Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 65 Old Man

The heavy heartbeat was transmitted into Jun Lintian's ears. At this moment, he could feel that there was a heavy breath on the huge mountain in the distance, emitting a heart-pounding breath. Jun Lintian's heart was extremely shocked, but Jun Lintian was stunned in place, shocked beyond words. It is the familiar atmosphere.

Jun Lintian stared at the peak of heartbeat from afar, "How can it be? Did the teacher come here?"

"No, it's definitely not the teacher's body, but if it's not the teacher's body, who it is? I'm sure that this must be the teacher's breath..." Jun Lintian was shocked, but in an instant, he was thinking about the reason that could be explained. Suddenly, Jun Lintian was stunned and seemed to suddenly realize: "Maybe The teacher's lost soul..."

Jun Lintian's figure crossed the distance between the two peaks almost in an instant, and when he had a panoramic view of the peaks in front of him, Jun Lintian was shocked again.

The huge peak is desolate and emitting vicissitudes. At the same time, the mountain is steep and extremely dangerous, and there is a terrible dark breath in the mountain. At the top of the mountain, a bloody sarcophagus appears in the eyes of Jun Lintian. The huge sarcophagus is extremely strange, and Junlintian can feel the heavy heartbeat. The sound is transmitted from the sarcophagus.

The ancient sarcophagus is carved with mysterious prohibitions. The fierce ghosts are entangled on it, and the roaring sound of fierce ghosts can't help but make people's scalp numb.

"The teacher's soul is in the sarcophagus?"

Jun Lintian was extremely afraid of the sarcophagus in front of him, but Jun Lintian could feel the breath of the ancient wooden old man from the sarcophagus. Over the years, Jun Lintian will never remember it correctly, but at this moment, Jun Lintian's heart is struggling to open the sarcophagus or let it stand there.

The strangeness of the sarcophagus and the sense of panic made Jun Lintian very afraid, and Jun Lintian always felt that the moment he opened the sarcophagus was when he died.

The red blood dripped down along the sarcophagus. There were clear blood tanks on the sarcophagus. I don't know how many years have passed. The bloodcao on the sarcophagus was still bloody, extremely strange and horrible. The horrible sarcophagus made Jun Lintian at a loss whether to open or not.

Jun Lintian looked carefully at the terrain here and suddenly found that this terrain had a mysterious situation. Although it was not the head of the mountains, Jun Lintian could always feel a sense of oppression. It seemed that the terrain here was more important than the head of the mountains.

"There is actually a bloody sarcophagus here, and the terrain here is also extremely strange. I can't tell how fierce this terrain contains!"

In his heart, but Jun Lintian suddenly thought of the old man of ancient wood. Over the years, it has been the old man of ancient wood who have been paying for him. Jun Lintian has always wanted to do something for the old man of ancient wood. Now he clearly feels the extremely familiar atmosphere of the old man of ancient wood, but Jun Lintian dares not go forward to open it and get a After all, unconsciously, Jun Lintian had a hatred in his heart and hated his incompetence.

After taking a difficult step and making a fierce struggle in his heart, Jun Lintian finally made up his mind, with dark eyes, staring at the strange sarcophagus not far away.

Every time he approached a sarcophagus, Jun Lintian felt that there was a little pressure on his body. Even though he knew that there must be a terrible danger in the sarcophagus, the obsession in his heart still prompted Jun Lintian to take his step. Looking at the huge red sarcophagus, it emitted an old breath and emitted through the sarcophagus. With the vicissitudes of life, Jun Lintian seems to smell the breath of the ancient times.

is getting closer and closer, but Jun Lintian's breathing has also become more and more rapid. At the same time, his breathing has become heavy, and the seriousness of opening the sarcophagus is more nervous than unlocking Kong Yutong's cover.

Cold sweat has soaked the palm of Jun Lintian's hand. Jun Lintian swallowed dryly and swallowed it. Finally, he came to the sarcophagus, but such a short distance from the sarcophagus, in Jun Lintian's perception, it seemed to be as far away from a world.

The surface of the sarcophagus is engraved with mysterious runes, and the fishy red blood is still circulating in these runes, revealing a strange atmosphere. At the same time, the huge sarcophagus, which is so tall, gives Jun Lintian a feeling of death, as if he is opening the door to hell.

Jun Lintian almost trembled his hands, and the distance between his fingertips and the sarcophagus was getting closer and closer. Until the moment when Jun Lintian's fingers were about to touch the sarcophagus, a black shadow flashed hundreds of meters away from Jun Lintian, and at the next time of breathing, the shadow that could not be captured appeared in Jun Next to the sky.

Jun Lintian's nerve has already tightened to the limit, and the appearance of the dark shadow suddenly triggered the nerve that was tense to the limit.

For a moment, the power on Junlintian completely exploded, and the shocking power rose to the sky. A beam of light that could not be seen by the naked eye connected heaven and earth, and the figure of Junlintian, like a demon god, stood in a huge energy beam of light, but at this moment this horrible energy beam of light was black, and hair came out An extremely horrible dark force.


Jun Lintian shouted violently. He gave up opening the sarcophagus and poured all his strength into the sudden dark shadow. Jun Lintian could feel that the dark shadow in front of him was exactly the fat shadow he had met before.

"Damn, don't you remember me? Stop it..."

A sharp scream and scolding came into Jun Lintian's ears, and at the same time, an extremely huge breath burst out from the fat black figure. This power could resist Jun Lintian's power to another direction. Hearing the sound of scolding, Jun Lintian was stunned, and he felt that the voice was nothing. I'm familiar with it, but I can't remember where I heard it.

The power of terror has escaped, and Jun Lintian finally saw the figure standing in front of him.

The fat figure, as if the fat on his waist is constantly trembling, and his ruffian face is full of anger. His sausage-like fingers pointed viciously to Jun Lintian: "Gras, stinky boy, I haven't seen you for so many years, your power is actually stronger than the fat master..."

The fat figure looked at Jun Lintian, and Jun Lintian also stared at the figure in front of him. Jun Lintian felt a familiarity with the hooligan smell.

"Who are you...?"

Jun Lintian suddenly asked, and looked at the look that he really didn't know himself in his eyes. The fat figure suddenly burst out of anger in his eyes. He couldn't wait to immediately jump up and beat this guy with a long memory, but even if that guy doesn't have a long memory, can he say that even Mr. Fat Master's romantic and Yushu Don't you remember the talent of Linfeng?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. Who is the fat master? Naturally, he is the kind of detached existence that others should remember at a glance.

"Fure your grandma, you really don't remember me?" The fat man stepped forward and grabbed Jun Lintian's skirt. At the same time, the fat oily face came close to Jun Lintian, narrowing into a seam in his small eyes, burning a crackling flame of anger.

Jun Lintian did not feel the slightest hostility from this fat figure. Although this person's words were extremely angry, Jun Lintian did not secretly feel disgusted and could not help but feel disgusted. On the contrary, the familiar feeling of this person in his heart became stronger and stronger. Jun Lintian was almost sure that he had seen this there. A unscrupulous fat man.

Looking at Jun Lintian's doubtful look, the fat man finally lost his temper. The fat man felt that even if he was furious here, maybe this guy would not remember him.

"The wisdom of the fat master's life was actually destroyed in the hands of such a stinky boy..." The fat man's heart said, but looking at Jun Lintian's still doubtful look, the fat man also completely lost his temper. "Forget, I don't care about you. Let me remind you that you were just a master-level rookie..."

The fat man originally thought that such a hint was enough, but when he saw Jun Lintian's still confused look, the fat man couldn't help scolding his mother: "Damn it, I'm so unimpressed in your heart? Sacrifice to the grave, don't tell me, can't you remember?"

The four words of sacrificial tomb and burial exploded in Jun Lintian's mind. The scene of that year unfolded in the memory of Jun Lintian in an instant. Even though so many years have passed, it is still vivid in my mind. In the regretful memory, a hooligan-like fat figure jumped into Jun Lintian's memory, and in an instant, Junlin God remembered it.

Jun Lintian almost looked at the guy who had experienced life and death together in a daze. In any case, Jun Lintian would not expect to see you here today.

"Fat Fang Fan?"

When Jun Lintian said these words doubtfully, the fat man's fat face trembled a few times. He was moved and burst into tears. The fat man looked at Jun Lintian affectionately and said in an almost crying voice, "My ancestor, you remember me!"

With that, the fat man couldn't wait to go up and bite Jun Lintian fiercely.

Looking at the fat man's coquettish bag, Jun Lintian couldn't wait to immediately come forward and give him a few feet. At this time, the memories of the fat man in the past were also recalled in Jun Lintian's mind. It seemed that there were memories of the fat man in Jun Lintian's memory, but in the tomb sacrifice at the beginning.

However, in that short relationship, Jun Lintian understood that although the fat man was a little greedy, he was not evil.

"Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Damn, if it weren't for me, you are a dead body now..."