Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 51 The winner has been decided

Ye Yiyu's figure kept running towards the net, and the beautiful eyes flowed with complex emotions. She was very much like seeing the figure that made herself miss day and night, but in Ye Yiyu's heart, she was afraid to stand in front of the figure. The hesitation in her heart did not stop her from running. Ye Yiyu ran as she ran, and the environment around his body seemed to be changing, and the scene seemed to have changed into the same as before, the happiness and happiness from the bottom of his heart.

Throwing out of the deep palace and standing on the empty square, Ye Yiyu looked up at the body of the dragon that covered the sky and the sun. At the moment when she saw the legendary Dragon God, Ye Yiyu was shocked to stay in place. However, the next moment, Ye Yiyu looked affectionately at the figure floating in the air. She whispered, "Lintian, why did you go back? Come on, let's go, you will die..."

Jiang Yunhuai ran out with Ye Yiyu, and his curious eyes stared at the body of the dragon god who covered the sky and the sun. At the same time, he pulled a group of his mother's queen and asked, "Mother, is that Lintian?"

Ye Yiyu did not answer Jiang Yunhuai's question. She just looked at Jun Lintian's body in a daze, and she couldn't tell what the emotion was in her eyes.

At this moment, in mid-air, Jun Lintian's huge eyes quietly looked at the royal ancestors and other three people in front of him. At this time, Jun Lintian also felt Ye Yiyu's figure below, still the familiar face, still the familiar breath, but with the passage of time, everything has already changed.

"Let's go together!" Jun Lintian's cold voice echoed between heaven and earth, and at this moment, the three jihadist-level strong men were also completely angry.

A strong man at the level of jihad is now so despised by a boy in his twenties. How can he not be angry at the extremely antique level?


A roar that shook the world echoed, and the void was trembling. At this moment, Jun Lintian's body had moved. Every time the power fluctuated with the power of Jun Lintian, there would be a power storm between heaven and earth, and the three ancestors in this power storm were also surprised by the strength of this power.

The launch of power caused a disaster. Now the emperor is on the verge of collapse. Jun Lintian felt that the emperor was extremely dangerous under the impact of this force. He couldn't help frowning deeply. Then his huge eyes looked at the royal ancestors. Jun Lintian said, "Come with me!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of Jun Lintian completely disappeared into the sky, and the ancestors of the royal family and the two people in the city of death also followed after a slight hesitation.

Ye Yiyu, who was in the imperial capital, quietly looked at the disappeared figure. Now the empty void is as empty as Ye Yiyu's heart. At this moment, she also felt the son beside her. Ye Yiyu couldn't help bowing and holding her son deeply in her arms, but in those beautiful eyes, not I know when I will be filled with tears again.

How unforgettable the three words 'Jun Lintian' used to be. Even if it faded away from her life, Ye Yiyu knew that in fact, she could never forget it in her heart.

Jun Lintian ran all the way. After a long time, Jun Lintian's figure stopped. He quietly looked at the messy land below, the huge pit and the cracks on the earth. Everything shows what kind of terrible battle has happened here. Even though it has been so long, it is still full of A faint and horrible space storm.

The royal ancestors and two other jihadist strongmen looked at the scene in front of them. They were stunned in an instant, "City of Death? Jun Lintian...you..."

There was a cold arc at the corners of Jun Lintian's mouth, and he said in a low voice, "Don't you want to know what happened in the City of Death at the beginning? Don't you want to know what kind of battle happened at the beginning? Don't you also want to know the whereabouts of the evil dragon vein of hell? Then I'll tell you now..."

"Hell of the Dragon God Change!"

The huge dragon body suddenly burst into infinite dark forces, and at the same time, a cold feeling instantly enveloped the three jihadist-level strong men, and the void was once again shrouded in the world power of the northern wilderness.

Looking at the body of the dark dragon god and feeling the pure dark breath, the royal ancestors and other three couldn't help but thump in their hearts. He seemed to smell the breath of death and the power of the evil dragon vein of hell, which could not be more clear for these old immortal guys, and now it seems that it is obvious that Jun Lintian has completely mastered it. The power of the evil dragon vein of hell.


Jun Lin shouted in a low voice, and at the same time, the dragon claws that covered the sky and the sun directly slapped the royal ancestor.

At this moment, the two jihadist-level strongmen of the City of Death looked at Jun Lintian coldly. At the same time, they said, "Jun Lintian, we will withdraw from your dispute. From then on, we will not violate the river and go our own way."

"What? Are you afraid? But it's too late. Now that you have come here, let's die together!"

The power of darkness permeates, and the breath of Junlintian is improving at an unimaginable speed. Darkness gradually covers this void. It seems that this world is under the control of Junlintian. As soon as the power of the evil dragon vein of hell is unfolded, the physical strength of Junlintian has reached a higher level. At the same time, Even the cultivation of the power of the wilderness has broken through the bottleneck of the jihad level. At this moment, the power of King Lintian is truly fully opened.


With the violent display, the power of King Lintian has expanded again, and people feel scared in the face of the seemingly endless power of King Lintian. Even if he is a jihad-level strong man, he is still scared at this moment.

When it comes to such cultivation as jihad level, they seem to have forgotten the feeling of fear of near death, but now, a guy in his 20s has once again reminded these old monsters who have lived for many years to recall the adventures of life and death on the way of practice.

"Jun Lintian, in this case, we will accompany you to fight to the end..."

The strong man who can step into the jihad level is a genius. At the same time, he has an extraordinary will and opportunity on the way of practice.

The huge dragon claws directly tore the void, dig open the obstacles, and directly affect the royal ancestors. For the power of grasping, the royal ancestors could not avoid it, so they had to resist with all their strength. The power of the royal ancestors collided with the power of this grasp, and suddenly collapsed in the void. At the same time, there was endlessness in the darkness. Space storm.

At the beginning of the battle of the City of Death, it has already destroyed this place, but today's battle has only destroyed it more completely.

If this collision occurs in the imperial capital of the Yongyuan Empire, then the million people in the imperial capital will not survive, and countless people will die in the aftermath of the impact of power. This is the power of the strong, and this is also Jun Lintian's choice to leave the imperial capital. The reason is.


It echoed like thunder in the void. The void collapsed, and a dark figure flashed in the dark void. It was the body of the dragon that reigned in the sky, but at this moment, the huge body of the dragon appeared a crack. In the huge crack, it was filled with endless dark breath. With the spread of the dark breath, The injury suffered by this hit healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One blow shook the world and let the void collapse with the earth.

The power in the void gradually calmed down, revealing the broken body of the royal ancestor, cold eyes, and looking at the king Lintian in the distance. The corners of the royal mouth overflowed with red blood. He couldn't help coughing twice, highlighting two dark blood clots.

"He... he can actually fully use the power of the evil dragon vein of hell. This power... This power is no longer what we can resist..." The royal ancestor said, but the next moment, the huge dragon god's body moved again, and the void bulged between them, and the extremely huge dragon The tail pulled directly to the royal ancestors.

The royal ancestor's dull eyes watched the huge dragon tail sweep towards him, but the royal ancestor did not use any strength to resist.

He just watched quietly. At the same time, the ancestors of the royal family seemed to have seen that the king Lintian destroyed the whole Yongyuan Empire with his own efforts. The empire he had always guarded, and the members of the royal family had become history and become a choice in the loess.


The dull sound announced the fall of the royal ancestors. Except for the blood fog, the royal ancestors left nothing in the void.

The two jihadi-level strongmen of the City of Death, one is the first level of jihad and the other is the other is the second level of jihad, but when they see the disparity between the power of the king and the royal ancestors, a despair appears in their minds.

Fate, the trajectory of fate, no one can figure out, let alone control it. Fate always plays tricks on everyone. When a common sense, fate often arranges a special person to break everyone's common sense. Just like today, three jihad-level strong men are facing a self When he is not as powerful as the ninth-level limit, he has no power to fight back. The two jihad-level strongmen can't help laughing bitterly.

"Jun Lintian, if you can, you should have killed it a few years ago..."

"It's a pity that in reality, there is no 'if'!"

"Peng! Peng!"

As the two blood fog scattered in the void, it directly announced the end of the battle. The power of the evil dragon vein, even if it was completely controlled by Jun Lintian, still felt a deep fear. However, behind this fear of the huge power of the evil dragon vein of hell, it was Junlintian's fear of the 'demon' and harmful. Afraid.

So far, Jun Lintian still remembers it vividly. When the hell evil dragon vein faced the 'demon' figure, the look of timidity and fear deeply touched Jun Lintian's heart, and a sincere uneasiness has been shrouded Jun Lintian.