Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 134 Named `Jun Hui`

"The gods did not die, but fell asleep, and they all slept in an abyss of desolation..." Dongfang indifference whispered in his mouth: "And this world is the transformation of human desires, and it is also the essence of dark breath, or the essence of 'demon'. Outside this world, There is a wider void!"

This pediatric message crossed the oriental indifferent mind, and in an instant, he understood too many doubts.

But where is the abyss where the gods are sleeping? Is it time to wake up the gods, and where do the gods come from? Is it from the vast void outside? But what is the scene of the vast emptiness?

The oriental indifference is completely clear in his heart.

Hao Gumu stood in the void. At this moment, he had stopped waving his hand. He quietly looked at the dark world and watched the world melt into a dark breath little by little. It was the 'demon' that was completely waking up.

"You can't destroy me, I'm an immortal existence..."

In the dark void, there was a dull roar, and Haogumu did not pay any attention to this angry voice with a little fear. His eyes, which have gone through the years, have been staring at this world, a world different from the outside world. And so far, Haogumu has wondered why this world, which should have been nothingness, attracted the origin of heaven and earth and the twelve-week dragon vein to come here.

With so many years gone by, Hao Gumu may have understood one of these points.

The origin of heaven and earth is also the origin of human beings, and the desire and ambition rooted in the depths of the soul is a kind of human origin, and the world is completely transformed by the origin, so when this world took shape, it attracted the arrival of the twelve-week dragon vein that should have existed in different worlds.

"Magic, it's time..."

Hao Gumu stepped out in one step. As his figure moved, terrible power fluctuations broke out on his body. In his simple wave, he instantly destroyed countless voids. His majestic body stood between heaven and earth, as if he were the protagonist of the world.

A punch hit and fell into the void, but what happened was not the destruction of the void, but the appearance of a dark yellow breath in the void, which was the purest power of famine, or chaotic breath. After Hao Gumu hit out this wisp of dark yellow silk, the void seemed to be The knife cut a mouth.

A ray of holy light shines in this world, which is a beam of light, but it illuminates the whole world.

This wisp of light finally fell on Jun Lintian, like the sunlight in the dark, cut through the cold darkness, and finally fell on a cold corpse. When this holy light fell on Jun Lintian, the whole world seemed to suddenly quiet down.

Countless blue light spots suddenly appeared in the void. The blue light spots are extremely small and almost impossible to be captured by the naked eye, and these blue light spots contain profound scenes.

That's the childhood memory of the imperial capital of the Yongyuan Empire. That's the smile of a cute little girl. That's the frustration and pain of four years of waste, and that's also the hidden love from the eldest brother... And the pain of the first death of a close relative on the broken heart cliff, and the light spot where he went away for a promise. , contains too many pictures, which is the experience of King Lintian's life.

And Kong Yutong stood in the void, but she felt the unforgettable memory of the scene that appeared in the void. It was the encounter with Jun Lintian, the confession to Jun Lintian, and the joy of being with Jun Lintian in the end. When Kong Yutong felt herself and Jun When doing the business of husband and wife in the sky, there is inevitably a layer of crimson on the white cheeks.

Other people can't feel this picture at all.

There are more and more blue light spots, and finally all of them converge. Countless blue light spots converge with each other, and finally burst out a fist-sized photosphere, which emit strong soul fluctuations.

This is the empty soul scattered by Jun Lintian in this dark world, but now it is all collected and restored by the power of the outside world. Then the size of this fist, emitting a blue light ball with strong soul fluctuations, flying to the cold body of Jun Lintian little by little.

The blue light spot fell from Jun Lintian's eyebrows, and finally completely floated in Jun Lintian's mind.

The soul returned to the body, and the ferocious bloody blood hole in Jun Lintian's chest was also repaired little by little under the holy light.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

With the increasingly heavy and powerful heartbeat sounded, a little weak life fluctuation suddenly bloomed on Jun Lintian's lifeless body, and this life fluctuation was still getting faster at a perceptible speed.

The heavy eyelids blinked a few times, and finally Jun Lintian opened his eyes with difficulty, and the first sight fell into Jun Lintian's vision was still Kong Yutong's face intertwined with anxiety, worry, sadness, joy and hope. At this time, Kong Yutong had already held the * in his arms and came to Jun Lintian.

Jun Lintian gently raised his hand and held Kong Yutong's beautiful cheek, showing deep apologies and strong love on his handsome face.

When Jun Lintian's scattered souls gathered together, Hao Gumu also engraved everything in this time into Jun Lintian's consciousness, and also told Jun Lintian all the secrets between heaven and earth. Now Jun Lintian has just woke up, he knows everything that happened.

"I'm sorry!"

Jun Lintian gently held Kong Yutong's cheek and said softly, while Kong Yutong's red eyes and two lines of tears. She shook her head but couldn't speak.

Time seems to stop at this moment, and I don't know how long it has passed. Maybe it's only been a few breaths, and it seems that hundreds of millions of years have passed. Kong Yutong finally recovered from her sobs. She gently reported the child in her arms and put it in front of Jun Lintian, while Jun Lintian looked at the * in front of her and looked With the facial features that are similar to himself, Jun Lintian's eyes showed a strong doting look.

And a family of three shows a warm atmosphere at this moment, which is the feeling of coming from home and a scene that Jun Lintian has been pursuing, but in any case, Jun Lintian did not expect to feel this long-lost warmth in today's situation.

"At the moment of reincarnation of heaven and earth, my child, you can call 'Jun Hui'!"