is filled with a depraved breath.

"chi chi——"

In the dark depravity, the sound of crackling flames suddenly broke out, as if in the dark night, a torch suddenly lit up a void.

Warm and light illuminate a world.

Feeling the horrible dark breath around him, Jun Lintian showed a solemn color. He thought in his heart, "What should I do, teacher? If it goes on like this, I can only be swallowed up by the darkness."

Jun Lintian asked, and the old man Gumu was also lost in meditation at this moment. He was trying his best to recall that he had buried many years of memory to find the answer, but a moment later, when the old man Gumu turned over his memory, he could not find the answer, but... although he had not found a way. But a feeling of uneasiness enveloped the old man.

The old man's breathing became rapid, and his eyes were full of wisdom and calmness.

Old Gumu suddenly hugged his head and roared painfully, "I forgot, why, why don't I remember, what's going on, what's going on? This...this, there must be something destructive, there must be..."

The roared voice shook Jun Lintian's mind, and at this moment, Jun Lintian also felt a strong uneasiness, which was the power of the sixth sense of fate. However, for this strong uneasiness, Jun Lintian could not say a reason, just like the old wooden old man at this moment, who clearly knew what would happen, but Yes, it is unpredictable.

The only difference between Jun Lintian and the old man is that the uneasiness of Jun Lintian comes from the sixth sense of fate, while the old man Gumu comes from the incomplete memory.

The abnormality of the ancient wooden old man has untied the veil of the mystery of ancient times. However, after this hazy veil, there is still a shocking conspiracy waiting for Jun Lintian to face, but all this, today's Jun Lintian still does not know, and at this moment, Jun Lintian's current plan , but there seems to be an invincible evil dragon vein in front of you.

Both the old man of Gumu and Jun Lintian felt a strong uneasiness, and at this time, Jun Lintian suddenly felt the void in front of him bulging, and at the same time, as if a world was putting pressure on him, an unimaginable great force came.

This is the attack power of the evil dragon vein of hell...