Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 62 Horror Thunder Robbery

The black thunder is like a black dragon crossing heaven and earth, directly breaking the protection of the barren power on the surface of Junlintian's body.

The terrible thunder power directly hit Jun Lintian's body, and with the moment when Jun Lintian's horrible body and the power of thunder collided with each other, Jun Lintian's body collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly became flesh and blood blurred, and the tip of Jun Lintian's nose seemed to smell a burning smell. Tao.

The threat of death has completely occupied the mind of Jun Lintian.

Previously, from the unusual breath of the disaster cloud, Jun Lintian guessed that his thunderstorm was different and extremely horrible, but when he experienced it himself, Jun Lintian found that the power of the black thunder was more horrible than he thought.

"If the power of this thunder acts in the void, it is enough to destroy the range of hundreds of miles, right?" Jun Lintian thought so in his heart, and at the same time, the power of the black thunder also completely vented the power on Jun Lintian's body.

The jihad-level body is enough to be ancient and modern. Even in the era of the gods, it is absolutely rare, and the horror of the jihad-level body is reflected in this thunderstorm.

Black thunder disaster, if it were other robbers, even fat elders, must be annihilated by this power. However, Jun Lintian relied on the horrible and demonic body to resist it, but at this moment, Jun Lintian's body is also completely dilapidated, and his body is full of cracks, and at the same time, the body surface It was covered with dark blood, which was his own. At the same time, there was thick black smoke on his body, and a burning breath came to his nose.

Jun Lintian took a deep breath. He looked at the sky. The dark clouds still did not dissipate. Not only that, in Jun Lintian's perception, the breath in the clouds seemed to become more intense and violent.

The violent atmosphere of the heavenly disaster permeated the void, so that after the void in the depths of the disaster cloud shattered, it could no longer be closed.

"The disaster cloud has not dissipated. Is it true that the disaster is not over yet?" Jun Lintian thought so in horror, and this time he really showed fear in his heart. At the time of Gu Yunzong, after the fat elders crossed the disaster, Jun Lintian communicated with the fat elders. In the communication with the fat elders, Jun Lintian learned that the disaster would only bring down a thunder disaster. As long as he survived this thunderstorm, It can survive safely and transform at the same time.

However, the heavenly disaster accepted by Jun Lintian is different from what the fat elder said. Not only the breath and power of the thunderstorm, but also the number of thunderstorms are different. At this moment, Jun Lintian does not know how many thunderstorms will fall.

"Lintian, a thunder disaster is only the lowest thunder disaster between heaven and earth, and there are also triple thunder disasters, six thunder disasters, nine thunder disasters between heaven and earth..." "The voice of the ancient wood old man suddenly echoed in Jun Lintian's mind, and the ancient wood old man did not tell Jun Lintian this knowledge before, considering the strength of the king Lintian at the beginning, Even if you know these, it is useless.

"The lowest-level thunderstorm?"

"Yes, it can trigger a heavy thunderstorm, but the minimum requirement of stepping into the jihad level. According to the original fat elder's qualifications and his own strength, in fact, he can trigger a triple thunderstorm. Just because of the use of the drunken immortal skill blinded the sky, so that the heaven and earth has dropped a triple thunderstorm, and now you may even use it. In the art of drunken immortals, heaven and earth will also drop at least six thunderstorms, or even nine thunderstorms.

"Nine thunderstorms?" Jun Lintian couldn't help exclaiming that now a heavy thunderstorm almost took his life and came back nine times. How can he survive?

Thinking of this, Jun Lintian suddenly remembered what the old man Gu Mu just said, "The more horrible the thunderstorm is, the lower the possibility of surviving the thunderstorm..."

At this moment, Jun Lintian finally understood the meaning of the ancient wood old man's words.

Due to the unparalleled recovery ability of the body, Jun Lintian's injured body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, at the moment when Jun Lintian's injury had not completely healed, the sky once again remembered the sound of terrible thunder. At this moment, Jun Lintian suddenly looked up at the dark void.

At the end of the king's vision, the dark clouds suddenly flowed, and the whole void seemed to turn into a dark whirlpool, and in the whirlpool was a horrible black thunder flowing.

Heaven and earth are changing. Jun Lintian felt that this world seemed to have a pair of horrible big hands fluctuating everything. Jun Lintian's heart couldn't help but raise his throat.


Looking at the whirlpool-like disaster clouds in the sky and feeling the destructive power contained in it, Jun Lintian was shocked to speak. His wide pupils were indescribable horror. He said intermittently, and at the same time, the chill in his heart had filled his whole soul, which was a perception of extreme danger.


Just when Jun Lintian was panicked, in the dark whirlpool in the sky, Jun Lintian suddenly felt as if something had burst out, and a dull voice was transmitted from it. This dull sound contained terrible power, and the void was in the aftermath of this explosion, It kept cracking, and the void suddenly sank.

Endless void storms permeate the void, while the broken void is full of dark thunder.

Yes, it is one by one, like the torrential rain in summer. The extremely horrible thunder force keeps falling. Jun Lintian feels that his body is about to collapse. He wants to release the power of the evil dragon vein of hell and the burning dragon vein to resist the disaster. However, in the movement of these two twelve When the power of Zhou Tianlong vein was strong, Jun Lintian felt a mysterious force that was preventing himself from running.

It seems that a wall is obstructing the meridians leading to the operation of power.

For the power of this obstruction, Jun Lintian feels a familiar breath, which is the power of the sixth sense of fate.

For the sixth sense of fate, Jun Lintian has always felt extremely mysterious. For all the time, Jun Lintian has felt unpredictable about the power of the sixth sense of fate. Every time it appears, it will have a huge impact on Jun Lintian. However, every time the power of the sixth sense of fate appears, it will be transformed by Jun Lintian. Solve some crises, but this time, the emergence of the sixth sense of fate seems to prevent Jun Lintian from using the power of the Dragon Vein of the 12th week to resist the disaster.

For a moment, Jun Lintian panicked, "What should I do? Is it sure to die?"

Jun Lintian said this, but at this moment, the endless thunder disaster in the sky has been split down according to the heavenly spirit cover of Jun Lintian, and the endless thunder disaster engulfed Jun Lintian in an instant, and Jun Lintian's holy war-level horrible body was directly scattered under the bombardment of the heavenly disaster that has exceeded the nine thunderstorms. .

Jun Lintian's consciousness has not dissipated, so he can look at his figure. Under the terrible thunderstorm, an inch is cracked, which is a kind of shocking realization.