shake the nine bream

Chapter 35 An Artifact Called--Shannong Measure

At noon, Qiu Gu was idle in the backyard of the Great Temple. Suddenly, he saw Shangguan Qinger rushing in in in a panic and said to Qiu Gu, "Don't tell them where I am."

Then he hurriedly hid at a door in the distance. Just as Qiu Gu was trying to ask what had happened, a group of people rushed in outside the backyard. These were the servants of the Wanxing Palace and must have come to their masters.

"Have you ever seen our master?" An old servant came to Qiu Gu and asked.

Akiya turned his eyes and pointed to a distant direction and said, "Your master seems to be going in that direction. What happened?"

The old servant smiled and said, "It's okay. Even if the master is playful, I don't know where he has gone. Although the Great Compassion Temple is a sacred place and safe, we should at least see the master in our sight, otherwise we will be blamed for what happened." With that, the old servant walked in the direction of Akiya with the other servants.

After who walked away, Shangguan Qinger slowly came out from behind the door. She only looked at Shangguan Qinger's relaxed look and patted the dust on her body, and then said to Qiu Gu, "Thank you."

"Small things, small things, just don't know why you hide from them?" Qiu Gu asked.

"You don't know anything. Those servants are bored to death and have always been around me. Now the old guys of Qixing Shouyao have gone back, and I'm rarely free. Of course, I have to escape and play."

"They are also for your safety." While Qiu Gu was talking, he had already seen that Shangguan Qinger had taken off the silk scarf on his face, which made Qiu Gu immediately be dumbfounded.

If the last time I saw that Shangguan Qinger's appearance was a mirage, then this time it was very clear which delicate face could be seen. This is a beauty comparable to Liu Lianyi, but the style is really cute and aura. The big eyes flash like a gem, as if to tell What? The slightly curly hair adds exotic style, which also makes people feel more cute and full of aura. The tall bridge of the nose is like a carved work of art, and the slightly raised thin lips are touching.

What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman?" Shangguan Qinger asked.

At this time, Akiya suddenly woke up and said, "No, no, it's just that why does the lord of your palace need so many people to protect you?"

"Although I am the lord of a palace, I am too young and my cultivation is not good, and I am the only one who can use ice-hearted soft jade. Naturally, they want to protect me." Shangguan Qinger said.

Qiu Gu was about to speak when suddenly Shangguan Qinger interrupted and said, "I heard that there is a nine-turn ditch near the Great Compassion Temple. I heard that the scenery there is unique in the world. Now I can't get rid of those servants. Would you like to go there with me?"

"But..." Qiu Gu hesitated, but suddenly Shangguan Qinger grabbed Qiu Gu and walked out of the backyard. This was the first time Qiu Gu was caught by a girl's hand, and his thoughts suddenly became confused. Suddenly, his face turned red and his heart beat faster. His legs seemed to be self-control, so he followed Shangguan Qing'er walked away.

The two dodging crossed the temple, but no one noticed it until they came to the front of a wall, which could be turned out without walking through the front door.

"Let's get out of here." Shangguan Qinger said.

"Get out of here? Well, let's find a door to go out. After all, you are the master of Wanxing Palace. What do you think of this road? Akiya said.

"Oh, didn't I tell you just now? After being found by those guys, I won't be free. Stop it, let's go!" Shangguan Qinger said that before Qiu Gu could react, he saw Shangguan Qinger's right hand imprinting, holding Qiu Gu with her left hand and suddenly passed through the wall. Qiu Gu was the first time he saw such a spell, and he could actually pass through the wall.

"God, God!" A monk sweeping the floor on one side saw the two people passing through the wall and couldn't help sighing.

When it came out of the wall, Shangguan Qinger immediately became happy and took a long breath and said, "Free!"

Akiya has never felt that this will make a person so happy. Free people can't feel the happiness of people without freedom regaining freedom, but it is also worth watching to see a beautiful woman smiling in front of him. Seeing Shangguan Qinger laughing, Qiu Gu also followed He smiled and said, "Is it really that happy?"

"Of course, for so many years, it's either in the Wanxing Palace or protected by a group of people. It's not interesting at all. It's really comfortable for a person to do whatever he wants!" Shangguan Qinger sighed.

On the other side.

Three days have passed, and the inorganic can finally move. Under the light of the Buddha's light of the Great Compassion Temple, those evil spirits also quickly faded. Those who can face the mortals who can face the king of the plague and survive are the first person, but they are also seriously injured. Although they can already move, their faces are still Miserable and pale.

As soon as he woke up, he endlessly gathered the leaders of the three sects.

"Why didn't Shangguan Qinger from Wanxing Palace come?" He endlessly asked the disciples next to him.

"Their people said that the palace owner was a little cold and could not come."

"Forget it, the owner of Wanxing Palace is too young. You and I both know that Wanxing Palace is as powerful as Chen Yuzhong. Shangguan Qinger is just an ignorant child. It won't help whether to come or not. Anyway, we have done our best of etiquette. Let's talk about business." Say without sadness.

endlessly sighed and called for an inorganic sit down.

"The king of the plague has come to the world, and our affairs may be very difficult now." Endless.

"Why didn't the king of the plague bring the so-called plague army to the world?" Inorganic asked.

"In fact, the power of the king of the plague is sealed. If you want to bring the plague army to the world, you must have a certain power, and the power of the king of the plague is sealed in the gray starlight under the sky. The starlight will last for a month, and the king of the plague will continue to suck this month. Take those sealed forces, and let him suck back all the power, then that time is when the plague army and the plague come to the whole world. At that time, not only you and I will fall into unprecedented predicament, but the whole world will also fall into boundless pain.

"Is there no way to stop the king of the plague?" Inorganic asked.

"Yes, but it's very slim."

"That's better than nothing." Inorganic said.

"In fact, you should also know that among the ancient artifacts, there is an artifact called Shennong ruler, which is the only thing that can stop the king of the plague. As long as you find the Shennong ruler and insert the Shennong ruler into the back of the king of the plague, the power of the king of the plague will be sealed forever, which can also be sealed forever. The way to seal the king of the plague for a long time, but the reason why the king of the plague still exists is that Shennongzhi has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and our Great Compassion Temple has also been looking for the ancient artifact, but there has been no news so far, so I say that this method is very slim.

"Is there no other way? In terms of sealing the seal of the Great Compassion Temple, it should be the strongest existence except for the Jinyin family. Inorganic asked.

Endless and sadness sighed one after another and only heard endlessly say, "Although this, we are only mortals after all. The king of the plague is one of the rulers of the demon world. It is really difficult for our power to compete with him. You should have experienced this incompetence."

Say that the machine suddenly remembered the battle between himself and the king of the plague. He couldn't help but tremble in his heart and sighed and said, "Indeed, it's only my cultivation, and I haven't fully exerted the power of the divine sword. If it were the ethereal ancestor in those years, I'm afraid it wouldn't matter to destroy the king of the plague. "

"That being said, the ethereal ancestor is a man who has opened the heaven. He has surpassed the existence of God. How can we compare with him?" Endless.

"So now we have to look for Shennong's ruler?" Inorganic asked.

"That's the only way. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get any results in a month. We also need to make other preparations."

On the Qiugu side, he and Shangguan Qinger have begun to look for the so-called Jiu Zhuangou. The Great Compassion Temple is located in the valley, and the environment here is already very extraordinary. According to Shangguan Qinger, the so-called Jiu Zhuangou is even more unique. I heard that it is the legendary place, even the Great Compassion Temple The monk didn't know what kind of place it was. Shangguan Qinger had always wanted to go, but there was no reason to wander around in the Great Compassion Temple. This time, and Shangguan Qinger also found a map in the Wanxing Palace. The map coincidentally recorded the location of the nine-turn ditch, which was like Naturally, young people's interest in treasure hunting is very strong.

And the map also vaguely said that there is a treasure in the nine-turn ditch, which is left by a god living in seclusion, which increases the mystery of this trip, which is also an important ** point that causes Akiya to actually keep up. Moreover, it is also a good job to go to the wilderness with beautiful women. Even if you think about it, it's very cool.

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