shake the nine bream

Chapter 10 ethereal artifact

"I thought the demon religion appeared again. Oh, it's a pity. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to cut down a few demon scum." Tang Man sighed and said.

"Without the magic religion, the world will be much more peaceful. If the younger brother's hands are itchy, he can try his hands at the martial arts conference in a few days." Yang Lingfeng said.

"The martial arts conference? It's not interesting. In the last two sessions, you have won. What's the competitiveness?" Tang Man said.

"I can't attend this time. It's up to you at the conference."

"Oh? Brother, don't you participate? Then why did you come back?"

"There are some things to report to the master, so I came back, so don't worry. This year's crown is definitely yours."

"Not necessarily. Don't you know that there is a genius at the critical peak?" Tang Man said.

"Genius? Are you talking about Shang Fangjian's younger brother? Yang Lingfeng asked.

"Yes, he just came back. I heard that he has obtained a magic weapon and has such cultivation at a young age. It seems that his competitiveness is not very small this year."

"What the younger brother said is not good. Wouldn't it be better for Piaomiao Mountain to have a little more such a genius? In this way, Piaoyuan Mountain can be stronger. Moreover, for hundreds of years, I haven't seen anyone in Piaoyuan Mountain have opened above the divine world. I really want to see what kind of realm it will be after the opening of the divine world."

"Do the two brothers also go to the Sword Pavilion?" A voice came from a distance. Yang Lingfeng and Tang Man turned their heads and saw that it was Shang Fangjian.

"It's true that Cao Cao has arrived. I heard that you have obtained the magic weapon? What is it like? Seeing that you have nothing empty-handed, why didn't you bring it?" Tang Man said.

"Ah, the small magic weapon is not enough." Shang Fangjian sighed and said.

"Brother is so humble. Let's go. I think the master is waiting for us." Yang Lingfeng said and took the lead in walking towards the sword pavilion.

In the hall of the Sword Pavilion, the inorganic has already been waiting there. Next to the inorganic, there are two boxes of exquisite boxes on the table. I don't know what to put.

"Master." The three of them have arrived at the hall and greeted them together.

"Are you here? Sit down." Inorganic slowly opened his eyes and said.

"Three days later, it will be the ten-year martial arts conference of this school. The conference focuses on selecting excellent disciples and cultivating them. You are all the best disciples of my critical peaks. In order to make the critical peak perform better in the conference, and to help you successfully obtain the qualification to enter the heavenly cave, so today I Prepare a few magic weapons of the critical peak for you.

"Master, my disciple has a question, and I don't know whether to say it or not." Tang Man took a step forward and asked.

Inorganically in front of Tang Man, he slowly patted Tang Man on the shoulder and said, "Sit down and say it."

"Isn't it unfair for other disciples to give only a few disciples of the critical peak?" Tang Man asked.

"Tang Man, you asked this question well, and I am also trying to explain that since the last martial arts conference, I handed over the Shenyin sword to Ling Feng to participate in the competition, and the other two peaks have followed suit. The competition in this martial arts conference will definitely be more fierce than any other session before, and I have always seen your performance. Among the disciples, the three of you are the best. In order to be able to balance the strength of the other two peaks, I chose to pass on the remaining magic weapons to you and Fang Jian.

"There are twelve magic weapons in Piaomiao Mountain, which have been handed down from the excellent practitioners of Piaomiao Mountain. They have always been collected in the form of collections, and if good things are not used, they have no value, right?" Inorganically continued.

Yang Lingfeng and Tang Man and Fang Jian nodded coincidentally.

"The strength of the other two peaks cannot be underestimated. As the leading peaks, we naturally can't fall down." With that, he opened the two boxes next to him.

A box is large and small, and there is a fiery red bead in the small box. The bead is about the size of a human eyeball, red light and crystal clear, like a fire dragon's eyeball, rolling in the beads as if something swimming around.

"This is swallowing Dragon Ball. Come on, Fang Jian, put it away." Inorganic said, he handed the swallowing dragon ball to Shang Fangjian's hand.

"Swallowing the dragon ball is a magic weapon used by Liu Yun, the last master disciple of the master. In this swallowing dragon ball, a dragon was fed a dragon. This dragon legend is the son of a fire dragon. He can swallow smoke and spit fire. He is very good at it. As long as the printer uses it well, he will add wings like a tiger. In the future, this magic weapon will belong to you. Use it well."

Shang Fang's sword was like a treasure. He carefully took the swallowing dragon ball and put it in his hand. When he saw Shang Fang's sword holding the swallowing dragon ball, he also smiled with satisfaction.

Then inorganically opened the big and long box next to it.

There is a long sceptre in this big box, which looks like a sling stick. The whole scepter is simple in shape. The head of the scepter is similar to a sty, and the surface is covered with circles of lines. Other than that, it is not much different from a sling.

"This is the magic weapon used by Ariza, the last leader of the critical peak. As long as it is used well, this perpetual rod has the ability to move mountains, which can make users more powerful. It is said that the strange hidden sword was tempered with this stick. Speaking of the origin, Ali is also your race. Among my critical peaks, there may be no one more suitable for using this ten thousand rod than Tang Man. With that, he saw the inorganic hand wave, and the ten thousand disaster stick slowly hung in the air and took off to Tang Man's hand. Tang Man hurriedly catch the ten thousand disaster ten thousand pounds, but Tang Man did not expect that the ten thousand robbery stick was extremely heavy, and felt more than a hundred catties, but Tang Man was born with divine power, and there was no big problem in using it.

"Strictly speaking, Tang Man, you are not a true practicer, but you are more powerful than most true practitioners. I hope this pole can take your strength to a higher level."

Tang Man is actually not a true person, because he does not know how to practice spells or practice spells, and his strength comes from the unique bloodline - the Niushen bloodline. The Niushen clan originates from Mongolia and is a unique race. People in the race are naturally powerful, and children can pull down weeping willows. People of this race are not only heavenly The divine power is also invincibility and does not eat illusions. Ordinary practitioners are in awe of this race.

"Ariza and Liu Yun are both excellent practitioners in the ethereal mountain. They have done their best in the struggle against the demon religion. You have taken over their magic weapons, hoping to continue their glory."

"Master, there are twelve * magic weapons in this Piaomiao Mountain. What else is there?" Shang Fangjian asked.

"In addition to the magic weapons in your hands, there are also the peacock feathers of Ziyifeng, the fairy sword, the long-fire pot of Miaolufeng, the picking of seasons, the beautiful bags, and the three peak elders respectively, the dragon beard brushing dust, the dust compass, and the divine punishment sword."

Shang Fangjian calculated with his fingers and asked puzzledly, "It seems that there are only eleven."

"Oh, by the way, there is another magic weapon once used by the ancestor of Piaomiao Mountain, called Great Glory. So far, no two people can use it except the ancestor of Piaomiaomen, so sometimes I miss this magic weapon."

"Actually, the disciples have always been curious about who is the ancestor of Piaomiao Mountain? Why is there no book describing such a great man?

"You don't have to ask me about this. In fact, I don't know. I know the same as you know. I only know that he is the first person in the world to practice to open the heaven."

"Well, that's all for today. I hope that in three days, you can successfully win the martial arts conference. Tang Man, Fang Jian, please retreat and Ling Feng will stay."

"Yes, master." Tang Man and Shang Fang Jian made a bow to Wu Ji with one voice and retreated.

"Ling Feng, I don't know how the investigation is going?" Inorganic asked.

"In the seven fierce places, the disciples have gone to six places, five of which have no signs of magic activities, only crying forest has some problems."

"What's the problem?"

"It seems that someone is training a blood-sucking girl in the mourning forest center."

"Vampire girl? Is it the vampire girl used by the Cold Night Bat King, one of the seven elders of the Demon Sect? Inorganic asked.

"Exactly, in order to avoid shocking the snake, the disciple did not investigate in depth and immediately came back to report."

"In the war in the wilderness, the three sects have annihilated the magic religion in one fell swoop, and there has been no news of the magic religion in the past hundred years." He said to himself inorganically and fell into meditation.

"What should we do next?"

"You continue to follow up the investigation and don't talk too much about this matter, so as not to cause some unnecessary trouble. Is there still no investigation left?"

"Now there is only the North Sea. Because of the vast territory of the North Sea, the disciples put it in the final investigation."

"When you arrive in the North Sea, you should pay attention to it. If you find anything, come back immediately. Don't startle the snake." Inorganic said.

"Okay." Yang Lingfeng said, left the sword pavilion and flew to the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

From Piaomiaoshan to Beihai, if the speed is fast, Yang Lingfeng will arrive in Beihai overnight. At this time, the Beihai has arrived at night. The night in Beihai is full of dead silence, and the sea breeze on the sea makes people's back cold.

The North Sea is very vast, and it is also very difficult to investigate. At this time, Yang Lingfeng is flying over the North Sea, flying slowly, and not from time to time sprinkle spiritual insects to test the true air flow around him.

Just as Yang Lingfeng sprinkled the spirit worm, a powerful blade whirlpool in the sea suddenly swept over. Yang Lingfeng suddenly had no chance to take action, so he was involved in the whirlpool...

PS: Ask for support, collection, red tickets, reward, saliva...

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