Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 39 Solve? In fact, it is an escape

Some people keep falling into the pool of blood and breaking their limbs and arms. Bloody, shouting to the sky, what can't be covered is the painful roar. In the eyes of desperate tears, the place where Gu Yunzong was born and raised has become a special souvenir. The disciples of Gu Yunzong, the people living in Gu Yunzong, stared deeply at the familiar world when they swallowed that breath. This is the land that gave birth to them. Land.

"At least I didn't bury my bones in my hometown..."

"I have no regrets about dying on this land, but I don't want to see my hometown destroyed like this!"


The figures fell one after another, leaving an indelible sadness. The void around them and the earth were already devastated, the void collapsed, the earth cracked, the peaks collapsed, and countless buildings were completely destroyed. The whole ancient Yunzong had lost its former prosperity and was replaced by a mess.


Kong Yihan, fat elders, elders and other people are covered in blood. There is only such a belief in their hearts, but the color of despair in their hearts is getting stronger and stronger.


A collision sound that shook heaven and earth spread all over the universe. The fat figure of the fat elder hit a towering mountain of Gu Yunzong like a meteor. The huge peak, under the impact of the fat elder's small body, instantly turned into powder and completely disappeared from the world. At the same time, the fat elder's The body speed does not decrease, and it hits directly into the depths of the earth.


A mouthful of red blood protected a sad arc in the air and finally fell into the soil.

"Fat... Damn, you can't die. I'm still counting on you to give me a sinner fairy!" The elder's eyes were about to split, and he roared loudly, but at this time, two figures appeared behind the elder, and two irresistible forces directly hit the elder's back. Due to the distraction of the fat elder, the elder was also hit with one blow. Although he lost his life, he had no fighting power.

Coughing in the mouth, spitting blood, and suffering from unhealed wounds in the body.

The defeat of the big elder and the fat elder put a layer of gloom on Gu Yunzong, and many people showed despair.

In heaven and earth, the horrible murderous atmosphere shocked the sun and the moon, making the world pale. The light red breath was frightening, and the ancestors of the ancient Yunzong also turned into a killing god at this moment, and no one could resist the pace of the ancestors of the ancient Yunzong.

One punched a low-level strong man of jihad in the holy land, the red eyes of the ancestors of the ancient Yunzong, looking at the dilapidated ancient Yunzong mountain gate, the prosperity of the past, the warmth of the past, and the excitement of the past, are now completely replaced by death. The whole ancient Yunzong can be said to have been fragmented and blood flowing into rivers.

"Kill, I want you to pay all the price!" The ancestor of Gu Yunzong said fiercely, and at the same time, the unimaginable murderous spirit on his body was even stronger.

In the city of Yantian Holy Land, a middle-aged man quietly looked at the ancestor of Gu Yunzong who killed everywhere. His resolute face was slightly moved, and then said lightly, "This difficult bone, I'll do it myself!"

This person is the mysterious three elders of the Yantian Holy Land, and what will happen to the ancient Yun ancestors to the three elders of the Yantian Holy Land? Even though the ancestor of Gu Yunzong had extraordinary talent and his own cultivation stepped into the sky level, his opponent was a real sky level, and he was still extremely powerful.

The defeat of Gu Yunzong is only a matter of time, and the people in the northern wilderness were shocked when they saw this scene. They were shocked by the strength of the ancestors of Gu Yunzong, but they were even more shocked by the invincibility of the holy land of Yantian.

Xiang Xuan took Kong Yutong to avoid the battlefield and ran to the periphery of Gu Yunzong. They were careful and unwilling to show a trace of breath. It can be said that as long as they were not peerless strong men who could sense their existence, they had a great chance to quietly erase Gu Yunzong. However, at the moment they were about to leave the battlefield, Among the strong men in the holy land of Yantian, an enchanting woman suddenly remembered something.

The enchanting woman showed a strange smile on her beautiful face, and immediately sneered, "Little man, I want to see if your beautiful and lovely wife fell into my hands, and you dare to be fierce to me... hehe!"

The laughter echoed like a bronze bell, but in this crisp laughter, people couldn't help but feel a chill.

The terrible mind unfolded, and Ji Qian was sensing Kong Yutong's existence with all her strength. At this time, Kong Yutong, Xiang Xuan and others, who were carefully on the battlefield, suddenly condensed in their hearts, and a chill surged into their hearts, "Oh no, was it discovered?" Xiang Xuan guessed this in her heart, but before she could react, a gorgeous woman had appeared in front of them.

"Is it Kong Yutong?"

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I find the right person and follow me. Maybe I can survive. Otherwise, there is only a dead end!" Ji Qian looked at the prey and looked at Kong Yutong, Xiang Xuan and others. At this time, Xiang Xuan and others also knew in an instant that the visitors must be strong men of the holy land of Yantian.

Xiang Xuan pushed Kong Yutong away. With great strength, she held Kong Yutong to fly away. At the same time, Xiang Xuan's body had been blocked in front of Ji Qian. She said to Kong Yutong: "I blocked her. Go quickly, the farther the better!"

Ji Qian's enchanting face has always had a faint smile, but in Xiang Xuan's eyes, this faint smile is extremely cold, as if death is wacing to her.

"Ha..." It's still a copper bell-like laughter, but such laughter makes Xiang Xuan feel a strong cold all over her body. "The touching picture, but none of this can be changed. Kong Yutong is determined today!"

Ji Qian's figure moved in an instant. She directly bypassed Xiang Xuan and caught up with Kong Yutong almost in an instant. All this time was too short. Even Xiang Xuan, a high-level strongman, did not react. She just looked behind her in a daze. Ji Qian had imprisoned Kong Yutong in the void.

Looking at Kong Yutong's charming face, Ji Qian's enchanting face couldn't help but be slightly moved. After this brief gaffe, Ji Qian resumed her expression of playing with her prey. "Tut, this is really a good match. I don't know how many men's hearts should be confused by this little face. No wonder my little man actually misses you. Forget it!"

"Huh? Ha ha... Look at what I found. It's actually the flesh and blood of my little man. As long as I control you in my hands, it seems that he has to do everything he can to please me. Ji Qian smiled and said that she had taken a step forward and was directly detained by the imprisoned Kong Yutong.

"You let go of Yu Tong!"

With that, Xiang Xuan had rushed to Ji Qian. Even though she knew that her behavior was just looking for death, Xiang Xuan still rushed to Ji Qian desperately and rushed to Kong Yutong.

Looking at Xiang Xuan who rushed over, Ji Qian's face changed slightly and snorted coldly, "I don't know whether to live or die. Now that Kong Yutong has been arrested, the others have no value, so... die!"

In Ji Qian's hand, a murderous intention came out. A random blow of the top-level character of the jihad is enough to completely wipe out any powerful man. This is not a matter of talent, but an insurmountable gap between the great realms. This is absolute oppression of cultivation, and no one can violate it.

Xiang Xuan rushed to Kong Yutong, and in her vision, the void in front of her collapsed inch by inch, as if the mirror had generalized into pieces, and her figure was about to be swallowed up by the broken void. She knew that she could not escape death now.

"Oriental indifference, I won't see you again in my life. Go, go!"

"My daughter will never have your last name!"

"Bastard, I hate you!" ......

The memories in her mind exploded in Xiangxuan's mind. The past was heartbreaking. Under the erosion of the years, Xiang Xuan found that no matter how she told herself how she hated that guy in her heart, Xiang Xuan was very clear in her heart that she had always lied to herself. The so-called hatred was just herself. I just love him too much.

"Indifference!" Xiang Xuan called softly, and at the same time, a happy smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"I have never dared to look directly at my inner feelings. I have been avoiding the emotions of the past. I'm afraid that I can't help rushing to your arms when I see your face again. Am I stupid? I have forgiven you in my heart, but I tell myself that I hate you!"

"Do I really hate you? Even if I once hated it, that one was only in an instant, but in fact, I have forgiven you in my heart.

"I can't live without you, indifference!"

In Xiangxuan's eyes, the broken void was getting closer and closer. At this moment, she seemed to put down a stone in her heart and thought to herself: "I can't face you, let alone the real feelings in my heart. Maybe she will die, and she will bury the best memories in the deepest memory. Middle, until the next life, until the eternal life.

Xiang Xuan closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of death.

Kong Yutong looked painfully at Xiang Xuan waiting to die. She held her tightly in her heart, but she was imprisoned and couldn't even say anything, let alone leave to save people.

"Goodbye, the bitter pain of this life!" The contradiction in her heart was unspeakable. Finally, Xiang Xuan chose to solve all this with death, or she was avoiding all this. However, at the moment when the devastating power completely submerged Xiang Xuan, a tremor that shook the world echoed in this square, and at the same time, the world of killing was quiet in an instant. Come down.


The heavy and powerful impact sound came from the ground, and everyone in the war was shocked. Even the ancient Yunzong ancestors and the three elders of the Yantian Holy Land who were fighting at this moment couldn't help but be shocked.