shake the nine bream

Chapter 29 Legend of the Ancestor Demon King

The sound of drops of water rang in the cave, and the deep cave is not only weird but also weird. Although the elders of the three sects lit up the whole cave with light, the inexplicable fear will still rise from the depths of the heart.

There is only one road in the cave, stretching from the outside to the depths of the cave. The whole cave is full of a bloody smell. The cave is very quiet and terrible. After walking down the only path of the cave for about half an hour, you will reach the depths of the bottom of the cave. At the end of the depths of the earth is a quilt. The locked door has a lock on it. The lock is not an ordinary lock, but a round lock plate like a plate. The lock plate has a circle of texture, carved with a mysterious rune pattern, like a golden word.

"This is the seal created by the ancestors of the Golden Seal clan. It is the strongest seal in the world. It is called the Great Golden Seal. Only the Great Evil King can open this seal in the world. The Great Evil King is the key to this door." The host of the Great Compassion Temple said endlessly.

Endless is an old man who is nearly 200 years old. Although he is already in his 200 years old, he looks old. He is the oldest person among the three sects today.

There are three elders in the Great Compassion Temple, which are endless, sad and dustless.

"This door will appear in the world for about a week. During this period, we should guard this seal to prevent the evil forces inside from being released." Endless.

"Actually, I don't understand why such an evil force appears regularly?" Inorganic asked.

After endlessly turning his hands and saying something about Amitabha, he said, "This is about to mention the ancient flood and famine period. At that time, in addition to the witches, Sanqing and Buddhas, there were also forces that were in balance with these three righteous forces. They called themselves demon kings and created a world against the world, called As a demon world, there are five demon kings who rule the demon world, namely the king of desire, the king of plague, the king of war, the king of killing, and the fallen gods. These five demon kings once plunged the world to the brink of extinction, and even the gods were almost defeated by these demon kings. Finally, with the joint efforts of the Golden Seal clan and the gods These demon kings rushed back to the demon world and sealed the gap from the demon world to the world with a big gold seal. However, the power of these five demon kings is so powerful that they will hit the seal of the big gold seal from time to time, that is, this similar door appeared in front of them. This door aims to open this door for the evil people in the world. Door, releasing the evil forces in it, the demon king is trying to return to the three worlds one day and regain the lost power. Now what everyone sees is the gap in the impact of the king of the plague, but everyone can rest assured that the golden seal is still very strong. Only the great evil king can release this seal, and the great evil king has been for a long time. There is no news."

"It was said that the Jinyin clan was destroyed by people. I don't know if it was done by the people in the demon religion. If so, isn't the great evil king likely to fall into the hands of the people in the demon religion?" Danyang asked. Danyang talked about the extermination of the Jinyin clan, and he couldn't help thinking of Shang Fangjian, the only orphan of the Jinyin clan.

"Don't worry too much about this Danyang Taoist friend, because not everyone can use the great evil king. The great evil king can only be used by the Jinyin clan, and the Jinyin clan is also the only clan that can resist the evil ** of the great evil king, and the golden seal The clan has the purest soul in the world, and it is absolutely impossible to open this evil seal with the Great Evil King. Even if the people in the Demon Sect get the Great Evil King, the probability of driving it is very low.

"I hope so."

At this time, blood has begun to overflow on the big gold seal. This is the blood of the plague god, which is the most poisonous blood in the demon world and even the three worlds.

"Be careful not to be touched by this blood. This blood is the most powerful poison in the three worlds." Wuchen said.

Everyone took a few steps back to avoid being touched by this blood.

Endless, no sadness. At this time, Wuchen sat up in the air and surrounded a triangle. Their palms were raised. What was connected to their palms was a Buddha seal. The Buddha seal line was composed of many stagza, and soon the cave was covered with this kind of stale.

"This is the seal of the Heavenly Buddha, so as not to let some things that should not enter this cave. I hope that all Taoist friends and colleagues will guard this seal together and get rid of it in this week."

"This is all we should do." Inorganic said, and summoned the divine sword, and Danyang also took out the Luochen compass. On the other side of Wanxing Palace, Chen Yuzhong's artifact disaster dagger was also taken out. The disaster dagger is a black dagger, a black blade, only the small skull at the end of the handle is white, and its appearance is not great, but everyone knows it. This dagger is powerful. I heard that it is made of a divine stone outside the three worlds. It can no longer be regarded as a magic weapon, but a category of artifact. It is also an important artifact that has maintained Chen Yu's extraordinary strength for so many years.

"The seal of ten thousand Buddhas is heard that it is the strongest guardian seal of the Great Compassion Temple, but in my opinion, I'm afraid it's not that powerful, is it?" A voice came out, followed by a black vortex slowly emerging out of thin air. Chang felt that he slowly exposed his head from the vortex and was shocked. He and Danyang were about to use a magic weapon, but suddenly they found that their limbs could not move. At this time, the two found that they had been tricked.

"How is that possible?" He choked and slowly fell down.

Except for Chen Yuzhong and Chang Jue, everyone present fell down one after another, and the three suspended monks also fell down, among which Wuchen had rolled into a small pool of blood on the other side of the seal.

When Wuchen rolled into the blood, he suddenly saw Wuchen's whole body begin to boil, and countless pus began to burst on Wuchen's body, flowing out some black and yellow pus. Soon Wuchen lost his breath of life in the extremely painful cry and turned into a rotten skeleton. .

"Brother!" He shouted endlessly, but there was nothing he could do.

"Is that you? You traitor!" Wu Bei pointed to Chen Yuzhong and said.

Shangguan Qinger, who fell to the side of this scene, was also shocked. He couldn't believe all this, but Shangguan Qinger's cultivation was still shallow and soon fainted. In fact, Chen Yuzhong only used less than one layer of skills for Shangguan Qinger. Chen Yuzhong's purpose was just to make Shangguan Qinger faint, but For others, Chen Yuzhong used 90% of his skills. If it was an ordinary person, he would have died of shock.

All this happened unconsciously, which is the power of the dagger, killing invisibly.

"The dagger is really a good thing." Chang Jue looked at the fallen man and said.

The calamity dagger is indeed not good-looking, but its strength is very horrible. The calamity dagger will emit an invisible poisonous smoke by injecting true qi by the user. The poisonous smoke can be freely manipulated by the caster to attack people. It will quickly restrain the operation of people's true qi and the person who is caught will be paralyzed. Of course, this is just for people with a little cultivation. If ordinary people inhale this colorless and taste of poisonous smoke, they will die of shock in less than a minute. The dagger is the ultimate assassination artifact. Chen Yuzhong has never failed, which leads to basically no one knows what the power of the dagger is.

In fact, Chen Yuzhong also used this trick to Chang Jue just now, but Chen Yuzhong was surprised to find that Chang Jue had nothing. This did give an amazing impression in Chen Yu's center. Chang Jue's failure was the first time that Chen Yuzhong used this trick.

Chen Yuzhong's original idea was to test Chang Jue's strength by the way. If Chang Jue is tricked, Chen Yuzhong will use mistakes as an excuse. But Chen Yuzhong's idea doesn't seem to be used at all.

"You didn't expect it, did you? Haha, this is retribution!" Chang Jue laughed and said, "Do you know? Now I can kill you easily, but it's too easy to kill a person. I can't get pleasure at all, so I must let your so-called righteous human bodies betray the sad feeling, and then then I will destroy you and make you die so that you don't want to be reborn again!"

Chang Jue nodded to Chen Yuzhong and then disappeared into the black vortex again.

"Why did you do this?" Inorganically said to Chen Yuzhong.

Chen Yuzhong was taking care of Shangguan Qinger over there. He was afraid that Shangguan Qinger's cultivation was not enough to resist the poisonous smoke of the dagger. It was not until he was sure that Shangguan Qinger was fine that Chen Yuzhong was relieved, stood up and said, "What should I do? It's none of your business."

"You must have done this to break the curse of the Wanxing Palace!" Wu Zhu said angrily, as if he knew something. Chen Yuzhong seemed to have been said a little bit, and suddenly said with his eyes wide open: "I just want to get the throne of the palace master of Wanxing Palace, but if I want to be the throne of the palace master of the Wanxing Palace, I must first break the damn curse. Hahaha." Chen Yuzhong laughed, but Chen Yuzhong knew that his purpose was not like this.

"Amitabha, greedy, greedy!" There is endless talk over there.

While talking in Chen Yuzhong, Danyang is also quietly and slowly sucking away the poison gas from his body with the dust compass. Although the speed is slow, it also has its own way.

"You still stay here obediently, and your pain will soon disappear. Although I can't guarantee it, Changjue will guarantee it. You know that you destroyed his religion in those years."

"Changjue? Is that masked man Chang Jue just now? Sadness and inorganic basically asked together.

"Well, you can ask yourself." Chen Yuzhong said.

However, the people outside the cave have no idea what is going on in the cave, and they are still anxiously waiting for the news in the cave.