Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 45 Pull the Hook

The abnormal indifference of the East has attracted everyone's attention, and at this moment, everyone seems to remember something. A sense of uneasiness enveloped everyone's heart. Just now, at the moment when the East's indifference completely stormed, two familiar breaths seemed to have completely disappeared in everyone's perception.

"Kong Yutong, Xiang Xuan..."

Two beautiful figures flashed in everyone's minds, but under careful perception, they could not feel any breath. "Is it possible that both of them are dead?"

I couldn't help thinking of this worst plan, but when everyone looked at the completely degenerate oriental indifference, they suddenly shook their heads vigorously. At this moment, everyone finally understood why the oriental indifference completely stormed in an instant and completely fell into the depravity.

Wait... Oriental indifference completely stormed away because of Xiang Xuan's existence, so what about King Lintian? You should know that Kong Yutong disappeared together.

At this moment, a more uneasy feeling enveloped everyone, especially the senior management of Gu Yunzong. Kong Yihan and others looked down dullly. The bitterness in their hearts could not be said. Could it be said that Gu Yunzong escaped the disaster in the far north, but he could not escape the fate of decades ago? This made Kong Yihan and others extremely uneasy.


Another tear dripped from the dark figure. The crystal tears contained the most real emotions, the completely degenerate oriental indifference, and had long lost his consciousness, but he, who should have completely gone and killed indiscriminately, stopped because of the figure engraved in the depths of his memory. I have to say It is a miracle, a miracle about magic.


The deafening roar directly broke the sky, and a violent dark breath rose to the sky, like a black tornado, bringing a feeling of doomsday. For a moment, it was full of sand and stones around, extremely chaotic.

The indifferent and stagnant figure of the East suddenly turned around, and his dark and frightened eyes looked at the people of Gu Yunzong. There was a cold murderous intention in his eyes. As for the other strong men in the northern wilderness, at the moment when the East indifference completely stormed, they had retreated one after another, leaving only some desperate guys, still watching secretly. Inspection.

He took his step and walked to the people of Gu Yunzong step by step.

Looking at the dark and cold figure of Oriental indifference, everyone was shocked and couldn't help retreating, and the depths of their eyes were trembling.


A simple word roared out of the indifference of the East, and his figure turned into a huge demon body in an instant. It seemed to be a demon in the abyss of desolation, a concrete embodiment. The breath of the demon permeated, and the world trembled. At this moment, Kong Yihan, the elder, the elder, the ancestors of Gu Yunzong and others In his eyes, he was already dead.

All the jihadist-level strong men of Guyunzong are lined up, but as for the others, they are thorough at the fastest speed, the farther away from here, the better.

Just as everyone was preparing for a life-and-death battle, suddenly in the dust that was razed to the ground, a familiar breath was felt by everyone, and Kong Yihan and others who sensed this familiar breath looked at the desolate land in surprise, "Shen Xuan?" Kong Yihan and others couldn't help asking in their hearts.

The indifference of the East, who was preparing to storm away, also felt this breath. He struggled and suddenly stopped his pace and turned to look at the ancient Yunzong mountain gate that had been razed to the ground.

A piece of jade Jane full of cracks gradually floated in the air. In everyone's vision, this jade Jane dissatisfied with the cracks suddenly burst, and at the same time a clear figure appeared in everyone's vision. It was Xiang Xuan's figure. The beautiful and mature figure attracted the indifferent eyes of the East, and at this moment, the East Indifference was also completely calmed down, just like a wild beast that was suddenly appeased.

"Indifference, are you all right? When you see the content recorded in this jade slip, maybe I'm dead, or maybe I'm not by your side anymore. I can't let go of it all the time. Why do I leave this jade slip? Is it because I want to wake you up with this jade slip when you fall into dep again, hehe... This may be a reason, do you know? I lied to you, and even lied to myself. After so many years, the past still echoed clearly in my mind. I can't let go of the care in my heart, let alone you in my heart!"

"Do you know Qiuya? That's your daughter, our daughter. How I hope that Qiuya's name is 'Dongfang Qiuya', but the obsession in my heart, the feeling of love or hate that can't tell you is against the will in my heart. Do you know this contradictory feeling? It's like you know that taking this step will make you painful, but you still take a step without hesitation.

"For a long time, I dare not face this bumpy emotion. The scene in the past was like a heart-eating insect, biting the soul in one bite, and it became difficult to breathe, but I still stubbornly told myself that I hate you, I hate your oriental indifference!"

"But do I really hate you?"

That's Xiang Xuan's figure, translucent, just a mark, but the mark left tears at this moment. She seemed to be talking to herself, but it seemed to be talking to someone.

The cold and dark figure of Dongfang indifference stood still, and the roar of the devil came from his body. However, Dongfang Indifference's face showed a ferocious look, as if he was in extreme pain at this moment, but Dongfang's indifference eyes still stared at the figure in the air for a moment, which was Xiang Xuan. Even if it is just a mark.

"Indifference, I have lied to myself for decades. I really want to say 'I'm sorry' to myself. Do you know how much I want to see you again? Even if after that side, it is the distance between life and death, but whenever I stand on the bank of the Burning River, I retreat again. I'm afraid that I'm afraid to see you again. I don't know what I'm afraid of. Maybe it's also the obsession in my heart.

"Do you remember what you once said? For me, even if you become a demon, you have no regrets?"

"Indifference, I don't want you to become a demon for me. I just want you to give me a sober indifference, a normal indifference, wake up, okay? Don't be controlled by the demon in your heart anymore. As long as you wake up, we agree that from now on, I will no longer hate you, and we will pull the hook!"

With that, Xiang Xuan smiled deeply with a mark, and her little finger stretched forward in a hook.

Xiang Xuan has been smiling, as if a naive little girl is acting coquettish, but only Kong Yihan and others know that Xiang Xuan's little girl's psychology will only be revealed in front of the indifference of the East.

Time seems to have been traced back at this moment. A scene decades ago seems to have been staged in this world. It was a picture taken from Xiang Xuan from her memory and engraved into the jade slips together. Now it has been released in this time and space. Decades ago, on the riverside of Liuhu Lake, the weeping willows fluttered and dusty The picture, the quiet lake, sparkling, a breeze, brings a trace of warmth and happiness.

Under the weeping willows, two figures look at each other. It is a beautiful girl and a handsome man.

The beautiful girl had a happy smile on her face, dark eyes, and calmly stared at the man who had a head. The girl stretched out her right hand, hooked her little finger, and playfully stretched out to the man in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

"Launch, after pulling the hook, you are not allowed to regret..."

The man looked at the coquettish girl and couldn't help laughing, but the next moment, the man still stretched out his right hand, and the same little finger became a hook, and the two fingers hooked each other like this. "Okay, after pulling the hook, I will never regret it..."

The sound of decades ago crossed the distance of time and space and echoed in this fragmented void. At the same time, the sound also resounded through the soul of the East's indifference. The dark power was trembling. Suddenly, the East's indifference burst out a painful roar, and a wild breath burst out from him.

In the dark pupils, two fine light burst out, and Dongfang was tearing his cheeks vigorously.


The painful and angry voice was deafening, and everyone was shocked and stared vigilantly at the struggling oriental indifference.

"Laun hook, after pulling the hook, you are not allowed to regret..." It was still the coquettish voice that resounded through the world, and the oriental indifference that heard this sentence, and the dark figure trembled, as if he was suffering unimaginable pain at this moment. He was struggling to get rid of the demon in his heart.

"Hook! Xuan'er!" The obscure voice came from the indifferent figure of the East, "We pull the hook..."

The indifference of the East is still filled with a dark breath. The demon in his heart seems to be trying his best to suppress the consciousness of indifference in the East. However, at this moment, the indifference of the East is staggering pace and stumbled towards the mark of Xuan. His dark eyes look at the front, and suddenly reveal the indifference face of the East. A faint smile.

This smile is like bathing in the spring breeze, the breeze is warm, like a rebirth and a new look. It is a kind of obsession in the heart that has been put down. At this moment, the oriental indifference suddenly becomes much easier.

He walked step by step to Xuan's mark, and every time he took a step, the dark power on his body faded away. In the end, when the indifferent figure of the east stood in front of the Xuan mark, he had returned to normal at this moment. Looking at the figure in front of him, Dongfang smiled indifferently, but his However, two lines of tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

"Xun'er, pull hook, I also gave you a real oriental indifference!" With that, Dongfang indifference stretched out his right hand and hooked his little finger.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them. The picture at this moment seemed to overlap with the scene decades ago, but the coquettish voice clearly echoed in everyone's ears: "Laun hook, after pulling the hook, you don't regret..."