shake the nine bream

Chapter 1 Origin

Piaomiao Mountain, the highest mountain in the Central Plains, is north of Yangcheng, known as Xianshan.

There is a Xiuzhen sect on the mountain. Because I don't know who founded this sect, the exact name has been forgotten. Later, people called it "Piaomiaomen" in the name of the mountain.

Piaomiao Mountain is like spring all year round, surrounded by morning fog. It is a good place for the world's creatures to live. All kinds of rare beasts emerge one after another. Of course, there are many demons and monsters who live here. They all hope to practice with the help of the aura here. Between the prestige of the Piaomen in the world of cultivation, the demons and monsters here dare not build momentum. It is the area that is located at the bottom of the mountain.

Most of the Piaomiao Mountain that people know is limited to below the mountainside, and strictly speaking, the prestige of Piaomiao Mountain comes from the area above the mountainside. Piaomiao Mountain above the mountainside is composed of three peaks, and the three peaks are suspended in the clouds. With the morning atmosphere that has not dissipated for many years, it hides its brilliant and spectacular entity, it is not It is well known to mortals.

Piao Miaomen is divided into three systems, which are located on the three suspended peaks at the top of Piao Miao Mountain, namely Miaolu Peak, Ziyi Peak, Critical Peak, and Piao Miaomen. It is rumored that the ancestors of Piao Miaomen created these three suspended mountains according to three different cultivation categories: Dandao, Xiandao and Shinto. Feng, but the rumors about the ancestors of Piaomiaomen are limited to this, and there is no clear statement about the origin of Piaomiaomen and its ancestors to this day.


This is Qiu Gu's first time down the mountain. Qiu Gu has been a disciple of Piao Miao Men, and Qiu Gu is only 21 years old. He is the youngest disciple ever received in Piao Miao Miao Men. Although Qiu Gu has been in Piao Miao Miao Men for so long, his cultivation is really average. This is also a strange among the many disciples of Piao Miao Miao Miao Miao Miao Miao Miao Miao. What's amazing is that the leader actually let such a rookie out of the mountain.

In the unspoken rules of Piaomiaomen, disciples whose cultivation has not yet reached a certain level cannot go out of the mountain. There is no other reason. The reason is that Piaomiaomen is a great faction in the world of cultivation. How can a rookie go out and throw an ugly? Even so, Akiya was approved to go down the mountain. Maybe the people who matched with Akiya were not bad, so as to cover up any ugly things that Akiya might do.

The person who came out of the mountain with Qiu Gu is the most talented and the most talented person among the new generation of disciples. This person is Shang Fangjian, the same age as Qiu Gu, but the difference is that Shang Fangjian was included in the critical peak of Piaomen at the age of 15. In just six years, he has opened the sword world and is evaluated according to the Piaomiaomen cultivation system. For those who can open the sword world within six years, except for the legendary founder of Piaomiaomen and the second head of Piaomiaomen, no second person can do it for thousands of years.

What is the opening of the sword world? Opening the sword world is a barrier that most practitioners must pass. Opening the sword world means that practitioners can freely control the true qi in their bodies, further practice Taoist magic, and control their own magic weapons.

The cultivation system of the Floating Gate is divided into opening the spirit world, opening the sword world, opening the soul world, opening the divine world, and opening the heavenly world. Of course, most of the people of the Floating Gate can only open the soul world. Few people can achieve the cultivation above the divine world, not to mention opening the heavenly world. According to the Floating Gate, opening the heavenly world is the highest level and transcend The existence of God is a kind of cultivation that breaks through the nine heavens of the three worlds. Until now, no one knows what kind of realm it is. Coupled with other cultivation sects, there are only five people who can break through the nine heavens of the three worlds. The founding ancestor of Piaomiaomen and the second head of Piaomiaomen are not strange, the original space of the Great Compassion Temple, and the Ouyang of the Vientiane Palace. Dabendao, and Changjue, the leader of Liu Daosenro, a cult that later became very popular.

Shang Fangjian is considered by Piaomiaomen to be the next person who may open the world, so it is also a genius cultivated by the whole Piaomiaomen.

This time, Shang Fangjian came out of the mountain to find his own magic weapon, and to find the magic weapon should also pay attention to fate. As soon as fate comes to the practitioner's magic weapon, he will also be ready to find his master. Every practitioner is destined to have his own magic weapon from birth, and the predestined magic weapon is hidden in the three worlds. A corner, waiting for his master.

According to the fate calculation of Shang Fangjian, the head of Piaomiaomen found that the magic weapon of Shangfangjian will appear in a place called Lone Water Valley in the wild land of the West. Coincidentally, the inorganic magic weapon of Qiugu also appeared in that place. Although Qiugu has not yet reached the cultivation of opening the sword world, it is still Two people were sent together.

Qiya's current cultivation is just to open the spiritual world. What is the spiritual world? Opening the spiritual world means that there is a true element in the body of the practitioners. With vitality, the true vitality is the true source of cultivation, just like human strength. Only when people have the strength can they wave a big knife and do more of what they want to do.

And this trip is undoubtedly a challenge. The western wilderness is located in the westernmost part of the mainland of China. This place is dry and short of water all year round. You can't even see a grass within a hundred miles. There are very few creatures that can live there. The most important thing is that this place used to be the base of the cult Liudao Senluo, although However, a hundred years ago, Six Dawsons was annihilated by the three sects, but this wild land is still dangerous.

With the guidance, Qiugu monk Fang Jian quickly found the place of Gushui Valley. Gushui Valley is a small town in a barren land. It is a small town hidden in a sandstone canyon. Only this place has a water source within a hundred miles. The caravans of past generations will avoid sandstorms and supply water sources here, so In this way, the town slowly formed, and most of the people living in this place were profiteers and some wanted criminals to win huge profits.

This is the first time that Qiugu went down the mountain, but the appearance of Gushui Valley town disappointed Qiugu. When I came to this place for the first time, I saw nothing good to see except the barren and desolation, which is inevitably different from Qiugu's imaginary Lone Water Valley.

Isn't Gushui Valley a market town? Why does it look like a slum? Qiu Gu covered his mouth and whined. The sand here is very strong, and the wind is intermittent. If you are not careful, you may swallow a mouthful of sand.

Shang Fangjian looked at the situation around him and also had a puzzled expression. "The leader did say that this is a small market. A few years ago, he also learned that this is the most prosperous place in the desert through his brother who came here, but he didn't expect it to become like this." Shang Fangjian suddenly choked, and then took out two silk scarves from his pocket with a painful expression, one covering his mouth and the other handing it to Qiu Gu.

Qiya tied his cheek with a silk scarf, "Are we in the wrong place?"

"There should be nothing wrong with us. At least we are not wrong in this desolate land. Where there is such a complex in the desolate land, it must be Lone Water Valley. It seems that something has happened here. Let's ask the nearby residents, and we don't know if the divine soldier mentioned by the leader has appeared. For that reason."

"Hey, if that's just right, then you will have a lot less trouble." Akiya said.

According to the generation, Qiu Gu is the brother of Shang Fangjian, but when it comes to the fact that he is the brother of Shang Fangjian, Qiu Gu is inevitably embarrassed.

The wind here blows one after another, and even in the canyon, you can still feel the wind and sand coming to your face. Coupled with the long and narrow terrain, it makes a whining howling sound, coupled with the decadent scene here, it can't help but make people feel creepy.

The town built a long street along the canyon on both sides of the street with staggered buildings, which were blown away in the wind and sand.

Not long after walking on this narrow street, he saw a figure in front of a closed shop. Qiu Gu immediately noticed this person and was about to run to ask. Suddenly, Shang Fangjian took Qiu Gu's hand, frowned and said, "There is no one around here, and there is such a big wind and sand, and there are still people doing outdoor activities. Brother, we'd better be careful."

Akiya smiled and said, "Brother's words are reasonable, so what should we do?" Looking at this tone, it seems that Qiu Gu is a younger brother.

Shang Fangjian opened the silk scarf covering the sand and shouted to the shadow: "Hey, are you okay?" Shang Fangjian shouted several times and didn't see the man's reaction. Shang Fangjian immediately felt something was wrong, that is, he was prepared for emergency, but at this time, the figure slowlymoved and suddenly shouted, "What are you shouting for?" Why don't you let people sleep?"

This made Shang Fangjian and Qiu Gu put down some vigilance and approached the man.

"Hello, is this place a lonely valley?" Qiu Gu asked.

At this time, Shang Fangjian and Qiu Gu saw the true face of the man. It turned out to be a beggar and looked a little old.

The beggar looked at Shang Fangjian and Qiu Gu and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Shang Fangjian asked a little unhappy.

"Nothing, nothing, but I didn't expect that there were still people coming to this shabby place now. People here are running out, but you are running here." The beggar choked and said.

"Is it strange?" Shang Fangjian said.

"It's not surprising. As long as you reward two silver, I'll let you know whether it's strange or not." The beggar smiled again.

Akiya smiled curiously and took two pieces of silver from his pocket to reward the beggar. Shang Fangjian stopped Qiu Gu and put his mouth to Qiu Gu's ear and said, "Master said that people in the world are so evil that you need to be cautious. When I ask, it's not too late for you to be kind again."

Shang Fangjian asked the beggar, "There is no one here, and no one else has seen it. If I give you money and you make up something to tell us, won't we suffer a big loss?"

The beggar smiled again and said, "The two brothers seem to have come from an extraordinary way. Don't you want to know what's going on here?"

"Oh? Well, you can tell me what happened here. If you can hear it, these two broken silvers will be yours. Shang Fangjian said.

"You child, you are really mean. Will I still lie to you two children at my age? Besides, two pieces of silver are nothing for a noble person like you, but this can make me, an old man, for half a month.

Shang Fangjian also planned to say, but Qiu Gu had put two pieces of silver in the hands of the old beggar.

"Brother, you..."

Qiu Gu laughed and said, "It's just two pieces of broken silver. It's nothing. Look how pitiful this old man is, even if I gave it to him."

"Hey, brother, you are so easy to be cheated!" Shang Fangjian said.

"It's not that he is too easy to be deceived, but that your child is too careful, haha." The old beggar said, and Shang Fangjian was even more unhappy and said, "What are you talking about?"

"That's all. I'm not the liar you imagined. For the sake of these two pieces of silver, I'll tell you the strange things that happened here."

Seeing that the old beggar was about to speak, Qiu Gu was happy and gave a wink at Shang Fangjian, but Shang Fangjian still looked unhappy and looked up and ignored it.

And it was strange at this time that the sandstorm had stopped.